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  • Report:  #1007247

Complaint Review: Susan Boyan

Susan Boyan Lied On The Stand In my Custody Case - I HAVE TAPES AND TRANSCRIPTS TO PROVE IT! I'm not Atlanta, Georgia

  • Reported By:
    MommyJ — Decatur Georgia United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 01, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 10, 2013
  • Susan Boyan
    1936 N. Druid Hills Rd. Suite A
    Atlanta, Georgia
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    404/315-7474 ext.1
  • Category:

I hired Susan Boyan as my daughter's play therapist in September of 2010, about a month after my daughter's father had spanked our daughter with a spatula, attacked his now ex-fiancee and got a restraining order issued against him.

I have Susan on tape referring to pictures of my daughter's private area after having been with her dad, as emotional abuse and neglect.  He wouldn't help her get up and go to the restroom at night, and so she would just lay there in her urine all night.  Susan went on to say that, "DFCS doesn't care about that kind of stuff."  I say, "but the court will."  And she says, "only if you have enough instances."  I go on to show her pictures over a period of at least one year, and at one point she gasps, and says, "that one is really red."  She goes on to instruct me as to how to present this evidence to the court, and the GAL in the case so they don't say I am taking inappropriate pictures.

In court, she states she never saw any pictures, and that if she had she would have told me that it was inappropriate.  She accused me of parental alienation.  Based only on that, the court gave primary custody of my only child, a little girl, to a man with a family violence restraining order against.  My child told her teacher about him spanking her with a spatula, and then she told me.  She saw what happened to his ex-fiancee, and then the court makes her go stay with her father MORE!  I will not rest until justice reigns down on that woman for subjecting my child to things she, or any child, should be subjected to.

She said lots of other inappropriate, unethical and potentially illegal things, but hopefully that will all come out if/when the Composite Board of the SOS investigates her.  I haven't submitted a complaint yet (though from looking online it would be hard to imagine someone else hasn't by now), because I've been too busy working full-time, filing a Motion for a New Trial (which was denied), and now writing a brief for my Appeal which was just docketed this week!  I will NOT give up for my daughter's sake, or for all of the other families she is ruining, and children whose faith she is shattering:-(


Amor Vincit Omnia

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Susan Boyan is a Menace (please note I am responding to the only person taking up for Susan Boyan). There are MANY other reports against her and elsewhere online

#3Author of original report

Sun, March 10, 2013

Please see the attached Nolle Prosequi in response to the Police Report attached to the Response to my original post about Susan Boyan.

Let me start by addressing the fact that the police report contains a critical error.  It states Ms. L stated she had been knocked down the stairs by Plaintiff.  That was not correct, what I said was that I was knocked down and kicked in the chest repeatedly by Mr. R.  When asked where this took place, I stated downstairs.  I didn't say he knocked me down the stairs.  Neither City of Decatur police nor DeKalb County police department bothered to looked at the bruising on my chest/abdomen which developed later.

Mr. R. refused to give the audio tapes (referred to in the police report) he used to frame Ms. L. to the police, because he knew if they heard the WHOLE tape, he could have been arrested for assault and perhaps obstruction of justice.  He only played the incriminating parts of me to the cops (all male by the way), not the part where you can hear me begging him to let us leave without signing anything, or the part where he knocked me flat on my back/head and was kicking me in the chest yelling, "stay down, stay down!".  Little did I know at the time, since we weren't married, I had sole custody in Georgia and could have just left:-(

I did in fact hit myself in the head with the phone as the report indicates.  Mr. R. had bruised my arm previously when I was pregnant (I also have him admitting this on tape and the GAL admits to not listening to tapes I gave her), grabbing me and refusing to let me leave.  I didn't have him arrested then, so I was pretty upset that he would dare call the police on me for a heated argument.  It was a stupid, desperate thing to do.  When you have been in an emotionally, physically and financially abusive relationship with someone and are trying to get out, you act in a desperate manner at times.

Mr. R tried to use these tapes to keep me under his thumb.  On the tapes, which I have a copy of, you can hear him telling me that if I pay him x amount of dollars he will let me and our daugther leave.  He had told me previously if I gave him close to $20,000 (which he knew I didn't have) he would just let us leave.

During our custody case, critical evidence was suppressed (the audio-tapes of Susan Boyan lying through he teeth and covering her posterior as a mandated reporter on the stand).  I filed a Motion for a New Trial which was denied, and just submitted an Appeal Brief as a pro se litigant.  Our legal system is not set up for those without resources.  I have been contacted by several people who say they think the other party paid Susan Boyan to do what she did to them.

Again, I have attached the dismissal form regarding these charges.  For any of you who have dealt with someone who is an anti-social, narcissist, you know how very charming, manipulative and willing to step on anyone to get what they want they can be.  He is VERY good at manipulating data/people, whereas I, as my attorney told the useless GAL in this case, am honest to a fault.  I have other faults, as all humans do, but unlike Mr. R, I acknowledge them and work hard to be the best mother and human being I can be.

If there is anything I can do to help ANYONE she has hurt, I will try.  I am in the process of drafting an ethics complaint against Ms. Boyan (not Dr. Boyan) with the composite board of the Secretary of States's office (that is who regulates licensing for therapists in Georgia), and when I do, I will post it, the audio tapes (if possible), and transcripts proving what she did to me and my daughter.  I am only one person though with a full-time job and limited resources, and have had to deal with writing the aforementioned Motion for New Trial, and then an Appellant Brief - not easy tasks for a lay person:-(

Susan Boyan messed with the wrong mom and daughter this time.  I will not rest until there is justice/peace for me and my daughter, and for everyone else she has harmed.  All in good time Boyan, all in good time.  The very sad thing is that myself, my daughter and all of those she has harmed, will never get back the time of our lives that she turned into a living h@ll.  Further, I know there must be people out there who were/are in even worse situations than me and my daughter, and because of Boyan's lies, those CHILDREN, were sent to live with their abusers and those parents (some fathers too I'm sure) were forced to either fight the system, or resign themselves to a life of wondering how things went so horribly wrong when they were simply trying to protect their children.

Again, I will not rest until justice is served upon this sorry excuse of a human being.  I hope you are reading this Susan Boyan.  You know who this is, and you know deep down what you've done and that indeed, you messed with the wrong mom and daughter this time.

Ask yourself this:  I have not been contacted by any attorneys representing Ms. Boyan.  You know why?  Because she knows truth is an absolute defense, and she knows the transcripts, along with my audio tapes prove she broke the law and that she failed to report neglect.

VERY IMPORANT:  I have been getting a little help from an organization in D.C. called DVLEAP.  Apparently this tact of using allegations of parental alienation against women and children who have made allegations of, and even have proof that there has been abuse, is becoming an epidemic in our legal system.  Don't forget though, YOU and only you are your and your child's best advocate.  NO ONE IN OUR SYSTEM WILL BE AS THOROUGH AS YOU ARE WHEN ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CHILD.  That was my experience anyway.  I used to work at a local law school and was told by my former boss, a former GAL herself, that you get the justice you can pay for.  Sadly, I am finding that is true.  Either that, or you have to be able to pull yourself out of the depths of where something like this takes you, and decide you are going to fight, with whatever means you have, for justice for your child/ren and yourself.  I have great friends, and a great therapist who have helped me through this very difficult time.

If you have specific questions/comments, please post them on here and I will try to answer any questions people may have about this unethical "service" provider.  If you are going through this, please contact the organization I referenced above.  How deeply I wish for peace and justice for those who have gone through what me and my daughter have/are going through, or heaven forbid worse:-(  Hang in there, know you are not alone, and that someone (me) will not give up until Susan Boyan is dealt with.  If we all get a s****.> Amor Vincit Omnia


United States of America

Don't Be Deceived. Here Is The REAL Truth.

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 10, 2013

I have personal knowledge of the person who filed this false report about Susan Boyan and the circumstances related to it.

Susan Boyan deals with families in high conflict where innocent children are involved. This is usually because one or both of the parents have mental health issues, personality disorders, or major dysfunctionalities that hinder their ability to work cooperatively for the benefit of the child.

Usually both parents are at fault to some degree, but in some cases, one parent exhibits such sociopathic and harmful behaviors that the child needs to be removed from excessive exposure to them, especially if the other parent demonstrates that they are fit.

So this means that by necessity, there is often a parent that loses custody of a child. Of course this is very traumatic for the parent loosing custody, and because they often have mental health issues, they often manufacture a version of reality that helps them cope with the loss.

Of the hundreds of families Susan Boyan sees each year, there are many such parents who are bitter and delusional. And seek to "blame" Susan, when it is their own abuse of the children and that leads to the outcome. It is a miracle that there are so few of these complaints, given the number of bitter parents that must be out there after losing a custody battle. Yet in the end, one parent always wins and one always looses, unless they are able to work  cooperatively as a team. Unfortunately, in about 20% of cases, as in this one, there is a parent that is unable to act responsibly and cooperatively with the other parent or in a manner that is focused on the child's best interests.

In the case of the woman who filed this false complaint about Susan Boyan, she was psychologically abusing her daughter, coaching, bribing, threatening, and manipulating the child to keep her abuse secret, engaging in sociopathic lies that were easily discovered, was attempting to manipulate a wide circle of medical personnel, teachers, and friends and has a history of domestic violence, drug abuse, mental instability and attempted suicide.  

As is often the case with people like this, ironically she actually tried to project these behaviors onto the other parent, and took great pains to fabricate a false picture about the other parent.   As a fascinating demonstration of the power of the psychological phenomenon of projection, virtually every allegation she made about the other parent was actually behavior she was or had engaged in.   Her accusations almost became a roadmap to discovering what she herself was doing to harm the child.  And careful investigation in almost every case revealed she herself was perpetrating the very things she was accusing the other parent of.   

Her attempt to portray the other parent in this case as violent serves as an example.  She involved herself in arranging a TPO against him, so she could make this claim, specifically to bolster her position in her custody case.  (In Georgia, if a woman claims she is fearful, then she pretty much gets a TPO, regardless of how groundless her claims of fear are, and even if there is no evidence of assault as was the case here, where the police noted that there were no visible marks or bruises, just the claim of assault).  

So, in conjunction with the Ex-Fiance, the claim began in the police report that the other parent had tried to hit her.  This was already a ridiculous fabrication.  But then, several months later, the claim became exaggerated in court documents that he had hit her.  And then with incredible boldness and seeming lack of concern that she could be penalized for perjury if the other party had wished to pursue it, the woman at issue here looked the judge in the eye and calmly stated that the other parent had bashed his ex-fiance in the head repeatedly with a baseball bat while she tried to crawl away.  This is classic sociopathic behavior --  the ability to tell outrageous lies with a completely straight face and no remorse. 

 Yet, from the attached police report (as reference above), you can see that she herself has a history of assault and family violence, which she is attempting to project onto the other parent.   Obviously the lies did not work in Court, but that has not stopped her from continuing this pattern.

She has a circle of friends and associates that she manipulates and presents with manufactured "evidence" designed to make it appear that she and/or her daughter are a victim, when in fact she is a sociopath that will stop at nothing to achieve her aims, regardless of the impact to her own daughter.  She in fact routinely victimizes others.

This false report is an attempt to victimize someone who she feels stands in her way. She does not mention that two other mental health professional's agreed with Susan Boyan and independently came to the same conclusion, without talking to Susan first, namely that custody should go to the other parent.  In addition, the other parent had multiple video tapes, audio recordings, police reports, and other independent evidence exposing her lies.

For example, she was so good at manipulating some people that when she was mandated to go to treatment for Anger Management after assaulting the other parent she twisted it around to the exact opposite -- that SHE had been the one assaulted. By claiming she was the victim, her therapist never talked to the other party (out of "fear of retaliation", ensuring that she would never see any of the evidence related to the story and realize that she was being manipulated.

In actuality, the person she assaulted, bent over backwards to convince the prosecutor to not press charges, and have all charges expunged, because he did not want his child to be without a mother for the duration of her prison term or have trouble getting a job due to a prison record.  She took the paperwork that the Prosecutor had to prepare to drop the case and waived it in front of her therapist, insisting that it proved that she was the victim and not the other way around.   

The attached police report narrative shows that when she assaulted the other parent and he called 911, she attempted to claim he had shoved her down a flight of stairs.  This lie was discovered because the whole incident was recorded and the police were given the recording.  When told there was a recording she had no choice but to admit that she had lied, as shown in the police report.  This is an example of her pathological lying documented by a completely independent source.  This illustrates how she has no compunction against trying paint a picture that is the exact opposite of the truth, even to the police or a judge.

The irony is that before retaining Susan Boyan, she herself found a report on this web site from another bitter parent and assumed it must be true and that Susan could be used as a "hired gun" to win her custody case. She had no ability to comprehend that bitter people lie and distort reality when they have suffered a loss and try to point the finger and blame anyone but themselves.  It is somewhat befitting that a woman who has engaged in so much deception and distortion of reality was herself deceived and duped into believing the picture painted by another sociopath who used this site to lash out at Susan Boyan.

So she actually selected Susan Boyan herself after reading these complaints, expecting to be able to pay Susan off to get an Expert Witness on her side and win her case. Unfortunately for her, Susan is actually a person of immense integrity who is all about the children's best interest. And Susan could not be used like that. It didn't take Susan long to get to the bottom of what was truly going on and act to protect the child.

So if you want someone who cannot be deceived or manipulated by people with BPD, NPD, and other disorders, and is truly focused on helping families and more importantly the children, Susan Boyan is your person.

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