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support online system, is a lie. A window suddenly appeared on my screen stating that I had dangerous virusues and had to clean them up immediately with this companies software. I selected a year's p, Internet invaded my computer and proceeded to make me think I had Trojan viruses which they would clean up for a software package fee. I was already having problems so I thought it a valid concern.
I selected a year's worth of protection. My Visa company called me later in the day to confirm this purchase and said the charged me a larger sum, their life time deal. I was already suspecting a problem whe their email did not say what I had actually bought and for how much.
I requested a refund and this is my latest reply:"Helo, We will refund your purchase if you think that the problem can not be resolved. Perhaps we could come to an optimal solution.
Could you please explain the reasons for your refund request and describe your attempts to activate the product. Thank you in advance. Regards, Regina Falangee Customer Support Representative"