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  • Report:  #1520447

Complaint Review: Sunrise Ranch

Sunrise Ranch Discriminate against my kind Loveland Colorado

  • Reported By:
    real — Colorado United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 12, 2022
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 13, 2022

The Sunrise Ranch community claims on their website, "humanity as a whole has stepped out of that natural order by a lack of acknowledgment and respect for the rest of Creation and for the Beingness of all things. We believe that we thrive as human beings when we acknowledge Universal Being in all of nature, in other people and in ourselves. 

True sustainability springs from these simple truths. And while we describe them as what we believe, we know that enlightened people around the world understand these same truths in their own way.  Our approach to sustainability at Sunrise Ranch is to seek to follow the natural order in all things". 

However, Sunrise Ranch is part of the evil that is killing this planet. I offer to teach a class and stay with their community for a while, as they advertised on their website, however, they did not want my kind there.  All they cared about was how much money they can make off of me. 

They wanted $83/day to simply camp there with electric and showers.  That's $2500/month to JUST camp there.  THat is  pure, unadulterated greed.  Greed is what is destroying this world and yet that is that all they care about.  I told them my story what I was interested in, and they didn't even acknowledge any part of my email at all, and yet just tried to make money off of me by selling me insanely overpriced service that I never expressed any interest in. 

This company offers to hold classes, workshops, and other teaching events, yet they discriminated against me because I don't have money and wasn't offering them any.  I'm technically, a prophet of God, capable of doing all that Jesus did, and was willing to back that up by teaching, and their reponse was to reject that.  The reason why is because their teacher is a fraud as most spiritual teachers/leaders are.  The way in which a satanic cult protects itself is to discriminate against those who know real truth, as I do. 

I explained in email that America is a slave nation.  If you don't do the will of greedy, money making people, you are exiled and tortured, even murdered by poverty.  That is a real thing in America, and it's perpetrated by millions. 

As the bible says that if you don't put on the mark of the beast you will not be able to buy/sell, etc, and this is exactly what I experienced in Sunrise, not being able to do what they do, physically, meaning teach, unless I have the mark of the beast.  I don't wear the mark of the beast, and so I was not welcome at the greedy, money loving, money grubbing Sunrise Ranch.


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