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  • Report:  #778639

Complaint Review: Target Corporation

Target Corporation Target They never stop Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • Reported By:
    Cris — Lochbuie Colorado USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 19, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 10, 2011
  • Target Corporation
    1000 Nicllet Mall
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My daughter, Bobi Jo Lopez has received 100 calls in 15 days from the collection department at Target.  We are in debt relief with fast tracks. They have received all their communications that our attorney has sent them including the Letter of Representation.  However, they are rude, obnoxious, and threatening every time they call which is often, they never stop.  We have had to unplug our phone and my daughter has refused to answer any more of their calls. They refuse to listen.  They have treatened to garnish her wages, take her to court, and anything else that they can come up with even though they know that we have an attorney.  I want them to stop calling. It's every day and night.  If they don't stop, they will not see a dime because we're getting to the point of filing bankrupcey instead.

15 Updates & Rebuttals

I am the law


Answer to your problems.....

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, October 10, 2011

Bills: pay them.

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC


Just change your phone number to an UNLISTED one!

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 26, 2011

...............or.....make a payment!!

Just a heads up.A "first party" collector who is employed by the original creditor can call as much as they want...LEGALLY.
They are NOT bound by the FDCPA.

Creditors DO NOT have to comply with any request from any debt management company.Compliance is strictly VOLUNTARY.The do not have to comply with requests by your attorney either.No legal requirement for them to comply with anything short of a summons or a BK Notice of Filing.

Many creditors will not deal with these types of companies at all.I don't blame them.

So, if you REALLY want the calls to stop...MAKE A PAYMENT!! Or, change your phone# to an unlisted one!

Real simple.


New York,

He strikes again

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2011

The worlds greatest professional victim, chuckie of phenix city fame, strikes again!


United States of America

It could happen anywhere

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 25, 2011

I never had credit cards, if Target did it would be my first one. I preferred to not have credit cards.

Someone wrote or said once, that credit card are given to people who do not pay there bills quickly to increase the chance of making money off people, from the interest rate. That they pick people that have a chance. of get money off people who pay later. That seems like cause the problem, then complain its not paid. Its a fact when people borrow money they do deserve it back. People asked me for money $100, $20, $5 or less, did they pay it back, if they did I would know, being almost never.

I know what Target is like, yet have not been to other Target stores, I know that Target can be strange: Anyone anywhere can be strange yet never so strange as Target, I asked a quick, polite question, only to get interrupted by someone telling me to leave or be arrested, because it would slow down the worker, when they expect more work and less talk.

Therefore I never buy there, its not safe to buy there. I will always be their Target of abuse.

Walmart is always friendlier, they welcome me to their store, Target never did, and never will.

mr rik



#16Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2011

I sometimes get groceries at target.

Not as SCARY as walmart.


North Carolina,
United States of America

Simmer down sweetheart

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2011

What bugged me the most about your post was that you named your daughter. That was an awful thing to do on a public site like this, and frankly, some of what you wrote here could even be used by the creditor to state that y'all knowingly ran up unsupportable charges on them, knowing you were likely to soon default. That's not bankruptcy, it's criminal fraud. It's close to being like writing bad checks. I hope for all y'alls sake that's not the case here, and y'all just slowly slid into insolvency.
How long did y'all have this charge account and when did she start falling behind and ultimately stop paying on it?
I'm sorry your girl is in this mess with a no account ex, but that's not Target's fault, nor their responsibility. Surely you understand this. Were y'all shopping for groceries there because you don't have or can no longer use regular credit cards at a regular supermarket? Was Target basically your last resort for all your basic daily needs? Again, if the end of the gravy train finally passed, that's not Target's fault.
In all fairness, if you have justification for any report here, it should be on your bum son in law. Why not name him? Are his whereabouts unknown? If not, is he facing criminal charges as a deadbeat dad? If not, why?
I know tons of people who are out of work right now and either in, or facing, dire straits, including foreclosure. I'm not some Scrooge who wants you to end up in the work house. But you and she made some pretty bad decisions, including choice of husbands, naming her for the whole world to see, and possibly running up charges you might have known you wouldn't be able to pay for. no amount of sympathy or empathy can undo that.


New York,

I'm sorry for your daughter.

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, September 21, 2011

I am so glad I'm not your daughter.  Who needs a mother who puts their daughter's dirty laundry on the internet for all to see; grandkids, friends, relatives, employers, neighbors, etc.

Do you know that ROR NEVER removes a report?

Way to go Mom!

Debt relief is pretty much a waste of time and money.  Any outfit that tells you to pay us and not your creditors is going to get you into trouble.

I would have suggested that you seek some credit counseling from a local non-profit such as consumer credit counselors but it appears that it is too late for you and her.  At this point, I suggest you and your daughter seek out one of the many bankruptcy attorneys in your area.

Bankruptcy might be a viable protective option for you.

FYI, I do volunteer credit counseling (free) and I'm certified with the NACCC.  What  this means is that the credit counseling I conduct is accepted by the bankruptcy courts.  I would NEVER recommend anyone hire any of these "debt relief" bozos who tell you to stop paying creditors.  There are other aternatives that are agreeable to creditors.  In my experience (over 28 years) only a few scummy creditors were uncooperative with the alternatives I recommended.

Good luck to you and your daughter.



My guess is that......

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, September 20, 2011

....the original poster will be back here in a few months claiming that they had been ripped off by Fast Tracks Debt Relief.



Bright Bulbs.

#16Author of original report

Tue, September 20, 2011

Really!  Well at the time, we thought we were doing the right thing by trying to get them some money instead of filing banckrupcey.  Now, instead of dealing with anyone, we are going to file bankrupcey.  No one will get anything.  How's that.  Food Bank!  So be it, we did use it to buy food because we have three kids that need food, clothing to wear, and surgeries that need to be paid for.

Sorry that we aren't doing our best in you're opinion. But as you may have noticed, we're among millions that are in the same boat. 

Glad you're doing so well.  Why don't you pay our bills.  After all you think that you're so much better then we are. Spread the wealth that you seem to think that you have.





#16Author of original report

Tue, September 20, 2011

That's what we think too. 




Dead Beat Daughter.

#16Author of original report

Tue, September 20, 2011

Excuse me, but the only reason that she got into this mess is because of her ex not paying child support.  She actually works her behind off at her job.  However, her insurance has gone up, child support has not been paid, kids need to be fed and clothed, and surgeries have to be paid for.  Sorry, that she's not living up to your expectations but it reality, she has a lot of company in case you haven't noticed.  That's why we're in Debt Relief.  If that doesn't work, we file bankrupcey. Period!  We have asked them to stop calling.  And, yes, I'm in the same situation. However, the difference is, I have no job, I'm disabled but do receive Widows Benefits.  People like you disgust me.  People like you digust me.  No one knows better than we do that we're in debt, believe me.  But, just so you know, this kind of harrassment is also again the law, I'm speaking of Target as well as others. So, they may be able to sue us for the money owed to them but our attorney can also sue them for harrassment.



North Carolina,
United States of America

Why are you naming your daughter here?

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, September 20, 2011

You must all be a real bunch of bright bulbs? Why are you letting everyone who reads this know your deadbeat daughter's name? Have none of you any sense?
Target's collection efforts rate as annoying, not as a ripoff, so you're posting in the wrong place. You'all have actually ripped off Target it would seem. How much have you run up on them, as though they were a charity food bank?
You come off as having a really high sense of entitlement to default on your creditors and not give a hoot.


This City,


#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 19, 2011

" We are in debt relief with fast tracks. "

How much are you sending this buisness to take care of your card debt with Target? They are not paying your bills are they? 

No company, including Target,  cares about a " Letter of Representation " from an internet site you paid instead of paying them. 



Have you asked them to stop?

#16General Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

The next time they call tell them not to call you anymore. After that send them a certified letter explaining that you told their collectors to stop calling you.



How dare they

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

How dare a company actually try to collect money that they are legally owed.  After all the only thing your daughter did was apply for the card, agree to the terms and charge up a balance.

We are in debt relief with fast tracks.

- I have not heard of this company specifically but in looking them up they appear to be a "Debt Settlement" company and not a Debt Management Company.  So here are some general things you better be thinking about.

- There is NO requirement that a company "settle".  Regardless of what a Debt Settlement company tells you.  They will often get around this by saying that it is more of an advantage to the company to settle than get nothing.  But what they don't tell you is that the company can just write off the debt anyways, so that "advantage" is basically mute.

- If the company has told you to stop paying your creditors and pay them instead where they "hold" the money until they can settle a debt.  You are intentionally going into default, and when you are sued the only thing that will get you with a judge is a nice judgment against you.

As a test.  See if this company will guarantee in writing that you won't get sued.  Then on the more than likely chance you do get sued ask if they will represent you as part of the program.

They have treatened to garnish her wages, take her to court, and anything else that they can come up with even though they know that we have an attorney.

- I don't know what your attorney is telling you, but hiring an attorney is not a "Get out of Jail Free" card.  They can still sue you, and if they prevail they not only may be able to garnish your wages, but attach your bank accounts as well.

I want them to stop calling.

- Then pay them the money that is owed...simple solution.

If they don't stop, they will not see a dime because we're getting to the point of filing bankrupcey instead.

Then why are you throwing away money with a debt relief company?   If your going to file Bankruptcy, cut your losses and file.

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