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  • Report:  #308876

Complaint Review: Superior Telemarketing

Superior Telemarketing Another Victim Brooklyn New York

  • Reported By:
    Plainville Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 14, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 16, 2008
  • Superior Telemarketing
    Brooklyn, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I wish I was familiar with this site 3 weeks ago when I decided to engage Superior Telemarketing in a campaign to contact golf courses throughout the United States to assist in organizing an event that would help support the National Breast Cancer Foundation. In my 10+ years of developing various businesses, she is easily one of the most reprehensible people I have ever had to deal with.

From her guarantees to her companies performance, they are a complete fraud. I was "guaranteed" 25 calls per day - they averaged about 12. Of those 12, most were either busy, disconnected, or hang-ups. While that is not their fault, what it does mean is most calls should have taken less than a minute - and they could only make 12 an hour??!!

Much like the other complaints on this site, I was told my project could be rushed - it took nearly two weeks. I was told I would have two full time callers - I did not. In fact, in 5 days of calling they "billed" me for 29 hours (although the production suggests they actually spent about half as many hours on my account). They not only conferred no benefit to my company, but they have cost me thousands of dollars in time to re-do their work, wasted man-hours because we do not have the lists we were expecting, and attempts to get a refund.

After going back and forth on my dissatisfaction and demands for a refund, Carisa offered to return a portion of my money, only after reducing my $4,400 by 29 hours at $28/hr (notwithstanding the fact that the published rate on the website is $18/hr for under 40 hours), and I would have it in "30 days". After reading the complaint from Tim, I naturally declined her generous offer, as I am quite confident 30 days will turn into months, and there is no way I would agree to pay $28/hr, when I was double-billed to begin with, and the work-product was an atrocity.

It appears that a lawsuit is inevitable. I would welcome any supporting information from the people that have responded to this site previously. While I intend to get every nickle I am entitled to from this woman, I will also expose her and her company for what they are. I have filed a complaint with the FL Attorney General, and I am sure he would be very interested on any information people can provide on her fraudulent inducement tactics, her policy for double billing (that would make a nice class-action), or any other illicit tactics she may employ (perhaps unauthorized recording of conversations, which is a federal offense).

I can be reached at, and I look forward to hearing from you. One caveat: Everything I alleged herein is completely accurate and can be backed by empirical evidence. My intent is not to defame Ms. Sanders or Superior Telemarketing; but rather bring to light the true nature of her company. Accordingly, I would prefer substantiated information to mere name-calling and innuendo.

In response to this, I expect a blanket denial from Carisa, along with further accusations that I am unstable and unprofessional (similar to her description of Tim in the earlier blog). I will admit to being emotionally charged, which I believe is the typical human reaction when you are dealing with a person who is blatantly defrauding you of over $4,000. I am not sure what reaction she expects from her victims.

If nothing else, I hope this prevents someone from making the same mistake I did. One last note - she tends to change her name frequently, so make sure you do not end up with the same company under a different name.

Matt, massachusetts
Plainville, Massachusetts

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

In addition

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 16, 2008

I want to mention as well. I also assured you that at the end of your hours if you did not have 25 dials pr hour no matter how many hours I had to add I would be sure you had that myself. I understood you purchased under the 25 calls per hour promotion as this is not what is advertised as a regular number it wsa a sale and I explained each account is different and each call is different this is real lead generation not just a script read and you would at the end have 25 dials per hr and I would see to it. You became outraged and told me no.

In terms of owning additional companies it is not illegal to own multiple businesses. I have 1 other company and it is not active nor has it ever been. It simply sits there until I want to make it active. My current company keeps me busy enough. However my name is on it as the owner so it is no secret. So I am not sure where your information there has come from.

In terms of changing my name, yes I most certainly did 1 time in 13 years. In fact it is NOT a secret, it is a fact we sent letters to all our clients, it is a fact sir I am still on as the owner. My old web site forwards to the new one. If I was
Hiding it and I have no reason to I would have shut it off.

It is a fact I changed the company name due to advertising purposes my name is not what comes to mind when someone needs telemarketing and will type into a search engine however, telemarketing is something they would type in "THUS" the name change. It has helped enormously.

I simply wanted to address those ridiculous comments and accusations. Thank you.


New York,

Reply to Forbes Sports Inc. / Matt Forbes

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 16, 2008

First of all I would like to start by saying the way we handle situations at Superior Telemarketing is professional and always keeping the client's needs in mind. In taking your account public in this manner I will reply in the same. First I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you as I will continue to try and resolve this matter so the end result will be fair and satisfactory.

Your account status is as follows:

Account opened 1/25/2008: After your check cleared (2 weeks later, as the order form states your check MUST clear first before we start actually making the calls.) your account began on 2/4/2008 and had calling days on the following:

2/4/2008 4 1
2/5/2008 3 1
2/6/2008 15 4
2/7/2008 4 1
2/11/2008 2 1
2/12/2008 1 1
2/13/2008 5 2

While your check was clearing, you spent time with the new account set up dept getting your details together for your script and list. Your script and list were completed and approved by you with your signature on an approval form. Then your calls began.

Your account results came back as 13 dials pr hour and you had 9 actual phone appointments (per your request that is what you wanted generated). You were then not happy with the fact you only had 13 dials pr hour and your project manager explained to you that your caller is actually having conversation with prospects and this is how leads are being generated and the dials are lower on accounts that generate a large # of leads. You told her she was worthless and you were not interested in speaking with her and then she referred the call to me in tears. I then spoke to you and was not able to get a word in while you screamed at me about how we are ripping you off. As soon as I could get a word in I apologized and told you what I can do is have the caller not enter your lead details on a lead form and simply have the information inputted into your database thus speeding up the calls per hour. I asked you if the leads are called right back and you told me NO they are not I can get them all in one batch that is fine. You then told me the phone appt was not necessary and wanted simple information instead of spending so much time with each person. I said OK, I Asked you if you would like to Listen Live to the telemarketers making the calls so you will know we are making the calls for the period of time we are making them you said NO so I began executing your request by changing the script immediately and retraining your caller's with the new script and directions. I thought and hoped this would have been a resolution. Your leads began to be generated. Your leads began to be uploaded into your database.

You called out office back again, and spoke with your project manager. You expressed concern that your account only had 1 caller on it. Your project manager explained your caller was out sick and your account was already sensitive and we did not want to put a telemarketer on your account that was not able to be on your conference calls and trained by you. Your project manager explained that we can put a new caller on your account and train them ourselves without having been on the training call you personally, you said that was fine it is very simple to generate leads and thus the issue was solved. The next day you had 4 callers not your 2 callers paid for to make up for the inconvenience as I spent time with them myself training them on the account to make sure you were satisfied.

Then I came in the next day and to my disappointment and Lord knows I wanted to just run away but your new telemarketer I just trained called out. I was furious on my end but what can I do shoot them. I can't, I have to handle it. I have 60 telemarketers on staff to be exact and I could not figure out for the life of me how these girls kept calling in. But again, I had to deal with it. You called me before I had a chance to call you. Again you began screaming and yelling at me about how I am a rip off and incompetent how I could not be a Christian and how can I call myself a Christian I apologized again and accepted it as at this point I felt that way anyhow. You hung up on me.

I then got a letter in my email not 5 minutes later telling me how incompetent I was and how bad you are and how I messed with the wrong person. How you will defile my name any where any every where you can. You demanded a refund.
I replied I apologize (as you have the email)
I said I would simply charge you 29 hours for the calls made and the 20+ leads that were produced for you and refund you the remaining amount. I closed the account and began to execute the refund.

You replied furious that I was charging you $28hr for 29 hours and that is a regular price. You purchased 610 hours and if you had used 500 hours I would have charged you 500 hours at the rate and refunded the rest. You said now you don't want part of it back since it is not the amount you decided on and wanted the entire amount in full. Then you sent me about 12 emails harassing me and telling me how horrible I am and how I messed again with the wrong person and you would get me and sue me etc. etc. FINALLY one of them was a letter from your attorney sent to me by you as an attachment. To me this meant I now have a go between so that a solution for you can be achieved. At this point it is in litigation and it will proceed from there. Once again I apologize it had to get this far.

AS the account stands we did generate you 20 + leads in 29 hours with 13 dials pr hr. over a period of 7 days, and each call does take time when a REAL Lead is generated with a decision maker. Your account did start 2 weeks after your order was placed as it states on our order form as well.

I understand you had time restraints and I did everything in my power I could to comply with that, I cannot apologize enough for the issues I wish I could control, once you were not satisfied and requested a refund I complied as well. Nothing I did was satisfactory and at this point a mediator will make the final conclusion whether it is in court or agreement. Bottom line no matter how many hours were called my goal is generating leads and you had 20+ in 29 hours of calling! Thank you for your time.

Matt, massachusetts


Superior Telemarketing Another Victim Brooklyn New York

#4Author of original report

Thu, February 14, 2008

Just one minor correction to my initial posting to be factually accurate - Superior Telemarketing made 381 calls in 28 hours, or 13.6 per hour. I stated they were only making 12 per hour originally. Nevertheless, 13.6 is still well below the guarantee of 25.

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