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  • Report:  #21702

Complaint Review: Suburban Nissan Volkswagen

Suburban Nissan Volkswagen ripoff Troy Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Detroit MI
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 29, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 29, 2002
  • Suburban Nissan Volkswagen
    1800 Maplelawn
    Troy, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:

For Headquarters of Volkswagen of America

You know its amazing when new things are introduce in a person life. A attachment of excitement becomes apart of you. When it is something that strikes your attention. Time spent along allows you to learn more about its character. Just when you get close to learningsomething goes wrong.

Beauty. Flawless on the outside yet inside hides so many secrets. Looks are what people fall victims of each and everyday. If only life was like test driving a car when choosing your mate. To see the other side to know whether it is something you want to commence yourself to. Choosing your mate is like choosing your car. Things can go wrong.

Asking questions does not mean you're going to get a straight answer. If you do they are probably just a line to get you.

On April 11.02 I purchase a bright blue Turbo-Super Charge Volkswagen Beetle. Later that Thursday evening I went out of town with it. Not quite out of Ohio the engine light comes on . Going to a gas station to get some gas and to look under the hood to see if everything was alright. The engine appearance look to be fine. Yet, there was a little unstableness which cause the engine to shake, but seem to be o.k. Continuing on my journeyI had finally made it to the border of Pennsylvania . Something was wrong.
The car had begun to run rough the engine and engine was shaking very badly. There was nothing that I could do. I had no manual so I didn't know whether it was low on Anti-Freeze or low on oil.

There was nothing that I could do I had a cell phone but there was no signals at all picking up for my phone. So, all that I could do was wait which was about 20 minutes. Hoping, that I would make it to Philly okay. I figure sitting for a while the engine light would stop flashing. But, it continue sometimes it would stop flashing but it would stay on. My reason for going to Philly was to check out a school. The Art Institute. I had an appointment for 1pm there. So, when I did manage to get a signal I call to let them know that I was having trouble with a car that I had just purchase. I also ask whether there was a VW Dealership that was in the city so that I could have them to take a look for me. I finally made it to Philly around 5pm I notice also that there was a strong suffer smell.

That Saturday around 1pm I found a VW Dealer. When I took it in for them to inspect it. The first thing that was said was that you have a problem. Your emission is bad I smell a sulfur smell. Plus, there could be many other different reason as to why this engine light has come on.

This car you can clearly tell has a lot of aftermarket parts on it. Then you put them on yourself? I told him no. That the car was purchase with all of these things. He later on says that it should not have been sold then. I ask whether it would be safe to drive it back to Detroit and he said yes. But, as soon as I get back to the city take it right back. That is exactly what I did.

I explain to the service mechanic what the problem was. I said that the engine light was flashing which eventually stop to where it just remain on. The car was running rough and it was idling very high. Plus a strong sulfer smell was coming from the exhaust. It was supposedly noted. Yet, things that were explain were not noted on the invoice. The day was 4.16.02 it was my only transportation that I had. 4.16.02 at 8am I waited. That very same day the car was also suppose to get detailed. Considering the car was filthy from the day I had driven it off the lot. From 8am to 1pm I waited. I was then told that the car would have to stay with the service dept. I had ask for a car to drive back home. I was giving a Dodge Intrepid which stalled when you got to 65 to 70 mph. Even at a cross road it stalled on me in the middle of traffic. Its was very warm between the week I had it and the A/C went out. When it reach a certain speed.

So, back that went and receive an nasty attitude from Rob Adair. So, he gave me a Jeep Cherokee. Which Idle very loudly and pulled to the side. I took it back and was given a Ford Focus ZX3. I got lucky since for the time that I had it nothing appear to be wrong with that. Yet, each and every car that was given to me was on empty.
Finally I received my car back on April 29.02. But, the next day the engine light came back on. May 1st 02. My car was back to the dealer again. I explain to them that the engine light had came on again. Plus, I smell a sweet Anti-freeze smell coming from the exhaust.

At, this point I am fed up. I demand for my money back. The answer was no way. The car is yours no questions you're stuck with it. I say fine then give me my down payment back. For the headache and stress that this has caused me. I could have been stranded I didn't know anyone when I went out of town I took the turnpike anything could have happen. I had no manual you guys sent out with a filthy car. The only thing that anyone cares about it money. Screw over anyone as long as I get the money. Money, has no problems, but you on the other hand do.

Bob Morris (General Sales Manager)

He tells me Wendy, we're fixing your car free of charge. We have also provide you with VW transportation until we find out what the problem with your car.

I tell him that I should only be back at the dealership for only an oil change. Not this soon should I be having problems with the vehicle. He looks at me and say I understand that you're upset but, that is why we have warranty's. On New and Used Vehicles. I explain to him that I could have been stranded on a highway not knowing anyone. On the Turnpike. And all you can do is explain to me that this is the reason why we have warranties on cars. But, you were notthat is what you should be thankful for

I tell him you just don't get it and even if you did you still would not agree with me. Because to you it is that you are right I am wrong. You look at me and see a female you assume don't know anything about cars.

I also tell him and the service mechanics tat the shifter is sticking but, that did not get any attention either. So, May 16.02 I get my car back for a second time.

Bob Campbell (Manager over the Service department)

I speak with him before I speak with Bob Morris. He talks to me about the problems that I was currently having with the vehicle. I tell him everything. Then I ask him whether or not there had been any other problem with the car and he doesn't say anything. Except for that in which I have complainted to the about. So, I mention to him that I knew about the recalls that were on the 99 new beetles for emission problems. He then sayoh yea..well that problems was fixed and it doesn't necessary mean that it applied to your car.

Hmmmok so I mention to him about the history on the car. Something which I ask for in the beginning before I even decide to become involve with the vehicle. Oh there is nothing wrong with this car. Runs like new. I had test drove it and it drove perfectly fine until later. Its front begin to lower and its true character was beginning to show. I say to him you know it funny because I luck up on the papers of the previous owners. Guess, what? I was told that there were nothing but problems with this car when they first purchase it. That the transmission had to be replace twice, clutch 3 times.

Yet, you never once mention any of these things. A air pressure booster was installed for the cool air intake. Bigger manifolds louder exhausts were also added. Yet, none of these items where mention on the invoice. For the purchaser to review before buying. Then from one of your so-call knights had the audacity to tell methat we have just drop a good 1500 to 2000 dollars on your vehicle removing parts that should not been installed in the first place.

Legally, we don't have to do this but morally we're going to do this just for you Ooh I guess I should be honor. Huh! Don't give me that bull crap about legally and morally. You should have never presented the vehicle out on the market for sale if you knew that it did not live up to Volkswagen standards. Every item that is on this car is aftermarket. Presented to the buyer like nothing was even wrong with it.

Rob Adair was this guy's name. Rob made it sound like I put these items on the car and decided to come an complain about the trouble that it was given me after doing so. No! I don't thinks so. This problem is not my fault. This was a bombshell waiting to explode. You can not tell me that they did not know what was wrong with this car before I purchase it.

I had to pay the first car note, on a vehicle that I didn't even get have. I dealt with attitudes and other faulty vehicles. I write this to you because I have been treated unfairly. This was my first new car. Even though it was used it was still my first new car. Unlike some things this I am hoping that this problem can be fixed.

I feel that why should I have to pay a car note on a vehicle that is obvious given me problems and will continue to do so down the road while paying for an extended warranty. It has already proven that from the very first beginning. I really like the vehicle but nothing is worth the headache in which it has caused me already. From the nasty attitudes from the sales manager, to the service mechanic Greg Methot.

From the stress of knowing that could have been stranded, to not having a car that I so desired to have taken away again by the service department. When everything thing should have been tested from the start for problems. It is obvious that the asking price for the car is going to exceed to cost it will cost me to have fixed when even the extended warranty is up.

I am a college student. My life like many others is stressful enough. I don't need more stress. Having to worry about paying a note and having it fixed at the same time. No way! I want out! I can take my money somewhere else. I am a paying customer and should be treated with respect. The respect that I did receive was very little. Give me back my money! Plus Interest! And you may have your vehicle back. It almost make you not want to deal Volkswagens at all. Since the last car that was given to me finally was a VW New Beetle but there was something wrong with that as well.

Buying a vehicle from the Suburban Nissan-Volkswagen in Troy, MI. Tells me to never purchase anything again from them. Every vehicle which was given had nothing but problems with it. All except for the Ford Focus ZX3 which is an understatement. Then if you don't want to do that then. Give me back my down payment and cut half off the asking price. I'm having problems with the car as I type the gears are sticking and shifting it in 2nd it lugs. Not to mention the steering has the shimmies. Like I've said before I type again this car is an headache. Fix one problem something else occurs. The people in the service department in Troy are tired of looking at the car as much I am tired of seeing there faces.

I've mention these problems to them yet my complaints go unheeded. Which is why I say they do not take me serious at all. I know the law and I type you this letter hoping that you will take some sort of action before I have to make this a public matter. Please do right by me. As I have done for you.

A Paying Customer,

Detroit, Mississippi

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