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  • Report:  #1130510

Complaint Review: Staples

Staples Easy Tech Staples Warranty protection rip off. Strongsville Ohio

  • Reported By:
    anonymous — Strongsville Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 13, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 14, 2014

 On 1/27/14, I submitted a claim with Staples Easy Tech to have my laptop repaired. The keyboard was malfunctioning. The back space bar would forward and other keys would type different letters than the one that was touched. I paid $240.00 for an extended 2 yr protection plan. Initially the process was "easy". I called 1-866-782-9155 and was given a reference number. The agent told me I would receive a shipping box within 3 business days. I received the box, packaged the lap top with all the back up discs, and dropped it off at Fedex. Per the warranty plan, I would have my lap top returned repaired within 10 days of receipt. If not repaired, it would be replaced with a new or comparable lap top or a refund for the purchase price of the lap top via Staples gift card.

On 2/7/14, my lap top arrived. I opened the box and to my surprise, the keyboard was not attached! It was attached when I sent it in. Obviously, it was never worked on. I called the number listed above and the agent apologized and said I would receive another shipping box within 3 business days and use the same reference number. On 2/14/14, I called the number again because I still had not received the box. I was giving time too with all the horrible winter weather we had been experiencing. The agent basically told me that "she meant to do her job" but she didn't. He assured me it was taken care of and that I would have the box within 3 business days to send back my computer.On 2/21, I called ONCE AGAIN. This agent was trying to cancel the original incident ticket and create a new one to see if this would resolve the issue. However, she could not overide without a manager's approval. She gave me another reference number and said a manager would return my call within 24-48 hours. I was never contacted by management. On 2/24, I had TWO boxes on my front porch. I packaged up my laptop once more and sent it in. It was delivered via FedEx on 2/26/14 per tracking information.

Today is 3/13/14, I have not received my computer and spent over an hour, most of my lunch at work between live chat on my office PC and phone, trying to see what the status was. I was given a phone number by the live chat agent from Staples. I called that number, 1-866-439-8327 and they told me, no you have to call 1800-333-3330 only to have someone tell me to call the first number. Furious at this point, I demanded to speak to a supervisor. Jessica got on the phone and was useless. I was demanding what was going to be done for this major inconveinence. I have been without a computer at home since 1/27 and today is 3/13. You are in violation of the contract I purchased and want my computer and a refund of the warranty plus computer. Of course, she would not help me with this. Only said let me call the technical support and see what is going on with your computer. I told her I could not hold on any longer because I was at work but gave her my number to call me back within 3-5 min. Well that was at 12:45  and it is almost 5pm. When I asked her for her direct line she told me she didn't have one and gave me a reference number.

So, I still have no answers and somewhere out there is my lap top with personal information.

Staples and their warranties SUCK!! I will NEVER buy so much as a pen from Staples ever again. I am taking my receipt and all of the reference numbers to the store in Strongsville, Ohio and demand a refund and for them to obtain my computer.

5 Updates & Rebuttals




#6Author of original report

Fri, March 14, 2014

 Read the rebuttal under "Really" that one is yours:

Have a blessed day:)




#6Author of original report

Fri, March 14, 2014

But here is where you "lost it".

You are in violation of the contract I purchased and want my computer and a refund of the warranty plus computer

- Did the Warranty GUARANTEE that your computer would be repaired in a specific amount of time?    My guess is that is a big fat NO.   But even on the off chance that they did, you would not get your computer back, a refund of the warranty AND computer.  As this would give you a "free" computer, which is just showing you turning this situation into one of greed on your part.

A: Yes, it does specify that within 10days of receipt, the pc is returned repaired or replaced with a comparable model or Staples gift card in the amount paid for the PC.

But I do have one question..what exactly do you mean by this,

the keyboard was not attached! It was attached when I sent it in.

- A Laptop Keyboard just all of the sudden doesn't become detached.  They are just not built that way.  So obviously something was done with it.  But if your keyboard was so easy to detach the keyboard did you try and reattach it to see if it now worked?   Also, did you ever think of just taking to to a Staples and having one of the people in the store re-attach it?

A: I did try and reattach it and it still did not work. My guess is someone started the work and didn't finish. I gave that benefit of the doubt when I made the call on 2/7 letting them know it was returned without being repaired.

Thanks for asking the questions. It appears others took offense and wanted to attack my character instead of looking at the problem and offering suggestions and solutions:)

Oh and no I do not now or ever have worked for any Office Supply Company



Staples. Really?

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 14, 2014

Wow, you must too much time on your hands to put so much into this rebuttal. I was polite and courteous to staff as I understand it is not their fault but the fault of unclear polices and procedures for employees to follow.

Yes, I can live without my pc. However, the bigger picture is worrying about all my personal info on there sitting around for anyone who may find the need to use my information for their personal gain.

I am only asking the company to abide by the service that was promised to me and it seems that if you do not raise a stink, noone will help with the matter. Sorry, but you appear to be the DUMBA**:)




#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 14, 2014

Is this an inconvienience for you..yes.  Is it a bummer that it is taking so long..of course.  If you are telling 100% the truth and not leaving anything out, could they have handled it better with better communication..sure. 

But here is where you "lost it".

You are in violation of the contract I purchased and want my computer and a refund of the warranty plus computer

- Did the Warranty GUARANTEE that your computer would be repaired in a specific amount of time?    My guess is that is a big fat NO.   But even on the off chance that they did, you would not get your computer back, a refund of the warranty AND computer.  As this would give you a "free" computer, which is just showing you turning this situation into one of greed on your part.

But I do have one question..what exactly do you mean by this,

the keyboard was not attached! It was attached when I sent it in.

- A Laptop Keyboard just all of the sudden doesn't become detached.  They are just not built that way.  So obviously something was done with it.  But if your keyboard was so easy to detach the keyboard did you try and reattach it to see if it now worked?   Also, did you ever think of just taking to to a Staples and having one of the people in the store re-attach it?

Oh and no I do not now or ever have worked for any Office Supply Company.




#6General Comment

Thu, March 13, 2014

 Really self entitled much?? You will live WITHOUT your computer. Its not the end of the world. Obviously there is a issue with your laptop. Probably had to back order a part and they are just waiting. You can DEMAND all you like, but its not going to help your case at all. They can ONLY do what their internal policies allow and giving you a refund on a warrenty IS NOT ONE OF THOSE ABILITIES! Instead of being a self entitled jack@ss and making a scene towards people who have ZERO control over YOUR issue, try acting like an adult a bit.

Going into a store and demanding a refund and then demanding they produce your computer is going to cause you even more issues. Your own attitude is probably going to get you arrested. The employees at the STORE have no control OUTSIDE their store. This is something you need to take up with CUSTOMER RELATIONS. Not the store. If you go into the store and do as you suggest, thyen they will probably have you arrested and trespassed. You may THINK youre above the law, but youre not. And what you are suggesting doing is basically going to make you a BULLY. The store level doesnt have the ability to do as you want. There is nothing more frustrating then thinking youre going to get your way and ending up in handcuffs because you either wouldnt or couldnt accept that the store has limitations. But I have a feeling you really are not that bright and you will do so anyways. YOU will be escalating a situation and abusing INNOCENT EMPLOYEES whos ONLY crime is working for the company YOU have a greivence with. None of what you are suggesting doing is going to resolve your situation and all it will do is get you an arrest record.

You must be one of those poor poor people who dont have a good grasp on REALITY. If you left personal info on a computer that a third party is going to work on, then YOU are the dumbass. You FAIL to acknowledge that there are going to be days when employees dont work. So once you take weekends out, the amount of time that they have had your laptop isnt that long. Stop being a little drama hag. Your situation doesnt qualify for a refund. You are making UNREALISTIC demands. If the hold up on your laptop is a part being ordered then all you would be doing is showing your a*s because YOU feel its ok to act like a child in public. Well its NOT alright. In fact its d**n insulting. Especially since you have basically threatend the employees with abuse if you dont get your way.

You go right ahead and do as you suggest. I want to see the next post you put out where they arrested you, denied your refund, then trespassed you off the entire property. It may be a wakeup call to YOU. YOU are not entitled to anything except sunlight and air. Just because you THINK youre in the right doesnt make it reality. And dont you think issues through?

You REALLY think its wise to piss off the people who currently have your laptop? It would seem to me that the best course of action would be to act like an adult and contact the appropriate group in staples and find out WHY your laptop is being held up. Otherwise YOU risk even GREATER damages to your laptop and you wont have ANY recourse against them. They could sabotage your laptop. They could swap out your "good" parts with cheap chinese parts. There are any number of things they could do to YOU for pissing them off. You may THINK you have the law on your side, but who do you think the courts are going to believe? You a single customer who by all rights should seek mental help or the highly paid corporate layers that they will throw at you.

Use your brain.......

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