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  • Report:  #6018

Complaint Review: TOSCO MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Stephano's Pizza

Stephano's Pizza / Tosco Management Sexual Harassment, employee abuse, drug use

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 04, 2001
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 29, 2002
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have been working for Stephano's Pizza, a Tosco owned business, for what would have been 5+ months. When I first started it seemed like it was going of be just fine, but a couple months after being there, things became to over friendly.

The managers (James and Matt) would constantly make sexual
innuendoes toward the other female employees as well as commenting on the way they looked in ways that were unwelcome and not honestly intended to be complimentary.

Whether they reported or not does not matter to me, if they did not it gave Matt and James the impression that all of the female employees would allow this kind of behavior, which I will not. James would leave the business leaving Matt to supervise the rest of us, his idea of supervising was to leave me and the others (which ever ONE of us were scheduled) to wait on a dozen families from greeting them, to taking their order, to handing it to them, and ringing them up, while he and other male employees would go in the back of the building and do DRUGS.

After about a month of this James (store manager) was going out of town and he would be gone through the Fourth of July. He gathered all the employees together because he was going on vacation. He let us know what was to be expected of us while he was gone. He started by telling Matt (his friend) that he would be in charge while he was gone, who we already knew would be on
a power trip because of the way he was when James was there, then he went to further say "If their is any problems while I am gone you BETTER get it resolved before I get back or I will be PISSED, and if you go over my head I am going to be double PISSED..." This is when stuff started to become too stressful and eventually forced me to quit.

The minute James left he got a twisted attitude and perception of what his job was.
This is a list of the typical things he would do:

1: see how little he could prove he cared about employees that were sick

2: call intoxicated and under the influence of heavy
narcotics 15 minutes before we left and tell us to turn everything back on to impress the bar while ordering food he wouldn't pay for.

3: harass me and the other females

4: make sexual advances toward me that I wouldn't want if I did approve of his professionalism

5: make work extra hard for me because I didn't think of him romantically

6: change the schedule with out letting any one know so he could make labor

7: leave the restaurant un-manned while he went to the local bar.

He knew that I as well as other employees and 1 supervisor were extremely upset with the way he was acting and it was obvious that I was sick of him and reporting it to James when he got back. So he reported a false account to the Tosco Corp. Manager informing her that I was a bad employee, and putting in my 2 weeks notice, prompting her to ask ME if I was going to be RELIABLE for the next two weeks????
And if I was going to do a good job???..



The day I was hired I was interviewed by the head manager James,
after he hired and gave me the information I needed about the orientation class he started our work relationship unprofessionally by saying "he was a good person and I didn't want to piss him off because he has the temper to go with the hairs" referring to his red hair.

This cocky attitude made me want to walk out before my first day, but I needed that job.

From the first day I was not trained correctly and was reprimanded for this, the "proper training" came from James, the Manager, coming in and yelling at me for not doing things I WAS NOT TRAINED TO DO. This was only made worse by the threats of termination accompanied by the help wanted sign he added to
the window for emphasis. He then gave all the new employees ten days to "get your s**t together" or else... Adding a to do list on top of the things we were already not doing and then giving a ridiculous time limit to get these things done.

This type of environment only got worse as the weeks went on only to be added to by the things James' friend, also our supervisor, Matt would do. Matt is compulsively WUI. Working Under the Influence of meth and marijuana, when he was too strung out from the meth he and another CO worker would go
behind the building to abuse marijuana leaving me and the other employees to work in a restaurant all alone doing the job of 2 or more people for an hour or more!!! This kind of stress takes its toll over time not even counting the sexual harassment and rude innuendoes and unwanted advances.

Not only are they hard to work for they are also liars:
James lied when I confronted him about why I wasn't getting full time hours he told me that I had only applied for p/t. This sounded odd so I thought about it and remembered that I HAVE NEVER APPLIED FOR P/T EVER.

Matt lied about the schedules he changed when it was obvious when one day the schedule says MONDAY: 3-CLOSE in pencil and the next day it is in black ink and says 5-close. Not only that but you can see pencil lead shine under the black ink and another employee witnessed it.


One week before the 1st of July James met with the employees to tell them he was going out of town until the 10th and Matt would be in charge. He then told all the employees "if any of you have problems while I am gone they better be worked out before I get back or I will be extremely pissed and if anybody goes over my head to Sandy I will be double pissed" and we didn't want that.

While he was gone Matt made an advance toward me and I moved but he still kissed me on the cheek. I moved and told him never to do that again and he left laughing not even acknowledging what I said. This happened on a day that I was feeling sick and having severe abdominal pain and had called him to ask if I could go home. He said he didn't sympathize with me and went and told an employee not to cover for me. I found out and put in my two weeks notice, he retaliated by calling Sandy (Tosco Corporate Management) who simply said "are you going to be reliable for the next two weeks," that would have made 1 and a half days I have missed work for being sick in 4 months. On top of that I always cover every employees shift if they need the day off or
call in sick. So you tell me, Where do you go when it seems like everyone all the way to the top of the ladder is against you and does not even care to hear why you put in your notice.

None of my co-workers have had a problem with me or my work. I had enough of their s**t and needed to do something about but being that there is no visibly posted contacts to report it to I didn't know where to turn to. The Tosco manager didn't even ask me why I was putting my notice in like she is supposed to.
I took it into my own hands, with the help of Todd, and we called the HR whom sent us to the legal where I faxed a letter I wrote to HR. 1 week later I went to pick up 1 of my last 2 checks and James was back. I had been told by the other employees who hadn't quit but also put in notice that James had
been confronted by a few of the employees who were tired of Matt's s**t that they went to James and told him what had been going on and asked him what he was going to do about it.? His attitude when I also told him was that HE would not do anything about it saying "I cant do anything about it" That is a big
crock of s**t!!!! He refuses to do anything about it, because Matt is his FRIEND. Why can't he do anything about it??? He is supposed to fire any one who does drugs, makes a hostile environment, sexually harasses, sexually advances.....And if he doesn't believe our allegations, to determine the truth the obvious way is to DRUG TEST MATT!!!!

After notifying the HR department of TOSCO, the HR manager, BILL
NORWOOD, conducted interviews with all the employees, including James and Matt. He told them that I had made a report. This violates my privacy and confidentiality in the case that I am now planning to make into a lawsuit. I received a phone call on
7-25-01 at 8 am, from one of former co-workers (Shannon) who less than a week before I was inviting to my sons birthday party. I believe and assume that Matt and James put her up to this. She started by asking me what is going on?

She was also being harassed and had nasty sexual rumors spread about her and James so I asked her what her problem was. She said "why are you fu##ing with people's jobs?

Then she wanted to Know if Todd had taped her when he was interviewing her about the sexual harassment and the other problems she'd had with James and Matt, I said no but if he had you would have been told first. She told me she couldn't believe that I was doing this and I remarked to her I couldn't believe she wasn't, she said that her, Matt, and James had talked about what was going on and made amends. I told her I haven't and would not. She then started insulting me calling me a liar and
then a F* ING KNT which is when I hung up on her. Now I am worried about what they might do to me and my family. It is obvious that they are going to try and gang up on me and I don't know what to do so my fiancee Todd suggested this.

Tiffany Love

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