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  • Report:  #17936

Complaint Review: suny upstate hospital

Suny Upstate Hospital the hospital imposses a surcharge, consumer rip-off of 35 dollars ripoff if you use the ER after 12am Syracuse New York

  • Reported By:
    syracuse New York
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 01, 2002
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 01, 2002
  • suny upstate hospital
    460 e adams street syracuse ny 13210
    syracuse, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

l recieved a copy of an ER bill that was sent to my insurance company, and on this bill was an amount that just said "surcharge" my insurance di not pay it because as military they have agreements with the hospital about such "charges" but the average citizen is going to get billed this amount just because it is there misfortune to become ill or injured after midnight, this is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

I know individually $35 is not a lot, but if you add all the visit's up, they must be cleaning up, when l called billing to ask about what the charge is for, they say "oh well differant programs the hospital funds!!!!!! and what do you care with military insurance you do not have to pay it anyway" but people are getting ripped off hear, because l called several insurance companys don't pay it either, and they end up chargeing it back to their people in the co-pays!!!!!!!!!!! thank you,

Syracuse, New York

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