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  • Report:  #446849

Complaint Review: Steve Waters Worldwide Training Center

Steve Waters Worldwide Training Center Master of Deception Seattle Washington

  • Reported By:
    Vinemont Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 27, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 27, 2009
  • Steve Waters Worldwide Training Center
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hello friends and fellow victims! It gives me great pleasure in sharing my horrendous episode with this snake in the grass and maybe in turn keep others from being bitten by this venomous predator. Here is my story.
I had just ordered home phone service along with internet in the hopes of starting an income venture online. I was checking email one day a couple weeks ago and found what I thought was a response to my online ad. It turned out to be one of Steve's Power Letters. Of course it sounded so good that I signed up. He was so personable and creative in his enthusiastic writing style that I was pulled right in.

He informed me of all the money I would make, mostly on auto pilot after I got up and running. Although the initial invitation said that I would receive FREE software I was told that he wanted to call me for an interview for being a General with the company. (heard that before?) Little did I know that he tells everyone that to get them to agree to the prospect of making more money in a leadership position. He told me that there were exciting times ahead with all the money that would be pouring in but along with that, I was one person doing all the work for my future wealth. My very first Priority #1 Assignment was to go to search engines, look up classified ad sites, go to business opportunities or related topics and send these Power Letters to anyone who wanted to make money online. This would lay the foundation for my future wealth. I didn't mention this earlier but My wife and I have three kids at home, you could imagine how difficult it is to manage expenses in raising a family these days. He wanted money upfront that I didn't have to join as a General, which required more software programs and training materials. I said I didn't have the available funds in which to start so he said I could come in at half price which was 97.50, which came from my family's bill money.

So I started with the program sending as many letters that dial-up internet service would allow. The requirement, per Steve's instructions was 300 a day. The hours that I was putting into this, even all day and till late at night was barely producing 100 letters being sent out. After a while I got a gut feeling that something wasn't right. I didn't even know if all the letters I was sending out were producing leads. I went to the main site to access my control panel, only to be denied access!

I sent Steve an email asking for password verification because I was denied access to the main site, which was also the source for finding out how many leads my letters had generated. He replied back and said not to worry about that right now, that he is applying some massive upgrades to the site and that it would be down for a while and to just keep sending power letters out, as many as possible. That's when I started having doubts and sent him this email:

Hello Steve. The total number of Power Letters for today is 46. I went to a total of 27 sites to get this number. First site: sent 1 Power Letter. Second site: sent 40 Power Letters. Third site: sent 5 Power Letters. Please add this to the tracking software as these are the results for the day.

Steve, there are a few things on my mind that I wanted to discuss with you. I wanted to go ahead and send you the Power Letter count early so I could spend some time with my family this evening and within this same letter, let you know what's on my mind, avoiding having to send two letters. I don't know any other way to put this but I am in SERIOUS trouble at the bank right now. I am only working one, two days a week at the Post Office, not by my choice but I am a substitute Mail Carrier for the main carrier which is almost always at work. When I first got the invitation to join with you from a team member, I was under the impression that I would make money fairly quickly. I know that you have invited me to sign up with a few money-making assignments, but the cost of 295.00 was impossible for me to invest, considering I am so far behind on my bills due to lack of work. My point is that I need to make some serious money FAST!! I have invested almost 150.00 with you, which came directly out of my family's bill money, which I would not have even considered if I knew that it would be so long before I would start to make any money. My wife is really starting to put pressure on my because of the countless hours I'm putting into this and not seing any return. Steve, please don't think that I have forgotten about all the things that you are working on for me at the present time, but I am in real trouble financially. If you could offer a suggestion on what I could do to get some income started immediately it would greatly improve my situation, not to mention the stress I'm under. I don't want to discourage you or bring you down in any way, but I have known you long enough now to tell you what's on my mind and be confident that you will understand and even be compassionate about my circumstances. I understand that my financial hardships are not your problem, I just need something, anything positive to happen to change my current situation financially. To avoid going on and on here I'm going to stop and let you get back to business. I will check my email again sometime later tonite. YOU ARE STILL THE MAN and I know there is light at the end of this long, dark tunnel. Sincerely, General Derek

He replied back and said not to email him for the next 21 to 36 days because he was working on a huge money making project that would bring in tons of money. In his reply he never mentioned the concerns that I had about not tracking my leads and the financial situation I was in so I sent this email to him:

Hello, Steve. I know you asked me not to email you much unless it was important. This is of the utmost importance, considering it may affect our future. Do you remember a guy named Paul from the United Kingdom, a former WWTC member? I was sent an email, not from Paul but someone who wants identity withheld, directing me to a website called "Rip-off Report". What I read on the site was truly disturbing to say the least. Steve, I want you to know that even after reading the information concerning you on the website, you still have my complete trust, for now. However I am still concerned about the fact that I have spent so much money with you already that I really couldn't afford and have yet to see a return on my investment. I know that you send checks on the 1st and 15th but I haven't had any indication that I have made any money at all despite all the hours and effort. I want you to be totally honest with me friend. Am I going to start seing an income in the very near future or am I just being patronized, strung along with emails and assignments? Steve, as you know, I am only working 1 maybe 2 days tops a week at the Post Office but my bills still keep coming, as they always do. My wife and I have three kids at home and I have another from a previous marriage. I cannot afford, CANNOT afford to keep on putting countless hours into this and not get the financial benefits that you have said are coming. Please understand my position here as I am very uncomfortable writing this message to you. I don't want to lose your trust in any way but when you really look at it from my standpoint, I have much, much more to lose than you. I do remember the two "Goobers" that you referred to in one of the links you gave me and I realize there are those kind of people out there, but my concern is relevant, don't you agree? I have read your past letters again to try and reassure myself that you are the person that you seem to be. But I would rather you be honest here and now and tell me that I am wasting my time, rather than letting me continue to waste my valuable time away from my family trying to make this work. I need your reply on these issues and your response to the website I was referring to. The site was created in January of '06 and the situation with him may have been resolved, but there are many more who have claimed that they have been ripped off by you and WWTC. Please understand my concerns and reply with this in mind. Thank you!

Sincerely, your friend and student, General Derek This was his reply. Hold on to your hats! Derek, AFTER ALL I Have done for YOUYou send me this CRAP! You should be absolutely Disgusted in YOURSELF! What does common Sense Tell You? I have Help You Greatly, Like No One Else in Your Life has, and you hear from One idiot, that cause You to send such CRAP! I even let you come in at half price because you are so Broke. I help you when NO ONE Else will or would. And YouDemand I stop All of My Precious Time, Building and Designing for GOOD People, So YOU, who is Broke, and uses NO Common Sense, want to decide if you are finally Get of your duff in life and BE Somebody??

As you can tell Derek, your letter is Absolutely Discusting! I help you EVEN on Late nights AND weekends to boot. You Absolutely NEED TO GO TO (his website about idiots) Your Assignment IS NOW, to find Yourself ON that Site, in the Situation that you put yourself into, YOU Put Yourself Into, EXACTLY Right There, on One of the Examples In this Site. It should have your Name on it. Anyway, Derek, go there now, and SEND an Email back to me, letting me know WHAT you have comprehended about EVERYTHING IN that site, and WHERE you found yourself ON that Site.Exactly! I will be waiting for YOU to Complete Your Assignment on This! Completely Disgusted in You Now, you have a LOT to make up for!!!
General Steve!

After his email, as you could imagine, my mind was made up that I had been taken, and taken GOOD!! I went to my bank to block him and his company from withdrawing any more of the money that I didn't have in my account, went to all the credit reporting bureaus and issued a fraud alert because I gave Steve my S.S.N. for tax purposes, back when I actually thought I would get a paycheck someday. I sent him a friendly reply back that goes like this:

Hello Steve! Good to hear from you my friend. First of all I am one of the nicest, most well behaved people you would ever want to meet. I care about my friends and mostly my family and their best interests. Every time I would get long letters from you I got so excited, especially when there was a money making assignment within the letter.

I was so naieve not to have noticed that these long letter were just copy in which you just changed the name. The long hours that you claimed to have put into those letters were nothing compared to the countless hours I spent away from my family doing your "money making assignments". It's obvious that I have been taken, once again by someone who is a master at deceiving people with his clever writing skills and misleading information. Steve, I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART and I was truly trying to do my best in everything you wanted me to do.

I am very disgusted in even having to write such a negative letter to you but the worst part is that I threw away almost 150.00 of the money that I worked very hard for that should have went to my family and our current financial status. But there is something positive that came out of all this. Thanks to my wife, my gut feeling and your downright fraudulent behavior and "business practices" I am much wiser than before I met you online. Since you have my S.S.N. for tax purposes I have notified the proper authorities and credit bureaus of suspicious activity and I WILL take it to the furthest extent of the law should you foolishly operate with it.

I know the answer to this already but it has been recommended to me that I politely ask you for a refund in full, including the web hosting expense that I signed up for, with which you are an afilliate. All I wanted was for you to answer my questions, honestly. I can say that you HAVE answered all my questions!

Here's a warning. Should you refuse my refund there are other avenues that I WILL take to get my money back. Thank you for my refund and I hope that you will reconsider taking peoples money that they have worked hard for, as I have. Times are hard enough without having to endure things like this too. Thank you for my new knowledge of internet scams! Sincerely, "General" Derek

Enough said! Thank you for taking the time to read my report and spread the word! Let's shut this guy down A.S.A.P!!

Vinemont, Alabama

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