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  • Report:  #449746

Complaint Review: Swiss Sciences

Swiss Sciences/ Stephen Blazick Disorganized Liars Clearwater Florida Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Clearwater Florida
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 08, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 14, 2013
  • Swiss Sciences
    400 Odessa Dr.
    Clearwater, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This company is such a rip off its not even funny. Be careful of your Terms and Services. Thats where they get you. They sell several product that dont help you what so ever. Then if you dont call them in the first 21 days they charge your credit card for more money.

There return policy is so far out there that you have to send them back the empty bottles. So that way they can re pack there product and send it back to other customers. Totally not safe. They sell several health products from Dr. Eric Berg. Trust me when I say this I would never try another one of there product if my life depended on it.

There staff is so unprofessional. That when you call them they dont even know there own product. The company comes off as this big corporation. When there really not there is about 10 employees and most of them are designer's. That make up new websites so they can take more peoples money. If you ever get a chance to talk to Monica.... lol This b**ch cant breath when she talks and thinks everyone else around here is incompetent. Shes so quick to blame everyone else around her that she cant even get there names right.

Please be very careful buying anything from this company. They have a very very bad track record.

Clearwater, Florida

4 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,

Stephen Blazick IS A Scammer

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 14, 2013

I found this and had to add in my two cents, since I'm a consumer/victim of Stephen Blazick's new company, Shoal Bay Media. Stephen Blazick was recommended to me by the manufacturer of my product as a great internet marketer, somebody who could help my company get over the small online sales hurdle and bring my product to the internet in a big way. The person who recommended Stephen was somebody I trusted, and so when Stephen emailed me, I was excited to start working with him. 

First, I should have known things were awry when I checked out Shoal Bay Media's website, and it was nothing more than a glorified contact page. It didn't (and, upon publishing of this report, still doesn't) have any information regarding the company, anything about services they offer, no contact information; it's just a contact page where you put in your information to get them to email you. I thought that was weird - this website builder doesn't even have a proper website for his company? They also didn't have any social media (until recently, where their FB page has 17 fans). 

Within the first month of talking to Stephen and his assistant, Kayla, I suddenly couldn't get a response from him over the phone or through email, from him or his assistant. I contacted the person who recommended him, who told me he was just relocating from Atlanta to Florida and had gotten rid of his assistant. Seemed a bit odd, but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Then came the waiting game. I eventually talked to Stephen again, and really wanted to move forward - he sent me a nice .pdf quote for building a website and doing a marketing program. I got a few other estimates that were much lower than his, but again, the person who recommended him was somebody I trusted, and he told me that Stephen was THE guy for this kind of stuff. So I told Stephen I definitely wanted to go ahead and wanted to arrange a money transfer so he would start building my new website.

After several months of "communication" (he would send me a 1 or 2 line email reply after I would send about 4 emails over the course of a month) we FINALLY got something nailed down. I sent him the money (which was $500 more for a website than any other quote I got) and he sent me back a design. It looked good, and they did finish up the website quite nicely, although since his employees are actually in INDIA and he's based in Florida, USA, the English on the page was pretty broken, and I had to request a bunch of changes. I asked numerous times for social media badges and still have never got them (over a year later). The final finished product for the website, I would rate an 8/10. It looks good and works well, but there are a few problems and a few things that I wanted fixed to make it a 10/10 site that would work well.

I never once received a receipt from Stephen, however, even though I asked him for one several times. He would just straight up ignore that part of an email in his reply, and when I brought it up on the phone, he'd tell me he'll get something together. Which he never did. 

He also never told me anything about having a merchant account or anything to set up the website so I can accept payment, even though he knew this was my first time with a real website (not just a glorified wordpress blog that accepted payment through PayPal). He recommended a company to me for setting it up, that didn't work, so after going through various recommendations again, I finally found a company that could set up a proper merchant account for me. From start to "finish," the whole website process took 9 months. For a 2 page website. Mostly due to Stephen's horrible communication and practice of replying to an email about 2 weeks after I would send it.

So, with my website finally finished, I was able to resume sales after many frustrating months of being in limbo. Of course, this is when Stephen finally contacted me out of the blue to get going with this marketing campaign. We started an SEO campaign for $600 a month, but he demanded a few months payment in advance, because "SEO guys are usually paid at the beginning of the month before they do the work." I said I usually pay for a service rendered AFTER I've gotten it, to ensure the service is something that worked and is useful.

You wouldn't pay a painter before they've painted your house, would you? Anyway, I went along with it, and transfered him $1200 for 2 months of SEO in October, 2012. At the beginning of November, he sent me some report on the SEO progress, that I couldn't make any sense of. It was written in extremely broken English, had screen caps for stats that weren't explained. When I asked for clarification, I got no reply, same as when I asked for a receipt for the SEO services rendered.

In December, 2012, I emailed him because I wanted to continue with the SEO campaign, but I wanted to get his advice on how I could get some more conversions on my website too - I wanted to know his thoughts on the wording on my site, and if a simple thing as including the ingredients for my product on the main page would help improve conversions. No reply.

I still haven't heard from Stephen Blazick since November, 2012. It is now February, 2013. I DID, however, hear from one of his Indian employees, who emailed me asking if I had heard from "Mr. Stephen" in the past few months, because he has not gotten paid for doing the SEO work on my website. I told him I've been trying to get a hold of Stephen too, but he doesn't answer emails, texts, or phone calls.

I would DEFINITELY not recommend working with Stephen Blazick, Shoal Bay Media, or any of his other companies. It seems he is not much more than a glorified scammer. He's like a contractor who collects the money and then takes short cuts and only does half the work for the money. The fact that he never provided receipts means that I won't be able to claim these business expenses on my taxes, plus I have no official record of spending this company money on something - it looks like I just took a few thousand dollars out of my company for no reason, which could give me some problems at tax time.

Stephen, you know who this is - if you have any problems with that I've written, you can actually email or call me. But all of the above is 100% true, so you can't say I'm lying in any rebuttal. You made what should have been a month long process stretch out over 9 months, over-charged me, and didn't even finish the jobs for the services rendered. I wish I had never met you, never done business with you, and now I have to find a different company to fix the problems with my website and provide actual SEO services.


United States of America

I have to agree

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 08, 2010

Whether this guy's name is Pat or Vince or whatever, a lot of what he said is true.

I checked my bank account today only to find a 169.95 charge from SWISS SCIENCES in Clearwater Florida.   I've never HEARD of this company, much less ordered anything from them.  Unlike some others, I was able to contact them by phone.  However,  what I reached was clearly some call center in India or somewhere, because I talked to three people, only one of whose "name" I got -- Sam -- and I had to have them repeat nearly everything they said because they barely spoke English. 

"Sam" claimed that the order was placed on July 8 (the same day I called) and that the order hadn't been processed yet, so he couldn't help me.  But somehow, in his next sentence he claimed that the order had already shipped because I'm in Texas and shipping is very fast.  Is that like "everything is big in Texas"?  Do we also have a time warp???  Excuse me?????  How on earth can you ship an order that you hadn't even processed?  Impossible.  Nor could he tell me what I had even supposedly ordered. 

I seriously doubt I'll ever see any type of product, though.  Because he also "quoted" to me my shipping address from my "order" which is most decidedly NOT my shipping address, it's my home address, and I have never in 25 years of living in that house had anything shipped to that address due to neighbors stealing things from my mailbox/porch/yard.  I have everything I order shipped to my place of business.  So I knew right then that it was some scam and my name/credit card/address had been scammed from some other website, or hacked somehow.

I kept complaining and stating VERY FIRMLY that I have not ordered anything from this company nor had I ever heard of them.  His only solution was to supposedly refund 1/2 my money now (well, in 4-5 business days, he said) and the other 1/2 when I return the empty bottles - like I would ever ingest something from a company I've never heard of nor ordered from.  Once again, this was the order he couldn't process, but had already shipped. 

I'm really not expecting to see that money again, but come tomorrow (July 9) I will be filing a claim with my bank to get that money back and filing a fraud claim with Chase Bank so that any charges that come through from SWISS SCIENCES will be automatically flagged within their system.

DO NOT do business with this company.  Not only are they rip-offs who charge you for things you've never ordered, but, according to the website (I googled) they sell things like liver cleanse, colon cleanse, fat burners, all snake oil garbage that (at best) do nothing, and at worst can leave you in the hospital.

Be very careful and avoid SWISS SCIENCES at all costs!



The truth about this claim

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 22, 2009

Where do I start? Well, since it is my name, Stephen Blazick, in the title I feel I should address everything posted by this genius:

1st: His name is actually Vince Cobelo, not Pat like he claimed. He was too afraid to even put his real name because he knew he was making everything up and being childish. He actually came to work, both days, with the smell of alcohol and severely bloodshot he had been partying all night.

2nd: He was hired for 2 days and then fired due to lack of ANY productivity whatsoever and a very bad work ethic.

3rd: Vince Cobelo actually posted the above 2 hours after he was fired, so obviously he was bitter and not thinking clearly.

4th: He never tried one of our products, knew nothing about them or anything involved with them. We never even gave him a sample of anything.

5th: The name calling and immature remarks clearly point to the mind controlling them and the type of person he really is.

6th: We have a bad track record? No idea how he pulled this one out of thin air.

7th: We outsource almost all our work, so no idea what he means by a team of designers. Just another piece of evidence he knew nothing about how we operated.

Conclusion: Jut a bitter ex-employee that clearly couldn't do what we asked of him and then had to take everyone else down to his immature and ridiculous level by making up a bunch of stuff to save what little ego he has left.

Stephen Blazick
Director of Sales
Swiss Sciences

P.S. Before he got his last check, he actually promised to remove this post if we paid him what he was owed... he was using it as a bargaining chip when we had every intention to pay him. Strange person this Vince Cobelo is, very strange.



Swiss Sciences Real Information

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 19, 2009

For the unfortunate consumer who may stumble onto this report, please be advised of actual facts related to Swiss Sciences.

1) Swiss Sciences is a marketing company that builds websites and promotes products over the internet. Swiss Sciences is not a "Drug Manufacturer".

2) A strict policy of Swiss Sciences is to abide by a high standard of reseller ethics, which means; we respect our customers and do everything possible to ensure their ultimate satification.

3) Swiss Sciences abides by all federal and state laws and has no record of any infractions whatsoever.

4) Swiss Sciences has no record of any customer complaint.

5) Swiss Sciences has excellent relationships with all of its vendors, merchants, clients and any other entity, which with it transacts business with.

6) Swiss Sciences adheres to a "100% Satisfaction Guarantee" policy and will strictly represent and/or promote only those products which align with these guidelines.

7) Dr. Berg is a world-reknown weight loss doctor and author who was recently featured on Fox and Friends News, and who has a track record of treating over 40,000 weight loss patients, with a success rate of 100%. Swiss Sciences does market his products.

8) Dr. Berg products do not offer any type of "21 Day Trial Offer" and have never offered any such offer. More information on these products may be obtained by visiting

The report for which this rebuttal is reponding to is not only filled with incorrect information, but it is the opinion of Swiss Sciences (due to no other logical notion), that this report is in fact - not from an actual consumer of Swiss Sciences or affilate thereof; and more likely from either a disgruntled ex-employee or vengeful competitor. Either or, a normal statisitc of any growing business.

We understand that these type of outlandish allegations are brought out through the natural progression of a successful business and we continue to abide by best industry practices.

Swiss Sciences makes our very best effort to never be in a position where we must fire an individual from our company, or feel forced to respond to such a report as this - although unfortunately these types of incidences are nearly impossible to avoid.

Lastly, I would like to respond to the data in this report related to Stephen Blazick. Stephen Blazick has been working for Swiss Sciences from inception and is not only a dedicated associate with a proven track record of integrity and performance in our sales and marketing department; but he has continually represented Swiss Sciences with impeccable integrity. He is an exceptional staff member and I personally do not know of one negative thing any person could say about him in any way whatsoever.

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