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  • Report:  #572129

Complaint Review: Tamara Bane Gallery and Robert S. Bane

Tamara Bane Gallery and Robert S. Bane various firms owned by Robert S. Bane and Tamara Feuer - Bane including Robert Bane Editions, Fabian Perez Art Publishing, Robert Bane & Son Publishing, Robert Bane LTD et al Art frauds and online piracy of arts abusing the courts in the Age of the Internet : Likely the largest pin-up genre art fraud of its kind in history 269 South Beverly Drive, Studio 438, California

  • Reported By:
    John — Haverstraw New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 20, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 13, 2011
  • Tamara Bane Gallery and Robert S. Bane
    1120 Shadow Hill Way, Beverly Hills, California 90210
    269 South Beverly Drive, Studio 438, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

Art:  Sorayama V. Tamara Bane Gallery and Robert S. Bane

Art Frauds and Piracy in the Age of the Internet in context of abuses of the court processes to accelerate crimes against taxpayers, collectors' and artists' rights.

In 2007, Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama obtained a nearly $2 million judgment, including $1 million in punitive damages, against Robert S. Bane, his art gallery, Tamara Bane Gallery, and the publishing company Robert Bane LTD. et al owned by Tamara Feuer - Bane and Robert S. Bane.  In 2009, a federal bankruptcy court refused to allow Bane interests to discharge debt(s), citing a pattern of intentional and pervasive fraud perpetrated against artist Sorayama's interests.  The bankruptcy court also ruled that embezzling exists, adding to the list of frauds. In about January 15, 2010, the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP) concluded that the trial court and bankruptcy rulings stand in place under the review of higher courts' three Judge panel (citing 9th Circuit BAP No. CC-09-1108-MoPAH). 

On February 3, 2010, the 9th Circuit court of Appeals heard oral arguments of this "unbonded" appeal including reference to the ongoing abuse of the legal system. This is including what is more likely than not improper use of valuable time of taxpayer moneys in context of accelerating existing and new abuses on and/or going into records of the various courts' sessions.  This easy to understand art fraud case is in litigation stays that delay for over 5 years without vital creditor records filed and many assets knowingly hindered and or destroyed while the frauds persist and grow with in-laws and close associates. These irregularities in particular starting from about 14 Feb 2008, 31 August 2007 and or about 22 Oct. 2007 exam and ongoing into year 2010 as piracy / counterfeiting / forgery / falsified documents are observed significantly in court records and other abuses on the internet and or mailings reported to police. During this very same month of Feb. 2010, the trustee coordinating the  bankruptcy has filed to sell controversial arts from an incomplete inventory list including those of the Bane warehouses containing thousands of counterfeits and or forgery pieces / falsified provenances of arts of Sorayama. The artist has filed a stay to recover his arts and his rights from this proposed sale.

Search on Google:  Sorayama V. Tamara Bane Gallery
or contact J. Peik, Haverstraw, NY 10927

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Mutually Settled to Satisfaction of All Parties

#6Author of original report

Thu, October 13, 2011

Mutually Settled to Satisfaction of All Parties who request edits/removal of report 572129:

 The party filing this posting requests / requested removal of report 572129 and or that this edit be posted indicating this matter has been mutually settled to satisfaction of all Parties.


New York,
United States of America

02 to 15 March 2010

#6Author of original report

Sun, March 14, 2010

March 2010 update:  These days ahead may be a good time for those court officers who know best about the buyer of estate assets and debtor due diligence matters in context of good faith purchase of estate assets to speak up, question creditors/debtors and document any potential conflicts that appear as a likely potential for further investigation to at least evaluate this sale as viable.


New York,
United States of America

Trustee Sells Bane et al Compromised Sorayama arts and rights without physical audit

#6Author of original report

Wed, February 24, 2010

In 2009, a federal bankruptcy court refused to allow Tamara Bane Gallery et al (TBG) and Robert S. Bane (RSB)to discharge the debt, citing a pattern of intentional and pervasive fraud perpetrated against Sorayama.  The bankruptcy also ruled in 2009 that embezzling exists.  The Chapter 7 process is still ongoing, including various Appeals and the trustee in over 2 years has never done a physical audit of TBG / RSB arts warehousing facilities while Sorayama has requested to do so at his own cost in a viable way.

Artist Sorayama's and his representative's declarations that detailed the concern of counterfeits and unauthorized pieces  (that we have found to include forgery in the past three months and other eBay frauds) was stricken but read by the trustee and court.  There is public notice here and many communicated requests to trustee from Sorayama / his attorney staff who want to physically review and offer to buy/destroy Sorayama arts in possession of fraudsters TBG / RSB that appear to contain significant numbers of police reported forgery and or counterfeits that will mostly hurt collectors and Sorayama, it would be reasonable for the trustee to provide Sorayama the time/ place to review such arts under both state laws and federal laws.  Also, the trustee has been informed that TBG / RSB operates as a fraud over the internet including eBay and servers to which he transferred sales of his unfiled / omitted websites' order forms.  These websites including eBay forgery and falsified Bane sales, were readily observed during the 2 years of this bankruptcy and even pointed out to trustee well over 1 year ago. eBay has banned 14 accounts in the past weeks and found over 335 suspicious accounts that eBay attributes in various portions to TBG / RSB and an in-law Ron Feuer, Jr. who has an unlawful investment scheme in possession of a court officer in this bankruptcy matter.

At two 341a(s) vital attorney Weinstein simply left the proceeding without subsitute counsel and at the continued 341a the trustee (who requires accounting/legal assistance of attorney Miller) showed up without Attorney Miller who missed the opportunity to conclude and question regarding dozens of omissions of arts/ records, commingle into a personal bank account of RSB as well as the fact that vital 30 minutes of concluding audio were cut off the 14 Feb 2008 341a in context of 13 feb 2008 session and other facts of irregularity that have been detailed at length.  Attorney Laurin stated that in his 20 years of bankruptcy that he never attended such improper 341as and communicated to trustee to report to UST at viable times.  This may have been done and hopefully trustee/court officers are taking this matter of TBG / RSB frauds into consideration now in the courts system itself.

Artist Sorayama and his court representative best know what is legitimate arts to sell in the case of Sorayama and keep in mind that there may even be unaccounted for originals, or possible forgeries, being conveyed without an expert Sorayama physical audit overseen by trustee.


New York,
United States of America

Public Notice of Recovery of Embezzled, Forgery and Pirated Arts

#6Author of original report

Tue, February 23, 2010

To whom it may Concern in matters of Hajime Sorayama V. Tamara Bane Gallery et al and Robert S. Bane:

Below is a partial listing of examples of more extensive frauds in the event that due diligence somehow did not uncover the extensive internet, bankruptcy irregular filings/341as and mail frauds that occur shortly before and during the concluded trial, ongoing bankruptcy and Appeal during a time frame from about 2005 to 2010.

The public are invited to help find some of these below described images listed herein for a reward on a case by case basis that may be withdrawn by giving an updated notice on this website.  Details of reward(s) are sent out on a case by case basis and require that you have ownership or control of one or more of the three images described as follows:

1.  Embezzled / defrauded Sorayama image no. HS94 is being sought for information and recovery.  A reward will be detailed depending upon your access to such images and or its recovery.

2. Embezzled / defrauded Sorayama image no. 2001.16 was recovered about Jan 2010 and documented.  However, the pirated aspect in a German - American made art book as well as internet usages still exists in potential counterfeiting and at the very least contempt issues in the ongoing court process. Information of substance about this piracy issues may be considered for a reward on / before 15 May 2010.

3. Any Sorayama pieces designated WP or Working Proof (Pieces) that comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (CoA)from a gallery and or publisher that have transferred such Pieces on line and or by mail that can be documented in an acceptable format--contact for details of reward with some of your details for Artist Sorayama to assess.

4. Any Sorayama pieces selling at or below $275 per pieces with a CoA by a Bane gallery or Bane publisher where the CoA is dated and signed between 2007 and 2010 timeframe.  A limited number of these rewards will be granted up to 6 pieces of such recovered with CoAs as stated--contact with your details and our reward details will be issued.

5.  This is Notice of on file reports of eBay fraud team reports regarding Sorayama arts appears to be available for any concerned attorney for some time including maybe Tamara Bane et al and its attorneys.  You may have already contacted eBay to establish the potentiality of frauds concering numerous email, eBay alias and IP addresses that more likely than not have posted forgery / pirated / falsified CoAs published by Bane et al and / or his giclee printer.  We recovered some of these frauds as samples.

Images below are some embezzled and or pirated samples that have been documented/traced and or recovered:


New York,
United States of America

Another Fraud Abuse is the April 2009 IRS document

#6Author of original report

Sun, February 21, 2010

Flagrant waste of tax payer monies and furthering art and financial related fraud:  Irregularities and using time delays to attempt to mute and or assist the frauds ruled upon by trial and BK courts in particular occurring on dates as follows:

A) About 22 Oct 2007 exam of printer / archivist of Bane et al where vital records were/are hindered by Bane et al attorneys operating in conflict who are now filing an appeal of a BAP written ruling of 15 Jan 2010

B) About 14 Feb 2008: 341a contains many red flag types of irregularities in bankruptcy too numerous to list including including dozens of omissions, commingling and the second time that a needed attorney was absent for a viable 341a. This continued 341a had vital 30 minutes of concluding audio cut-off AFTER irregularities detected. A flip flop of personal income was also shown between an artist and the publisher/debtors who make extensive usage of website order forms, CASH checks, credit cards with haphazard accounting concluded upon by forensic reports.
The FBI and UST maybe were not contacted at this time to best of our knowledge.

C) After about Feb 2009: Forensics studies show alter egos, missing vital credit card data, transitions/structuring of investments to debt in 2005/2006, emails/cyber-data remains unfiled and not investigated including that of three re-dacted and late filed valuable contracts to a gallery overseas (same one that commingled funds to personal account observed at 14 Feb 341a where audio is cut off at conclusion).  It appears to be method to muddy this simple case and prolong its Chapter 7 by debtors side with goal of not concluding nor paying off debts while living a lavish lifestyle in 90210 and travelling the globe. Other contracts to licensing, artists and one scheme to in-law is never filed ongoing.

D) About April 2009 at which timeframe an an IRS exemption form was falsified and submitted as a fraud to the court as a false exemptions.  This is also supported by 02 June 2009 exams derived from statements of 1 to 3 parties under exam. This new debtor fraud is also supported by historical due diligence of accounting by the debtor side attorney who may not have done so. Attorneys have not recused themselves.  It is further supported by a major creditor (also debtor in-law) whose case appears to be more likely than not a form of crime against the elderly.

D) About Nov. - Feb 2010:
--31 August 2007 accelerated dumping AFTER court rulings is transacted to an online auction website user. This is discovered in late 2009 in context of not only dumping but also asset transfers to users of the online auction just before and maybe after BK filings in a method that allows further dumping and hiding assets from BK trustee
--online auction website's fraud team finds new evidence of debtor emails not disclosed in bankruptcy and trial by defendants/debtors; a popular online auction website bans at least 14 accounts while continuing investigating potentially 335 "suspicious" online auction accounts; creditor recovers an embezzled piece/forgery piece/falsified provenance that helps support counterfeiting allegations which are also on file at  authorities who investigate art frauds and cyber piracy / piracy
-- a UK and Australia analog to the popular online auction website shows that debtor in-law appears to be dumping art pieces that were not part of the unlawful written investment scheme of March 2001 indicating potential transfers of assets to this in-law that should have turned it into BK trustee
-- High profile Appeal / BK Attorneys have filed an appeal of BAP (Bankruptcy Appeal Panel-BAP No. CC-09-1108-MoPaH) conclusion further dissipating assets, preventing justice for years and abusing valuable tax-payer monies in filing such a questionable appeal of an appeal of this simple art fraud case.

It is and should be of concern to courts and taxpayers about how a simple set of proven frauds is being abused by vexatious abuse of courts time needed by other pressing matters.

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