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  • Report:  #972549

Complaint Review: Steve Attra

Steve Attra Western International Log Homes SCAMMER ALERT! Steve Attra and Western International Log Homes ripping off investors, swap/trades , Internet

  • Reported By:
    Concerned Consumer — Alberta Alberta Canada
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 22, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 15, 2013

I was recently scammed by an Alberta (Canada) couple claiming to be from Vancouver Island, who were "selling" a distributorship for a log home company (  There is an old mill in BC that is used to help it appear legitimate, but it is simply a money grab.  They claim to live on a boat but it is simply a way to excuse their limited information - but they have an Alberta license plate (BDX-2806 Black Ford Expedition) and all their wire information is based in Alberta which I have kept in my tracking.
The couple's name is Steve and Becky Attra.  Steve is in his 40's and Becky is probably close to 30.  There is another gentleman involved Matt Steele out of Victoria who helps them with the online presence and the outward appearance.
I spoke with a by-law officer in the area and he said the people that own the inactive mill site are being investigated for other things that he was not at liberty to discuss.  He suggested contacting the RCMP.

I invested close to $10,000 which was suggested to be wired.  There was a money back guarantee if the investment didn't work out but after 30 days I realized it was a scam and tried to get the money back - to no avail.  They have since turned more aggressive and have tried to scare me off with threats, and making obscene claims about their business with no proof of backup.  There has never been proof of a single home built by them.
They were pressuring me to invest another $60,000 in a related investment which again was completely fictional.  Fortunately I realized what it was before I invested.

All of the online ratings and posts are done by fictional people (by the couple/company) to give the perception they are an existing company.  Homestars is an example of such a rating.  I tried to put up a warning there but Homestars did not post it.  They also have a video but it is not theirs.
I met another gentleman who was also scammed by them, but with a different scam business from the couple ( which is no longer an active site (taken down after he was scammed).  He was scammed $7,500 and was also told no refunds despite the letter agreement.  BBB actually has a page / warning for them:
Please do whatever possible to ensure the company / names are posted, so no others are harmed or their investments are lost.
I have countless emails and a signed agreement which I can provide if necessary.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Troubled Investor



#7Consumer Comment

Fri, March 15, 2013

Like I said do a Google search and you will know who to trust... but good try Steve! 



Ryan B**** Good Post

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 14, 2013

The person who has posted the "Fake Name" report is Ryan B**** of Sherwood Park, Alberta. Upon reading his comments I am reminded of a quote by Albert Einstein,

The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.

Mr B**** was 100% protected with his equity position and full control as Director and sole authority, being the only signing officer on the bank account. That was set up deliberately for his full protection, not mine. With both of us in an equity position, it made sense that we would both protect the interests of the Company.

The fact is I sold over $250M worth of log home packages in 2012, and developed the strategy to fund it. Mr B**** was to receive millions for his role, and I was happy to do it, as he was going to purchase and run the equipment. He didn't do either.

The part I really liked about the purchase orders I received was they were for homeless and veterans returning from war. I have seen the pictures of the homes being built overseas, and seen the pictures of the homeless families. I have heard the stories of how families are separated due to lack of housing. I agree with the issuers of the purchase orders, housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

I wonder how those people feel when Mr B**** makes a unilateral decision to destroy 6 months of hard work to supply these homes? Time will tell. Near as I can tell, there are some pretty powerful people involved in these projects, I hope I don't get in the situation where I have to tell this story in full detail, for Mr. B****'s sake. I have full documentation and I was not in default of any of my obligations.

I am reminded of a story Dr. Stephen Covey tells in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. This particular story is about his cousin who is in the desert and gets bit by a poisonous snake. Out of anger, the cousin foolishly chases that snake and cuts it in half.

But his response to his anger has the poison racing through his body, causing more and more damage to himself.

The message is clear, think before you act. Now it's up to the lawyers to sift through the paperwork and determine liabilities. I know that Mr B**** is young and not that well seasoned, but if you are going to attack people you had better know exactly what you are doing.

Mr B**** has been convinced he has been scammed, but there isn't a piece of evidence to that, and there won't be.

Of course I wouldn't use my real name, why would I want to bring THAT reputation into his business. There is no crime here. It is interesting that Mr B**** shut down the opportunity and now forever links his name to my reputation. Doesn't seem sound logic to me.

It's really kind of sad, an opportunity like the one he had is a once in a lifetime chance to help others and be rewarded. Millions out there would love to have had Mr B****'s chance.

Troubled Investor

United States of America


#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2013

Steve Attra a not this individuals real name. I am in the process of building a case with the local RCMP here in Leduc, AB where he is doing business now. The individuals names are Steven Vincent Weeres and Rebekah Donszelmann (Daughter of Arnold Donszelmann). If you do a simple Google search of these names you will see all of the current allegations against them and the kind of people they are. I am currently working with a lawyer and the RCMP and will be putting together a report which will be aired on the news. For anybody who has been scammed by this individual please contact me and we can work together to make the public aware so this does not happen again. I urge you to contact me and mi will forward this information to RCMP as we know his whereabouts.


British Columbia,


#7General Comment

Sat, January 12, 2013

Hi dear

I am shaukat Ali from Richmond. Mr Steve Attra also do a Fraud with me too. He started Fake Prototype business Business and take money from many peoples. From me he took 8,000 $

If u want to contect me, pls write at Mybe we together can do something against him




More Unprofessional Beliefs Causing False Opinions

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 24, 2012

One of my clients brought this to my attention:

Once again proving critics are amateur, and their opinions are based on poor investigation.

Provide feedback to




#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 23, 2012

THIS IS A GOOD POST.  It gives us a chance to address a very real issue in our society.  There is nothing new in this topic of course, badmouthing, libel and slander are as old as the caveman days.  However, new technologies have allowed these opinions to reach the masses all around the world and very quickly.  This is a factual document, not designed for forming our opinions but rather letting the readers form their own.

Do you care about this topic?  You should.  People like the author of this complaint, Mike Terriff or Michael Terriff, cost the economy billions of dollars each year.  In one instance I know of, one of these critics expressed their opinion about a business and in a court of law a Judge found that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing at all, and the defendants were awarded costs.  In the meantime, the actions of this critic cost Canadian taxpayers, you and I, over $600,000!  Thats all the taxes for a lifetime of contributions for two or more Canadian citizens.

 I know of several wonderful charities and non-profit groups that could put that money to good use making our society better.  And there are hundreds of these people out there.  The solution is clear, we have to stop the critics.

Our Company is very proud of what we do.  Beginning in 2013, we will be manufacturing hundreds of homes for homeless people internationally.  In the domestic market we continue to develop win/win programs to assist people in their dreams of owning their own homes.

According to my Lawyers, one out of every ten people is unreasonable.  For businesspeople that is a scary statistic.  One hundred customers means they have attracted ten unreasonable people.
Is this post unreasonable?  We will find out as we examine the allegations and the attack on our Company.

Mike Terriff wanted a territory, and we entered into a business relationship with considerable expense to us, which was passed on to him as his start up cost.  We all know that it is unreasonable to expect to start up a business with no capital, but we kept it to a minimum so we could find the right person.  It was a win/win agreement, with each of us responsible to do our part.  It was a perfect business, as the profit from the very first home put him in a profit scenario.  Most businesses dont realize a profit for three and one half to five years according to statistics.  This one could be profitable in one month if managed properly.

At that time we thought Mr. Terriff could be trusted, that he had the character and the competence to get the job done.  He developed his own strategy and went to work on building his own team.

Reports that came in from him indicated he had assembled a team of nine people, and although we had already gone to the expense of training him with extensive travel, we set up a training system for his nine people, to be conducted via webinar.  When the time came for the training, only one person was there, and not even on a computer, just by telephone.  We began to wonder about Mr. Terriffs competence.

Later, in speaking with one of his team, we discovered that Mr. Terriff had engaged in a yelling match with that person over the phone.  The fellow I spoke to seemed very reasonable to me.  It seemed to us at this point that Mr. Terriff did not have the competence to work with others.  The evidence was too evident to ignore.

Mr. Terriffs comments about our Company speak volumes for his character.  Professional businesspeople would write this person off as a person they would never deal with.

I am not going to give his opinions any words, as they are just conclusions without facts.  I have no doubt that Mr. Terriff spoke to a by-law officer regarding the people who own the inactive mill and that they were being investigated.  

We too noted some things going on at the property that were unacceptable, and that is why we chose another location to operate from and did not lease that property.  Now, if Mr. Terriff had communicated his concerns like a real businessman, the whole thing could have been dealt with in a two minute conversation.  

These amateur investigators and subsequent criticisms are born out of ignorance.  Thats bad enough, but posting it on the internet for the world to see just proves one thing - Mr. Terriff is not afraid to look ignorant or afraid of the fact that Judges are cracking down pretty hard on people like this.

Mr. Terriffs request for a refund was not valid.  We were not in default of any of our obligations to him, and he was in default of his obligations to us.  He refused to address the issues of our expenses and we lost momentum by his unilateral actions and decisions.  He sent an apology letter for his actions, but obviously out of duplicity.

Mr. Terriff also claims that there is no proof of this and that, yet he never asked for any.  Once again, the conclusions are drawn out of ignorance.  Mr. Terriff was one transaction away from being profitable, with a quality product at fair market value.  It seems easy to see that the incompetence is very evident.

I wont get into the rest of his allegations, birds of a feather flock together.  My opinion that many other professional businesspeople share of the BBB and their report can be summed up here:

However, lets examine the character of Mr. Terriff.  All these critics claim they are making things public to protect others.  In most cases it is just an attempt to extort money.  Our policy on this is very clear.  Just like the governments wont give in to demands to terrorists, nor will we provide any sort of assistance to a person who took on a responsibility, quit due to their own incompetence, and is not acknowledging and providing relief for the damages caused.

For myself, I seek people in my life that encourage, support and even help others.  We certainly do that with our children.  In this determination, the easiest people to reject are the ones engaged in badmouthing, who seek to detract and destroy projects, or people and their character.  Character assassinations have a far reaching impact beyond just economic loss.

So the question to you reader is, would you want to work with a Mr. Terriff knowing that if you and him had a falling out, he would begin a character assassination and deliberately try to hurt your business?  Would you ever trust a person that wont communicate concerns, draws their own conclusions and posts unfounded comments born out of ignorance?  Would you want this person working for your company, knowing that they could have a falling out with their supervisor, quit and start badmouthing your company on the internet?

The trouble with the critics is that there are hundreds of them, and they fall into a pattern of blaming others for their circumstance.  We get what we attract in this world, and Mr. Terriff knows that, yet he takes no responsibility for his series of blunders.  When we are young it is natural for us to blame others, our siblings, our teacher.  But when that trait carries on into adulthood, something is wrong, deeply internally wrong.

I have an associate that I have worked for in the past that had a wonderful business and I was his client.  I loved his service, and it was tremendously instrumental in helping my business grow.  Unfortunately he had a critic that couldt be reasoned with, and he is no longer in business, able to supply the services that were valuable to his clients, including me.

The purpose of this post is not to harm Mr. Terriff,  he did that on his own, nor is it to defend myself or our company.  We can only feel sorry fro Mr. Terriff, and people who know us realize his words are just diatribe anyway.  Professional businesspeople already know his type is out there, and they are happy that we relate our experience so they can avoid the person altogether.

The real purpose of this communication is to provide awareness of the impact this has on our society, and to assist other legitimate businesses who are dealing with the same issue.  From a global perspective, we have already discussed economic loss, but what about the loss to the average individual?

We live in a society where our income source is losing power due to inflation, increased taxes and more.  Couples are having to take second or even third jobs to keep up, and daycares are raising our children.  Without the parental love thats provided during those hours the quality of care goes down and crime goes up increasing taxes.  People are actively seeking solutions for opportunities to make our families better.

When entrepreneurial people and companies step up to do something about it, critics drag it through the mud and the opportunities for good people are gone.  People get in a guarded position, the most negative place to be.  We cant watch for bad things and allow good things at the same time.  

There is not enough punishment for these critics in our legal system to make these people think a little harder before they attempt to destroy legitimate people, families and organizational cultures.  Our right to freedom of speech carries some responsibility with it.

But we are part of a group of legitimate businesspeople that is growing and we are doing something about it.  Implementing inexpensive legal remedies that are swift and create results from a legal Judge that can be posted to mitigate damages and create awareness in the business communities of who these wannabe judges, the critics, really are.  

We know who we are dealing with, so even if we have proof of our statements, we wouldnt want to share our confidential plans, clients, etc. as proof of our statements.  Therefore all evidence to support your rebuttal is kept confidential for the Lawyers and the Judges only.  Many of these malicious attacks are created by our competition for their own gain.  There is also a wealth of information on how to deal with anonymous postings as well.  For complete information please send an email to

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