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  • Report:  #951557

Complaint Review: Storm Lake Pilot Tribune

Storm Lake Pilot Tribune Pilot Tribune Loss of 1st Amendment \ Small Town Politics Formulates News \ Battered, Abused Women and Children Silenced \ Corruption Not Covered \ Tracey Richter Murder Cover-up Storm Lake, Iowa *UPDATE - August 25, 2015.   On July 13, 2014 Ripoff Report announced its investigation of this post and others.  At that time, we stated that if Ripoff Report’s investigation revealed that any of the allegations made in these posts about the four witnesses identified in Sac County Prosecutor’s affidavit contained false statements of fact, the false facts would be redacted.  As part of our investigation, we reached out multiple times to the author of the posts requesting verification.  The author has not cooperated multiple requests for verification. We are now removing statements in these posts that are negative about the four witnesses and that we do not have evidence to verify. We have not limited our redactions to just statements that we could confirm were false.   

  • Reported By:
    Silenced in Storm Lake — Storm Lake Iowa United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 06, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 06, 2015
*General Comment: Agree *Consumer Comment: Dana Larsen and Michael Roberts Members of the Same Christian Fundamentalist Cult *UPDATE Employee: The Dark SIde of the Storm Lake Pilot and Sac County Attorney Ben Smith *UPDATE Employee: 60 Minutes Australia Pays Michael Roberts for Story \ Michael Roberts Offered $2500 Cash For My Husband To Lie to 60 Minutes *Consumer Comment: Shame Storm Lake Pilot \ Killing Story of Michael Roberts Trying To Bribe People to Lie to 60 Minutes Australia/ Dana Larsen Continues To Lie For His Friend Michael Roberts and Sac County Prosecutor Ben Smith *General Comment: Why? *Consumer Comment: irrational personal vendettas by borderline (if not over the border) monkeys *General Comment: new evidence *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Silly Wabbit *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Sorry *Consumer Comment: case closed *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Crazy *Consumer Suggestion: New Evidence Provided To The Storm Lake Pilot in 2011, Cannot Be Presented Until AFTER the "Direct Appeal" is Exhausted Which Could Take Years. *Consumer Comment: case closed *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Sac County Attorney Ben Smith - sworn affidavit states Ben Smith became belligerent and tried to intimidate and threaten Former Prosecutor to Suppress Exculpatory evidence in Tracey Richter Tria *UPDATE Employee: Direct Appeals Only Cover The Original Court Record *UPDATE Employee: Dana Larsen and the Storm Lake Pilot our Polictical Whores to Get Promised Scoops *General Comment: Bail *Consumer Comment: not quite *Consumer Comment: sad little boys *UPDATE Employee: Another controversial story sanitized by Storm Lake Pilot *General Comment: ToXiCoFfFEnDer *UPDATE Employee: Sac County Sheriff Ken McClure, was warned about murder suspects behavior in jail *Consumer Comment: I wonder *Consumer Comment: By the way spanky *Consumer Comment: wow *General Comment: Key prosecution witness in Tracey Richter murder trial was (((REDACTED))) and michael roberts

Storm Lake is a small town, the citizens should be respected with updates on a weekly basis; on controversial stories as would be handled in a larger city. To ignore and dismiss the citizens' concerns and questions is arrogant and insulting.

One of my parents worked for the Storm Lake Pilot Tribune and we heard nightly how issues of political corruption were ignored or swept under the rug as directed by the Editor. The latest but certainly not the last is the wrongful conviction of Tracey Richter.

My BFF lives in Early, everyone knew the truth of the murder. And, we have tried to comment, but have been ignored or content has been deleted. We have had other stories ignored as well. We're waiting and we aren't forgetting or losing interest! 

27 Updates & Rebuttals




#28Consumer Comment

Sun, February 03, 2013

Just read the report on you. Wow.

Shared Victims?

United States of America

Key prosecution witness in Tracey Richter murder trial was (((REDACTED))) and michael roberts

#28General Comment

Sat, January 26, 2013

Stop the presses. Whoaa public records search shows key prosecution witnesses at the Tracey Richter trial were (((REDACTED))), (((REDACTED))). And yes, its authentic, and in publishable format. Let's look at the public record search of the key witness in the trial, since you won't be able to read about it in Sac County.

Dr. John Pitman's Pattern of Practice

There is a definite pattern here. Pitman (((REDACTED))) The United States Army Reserve/Rank Cornel must be very proud.


(((REDACTED)))(((REDACTED))). Reports that (((REDACTED))) Michael Roberts (((REDACTED))) no laughing matter.Stay tuned



By the way spanky

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, January 25, 2013

That link you claim people are venting about the sheriff and the prosecutor? All I see is people calling out the state for releasing him.

You know whats hilarious? People like you have made a joke of this site to the extent where i doubt any actual business reveiwed here has lost a dime because of a report here. I even went so far as to contact a few, they laughed. The Sac County Attorney's office gets a chuckle out of it. That's probably part of what drives you too such silly extremes, they laughed at you. Well they still are.



I wonder

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2013

How long it took for your girlfriend to become someones toy in prison.

Black Hawk Lake

United States of America

Sac County Sheriff Ken McClure, was warned about murder suspects behavior in jail

#28UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 18, 2013

Dana Larsen sits in his undies eating his Pop Tarts as he writes the Storm Lake Pilot. Nobody buys the paper anymore. Get away from the leftist Pilot and see what the real media reported

Then see real residents of Sac County vent about what a dumbasses we have running Sac County. Versus all the anonymous coward on here that claim they lives in Story County.


United States of America


#28General Comment

Wed, January 16, 2013

I just want to thank you for your responses. They always bring a smile to my face but today they actually made me laugh. I can't remember when I laughed this hard. Thanks again Keep it up. I  am looking forward to your response on this. Don't let me down.  I'm sure I am not the only one who's life you brighten with your stupidity.

Sac County Corruption

United States of America

Another controversial story sanitized by Storm Lake Pilot

#28UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 16, 2013

The prison called the Sac County Sheriff for a reason, because they knew a person who coud harm women was going to be released in Sac County in the town of Early. Let's see the Sheriff could have warned Marilyn, and she would still be alive. NEWS FLASH - the prison warned Sac County Sheriff, he refused to act and within 72 hours the prisoner kills one women, kidnaps another, perhaps the Sheriff should have done a drive by in Early?



sad little boys

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

What exactly under the law could the sheriff have done? Nothing actually, that wouldn't bring a flurry of civil rights suits courtesy of the ICLU.

You're first issue is with the county that prosecuted him originally and only gave him five years. That charge originated from his plan to kidnap and rape a girl, but only got theft of an auto. Probably a hudge to blame as well. Hey, maybe your conspiracy is wider than you believed, better go check it out, get back to us with a report.



not quite

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

Levin was arrested originally on the kidnap, spent the night in jail and made a standard appearance before a magistrate, who set the bond at $20,000, The CA's office then had it bumped to $200,000 as they became in involved, and then to $1,000,000 as the murder charge was levied.

I notice your convicted murderer is still in prison, oh well, they have heat in prison and she gets fed, better than what some honest working people enjoy.


United States of America


#28General Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

I find it interesting or better yet disturbing that Ben Smith would only be asking for $20,000 bail for a man who killed his mother, kidnapped a woman with the intention of raping her and possibly killing her  and yet he fought in court for a $1million bail for a woman who shot an intruder while protectiong her family.

Sac County Corruption

United States of America

Dana Larsen and the Storm Lake Pilot our Polictical Whores to Get Promised Scoops

#28UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 15, 2013

The Tracey Richter cover-up and Dana Larsens religious connections with Smith and Roberts is old news. Currently, we have been silenced by Sac County politics.

Other verified police sources state Sac County Sheriff Ken McClure was WARNED and took NO action about the release of a prisoner who murdered his mother and kidnapped another woman with plans of raping her within hours of getting out of prison on New Year's Day.

Dana Larsen, as is his policy santized Sheriff McClure in his version of the story (read story) and only after national scooped the truth did he allow another reporter to in a benign way cover the actual facts of what led to the murder of a resident of Early, the Sheriff's refusal to act.

Cross Roads Cafe

United States of America

Direct Appeals Only Cover The Original Court Record

#28UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 13, 2013

Dear Toxic Offender:

Evidently, you cannot read or simply do not understand the law. The Prosecutorial Misconduct, Spoiliation of Evidence, Witness Tampering cannot be brought forth until after the 'Direct Appeal' is completed.  

Toxic Offender wrote: "the defense attorney decided to ignore it all and attack the evidence the jury saw. Interesting."

Huh? What Defense Attorney, this is a Direct Appeal, and if you read a real newspaper, you would see if was handled by a public defender.Trust me, Sac County will soon be paying for a new trial. You just can't make this kind of stuff up. Well, you can - Toxic Offender can, and does, apparently.

And what's all this stuff about this Tracey Richters defense attorneys making big bucks? Toxic Offender once again has her facts wrong. A public defender is not paid by the family or Tracey Richter. Toxic Offender, you need to do your homework and read the published decisions in these case matters.


United States of America

case closed

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2013

So, despite all this evidence you've dug up you claim is true and factual, the defense attorney decided to ignore it all and attack the evidence the jury saw. Interesting.

Hate to burst your bubble, but she'll get the same result in the Iowa Supreme Court. She was a fool to go with a jury trial to begin with, best she could have hoped for was a hung jury.

But as I said, you posts make for very entertaining reading, I suggest you take some writing classes to clean up your somewhat disconnected rambling style into more cohesive flow and you could be looking at a whole new career.

Just don;t expect it to launch on thise case, it;s done, dead, over, life is life, maybe the next democrat governor will consider a commutation if she can get the feminazis rolling but i don;t see much chance of that.

In Iowa, outside of her circle of friends, the genral consensus is justice was served, the courts agree so far.

Bet her lawyers making the bucks though.

Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

New Evidence Provided To The Storm Lake Pilot in 2011, Cannot Be Presented Until AFTER the "Direct Appeal" is Exhausted Which Could Take Years.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 10, 2013

Richter's fiance, Russell Schertz, stated,the family is "disappointed" in the court's decision.  He says the family has "faith in God and the justice system that eventually this wrong will be set right."But, Schertz admits the decision will cost Richter, and her family, "years that they cannot get back."Richter's appeal was what's called a "direct appeal", which means it could only include evidence in the court record from the trial.  But, Schertz says he's uncovering new information about "prosecutorial misconduct and witness tampering" that he thinks should allow for a new trial in the future.For now, Schertz says the family will file an appeal with the Iowa Supreme Court in the next 20 days.

The links below are only a small sampling of the new evidence which will be presented to garner a new trial in the event the direct appeal, is not granted.


United States of America


#28REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 10, 2013

Need I say more?


United States of America

case closed

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2013

As I predicted, you're a coward, you have no integrity. You have nothing left to say that anyone need consider. Hopefully the mental health system in the United states will be better funded and people like you will finally be able to get the help they so desperately need.

Freedom of Press

United States of America

Sac County Attorney Ben Smith - sworn affidavit states Ben Smith became belligerent and tried to intimidate and threaten Former Prosecutor to Suppress Exculpatory evidence in Tracey Richter Tria

#28REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 09, 2013

I never thought I would be writing this, especially here on this website Rip-off Report. I guess I am just like others I read about here. We all knew in Early that Mona Wehde was having multiple affairs, one with Michael Roberts and he late night in the Xellex office for 'Bible Study' and the other with another married man Jeremy Collins her uhh 'Delivery Man'.

Michael Roberts and Mona Wehde should be punished for his crimes. If I had heard this second had I would have never believed it.

The sworn affidavit that states Michael Roberts buddy and friend became

 and tried to "intimidate" and "threaten" Former Prosecutor to Suppress Exculpatory evidence at the Tracey Richter Trial. Cannot wait for this initial appeal to be denied, and then the new trial for Tracey Richter based on the new evidence...This Sac County board of supervisors will be happy with having to pay for a second trial? Me thinks wonder boy Ben Smith lied when he promised you all, that Sac County was 'off the hook' financially.


United States of America


#28REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 09, 2013

 Sorry, I forget there can be more then one idiot in the world. The baby talk threw me. And you own a company????? Hmm. I refuse to get in a pissing contest with someone that is mentally unstable. It just proves my point of the kind of people that believe she is guilty. Again I apologize for thinking you were Michael even though the two of you appear to be two peas in a pod.


United States of America

Silly Wabbit

#28REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 09, 2013

That's really precious, it think's I'm Michael Rpberts.

I tell you what, today is January 6th, 2012, it's 3:58PM.

You appear to be in Omaha, I'm in the Ames area.

I will meet you at the Polk County Courthouse in Des Moines, at the time of your choosing, along with a device that will allow me to log onto this account in your presence and do so. I will also bring my state issued identification, we can have a notary at the courthouse verify it if you wish.

You will then be given the opportunity to make even the slightest connection to any of the parties involved in this whole stupidity, and upon being unable to do so of course, you will present to me a cashiers check for $1000 made out to the charity of my choice. Or should you somehow be able to draw any actual connection between myself and anyone involved, I will present to you the same.

The administrators of this website may even want to follow through on this since I'm giving you an opportunity you to show you have any integrity at all and of course to prove your accusations against me true.

Somehow I don;t see you taking me up on the offer, can;t wait to see your excuse.


United States of America

new evidence

#28General Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013

Well Michael, as anyone of intellegence should know, Tracey's attorney was only allowed to bring in what was in the trial. She was not allowed to bring in any new evidence at this time.  Just because she lost her 1st appeal does not mean she is quilty. It just shows she did not have a good attorney the first time around. If you had nothing to do with it why did Ben Smith have you in hidding?????? What were you and him afraid of? 


United States of America

irrational personal vendettas by borderline (if not over the border) monkeys

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013

Richters conviction by a jury of her peers was upheld, by an impartial appeals court, and oddly, for all the evidence these paranoid trolls give, none of it was admitted into court by her attorneys as new evidence from what the record shows, nor was any attempt made to do so.

There is however ample evidence of the personal vendetta some have. I encourage everyone to read the whole affair, outside of the poor murder victim, it's hilarious


United States of America


#28General Comment

Tue, November 27, 2012

Why had you kept quite so long? Why have you allowed and innocent woman to go to prison for a crime she did not commit From what I am reading, you are basically saying he raped you. Yet you are allowing him to mentally rape his children day after day after day and you feel no remorse.  Is this why he has sent his son away and has only kept his daughter? He can not trust himself around a young boy? I find it disgusting that  there are so many people out there who have infomation proving Tracey's innocence but refuse to come forward because they say they fear for their safety.Stop  being intimidated and stand up for yourself. Remember you are the one who holds all the cards. You are the one who can make it stop. You are the one who has to live with himself.

Lijit Hacking

United States of America

Shame Storm Lake Pilot \ Killing Story of Michael Roberts Trying To Bribe People to Lie to 60 Minutes Australia/ Dana Larsen Continues To Lie For His Friend Michael Roberts and Sac County Prosecutor Ben Smith

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, November 23, 2012

Urgent - Read This Report First

The Editor of the Storm Lake Pilot continues to cover up for his good friend Michael Roberts and Ben Smith Sac County Prosecutor. The Storm Lake Pilot was tipped of to Michael Roberts attempts to bribe people to go on camera for 60 Minutes Australia, but refused to report the story. The story linked abovet shows that Michael Roberts found a new Dustin Wehde whom he was mentoring. Roberts had this young man plotting an willing to kill a man who had taken in both Roberts and this young man who were homeless at the time. How is it that the Storm Lake Pilot ignores the truth about Michael Roberts?

Agent Smith \ Mile2

United States of America

60 Minutes Australia Pays Michael Roberts for Story \ Michael Roberts Offered $2500 Cash For My Husband To Lie to 60 Minutes

#28UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2012

Michael Roberts has lied about everything. He lied to get media coverage, that why I wrote articles in his defense, I bought his bull. And he's lied about everything, he hasn't told the truth on anything. And he's been bullshitting the media.

Why do you think DateLine NBC after spending months here in town pulled all the video's of the Tracey Richter case?

60 Minutes has been in town for the last week, and Michael Roberts offered $2,500 to my husband to lie on camera to them. Worse, Michael Roberts claims 60 Minutes, paid his over $35,000 for his story. Meanwhile, Michael Roberts and Ben Smith's good friend Dana Larsen makes certain nobody mentions a word of this at the Storm Lake Pilot.

Michael Roberts failed his only official polygraph test (he did pay for 3 private polygraphs after be found to be 99% deceptive on the official polygraph) Click Here and go to page 7 and read the interview given after Michael Roberts failed his polygraph.

It is sad that the truth is being silenced, bribes are offered for people to lie on camera. The one thing I can say is at least to my knowledge the Storm Lake Pilot Tribune has not gone to the depths of 60 Minutes.

Smith Family Values

United States of America

The Dark SIde of the Storm Lake Pilot and Sac County Attorney Ben Smith

#28UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 16, 2012


Your friend has an ex-wife who he use to routinely beat. And to punish her further, he refuses to pau child support and is found in contempt of court twice for non-payment. Your friend also owes $50,000 in attorney fees to his ex-wife and had been placed on the child abuse registry for beating his kids.

Your friend is a computer wiz and help you get elected, plus he goes to church with the owner of the local newspaper (Storm Lake Pilot). Once elected, your friend then charges the ex-wife with murder for a 10 year old case. Prior to the trial, you make comments to poison the jury pool. The comments are placed in the newspaper an obvious ethics violation, however, I scratch your back, and you scratch mine :)

The owner of the Storm Lake Pilot uses his influence and makes the comments which poisoned the jury disappear from the online versions of the newspaper.

Ben Smith, Michael Roberts and Dan Larsen continue the trifecta of fraud. But, I read elsewhere that Google was sent a letter by Roberts \ Smith trying to suppress additional information. That letter is available now online, and soon so will the vanishing information from the Storm Lake Pilot.


United States of America

Dana Larsen and Michael Roberts Members of the Same Christian Fundamentalist Cult

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, October 14, 2012

I tried to comment on the Storm Lake Pilot Tribune online features, and if I wrote anything negative about Ben Smith or Michael Roberts, they were removed.

I tried to write prior to the Tracey Richter trial and after that I knew of another young man (my sisters brother) whom was being manipulated to kill for Michael Roberts to protect his business interest, and that in February 2011, Darren Meade was trying to warn this other man that Roberts was manipulating him, as I shared, all my comments were deleted.

Just to see, I posted a few negative comments about Tracey Richter, and all of those were allowed, their is a definite bias and no freedom of speech.


United States of America


#28General Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

I have also contacted the Storm Lake Pilot with information regarding this case and Mr. Larsen told me he was no longer interested in the case yet one week later he printed, on the front page no less, false information. Let's just take a guess were he got the information from. I truly believe Tracey was tried and convicted by the media. There was no way the jury did not read a newspaper, listen to the news or look her up on the internet during the trial. I truly believe that if the jury was sequestered, Tracey would not be in prison today.

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