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  • Report:  #147327

Complaint Review: Steven Mark Olschwanger And Kenny Olschwanger

Steven Mark Olschwanger And Kenny Olschwanger con artists RIPOFF Dallas Texas And Florida

  • Reported By:
    Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 24, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 24, 2005
  • Steven Mark Olschwanger And Kenny Olschwanger
    Dallas, Texas And Florida, Texas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Today, June 25, 2005, I accidentally came across documents written by a lady name Pamela and Steven Mark Olschwanger whereby Pamela described Steven Olschwanger as a Professional Con Artist and whereby Steven Olschwanger claimed that I, Kathy Hastings wrote the report entitled Pamela from Irvine, Calif.

I am writing this to inform anyone who reads this that Steven Olschwanger knows he is deceiving people by saying that I wrote that article. The fact is that I did not write the document called Pamela/ Irvine, California, but I did have a worse experience with Steven Mark Olschwanger than the one Pamela had
and described in her document. I agree with everything that Pamela said and I did not write that document.

I lost $680,000 plus $178,000 in legal fees plus 7 years of my life due to Steven Olschwanger's deception, bank fraud, identity theft, corporate fraud, threats, con games, and I eventually came up with evidence which proves that attorney's are involved with Olschwanger in Organized Crime, money laundering, possible drug money laundering if it were investigated, mail fraud, bank fraud, corporate fraud, identity theft, stealing a drivers license and writting fraudulent checks in Florida, defrauding the public on breast pills,
possible and probable altering of Wills unknown to the parties of the Wills.

I have countless hours of taped conversations of STeven Olschwanger and I would be honored to play them for anyone who wants to listen to them. Such things on those tapes are Olschwanger saying "I'm going to take all of your money, put you in prison, and... " "I can't wait until the day when you are walking the streets without a penny to your name, you will be begging me to stop but I won't stop, I love it".

As for his mentioning in his letter above that I went to jail; he is correct. Steven Olschwanger filed false charges against me in order to discredit me with the courts. He claimed that I broke a $72 window and on tape, which I have, Steve Olschwanger says "I broke my window, you saw me do it, but you're the one going to jail for it".

Make no mistake about it, what STeve Olschwanger and attorney's in Dallas are doing is excatly what happened to Mel Jetter when Doug Mulder and a Judge in Dallas sent Jettor to prison on false murder charges by simply withholding evidence from the courts. This is evidenced by the movie "The Thin Blue LIne".

In brief, it can be said that Attorney's are involved in Organized Crime and if an attorney wants to defraud a bank, send someone else to prison on known false charges, or be involved in Organized Crime, Identity Theft, corporate fraud, Federal TAx I.D. fraud, laundering of drug money, etc.; then not only is it easy; it's a well known fact by the FBI that attorney's have been doing this for countless years and the DA's, Attorney Generals, our Congressman, the police, and other attorney's know this. It is no secret or isolated incidence.

The FBI and IRS know the story and we can only hope that the day will come when Olschwanger is in prison, the attorney's involved with him and people like him.

I am very much for this site that allows victims like Pamela and I to at least state when Olschwanger is simply deceiving you by his false claims.

I would not advise anyone to do business with Steven Mark Olschwanger, Kenny Olschwanger, Brad Boyd, or Attorney's Bill Boyd in McKinney, John Glenn Meazell, John Nations in Dallas, Andrea Nations in Dallas, Doug Mulder (attorney's), or Sandy Profahl (manufacturer of Ecstacy in Germany and released from prison in 1995) or any companies affiliated in any way with the aforementioned parties.

That is my opinion, and if anyone wants to see my evidence as to why "not to hire these attorney's or evidence to prove to you the claims stated about STeven Olschwanger; then I will be honored to meet with you, bring my evidence and meet in person before anyone: DA's, Attorney Generals, Congressman or woman, or the FBI".

I will not meet with you alone, because Andrea Nations, attorney advised me that due to the evidence that I have which proves attorney's are involved in Organized Crime, bank fraud, corporate fraud and other criminal acts, then, she said quote "you could be hurt or worse if the DA's prosecutes, because no attorney is going to prison and you have evidence to put them there".

The FBI and the IRS is aware that claims and evidence does exist to prove that the above parties are involved in Organized Crime, bank fraud, corporate fraud, mail fraud, deceiving the DA's, withholding criminal evidence from the courts, and aiding in Bankruptcy Fraud, Federal TAx I.D. Fraud, and Identity theft and a long list of other criminal acts etc.

The STate BAr of Dallas TExas knows that I have this evidence and they will not allow anyone to see it. Attorney's and an attorney at State Bank and Trust knows that I have this evidence but he will not allow the bank or the Attorney Generlas to know either.

Our country is in terrible shape as it is and now, for a fact, numerous people know that attorney's have altered peoples Wills without their knowledge, taken their money when they die; and been involved in Organized Crime, bank fraud, corporate fraud and numerous other crimes and our DA's won't do anything. Why? it only takes one attorney to tell the DA's "don't look at what she has" and they won't.

The other fact is that the DA's has no time, money or investigative staff to handle financial crimes other than a forged check; so people like Steve Olschwanger will continue to prosper and devestate peoples lives who abide by the law and believe in sign contracts.

I have taped conversations of STeven Olschwanger (roughly 200 hours of taped conversations and over 1,000 documents of evidence, but three documents will prove what Pamela said).

Make no mistake about it. "Steve Olschwanger appears to be a nice Wallie Cleaver family man, but acts and looks are terribly deceiving".

I will be honored to tell you in sequence how some of his scams take place, but it is best for you to just walk away from anyone who attempts to get any of your bank information, identity, drivers license, social security number or you in business with them. Just say "no thank you".

God Bless Steven Olschwanger and Kenny Olschwanger and we should all pray that they choose some day to use their abilities in an honest way. I agree with Pamela that the only honest business I know of that STeven Olschwanger has ever done is Audio Text.

Steven Olschwanger mentioned in his document that my home burned and I accused him of it. Yes, I did and due to obvious objects that only parties related to STeve Olschwanger could have possibly had were left next to the debris of the fire at my home at a time when STeve (as evidenced in taped conversations was threatening and factually claiming that my Will was changed to state him as Beneficiary and he admits that my Will was in his brothers books at the time my home burned).

My home did burn, Steve talked of guns and made countless threats daily for over a year which are on tape. The ARson Investigator, Don Howard in Dallas Texas told me "the fire, the gun, the threats of Olschwanger are smoke screens; follow the money and that will tell you what he is really up to".

I lost $1 million dollars due to Steven Olschwanger and according to taped conversations of Olschwanger saying quote "I can't wait until the day when you are walking the streets without a penny to your name; you will be begging me to stop but I won't stop"; then, his own words tell me that this will never be over until I am totally broke and walking the streets, according to STeven Mark Olschwanger.

If you want to listen to those tapes or to confirm that I am telling you the truth, then simply call Gill Torrez with the Dallas FBI's office and ask him to contact me for a meeting with him and you. I will let you listen to the tapes and see my evidence. I can do that because in every conversation, I told Olschwanger that I was taping him.

Olschwanger says in his document that I harrassed him for 7 years. My tapes will prove that the party being harrassed was me by Steven Olschwanger. One tape of me talking to him says "Please, you have stolen alot of money, please, just let me out, take what you have stolen and please stop calling here, please leave me alone, what else do you want from me, don't you have enough, haven't you ruined my life enough" and Steven Mark Olschwanger says quote "no way, I'm taking every dime you've got; I can't wait until the day when you are walking the streets without a penny to your name, you will be begging me to stop but I won't stop.".

This document cannot come close to describing the horror and evil that Steven Olschwanger is capable of.

It is a fact that Attorney's are involved in Coroporate Fraud, bank fraud, Organized CRime, mail fraud, money laundering and that The State Bar, DA's, FBI, and police know it and are doing nothing about it.

I would not recommend anyone to do business with the following attorney's: John Glenn Meazell, Plano; Doug Mulder, Dallas; Bill Boyd, McKinney; Andrea Nations, Dallas.

The fact is, if you have solid evidence proving that attorney's are involved in bank fraud or any other criminal act; it only takes one attorney who is willing for a fee to make one phone call to a DA, Attorney Generals to prevent any type of evidence from being seen or known about.

The fact is that our DA's doesn't have the time, the money or an investigative staff and every attorney knows that fact; so, this fact makes Organized Crime and Identity Theft or any other financial crime easy to get away with; especially if attorney's are involved in the crimes and are willing to withhold facts from the courts, DA's or authorities.

It is a fact, that the FBI knows this; and that the FBI knows that people have even been murdered with solid evidence to prove the murder and our DA's did nothing other than give the man 1 year in jail, 2 years probation, and allowed a man to keep over $3 million dollars of money taken due to three people being killed and one man killing them and making himself beneficiary to his victims Will. The man got to keep the $3 million.

I've been told by an attorney who prevented the authorities from knowing of my evidence: "Kathy, you have solid evidence to prove that attorney's are involved with STeven Olschwanger in Organized Crime, RICO, bank fraud, corporate fraud, mail fraud, Federal TAx I.D. Fraud and a long list of other criminal acts; but if we let the DA's know this and the DA's prosecutes, then no attorney is going to prison, and that means that you will be seriously hurt or worse".

In brief, I've been told that attorney's will have me killed if they let the DA's see my evidence.

It is a fact that my own attorney's were involved with Steven Mark Olschwanger in business prior to me being scamed by Olschwanger and John Glenn Meazell (attorney)and that my own attorney, Bill Boyd withheld criminal evidence and all facts related to my case from the Bankruptcy Courts and further aided STeven Olschwanger in Bankruptcy Fraud by not divulging to the courts several things: (1) that Olschwanger's social security number was altered by one digit and this same altered number was used on other bank documents by Olschwanger, (2) that Olschwanger used 9 alias names, not just the name Myers as Olschwanger states in his document, (3) that it was a conflict of interst for my attorney to even take a case whereby he was attempting to get money from Olschwanger, (4) that Olschwanger didn't divulge all assets and thus was using Bankruptcy FRaud to avoid a court order in a Civil Court; (5) that a Civil Case doesn't belong in a Personal Bankruptcy Court.

Make no mistake about it: do not trust anyone at any time, including attorney's for they are the worst of any one.

The Dallas State BAr, Charlie Royal says it like this, quote "Attorney's can steal more money with a brief case than a man with a gun" and he is right. A woman who worked for three different attorney's stated that she and several others who worked for attorney's saw clearly that attorney's altered little old lady's Wills and when the lady died, they took her money". I have a tape of Steven Olschwanger which proves that my Will was in his brother (Kenny Olschwanger's folder without my knowledge) and that said document was found after my home burned; and that STeve claims my Will names him Beneficiary. When I asked John Glenn Meazell, my attorney, if he altered my Will - Meazell hung up on me. When I called several times insisting that I know what Meazell used my retainer money for; Meazell simply hung up.

I will gladly meet with anyone who wants to meet with me and see my evidence related to John Glenn Meazell, DAle Briggs, John Nations, Andrea Nations, Doug Mulder, Bill Boyd, Steven Olschwanger, Kenny Olschwanger, SAndy Profahl (Drug manufacturer), Commonwealth, State BAnk and Trust, Jerry Gillstrap with Bancard Systems, and you can be the judge based on what you factually see and hear.

I would also like to show anyone that STate Bank and Truts attorney on Midway Road deceived the Attorney Generals office and prevented me from showing the bank my evidence which you can be the judge of the facts that I do have to determine if the attorney with State Bank and Trust and Jerry Gillstap with Bancard Systems are also involved in Identity Theft, bank fraud, corporate fraud, money laundering etc.

For now, all any of us can do is pray that Steven Mark Olschwanger, crooked attorney's, and Kenny Olschwanger some day choose to use their knowledge in honest ways such as Audio Text which I agree with Pamela is the only business that I know of that Steven Olschwanger was involved in that was an honest business with well known newspapers. He uses that business while he seeks out his next victims.

May God eventually force Steve Olschwanger and crooked attorney's to live by their hearts and not their material greed; which I hope is your choice as well.

I strongly believe that no matter how much money someone obtains; if they didn't obtain it through honest, caring, ethical means, then it will always be a heavy weight around their necks and it can never truely bring them any happiness due to their knowing how they obtained it.

Dallas, Texas

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