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  • Report:  #683484

Complaint Review: T-Mobile

T-Mobile T-Mobile's mistake and now i must pay for there mistakes.At the time i had gone over the new add on's to my account, making sure everything was correct, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Jennifer — Punta Gorda Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 17, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 17, 2011

July 30th, 2010, my beloved husband of 10 years died from a blood clot that had traveled into his lung.We have 3 boys, ages 5, 13 and 17 years old. Due to his sudden death, and the way he passed away(in my arms while embracing him,while my 3 boys looked on, i had no idea what was wrong, e'd just asked me to give him a hug) my boys and i took it so hard, we decided to move. Plus now i was a single parent, money is unbeleivably tight. So we had to move from our beautiful condo, to Low Income housing.

I saw a comercial for T-Mobile and went online to check it out. I liked what i saw, and opened an account. A month or two later, i called T-Mobile, and explained my circumstances. I made sure the man i was speaking with understood that i was on a very tight budget,and that i must know how much, by my adding two other lines to my account, how much that bill would be. With everything added in at the end of the month, how much would my monthly bill go up? I told him the phones i was interested in, they were nothing fancy. All i wanted was unlimited talk and text on both new lines. So after a few minutes he came back with all the new charges, and added it onto my exsisting monthly fee, that's my phone. The two phones were free, so all i had to do was pay the one time activation fee of $35.00 forboth phone's. The bill was with in my budget, with my new three lines, and all of us having unlimited talk and text, It came out to be $130.00 a month, with everything, all the tax, etc. That was something i could afford. So i agreed to adding on these two other lines. I made this gentleman go over the monthly 3 or 4 times, asking him multiple times if he had included everything, if he would go over and over it again to be sure he hadnt missed anything, i explained that i couldnt afford any surprises! He was a sport about going over the entire thing again and again.

A month and a half later, my phones get turned off.I had already paid my phone bill, i was up to date.I was informed that i was over my minutes and texting. My bill was over $1,000.00. I was in shock.I explained that i had unlim talk and text.And that neither of my childrens phoneswere to have internet, i had made that clear when setting up the account. After going over the account i had set up, and explained that this was a mistake.The man said he would fix it and get my bill back to the $130.00 monthly. Then a few weeks later, i received my bill in the mail stating i owed, over $400.00.I called and asked what was going on? They told me that, who ever i spoke with to set up my account, made a mistake. That my monthly bill with all three lines is $190.00 without tax and etc. Now this is where i had to go into the whole thing about how i had the man that set it up, go over and over the monthly bill, so there wasnt going to be any surprises! And because of his mistake, i dont see how, or why i have to pay for it. I had signed the agreement stating that i would pay $130.00, total, for my monthly bill. No more.After they kept transfering me from apartment to different apartment, they refused to honor the original contract tat i had agreed to. I asked if i sent back, and cancelled my childrens phones,how much would that bring my bill back down to? I was told that if i cancelled my two phone lines and kept my own, that i would be responsible for an additional $200.00 per phone. Plus that's on top of the $400.00+ i already owe them for my monthly bill, for the 3 lines!

After my trying to reason with them, about why should i have to pay for there mistake, and that they, as far as i could honestly figure, to be fair. That this was not my fault in any way, and that was what i was quoted, and what i had agreed to pay. That they should suck it up and honor the quote and the agreement between T-Mobile and I. Why should they be any different from these other companies, that give out these quotes, and once that quote is given, they had to stick by the quote.?! Why should they be any different? But they gave me a small window, where i had to pay the $400.00, or risk loosing my service, and having my credit damaged,Since iam trying very hard to repaire my credit, due to a house fire not too long ago, which we lost everything, except we all made it out alive!Thank God! Then the suddendeath of my beloved husband. My children and i have had a very difficult time. I need to rebuild my credit, to be able to buy my children a new home. To start over, slowly, and painfully. And these scams are the very last thing we need ontop of all the heart ach, and the stress im going through on a daily basis of being a single mother, that is barely scraping by financially. Even though it's only been 6 months since my husbands death, And 2 years since our devistating house fire, early christmas morning, at 2am. I'm doing the very best i can to get back on my feet, i have that fear now of loosing all my loved ones, so i chose to get my children each a cell phone, due to the fact they are older and go out more, if they ever need a phone for any emergency, oranything.They can reach me, no matter what, since we dont live in our very small town any more, where there was only 180 kids in the school, grades k thru 8. And i could'nt afford both home phone and cell. So for these companies that scam the inocent, who are all struggling, trying to provide for there families, just should'nt be allowed to get away with it! I hope there is something we can do to either get our money back from these rip off companies, or sue them and bankrupt them, hopefully by making an example out of a company as big and successful as T-Mobile, hopefully, it would scare other's straight! Make a big example out of them! I would definently want in on any type of class action, or lawsuite! If they can easily take advantage of a newly widow who explained just how dier and financially destitute, we are, and they not care, and take as much as they could possibly could get, then noone is safe from scum like them. The only reason why i had to go with T-Mobile was due to there aggreeing to accept people with pretty bad credit. They accept you, when other's dont, and desperate people, like myself, who are trying there hardest to improve there credit, and make it in today's economy, have to take what the can get. Unfortunatley, we who are rying to do the right thing, end up being taken advantage of. So T-Mobile total, and complete SCAM!! Dont get involve with this company, you will regret it in the long run, when it's your turn to be completely taken advantage of,and lied to. It may take a month o two, but they will SCAM YOU, just like they SCAM so many other's. SO SAY NO TO T-MOBILE, AND LOOK FOR A MORE REPRATEABLE COMPANY TO SPEND YOU'RE HARD EARNED MONEY WITH. IN THE END YOU WILL THANK ME FOR THIS SINCERE WARNING. THEY SCAM,SCAM,SCAM!!!ONE BIG SCAM!!!!!

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