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  • Report:  #531086

Complaint Review: Symmetry Direct -Tim Woodcox

Symmetry Direct -Tim Woodcox Wellness Center Still looking for full/part time work? Keep looking - SCAM - Wyoming, Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Honestyhurts — Grand Rapids Michigan United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 01, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 15, 2011
  • Symmetry Direct -Tim Woodcox
    47th street suite D
    Wyoming, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Got a call today asking if I was still looking for full/part time work. I was called by a Peri, after talking to her I set up an appointment to meet with her. I did five minutes worth of research and found lots of complaints about the company / number. She said they got my name from a referall though she wasn't sure if it was Matt or Mike. The ring leader behind this whole thing seems to be a certain Tim Woodcox.

**Tim Woodcox is a registered sex offender with the state of Michigan**

Below you can see the states information on him:

Please view - this is the number I was called by, as you can see there are quite a few people who have had experiences with these folks.

Here is another number they are known to use

Here is a blog which discusses the scam as a whole.

I called back and told Peri that I would not be meeting with her. I went through to voice-mail so we will see if there is any response.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Nice guy

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2011

Played sports against him in the past. Worked with him in college at 2 different part-time jobs. Our kids have played sports against each other occasionally. Good guy & great family. People make mistakes, but this dude is a guys guy & a cool cat. I've seen him go through a lot & still always treat people good. He's funny & always finds the positive humor in things.

Just an opinion from me & my wife base on about 14 years of knowing him. Remember... 2 sides to everything. Walk in someone's shoes before passing judgment. I'm glad that "MY" stupid mistakes from my past are not posted on here by jerks. I feel bad for him, but he's tough. 

Keep your head up, people will always have stuff to say behind your back. Now days weak people just do it on the internet.

- DK & SK

Tim Woodcox


Who is Tim Woodcox?

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 27, 2011


I am Tim Woodcox. To see "accurate information"....

FOLLOW me on "Twitter" @timwoodcox

CONNECT with me on "Linkedin" Search Tim Woodcox RNC

SUBSCRIBE to my "YouTube" Channel 

Review "My Website"

I look forward to talking soon! Thanks,


Tim Woodcox


Tim Woodcox

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 08, 2011



I am Tim Woodcox, I am writing today not to argue,
but to respond since I feel like I feel that I am being personally attacked
by people who I have never met. I have noticed my name brought up in a negative
manner on the internet so I am simply acknowledging this post for anyone who
comes across it.

So it seems that someone got a call from Peri who
is/was an independent rep with Symmetry Direct. I do not know what conversation
she had with the author of this original post but I am confused as to how I get
to be called the "ring leader" behind "this whole thing?"
The author admits to doing a whole 5 minutes worth of research to come up with
that conclusion that I am the "ring leader" behind some scam? This sounds
confusing to me. I am not the owner of the company, and even if I was, Peri is
an "independent" rep who generates her own contacts, leads, &
advertisements. She doesn't even work or live in Michigan anymore. It sounds like at the time
she contacted the author, she did work in my independent training center as an
independent contractor. From what I do know of her, she is a nice good hearted
person, who has never done anything wrong to me. I have seen her be overly nice
to a fault even. Like me & you, she is human & not perfect. 

The author of this original complaint/post also
points out that I (Tim Woodcox) am a registered sex offender with the state of Michigan. This part is
true! I assume that they are pointing this fact out hoping it means that no one
on earth would ever do business, associate with me, or trust me? I am guessing
that they are jumping to the conclusion that I am a rapist or child molester
since I am on that list when the fact is.... that couldn't be further from the
truth. May I please tell you WHY I am on that list?

As of August 2011, I am 32 years old, &
married with kids. When I was 22, going to college, I was also already a father
who had two jobs to pay for my son, pay for college, & paying to live on my
own with college roommates who I met at GVSU. 
One night when my son was at his Mom's, one of my roommates & his
buddy brought two girls over to my apartment. The girls asked him if they could
come over. When the females got to my apartment I should have checked their
I.D.'s & kicked them out of my apartment because then I would have known
that they weren't the age that they appeared to be physically based on how they

After the girls got in trouble from their
parents for being out to late, their parents came after us guys for their
daughters being out to late, drinking, & acting older than they were. I
should have never let them hangout at my apartment! In doing so I broke the

When the police got involved I co-operated
100% before getting a lawyer. I SHOULD have gotten my parents & a good
lawyer involved immediately. Instead "I" myself did a whole 5 minutes
of research & made some stupid decisions on what to do legally. I told the
police what happened & in doing so I convicted myself before even getting a
lawyer. I took a plea for "contact of a minor which was a CSC4 degree
& now considered Tier II offender. All because I WAS STUPID. I was
stupid that night they came over & I was stupid the way I handled it legally.
I think & stress about it everyday even 10 years later. For my business
& mostly for my kids, I stress about it asking myself so many what ifs.

So yes I am registered on Michigan's SOR just like
the author points out (**Tim Woodcox is a
registered sex offender with the state of Michigan** Below you can see the
states information on him: 

There original author of this Rip off Report
complaint also points out this blog: (Here
is a blog which discusses the scam as a whole. 

At that blog you will find much of the
same stuff about me. That I am a registered sex offender AND that I filed a
bankruptcy a few years ago. I know it doesnt matter what I say or write here,
but for the record or whatever its worth, the bankruptcy had nothing to do
with Symmetry or my business with in Symmetry. There were many factors that
suggested my wife & I file for bankruptcy when we did, from TONS of legal
bills, medical bills, two different large investments I made against better
judgment that ended up falling through. I could say I got scammed but instead I
will own it I just say I was stupid in my early 20s with how I spent money.

My parents & mentors in Symmetry told me not to spend my money the wrong
way, but I was young & making a little money so I didnt listen to them at
the time. There was some other family things that happened that were out of
mine & my wifes control so we were advised by our lawyers that a bankruptcy
was the best option to keep our business & keep my wife on her path for her
career as well. I am glad to say that we weathered that storm & I wish it
on NO ONE!

As you may have also read, the author above says:
 ("I called back and told Peri that I would not be meeting with her.") So like MOST people who have
taken the time to write or read a complaint on the internet, this author has
never even met me or Peri for that matter. They just took other people's/strangers posts
& added more opinion to it. Good thing we don't do that with movies.
Usually I choose to go to the movie or meet the actor before I pass judgment on
it or them. 

I want to make it clear that I am not attacking
anyone here. That is not the point of my response. I am simply responding to
this for the sake of my wife, my kids, my family, friends, & other Symmetry
reps whos business may have or may be negatively affected based on my personal past. My
friends, family, loyal customers, & business partners get so upset reading stuff like this because they believe after spending time with me, getting to know me, & knowing who I am &
what I am about.... that I am one of the nicest people they know. I have a big
heart & it does hurt to see people write stuff like this on-line. It hurts
to see me kids hurt by this. 

I have always had an open door & open line of
communication for anyone who has any concerns about me or how "I" go
about business with my personal customers, business partners, friends, family,
& associates. 

I would like anyone who has something negative so
write, or has had a negative experience with me personally, to please confront
me personally & provide PROOF that I knowingly wronged them or hurt
them (Proof, is not what some un-named person who I have never met writing something on
the internet). I will always leave my contact info to resolve issues. If my
phone numbers or email address ever change I will be sure to make it
available. I just ask anyone who has a complaint or concern to do that same before you
personally attack me by saying I scam people or hurt people. Ask be about it
directly! I do my absolute best to be fair & open with people just
like I ask my kids to do as they grow up. 

I love my family & I love being a part of
Symmetry as a company. I was introduced to this business by a stranger when I
was in college working two jobs living check to check. Someone gave me a chance
to get my questions/skepticism answered. They brought me into a local
office/training center in Grand Rapids
Michigan. I started in Symmetry
in 2002 & I'm happier today than I've been in a long time. I didn't know
anything about this company or the people in it until I sat down with them in person.
 I tried the products & liked them.
The people I personally met in person were nice to me & didn't shy away from
any question I had. Once I took the time to get my questions answered the
philosophy of this business made sense to me. They helped me make good
part-time income while I was still in college & working two jobs. Those
same people have become great friends! I went to their wedding(s) over the years & they were invited to & came to mine mine. Being pregnant & on bed rest is the only
thing that stopped some of them from attending my wedding. Today (August 8, 2011) I have
been with Symmetry for almost nine years. I have not had to work a job since
around 2004 or 2005. This business has become my life. I believe me & my family are healthy &
financially stable because of this business. I have never been unemployed or
had to collected a uneployment check from our government, or asked for state
assistance while working with Symmetry as an independent business partner. My
income in Symmetry supports me, my wife & kids as our primary income. Its
the only career/income I have had since I was 25. Whats my point you might

My point is this before I came in to see this
company & how their products worked, how the company really operated, &
who the people I would be working with, how they went about day to day
business, & what opportunities were available to me, I was just like you or
any person reading this. Also just like the author who wrote this original
complaint, I really didnt have any first hand knowledge or facts about the
company, the products, the locally office, or the person who invited me to look
at the opportunity. The difference was, I wanted to do my one due diligence
& not listen to what a blog or a hand full of people on the internet had to
say one way or the other. Back when I started I didnt know much about blogs
& complaint websites like this one. But I did however have some family & friends tell
me it would be a waste of time or a scam. I just wanted to see for myself &
it worked out.

As for the bankruptcy & sex offender
registry. I am doing my best to educate my two boys & raise their
awareness levels to a level that is higher than mine was at their ages. My
oldest son will be going to college if he chooses in five years. It scares the
crap out of me the mistakes college kids make. Heck, what I did wrong, I saw
other boys/kids/girls/ teenagers/ young adults do at most high school parties
in the late 90s. Every High School & College party has people who dont
really know the ages of each person there. Today parenting is more than just a
"birds & bees" talk with kids. With texting, & the internet
there is no parent book for that. I can only pray for & communicate with my
kids as much as they will listen. 

For those of you who think every person on the
sex offender registry is a child molester or rapist, they are not! If you think
that every person on the sex offender list are dirty creepers.... dont worry,
I am not allowed to coach your kids (or mine!!) or live near their school
because I am on "THE LIST." That is worse than anything anyone can write
about me on the internet. 

I grew up LOVING sports & then I coached,
hoping to coach my own boys someday. Now, that will never happen because I am
on THE LIST. I couldnt tell a females age by her looks in college & her
parents needed someone to blame. I changed mine & my kids lives forever
that day with the mistakes I made. As the old saying goes I wash I knew then, what I know now. I dont think those females even knew how serious of a charge they were part of. Whats
done is done & cant be changed. Its sad for everyone who has been

I am so thankful I am not the first person in Michigan to file bankruptcy
& recover from it. I also wont be the last. Its given me & my wife a
new perspective on life & to appreciate what we have. They say the more
mistakes you make the closer to success you are & the more wisdom you earn.
Well, I hope that is true because that means maybe, just maybe someday I will
be smart & wise! 

I am pretty sure that someone will take my words
& statements out of context here, as I have seen it happen before.
Sometimes youre damned if you do & youre damned it you dont. When I
ignore posts like this I get accused to of NOT addressing the issues. When I have
tried to address them in the past, my responses have either been removed (depending
on the site or blog), or called lies & twisted more and more & takedn out of context. When some
un-named poster supports a negative comment it seems to be taken as truth but
when I, the person being called a scammer or liar, responds Im just called
more bad things. That is a fact. I am writing this for me & the people I
know. I am not writing this for someone who just wants to trash me or Symmetry
on their blog. If you took the time to read this entire (long) response, I
thank you for your time. 

I honestly, from the bottom of my heart feel
that if/ when you meet me, youll see the truth. I think you will like me. Even
some Ohio State fans like me!

Thank you for your time, I apologize for the
bad spelling & grammar. I went to kindergardern twice, had a kid in High
School, & dropped out of college after almost four years. My Dad has his
masters in English & one of my little sisters is a Spanish teacher. They
both just shake their heads when I try to type or write ha ha ha. Im sure
there are many mistakes in the post when it comes to grammar & spelling.

This is the year the Detroit Lions win it
all..maybe.. I hope! 

~Tim Woodcox
If you ignore your health it will go away.
Toll free: 1-877-298-8846

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