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  • Report:  #218668

Complaint Review: Sprint Wireless Phone Service

Sprint Wireless Phone Service - Sprint With Nextel -Sprint PCS ripoff wants $20 to stop Mail Sexual Harassment! Cherry Hill New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Burlington County New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 01, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, November 15, 2006
  • Sprint Wireless Phone Service
    Cherry Hill, New Jersey
  • Phone:
  • Category:

October 19, 2006 I started receiving sexually explicit advertisements to my Sprint Picture Phone. They are being sent to my phone from unknown senders constantly. They come at random times including 4:30am continuing all day long. It's displayed as picture mail and every time they're sent I get notification that I have picture mail. Once I open it there is graphic descriptions for p***s enlargements and sexual inhancement products. A website link is also provided in the mail. This is a phone I share with my child. I called sprint several times to try and get this to stop. So far it's been 1 and a half weeks and still no one has been able to help me. I was told there would be a block put on my phone and to give it 3days and the mail would stop.

I have over 20 of them saved to my phone, for Sprint Customer Service to read, they have not stopped. I've been bounced around from person to person, including Customer Service, Electronic Surveillance, Technical Support, Customers Service Supervisors back and forth department to department. There are no blocks available like normal Internet services provide so I can't block anything myself. Customer Service has no answers for me, other than telling me to change my telephone number or email address. I also was told to reply back to the message typing STOP and they should stop sending them. The representatives are not all on the same page, I keep getting air heads telling me to do things that are useless. I then call back when it doesn't work and the next rep has no reason why the other rep would tell me to do it.

The Tech Support Rep. I spoke to today tried to tell me that if I wanted them to find out where this mail is coming from so they can stop it, I would need to pay Sprint $20.00 so they could put a trace on it. She also had the nerve to get an attitude with me because I refused to pay it. The Woman I spoke to from Sprints Electronic Surveillance told me that the trace wouldn't work for this situation so I shouldn't do that, yet I still need to talk to tech support because her department can't help me! Thank god I didn't waste my $20 dollars as advised by a representative from Sprint! In the mean time I'm getting picture mails with very graphic subject titles and advertisements sent to my phone. I spent a total of 2 hours on the phone just today trying to get help from Sprint. This isn't the first time that I've received horrible customer service from them and as soon as my contract is up I'm going to let them go.

Until then I have no idea what to do about this sexual mail harassment. Sadly customers can go into a Sprint store and deal with one representative to purchase a phone. The connection process takes less than a half an hour after you pick out the phone you want. If you need help as an existing customer your screwed, you spend hours on the phone trying to get assistance, most of the customer service representatives never can help you, most of the supervisors are just as clueless as the reps who can't help you. I don't know what else to do other than let other people know that Sprint Is Horrible.

Burlington County, New Jersey

9 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,

My Sprint Complaint

#10Author of original report

Wed, November 15, 2006

There are a few more things I forgot to add for Tonia and the rest of the people that read my complaint.

The first rebuttal from Lacey I received was a very good confirmation of the type of worthless employees Sprint will hire to handle your personal account information and dilemmas! Thank you Lacey for confirming that for everyone! That employee is the one of many that gives decent ones like Tonia a bad name.

Employees like that are why we have to contact the FCC, Rip off, and the Better Business Bureau. Instead of doing your job and giving a solution to a Sprint Customer, you take your personal time to make useless comments and Scenarios that can help absolutely no one and only make you look like a fool.

It's good of you Lacy, to try and go to bat for your company. Kudos, I'm sure it will earn you a promotion or extra vacation time at Sprint. A couple of pointers for you, if your going to identify yourself as an employee of Sprint next time be professional and do your home work before stepping up to the plate to make worthless comments. I'm sure the president of Sprint will feel very comfortable knowing that Sprint pays you to deal with their customers. How strongly do you feel about the comments you just made, perhaps strongly enough to show it to your supervisor or the President of Sprint and think you would still have a job?

Please, I'm asking any one from Sprint who reads this and cares about the service their customers receive to cut and paste that comment and email it to the Sprint in Nova Scotia Canada. Let them know how their employee really feels when a customer reaches out for help! Let them know what type of person is on Sprints payroll.


New Jersey,

Positive rebuttle to my Sprint Complaint

#10Author of original report

Wed, November 15, 2006

Thank you very much for the positive comments that the last two rebuttals offered. To the Sprint Representative, I know my situation is very odd with the picture mail. Thank you for taking the time out to go in depth with some sort of explanation for it, on your personal time no less! I'm sure you're aware that in every company, there are people who care about their job performance, and the people they service.

Unfortunately there are lots employees that don't and often display that type of attitude. Those were the Representatives that I unfortunately had the pleasure of speaking with. I've been in customer service for about 15 years. I've worked in a few major companies, and I've had the whole customer service training beaten in my head.

Nothing annoys me worst than poor customer service. I know what exceptional customer service is supposed to be like. I did not receive that with Sprint, nor have I every during problems in depth. Not once have I received a call from a supervisor or tech support telling me they apologize for the situation, or that they are working on it. Not once have I received a letter saying that Sprint cares about this situation in the least. You would think since it is a rare one, a representative from Sprint would call me and just let me know as a company they care and they are taking measures to do something about it.

I'm sure if you were in the position of the CSR's or supervisors I spoke with, you would have tried your best to help. I believe you would have taken it to the highest level you could have to insure customer satisfaction and accuracy. Sadly, your co-workers didn't do that.

I truly believe that if I didn't file a report to the FCC regarding this situation I would still be receiving these messages. I actually called just to have noted to my account one day that I was still receiving these sexually explicit messages. My words were; I would like to have noted to my account that I am still receiving sexually explicit advertisements through my phone. The CSR's response was, oh ok I'll note that to your account is there anything else I can help you with today. I replied no and he went on to offer me to get an additional line.

Where was the effective listening and concern for the customer's problem? I know Sprint as a company would not want anything like this to happen to their customers, and again I don't blame them for the weirdo's that send this junk, I blame them for lack of concern, action and the quality of the representatives they hire.

Everyone should be on one accord. When a customer calls with an odd situation that needs attention, it shouldn't be blown off. Offer to call or put the customer on hold and see what should be done. If no one is sure, let the customer know that it's a new situation and you are reporting it to your supervisor so they can find out what's going on. The supervisor should then send a posting or email out to the employees about the problem and what's being done about it or what to say until the matter is taken care of.

These days good CSR's are 1 in a million. I truly do appreciate you using your personal time to respond to my situation. Thanks again!



i am a sprint customer service rep

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 15, 2006

i am a sprint customer service rep and i do know what you are talking about with the picture thing that a lot of people don't know is that these are call premium services and they are advertisments or something that that you have subscribed to...these places are 3rd party companies and i have to explain this everyday to customers...these companies have no restrictions from the law to stop what they are doing and as a service rep i try everything to block them but that doesn't alway work they are more like telemarketers and due to the law not catching up with technology there is no laws against them and they can do whatever they want you can text them to stop, quit, unsubcribe, end until your fingers bleed and not always does that the texting is only for premium services that are like text messages (joke of the day, daily horoscopes, those advertisements that you see on tv like text 55555 and get this ringtone ect.), or maybe you downloaded a ringtone, call tone, screensaver or what ever from dada mobile, slingo, and other "free" download companies (don't fall for the free ringtone scam because when ever you do in the fine print you are subscribing to them which is usually $9.99 a month), or you download a game and it has a monthly service charge to them (yes there are games like that for cell phones its due to a national score board not just the score board on your phone, this also include ringtones, screensavers ect due to some of the copywrite contracts will only allow the use of them if there is a monthly fee and if people would read the fine print they would know that they are responsable for the copywrite fee)make sure that you actually read what you are downloading cause once there on it maybe impossible to stop them...but that is when you text the stop, quit, unsubscribe, end...and blocking them yes they can be block but doing that can stop some phones from even downloading at all, and also the blocks don't always work due to it is a computer system that holds millions of customers so you can't expect it to block every little thing NOTHING IS with the picture mail the only way to stop it would have been to change your sprintpcs email...that rep was right...and the only other way to stop them was the fcc due to that company was soliciting sexual materal to a minor the fcc would have to contact sprint to find the name of the company that sent you the advertisements so they knew who to contact to either issue a warning or fine...and the way these companys know how to contact you with this s**t is because they have a computer system that generates numbers...there is not mobile number telephone book...the computer just goes one by one like 555-555-5555, 555-555-5556, 555-5557 well you get the point and what doesn't come back to them they know is good so they keep on sending them its pretty much the same with email addresses but due to a sprint, cingular, verison, tmobile and all the other companies there email address aren't really considered "real" email address they are considered usernames to access your web page by the use of your mobile like i said the law hasn't caught up with technology...people blame there company every day for these issues and most of the time its due to they don't read the fine print the computer generated numbers and email addresses are rare but its new and takes alot of money upfront to start but unfortunatly they are growing fast and i'm seeing more and more of them...but lets just say its more like 1 out of 50 calls about premium services are actually the computer generated ones. and mama as a sprint employee i do appologize for the inconvience and the run around i wish i would have gotten you and i could have explained it all to you as i have here...and i hope many read this and do now understand premium services...THEY SUCK...but in the future i hope that you have better experiances...and for all others if you wish the harassment to stop the only way is to make laws so contact your local political rep and make complaints if congress gets enough of them they will see that this is a real issue with peoples lives and buisnesses.


New Jersey,

My Sprint update and rebuttal comments

#10Author of original report

Wed, November 15, 2006

Thank you very much for you comments. My complaint makes it more than obvious that I don't agree with your way of thinking, more important the FCC doesn't agree with you and apparently neither does Sprint..

I filed a complaint with the FCC against Sprint, and since then the messages have stopped. Sprint must feel it's their responsibility to control it, because they have found a way to put a stop to it. If it was out of sprints control, why is it that they were able to stop the messages?

I don't blame Sprint for the dirty minds and stupidity of others, however I do blame them for letting other companies use them to harass their own customers with sexually explicit advertisements and employing lazy Customer Service Representatives. Especially CSR's that pose useless scenarios like the one you just mentioned about cable.

It's 2006 and by now we should all know that Cable TV has Program guides that let you know what's on what channel at what time and the ratings along with parental controls. The internet also has parental controls and spam to keep children from being able to view adult content, incase that was your next rebuttal.

That cable scenario doesn't apply to my situation. My questions to you are, would you blame your daycare center if a stranger got in and asked your child about their private parts? Would you say it was beyond the day care centers control because the stranger was a third party and they couldn't control his actions.

I would hope you feel that the daycare center should have security measures to keep something like that from happing to a child. Would you find it wrong for the daycare center to tell you that you need to pay them extra if you want you child to have security?

Would feel comfortable with having to pay an early termination fee to pull your child out of that school because of something like that happening to them? Should you have report the daycare center to the media or other organizations to make them do their job?

Sprint is the daycare center, the stranger is the sexual advertisement distributors, I'm the parent and my child has also gotten harassed by these messages. Did you know Sprint offers their customers a chance to add a free additional phone and line to your account. One of their sales suggestions is that the additional line be for one of your children.

What was the point of your rebuttal? Sprint knew it was there responsibility to protect their customers, it's very sad that the superiors at Sprint had to be notified by the FCC that the employees being made aware of my situation were doing nothing to help. Before responding to certain things people should read more carefully and do their research.

As far as text STOP, as I wrote in my complaint I tried that at the suggestion of one of Sprints useless CSR's and it didn't work. Please read the complaint before responding with useless comments or suggestions!



Chrishonda, here are a couple suggestions.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 14, 2006

First, you can cancel premium services to your phone such as text messaging, etc. Sprint CAN do this and they CAN block all text messages. Once the senders get undeliverables, your IP address will be removed from their lists.

Or, you can save the messages to your computer, upload them to your Sprint site and then respond to one and purchase something. Then you know the identity when you dispute the charge for your purchase. Now with their identity, you prosecute them.

Good luck.



Just an Idea

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 14, 2006

Just an idea that works for some services. Next time you receive one of those text messages, reply to it with the word STOP. This should work just like an "unsubscribe" option on an email would work.


Nova Scotia,

regarding sprint complaint

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 14, 2006

It's not Sprint's fault somebody is sending you harassing pictures/messages nor is it Sprints responsibility to stop them.

These messages are from a third party, not in Sprint's control.

Would you blame your cable company for innapropriate tv shows??


Nova Scotia,

regarding sprint complaint

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 14, 2006

It's not Sprint's fault somebody is sending you harassing pictures/messages nor is it Sprints responsibility to stop them.

These messages are from a third party, not in Sprint's control.

Would you blame your cable company for innapropriate tv shows??


Nova Scotia,

regarding sprint complaint

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 14, 2006

It's not Sprint's fault somebody is sending you harassing pictures/messages nor is it Sprints responsibility to stop them.

These messages are from a third party, not in Sprint's control.

Would you blame your cable company for innapropriate tv shows??

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