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  • Report:  #913896

Complaint Review: Susan Freed

Susan Freed Susan J. Freed, Canton, Georgia Crazy Scammer Hacked into My Personal Accounts Canton Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Curtis — Marietta Georgia United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 18, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 24, 2021

I dated this subject romanitcally for approximately 8 weeks.  In the beginning she was very charming, witty and funny.  Very quickly, I began to feel uncomfortable because she had no regard for my personal space.  When I expressed "no" she would simply bypass this answer and ignore my thoughts.

She then informed me that she had performed a background check on me without my knowlege or consent.  She then informed me that she had genital herpes.  It was like a real psycho began to emerge.

I felt very uncomfortable in the relationship.  We broke up about 3 times over the course of dating.  When we finally broke up, she informed me that she had hacked into my facebook account and read every single email that I had.  She then began to accuse me of cheating on her, which of course was an absurd thought.

She told me that I was an idiot and when I told her that at least I was smart enough to not have herpes, she doused me with a glass of water and threw the glass and hit me in the head.  I left as quickly as I could and in leaving she ran outside and demanded the key to her home back. 

I threw it in reverse to high-tail it out of there at which point she ran up to my car and tried to rip the driver's side mirror off.  On my way out of there I started getting texts to return her key or she would call the police.

I returned in the morning with the police to retreive my personal property at her house at which point she said that I broke her lap top and was going to keep mine.  Fortunately the police forced her to comply.  She was muttering insults as I was leaving.

A week later I discovered that she had been continuning to hack into my facebook account, had changed the password on one of my email accounts, and had gone through my phone and contacted contacts.

When I changed my passwords, I began getting text messages indicating that I was a "loser" and "insecure" because I brought the police to retreive my belongings....This lady is absolutely bona fide psychotic and I continue to live in concern.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Beware Susan J Freed 2021

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 24, 2021

As a friend to a man who was involved romantically with Susan, I have seen first hand her threats, attacks and vile insults directed at him, and worse.   After reading these reports about Susan that span almost a decade, there is clearly a pattern of behavior here.  All of her relationships seem to end the same way.  First, her psychotic behavior, which she keeps hidden in the beginning of a new relationship, starts to become evident to the man to whom she is dating.  Then, the man tries to distance himself from her, and that is when the monster that is Susan Freed shows itself and the stalking begins. It's very clear since this has happened to several men over the course of at least a decade (that we know of) and that is why I'm posting this.  If this website and posts therin helps just one man avoid the nightmare of becoming a victim of Susan's psychotic behavior then it's worth the time to post it.  Beware Susan Freed.  

Victim of Family Violence


Thanks for stopping by,

#13Author of original report

Sat, August 02, 2014

The fact remains, my daughter and I were victims of family violence AND after the incident, Susan insinuated that I should, "watch my back".  Any normal person who has been through what me and my daughter have gone through with Susan, would make it public.  This is posted here not to be a bully but to keep a permanent record which is easily accessible.

Since posting my comment, way back when, other guys have come forward and posted their similar situations with Susan Freed.  

I've long since moved on, and only post to this site when uneducated people like you chime in.  Gotta keep the record straight.


New York,

Internet Bully - Psycho!

#13General Comment

Fri, July 25, 2014

So you knew Susan for less than two months, she breaks up with you and this is what you do?  Seems reasonable…NOT IN THE LEAST! 

You are the PSYCHO here buddy!!!! 


LOSERS air their dirty laundry using a site like this...get yourself some help sicko!

Dude, she wants NOTHING to do with you...remember, she broke up with you!  Get over yourself!!!!  MOVE ON!!!!!



Reply to the "So so sad" Rebuttal

#13Author of original report

Mon, June 16, 2014

I find it ironic that each rebuttal in Susan Freed's defense contains the same words, language, and syntax.  What's more ironic is that they are written from the same account labeled 'Consumer Rebuttal'.

Your accounting of "Susan is just being totally honest" is funny.  Being honest and speaking your mind are not one in the same.  This is especially true when the person speaking their mind is an angry woman who struggles with every relationship she's in.  When she was reminded of this, she became violent.  

There is more than one author on this string and other men account for similar things that I experienced.  Susan Freed 'got caught with her hand in the cookie jar', and as I recall her defiant nature--she doesn't want to accept responsibility for her actions.  After all, I'm just being honest...right?  Since you are close to Susan, please pass along the words:  Please move on with your life.




Reply to the 'WOW, Just Wow'

#13Author of original report

Mon, June 16, 2014

If you read the entire string, you will see that other men have come forward to express their experiences.  All of which are in line with what I said.  And, once again, there are police reports which document the facts.

What both myself and my children experienced is more than enough to warrant public documentation.  My youngest child still recalls the act of family violence committed by Susan Freed.  My oldest daughter can attest to being stalked as well.  I personally posted this as a resource for anyone who considers affiliating with Susan Freed.

You can call me immature, a coward, or any other derogatory remark for that matter.  It doesn't not separate the fact that this crazy woman hacked into my personal accounts and committed violent acts towards me in front of my youngest child at one o'clock in the morning.  That will be public record forever.




#13General Comment

Fri, June 13, 2014

I was just on this site as I had a legitimate complaint about a company and found the personal section.  Curious as to what this was all about, I had to check.  I don’t know any of these people involved on this topic, but am completely appalled by the audacity of a so called "paralegal" who thinks this is ok treatment of a woman he attempted to date.  She obviously wants nothing to do with you and seemingly tried to break if off, so why would you attack, bully and harass her on the internet?  You are the problem here son!  Anyone who reads this and truly doesn’t get this guy is the lunatic, psychopath sicko here and not the chick, is pretty dumb.  This guy got his poor little heart broken and had to hide behind a computer to bully and attack a woman he only knew for less than 2 months?!?!?!  Seriously dude?  Get a life and stop trying to hurt others just because she was likely the best thing that ever happened to you and didn’t want anything to do with you!  Pretty obvious here!  People are disgusting to do something so childish!  This chick is the one that needs to be fearing her life due to this psycho!  Any man not mature enough to conduct his affairs without police, bullies and harrasses a woman on a stupid website and acts like he isn't the probem, is a COWARD!!!  You are the type that truly give men a bad name...WOW, JUST WOW!!!!



So So sad

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, May 30, 2014

One has to wonder why anyone would do this to someone who is as sweet, caring, loyal and full of integrity as Susan is.  Obviously you have been really hurt by her to do something so unkind and rude.  Susan conducts herself with the utmost integrity, and is the most honest, accountable and down to earth person you could ever meet.  Sounds to me she was too honest with you Collin, which she has a tendency to do and it does get her in trouble from time to time!  Her and I even had our own fights but all due to her caring enough to be honest.  I didnt see it at the time, but once you know her heart, you know....

But to treat anyone in this manner says a lot more about you than it does for Susan.  Susan has had many wonderful relationships with men and is not a man hater by any stretch.  They keep coming back even after break-ups, as they know she does many of the things to make them mad by just being honest.  It is so sad to me to see this be done to a great friend of mine that would give the shirt off her back for many people, even when they don't deserve it.  Looks like this is a personal attack against Susan, and if you had any maturity, you would deal with it with Susan and not portray her in an extremely untrue light to satisfy your hurt and anger.  Its time to grow up and be accountable for your own feelings, versus being immature and using a consumer site to attempt to attack a person.  I feel very sorry for you all and hope you find peace soon....I will be praying for you and Susan to hopefully never see this type of immaturity. 



Dangerous Psychotic Woman

#13General Comment

Mon, April 21, 2014

I can assure you "Curtis" did not defend this psychotic woman.  I assume she typed her own defense and signed his name.  She is a complete lunatic.  She has physically and verbally attacked multiple men that I know.  She has alienated everyone in her life and can only prey on the new and uninformed.  Police have been called to have her removed from the premises.  She is nothing short of a psychotic stalker.



Hey Curtis, you are wrong.

#13Author of original report

Fri, January 03, 2014

Curtis, you are a complete idiot for sticking up for this vile creature.



What an idiot...

#13Author of original report

Fri, January 03, 2014

This looks like the angry writings of Susan Freed.  Only she would use statements like, "B** children..."  I am far too familiar with this one-of-a-kind poor excuse for a woman.  She hates ALL men...I have the text message and phone records to prove it.  In my 40 years on this earth and 6 years as a paralegal, I've never seen someone use such MURDEROUS language as Susan J. Freed.

What Susan is too stupid to realize is that ALL texts, emails, and supporting documentation are easy to save and archive.  I'm a paralegal you dumba**.  I've saved every bit of correspondence which proves you are nuts.

I've gotten the police involved twice and I'm not the only man who has had the police involved with her.  Please feel free to ask me for a copy of best friend and mother also have copies of the VOLUME of correspondence we will share whatever you ask for.

Susan is a female RAPIST.  She can't take 'NO' for an answer.  I have around a dozen texts and emails telling her to "Leave me alone!" I have a text from her telling me 'Not until you take this report down'. 

When she came to the realization that I would not take down this Rip Off Report post, she resulted to her vile and disgusting language.  I quote her saying, "Who peed in your Cheerios?  Is it because you were **?  Is it because you like having grown men ***?"  OMG...who says stuff like this???  Susan J. Freed, the angry man-hater.  

I went to the police for a second time on Susan (in September of 2012).  Officer Triffilo made a report, and called Susan and told her to stop contacting me.  I thought that was the end of it, but she contacted me again in June of 2013 via email telling me, "I hope you are doing well..."  and then on December 2, 2013, she looked at my Linked In page.

Susan Freed has no clue how to accept responsibility for her actions.  Her vile mouth and her psychotic rage is why this report was created.  Accept that Susan, your family and friends cant bail you out from your uncontrollable texts, emails and spout off at the mouths.

If you keep it up, I will scan in all the texts, emails, phone records and recorded audio and PUBLISH them here on this site.  LEAVE ME ALONE.



Collin Landis!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 28, 2013

Having known Susan for about 6 years, I know all about this psycho guy who chooses a consumer complaint site to lie about his lost love.  Susan continually tried to break up with this guy and he wouldn’t go away.  This poor boy, and I mean poor, told his daughters he found a great woman that makes a lot of money!  He was looking for a mommy for his b*****d children.  I highly doubt Susan has herpes, but if she does, this loser probably gave it to her…as why would he stay with her if he knew and it was such a problem for him?  I am sure he is just saying such things to attempt to keep her from dating others since he can’t have her.  Obviously this guy is sick!  Anyone who truly knows Susan, knows she would never behave this way.  Rip off his mirror on his car?  She's no bigger that 5 foot tall, maybe 100lbs soaking wet!  She caught him in a lie, ended the relationship and he freaked!   What the hell kind of site is this anyway?  Where someone can say whatever they want to no avail attempting to ruin someone’s business or reputation?  How disgusting that someone would have such a site or that people like Collin Landis would participate and use her ex-boyfriend’s name to attempt to destroy her reputation?  Now that is stooping to a pretty loser level!  Susan’s an awesome girl!! This poor fella knows it and is obviously reacting in psychotic ways in attempt to destroy her.  Some crap on the internet does not define a person!  Especially a site like ripoffreport intended for businesses.  What a loser!


West GA,

Cowardly Fraud

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, July 21, 2013

Mr. Colin Landis,

The next time you chose to use my name, you should really think about what you are doing!  I would never lower my standards to this level to conduct my personal business.  Susan is a woman of integrity and would never conduct herself in the manner you sugest.  It sounds to me you got caught doing something wrong and chose to immaturely spew your hateful and inaccurate venom on a public forum made specifically for businesses, not personal relationships.  Add to it, using my name for what reason?  You are a cowardly fraud that needs to learn to deal with your issues in your personal relationships with people in a private way.  While Susan and I had our own issues, she is a smart gal, and you obviously just got caught or couldn't oursmart her to be so cruel as to want to spew your hatred to another person in a public forum.  You need to cease utilizing my name for your immature tactics immediately!


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