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  • Report:  #1515284

Complaint Review: Susun Weed - Wise Woman Center

Susun Weed - Wise Woman Center Susan Weed Wise Woman Center Justine Smythe Michael J. Dattorre Susun Weed Green Goddess Ash Tree Publishing Down There Drugged and abused me and other women. Saugerties 416 Fish Creek Road

  • Reported By:
    The Last Apprentice — Saugerties New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 17, 2022
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 26, 2022

Susun Weed and her adult daughter Justine Smythe and consort Michael J. Dattorre are running a dangerous operation at The Laughing Rock Farm (AKA Wise Woman Center) in upstate New York.

My personal experience is one that caused me great physical and mental harm. My hope is to convince the persons reading this to not meet her in person or attend any private or live in classes.  I offer resources to help you get to safety and the help you will need in the future at the end of this letter.

The Green Goddess Apprenticeship - They are offering 2 week in person workshops for aspiring shamanic practitioners and herbalists for $2500.

2 years later, I am healed enough to try and put my story out there in hopes to discourage others from making the same mistakes.

In short order, I paid $2500 to be an apprentice with Susun Weed for 2 weeks in upstate New York. I was told I would learn about herbs, shamanism, tai chi, yoga, organic meal prep and gardening. What I got in return was Complex PTSD, Night Terrors, Mild Cognitive Disfunction, Homelessness and Suicidal ideation.

I escaped with my life from her farm in Saugerties New York in 2020. I was found by a jogger and taken to the ER where I learned I had been drugged. I had lost 10lbs in the 6 days that I was on her farm. I could not put together complete sentences at the ER in New York from the drugs and abuse, threats.

The police had a hard time understanding me as I could not communicate normally. On top of the drugs, I was shell shocked and suffering from severe anxiety and PTSD. I am sure I appeared to be a mentally disturbed person, because I was.

The ER doctor said that the symptoms I was sharing were similar to someone who was drugged. He ran tests and could not find out what type of drugs I was given.  He did document in my medical records that I was indeed drugged. The doctor hooked me up to an IV to help get the drugs out of my system. After a few hours, I could finally communicate with the law enforcement that were called to the hospital. I then shared my story as best as I could.

I spent the next 2 weeks in a hotel in hiding. I worked with the Human Trafficking Hotline and with Mobile Mental Health unit for food, therapy, and other services. After returning to my home state, I had to move out of my home and into a new place that Susun Weed and her team of bullies could not find me. I lived in different places for 4 months, while getting extensive therapy and medical treatment.

I was terrified of being in public for many months after my experience with The Green Goddess Apprenticeship program at Susun Weeds farm. I am classified as a human trafficking victim by the state of New York as a result. Working with Ulster County Crime Victims Unit for medical care.

A little back story…

Susun Weed was my hero. I studied her videos, blog talk radio podcasts, online workshops and her books for many years. I had a deep respect and love for the work she shared so freely with me and thousands of herbalist students around the world.

I saved my money for years to come up with the $2500 it would take to attend a live, in person workshop with my hero Susun Weed. Being a single mother, I rarely had the help, money or time to do anything like this for myself. I finally had the free time to pursue my passion to become a clinical herbalist in 2020.

After paying the full amount, and setting out on the journey across country, I never thought that I would be walking into a nightmare situation with no phone, car or way of knowing how to get to safety.

The night I arrived at her Laughing Rock Farm, my Uber driver begged me not to stay. She said something was off. I was a little worried too, but thought, "Oh it is late at night and looks spooky here. It will be better in the day time. Also thought, if the people at the Wise Woman Center were as crazy as this place looked, I could just call a cab and leave." I was so very, very, wrong.

That night, I did not get to meet my hero, but was instead greeted with a very nervous and anxious young woman who looked disheveled and scared. 

This odd person seemed to be overly concerned with doing everything just right. It was very stressful to be around her, but I pushed my concerns aside and followed her lead as she was the welcome person for my 2 weeklong apprenticeship. Surely, seeing Susun Weed and clearing up things would be the wisest thing to do in this situation. 

She (the assistant) showed me my room and bathroom. All very disgusting. Something you would see in a crack house on tv. I was told I wouldn’t be able to flush the toilets or drink from the water. I was very concerned and wanted to leave at that point, but could not get cell signal at the nettles patch hut where we were located. I told myself, just go to sleep wake up in the morning when you have energy and ask to speak with management. (Famous last words)

I was very exhausted and just wanted to get to bed so I could get up in the morning, and with daylight, find a way back to the city if need be. I had spent the better part of 24 hours getting to Saugerties (Woodstock). Flights, layovers, long cab rides....I was beyond exhausted.

The young woman gave me the "lay of the land" trying to help me better acclimate to the environment. I felt as though we were in a prison movie and she was helping me to plan my escape. She explained that I would get to meet Susun Weed in the morning.

I was hoping that this young woman was just high strung and perhaps needed to eat and rest. I would be able to meet someone tomorrow and make sense of this whole thing, I was sure. In my mind, was thinking "Was this a test? Why is this place so disgusting? Is this part of our studies?”

*In Shamanism there is this thing “Dark night of the soul” that supposedly wakes the shaman into her own powers. I was wondering if they were putting on an act to “scare” me as part of this Shaman course.

In the kitchen (the only clean room in this dilapidated house/hut)

The assistant offered me toast with peanut butter. She shared that Susun Weed and her had made it in a class, the day before. She also offered me Comfrey infusion.  I was very hungry and tired and took the food and drink.

In my head I was thinking, how cool is this, I am drinking Comfrey infusion made at the Wise Woman Center. SO very cool! While still very concerned with the living conditions and the behavior of this assistant.

After eating the food and drinking the infusion....I was ready to fall asleep. I went into "my" room, with no blankets...just a dirty bed with a tiny, crocheted throw and pillow. I laid my clean clothes from my suitcase on the bed...then fell right asleep.

The next morning when I awoke, I was fed again by this woman, Katie. She warned me that I would not be able to eat when I wanted or needed. That I would be working hard long days and nights with little food. She wanted to know if she could get something for me at the grocery store. I laughed at her words. "I paid over $2k for this?" I wanted to meet Susun Weed right away and see if this was actually the truth or this helper person was pulling a fast one on me.

At that point, I felt a little out of it, mentally. Just thought I was still exhausted from the long trip.

I was then prepped for the day by this young woman. She was still acting weird and warning me to not to do this or not to do that... lots of rules that made no sense to me. She had a look on her face and mannerisms of someone who was terrified of their significant other. I didn't want to be judgy, everyone has their own mental health concerns...maybe that was why she was here to empower herself, like me? I kept making up scenarios for why this odd thing was in place or why that scary thing happened. Maybe the assistant was on drugs? Who was I to judge?

All I could think of was...."Where was the list of classes to choose from? Where was my organic healthy breakfast? When was yoga and when can I meet Susun Weed or at least someone more official than a young, stoned hippy woman?" In the daylight, the bathrooms were absolutely disgusting! There were lots of feces in the toilet and piss. The young lady told me that we were not allowed to flush the toilet, even with the feces!

I turned to get into the shower, only to gasp at what I saw. Blood, feces, rust, rotting something? You can see photos I took on The Wise Woman’s Yelp page all of the walls and shower area. I was shocked but didn’t run for the door. I was already not myself at this point. I felt lightheaded and things were already looking weird. 

Little did I know, but I had been drugged with some type of psychedelic. Things were very hazy and slow at that point. I was very impressionable, more than I have ever been in my life.

Was this the shamanic part of the class? Where would I have to live in filthy conditions and work day and night learning about herbs to prove my worth as an herbalist? The marketing materials from The Wise Woman Center said that I would be studying and learning about herbs. It said I would work closely with Susun Weed, long hard days and nights learning about the Shaman way or the Wise Woman way.

My understanding of The Wise Woman way was all about building up a person, empowering them, nourishing them…never using heroic means of healing. This was all a façade or a false sense of who Susun Weed and The Wise Woman way is in real life. Katie, the assistant, finally shared that it was time to meet Susun Weed. I was scared, excited, curious, and confused.  We walked out the front door of the shack we were in. Unlocked as we were not allowed to lock it at night when we slept.

We walked through the tall plants/weeds, turned right on a street and walked to a nice small house. We had to walk to the back yard porch area. I was told to wait on the back porch while Katie went inside to get Susun Weed. While inside with Susun Weed, I could hear Susun screaming at the top of her lungs at Katie. Horrible language and threats. She was enraged that she had brought me to her house.

This screaming and threating event went on for 10 minutes or so. Katie came back outside and with tears streaming grabbed my hand and led me to another house down the trail. I asked the her, what happened? Was that Susun Weed screaming? Where are we going? Are you ok?

In my mind, I was thinking "That girl deserved it. She must of done something terrible. Maybe this girl was tricking me."  *Yes I know that is a messed up thing to think...but I was drugged at that point and very confused. We then walked through Susun Weeds 200+ acre farm to the main workhouse to sit in circle and wait for her grand arrival. Susun Weed had 3 houses on the farm in Saugerties New York.

After a walk through a forested area, we ended up at another larger home. Susun Weeds consort, Micky, (Michael J. Dattorre) was waiting at the circle with more infusion drinks. We were told to drink them for nourishment as it will be a very long and hard day of work. I was starving at that point and thankful to have something warm to drink.

I am still thinking, in my mind at this point... wow, these people are crazy. I am going to meet the great Susun Weed and then dash out of here. Surely, I would be able to get my $2000 back from PayPal. Sheesh, this place is insane! A part of me was screaming to get out of there. I wish I had listened.

I spent the next 5 days or so, drugged out of my mind, terrified, exhausted and very hungry.

Susun Weed was arrested as a result of the trauma she inflicted upon me during my 5 day stay at her compound on Fish Springs road in Saugerties New York.

I have not shared all of the horrible details in this letter, as it is very difficult to do so. I have shared enough information to help others who feel called to work with Susun Weed. Please know this, she is powerful, rich and well connected. You will not win. You will tuck your tail between your legs and run for your life. She wants you to be terrified of her. She appears sweet, strong and loving on social media, but is a real monster of a person in real life.  

Later I would learn from the local District Attorneys office, that there are many other women who escaped Susun Weeds abuses. Also that the language used on her and websites make it 100% impossible to sue her or get a refund. When you click that Buy Now button on any of her herbalist websites, you are agreeing to allow her and her partners to do illegal things to you. You will not get a refund, even if the police show up and arrest them.

or any other of her hundreds of websites where you can buy books or courses with her. She and her helpers assisted in torturing me. They stood by and allowed the abuse. Justine even took videos of me. I am not sure what they used the videos for. I experienced the following during the 5 days stay at The Wise Woman Center.

1. I was drugged without my permission or knowledge. This kept me in a trance like state where I was open to suggestion. They had convinced me that they could read my mind and I believed them.

2. I was starved for days. Lost 10lbs in 5 days. I was told that I could eat anything I wanted out of the filthy refrigerator at her old main house on the front porch. It consisted of jars labeled "Ego Scum" and infusions. Sometimes there would be good food in there. Sometimes, rarely we would have dinner that her boyfriend Mike would cook.  Most of the time we did not have anything to eat.

3. I was threatened with bodily harm most days. I would try to ask questions about herbs or ask why she was so mad at me. I would ask questions about when was the next class? *I never got a tai chi, yoga or plant class. I spent most of my time doing manual labor.

4. I was forced to do manual labor on her farm. Moving rocks, clearing weeds, raking...

5. I was screamed at most of the day. The only thing I can compare it to, was what you see on TV during basic training for military.

6. She tried very hard to convince me that I had dementia. She worked very hard to confuse me with threats and changing the rules. I would then be punished for not obeying the rule that she would change without warning. I would be punished by not having dinner because she would tell me "Dinner is at this location at a certain time." I would have to write that down on a piece of paper so I would remember. I was very hungry and confused. I was so drugged and exhausted that I would forget that I wrote a reminder note and placed it in my pocket. I would then miss dinner time and go to bed hungry again.

7. She would charge me and the other woman money if we did something incorrectly. We would then have to do more manual labor to work off that debt. I have since learned that this is human trafficking and illegal. She would tell us to do something a certain way (scream at us) then she would say we did it wrong and punish us. 

8. Ulster County Victims Unit team helped me to get a certification from the state of New York to help cover my medical bills. I had to see a Neurologist for the brain damage. Counseling bills as well. The state of New York identified this as a human trafficking crime but the DA did not choose to charge Susun Weed with human trafficking. They chose to charge her for harassment and threating bodily harm and death instead.

9. I have lost over $30k as a result so far. I had to stay in hiding for several months per the request of Victim of Crimes unit in Saugerties New York and The Human Trafficking Hotline, both of which helped me to file the police report.

10. I have had night terrors, severe PTSD, migraines, depression and memory problems as a result of Susun Weed drugging and abusing me.

11. I do not remember every day that I was at her farm. The memories I do have are confusing and terrifying. 

12. During my stay at the Wise Woman Center, someone logged into my bank account and added a new user. Thankfully the bank was able to remove the user before they could steal my money. Susun had me talking about my life savings and how much money I had. Remember, I was drugged and didn’t remember everything that happened there. I really feel convinced she wanted me to give them my life savings and live there on the farm working for free, for the rest of my life.

Please keep in mind that before attending this 2 week workshop, I was a very strong person. Intelligent and resourceful. I was tricked and hurt non the less.

Sad side note, I met Susun Weeds granddaughter. I used to think how lucky this little girl is to have such a knowledgeable and caring grandmother. I am sad to say that this young women looks very troubled in real life. I feel for her and hope she finds a way to get away from her mother Justine and her grandmother Susun Weed. I can’t even imagine the trauma she has experienced. 

I have had to move to a new state, change my name and leave the life behind that I loved.

Susun Weed, who is battling cancer and has been silent over the last year… is still teaching in person classes. The last video she shared last week showed her with her goats and one of her apprentice students. Her student looked terrified and scared. I often wonder how many women are still under her spell/drugs and are now living on that farm as a slave?

The Nettles Patch, where I stayed/slept, had 20 or so shoes of different sizes at the front door. Jackets, scarves and belongings to other people….people that were not with me and Katie. Where were they? Did they run away too? I hope so.

I can't believe that she is allowed to harm so many people. So many influencers and businesses support her and her work. I would like to think they are innocent and not aware of the abuses. I called a few of them after this event and tried to share my story. I was turned down by all of them so far. I have been harassed by her and her team since the event 2 years ago. 

She is still allowed to teach in person classes. The Saugerties police department were terrible to work with. They were very reluctant to help at all. I had to call three times to get them to allow me to file a police report. Even with documentation from the hospital and from the Human Trafficking Hotline. They finally agreed to take a police report and investigate them.

I have since learned of hundreds of complaints and reports of abuse from other victims from around the world. If you are confused and not sure what happened or why you would of allowed the abuse, do not be so hard on yourself. You were probably drugged like I was. You will need to look up and learn about Stockholm Syndrome and ways to heal your body, mind and spirit.

You are not alone in this.

Here are some resources that helped me during that ordeal:

1 (888) 373-7888

National Human Trafficking Hotline

*Forcing people to do work of any kind is a form of human trafficking. By telling you that you did something wrong, and then have to pay money to make up for it…or work it off with labor. These are brain washing tactics to control their victims. They will keep changing the rules on you and using drugs, starvation, and threats to confuse you. The constant threats and screaming can put a person in a mental state much like “Deer stuck in the headlights”…nothing was nourishing about her workshop.

Crime Victims Assistance Program

Address: 5 Pearl St, Kingston, NY 12401

Phone: (845) 340-3443

The state of New York can pay for medical bills, therapy and reimburse you for out of pocket costs from crimes against you.

I wish you the best and hope you find the help you need moving forward. When your ready, please share your story. Hundreds of us have and it is starting to make a difference. You can also search online and learn about others who experienced trauma at her workshops. There are hundreds of them.

Susun Weed –

416 Fish Creek Road Saugerties New York


Justine Smythe – 

Address: 158 Burt St, Saugerties, NY 12477

Phone: (845) 532-5565


Smythe House 

Casa Bellavista Costa Rica Bed & Breakfast › innkeepers


Michael J. Dattorre –


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