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  • Report:  #892964

Complaint Review: Swiss America Trading Corporation

  • Reported By:
    Protect yourself and your family — Scottsdale Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 05, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 04, 2013

Do not work for this racist company and do not let your friends or family members work for this company.

They literally steal commissions from their own sales force. The entire sales force is predicated on favoring those with seniority, which is fine and something most companies do, but this company actually allows and encourages senior brokers at their firm to steal from junior brokers, which is unethical and disgusting when you consider that they promote themselves as a Christian company.

They do this by 1) transferring leads out of your name into only a senior brokers name 2) closing leads that were in your name and claiming they were duplicate leads 3) changing the phone number on leads so you think you are getting a wrong number and then closing the lead behind your back 4) stalling the close of a lead if they think you might be quitting so they don't have to split a commission with you and worst of all 5) making you depend on them to close your leads and then starving you out (i.e. not closing your leads so you can't make any money) until you quit and then closing your leads so they get all the commission to yourself. These practices are not only tolerated at SwissAmerica, they are encouraged. And the senior brokers literally brag out loud about doing it. They literally ride you about working harder and harder and about all the benefits of hard work and then they steal those benefits from you. It's a disgusting place to work.

They don't pay any one an hourly rate to be there, they force you to work 10 hour days, they berate, and then to add insult to injury they steal what you do earn. Nobody wants to telemarket all day long only to have their commissions stolen from them, but that is exactly what is done at SwissAmerica. Don't let them do it to you. It's hard enough to make money at commission only jobs, it's nearly impossible when your firm is stealing from you. Don't waste a year or more of your life like I've seen dozens of men do. Your time is valuable. Your family is depending on you and all Craig Smith and Dean Heskin want you to do is telemarket for their closers FOR FREE.

I've always espoused the value of hard work, but If you value your time and your family as much as I do, don't let these thieves screw you over. Don't let them waste your time. Look for work elsewhere. I've never posted this sort of message before, but if posting this saves one person the trauma that Swiss Amerikkka put me and several of my associates through it will have been worth it.

(and if this is what they do to their employees just imagine what their doing to their clients)

3 Updates & Rebuttals



I am a former employee of Swiss America

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 09, 2013

My name is Jim Epps I worked at SwissAmerica off and on for 10 years I never had any complaints working their, Craig Smith and Dean Heskin are stand up guys, I would always be proud to work their again. We were all a bunch of guys, cocky sales people, the lame sales people got the crappy leads and the good sales people got the good leads, the whiners and non producers got the boot out the front door. Swiss America disclosed their commissions to their clients on TAPE, I hated it like any normal sales person would but it kept Swiss America out of trouble. That's all I have to say about Swiss America all the other stuff I don't know about because I was to busy making money not whining and crying all the time.

Gold Broker

United States of America

Dean Heskin and Craig Smith are not Patriotic and they are not Christian. They are simply profiteers getting rich by ripping off their employees and their customers. Your reply is completely baseless.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 05, 2013

Dean Heskin and Craig Smith are not Patriotic and they are not Christian. They are simply profiteers getting rich by ripping off their employees and their customers. Your reply is completely baseless. It's easy to accuse someone of libel or false claims, it's another thing to prove it.

What I like most about your reply is that you didn't bother to dispute the assertion that both men are racists who I've witness both crack Jew and N*gger jokes at company meetings. In addition to notating files as Code 2 which is racist code for a black client (who therefore probably doesn't have any money to invest). Furthermore, when looking at your company photo, it's hard not to notice that not a single African American works at your company. Let me repeat that, not a single negro works on your sales floor Mr. Smith, what an atrocity.

Of course, your representative launched his retort with a personal attack which is one of the many reasons I've withheld my identity, for fear of retribution by Mr. Heskin, a meathead, whom I've witness challenge brokers to fist fights on the sales floor, and from Mr. Smith who put the fear of god into the last person to post a rip off report on him and his evil company. I have no desire to spend 20 grand on an attorney. I simply wish to protect other hard working Americans from the same year after year fate I, and several of my new and old co-workers, suffered. And I am not "hiding" behind anonymity as you put it in your response which I hope to God was not  a veiled threat, Mr. Anderson? I've already received a bizarre voicemail from someone at SA and so have two of my other former co-workers, if I receive any more I will be calling the police.

Many great political documents like the Federalist Papers were written anonymously and I see no reason why that should discredit what was published or who wrote what was published there or elsewhere and neither did the United States Supreme Court when they wrote, "Protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse. Allowing dissenters to shield their identities frees them to express critical minority views. . . Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society."

That having been said, nothing I wrote was far from the truth. I've since checked with five other former brokers and introducing brokers as they are known as SA and they all agreed that everything I listed took place at Swiss America in one form or another. Essentially, they all agreed that Dean and Craig steal from their employees. They all agree those practices were not only condoned, but encouraged by both Smith and Heskin. When Mr. Anderson refers to the company dealing with things swiftly, he must be referring to the junior broker quickly getting the shaft while the "Closer", as they are known on the sales floor, swiftly takes all his money and threatens not to share any more leads with him if he says anything more about it.

When it comes to Heskin and Smith's claims that they are both patriots and Christian's, it's all a crock of s**t. If they are so patriotic why hasn't either EVER volunteered for military service. Neither one served in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan, and they call themselves patriots? Obvously Heskin was too young for Nam and Smith too old for Iraq, but if they were so patriotic you'd think they would have done something other than fly flags so their customers would think they were patriots. And if they're such devout Christians why don't their employees have health care? I've never worked for a great "Christian" company who's employees faced death if they became sick or injured. And what's Christian about
stealing from your employees. Puh-lease, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Anderson, you state that "The beauty of my job... is that our successes or failures fall squarely on our own shoulders. Perhaps my perspective is rather elementary but I feel that there are two type of individuals out there. Those who take personal responsibility for where they stand in life and those that blame everyone else."

Well, I too take responsibility for my actions and that's why I left and I posted this on the world wide web because I wanted to take responsibility for exposing the actions of the liars and thieves that run SwissAmerica so that other hard working Americans don't fall prey to their actions.

I wish you the best of luck surviving your federal prison sentence when you and Mr. Smith and Mr. Heskin are finally arrested for investor fraud.

(this response/rebuttle was erroneously posted elsewhere on this site, i am cut and pasting it here not because I agree with it simply because it is obviously a reply to the previous post).


United States of America

Setting the Record Straight

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 06, 2012

My name is Dustin Anderson and I have had the pleasure to work for Swiss America Trading Corp for more than six years. I suppose I should start out by saying that I have neither been requested by Dean Heskin, Craig Smith, or anyone else at Swiss America to type this rebuttal. In fact as I type this they have no knowledge of my doing so.  Nor do I feel like I need to hide behind any anonymity or fake name. I feel that as a dedicated account executive working on the sales floor it is my duty to set the record straight regarding these libelous and false claims.

There are so many false hoods in this "report" that I question whether or not it was in fact written by a person with any experience actually working at our firm or just simply a competitor trying to damage our business and reputation. Either way it's important that anyone reading this know the truth. 

Swiss America does not condone, allow, nor encourage anyone "stealing" anything from another account executive. The author of this report uses the term "junior broker" which is not even a term I have   previously even heard used at our firm.  Nonetheless the author's grievances about senior account executives stealing from "junior brokers" are completely false. In fact I can attest that anytime anything remotely resembling these claims is dealt with in a fair and swift manner. It would seem that each of the five points made by this author almost border on paranoia as they are so far from the truth its almost laughable.

The beauty of my job or any other sales job is that our successes or failures fall squarely on our own shoulders. Perhaps my perspective is rather elementary but I feel that there are two type of individuals out there. Those who take personal responsibility for where they stand in life and those that blame everyone else. If indeed this report was written by someone who actually worked with me than I suppose more than anything I feel sorry for you.

There is not a better company to be working for right now, period. Not only for what we do for our clients but for who both Dean Heskin and Craig Smith are.  I can only imagine that if you had taken the any self responsibility for your failures instead of deluding yourself that all of these false grievances were taking place than perhaps you may have enjoyed more successes. Nonetheless I sincerely wish you all the best at whatever endeavor you choose to pursue.

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