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Swifttransportation general public safety around swift drivers Memphis Tennessee
as all swift drivers know, you are all imformed of any cercumstance or request from swift trans. via qual com. communications. these cummunications are retrievable for a period of one year. if a driver has been threatened of termination due to the following reasons then swift should be liable for injuries or death due to there calice nature. expecting drivers not to idle there trucks to maintain a comfort enviroment while taking there mandatory 10 hour break. expecting drivers or suggesting to drivers that they take there 10 hr. break in a drivers lounge chair rather then spending company fuel. expecting drivers to continue to operate there equipment after the driver tells there DM that they believe that further operation of the veh. seems to be un-wise and un-safe. the general public could and should ask swift transportation why they are the largest U.S. company yet they due not want to go to the modern instant recording of logs. reason: they immediatly have to shut down the driver due to violation: whereas, by having the log go into limbo for a period of days they can marginilize safety in favor of better control of sch. and managing of time. there is a continueing investigation of swift transportation driving school by numerous gov. agencies such as F.B.I. I.N.S., H.L.S.,D.O.T. to name a few. swift will tell all who want to listen that swift drivering school is not affeliated with swift , but that arguement will prove to be quit the opp. after a full investigation is complete in 2009. all drivers who have a grip with swift should contact the following organization who believe they have a vested interest in swifts unsafe operations PUBLIC CITIZENS ,PARENTS AGAINST TIRED TRUCKERS,and CITIZENS FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE HIGHWAYS.
n. las vegas, Nevada