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  • Report:  #216666

Complaint Review: Target

Target ripoff Atlanta Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Atlanta Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 19, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 31, 2007

I have been working a Target for seven months and I hate it. Target makes my life a living h**l. I can't stand going there; nothing pisses me off more than Target.

The ETLs shows favoritism and it pisses me the hell off. I am a mad woman and I am burning on the inside. This s**t is not right. There is this young girl there she work mostly soft lines; this woman never closes on the weekend. She always works Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Okay she is in school and I understand that she has homework and studying to do, but there are others team members in school and they work every weekend. I have noticed most of them don't work during the week but that's beside my point. I have children and I will like to spend time with my children once in a while on the weekend. While I am at work working she floating her little happy a** around town. Then what pisses me off she steals time. Her schedule may say Saturday 8-4:30 but she takes it upon herself to stay until 5 and 6' o clock in the evening. Oh.My.God!! Sunday is the day she strikes the hardest. For some reason she don't close on Sunday her schedule always says Sunday 2:00p.m 8:45p.m but she leaves when other team members leave (including myself) which usually be between 10:30- 11:30 why does the ETL-HR thinks that she cant close on Sunday? She has mislead, lied and trick them because this b***h stays against her own free will past her schedule shift. Oh Ralph the new ETL in soft lines treats his people like Kings and Queens. He let them have their way. I have always worked in hard-lines and I am cool with some of the ETLs but looking at the way Ralph treats his team makes me want to work their. I wish I could sit on the clock for eight hours talking and bullshi**ing around with Ralph.

ETLs at T1964 always threaten team members with write-ups. You know betteryou been working here long enough to know better I should write you up that's what Sabrina newly ETL of hard-lines always says. We get threaten with writes up if we leave before the zone is released. To prevent team members from leaving they lock us in. There is a national law that protects employee giving employee the right to leave work after they have completed their eight hour shift. See them bitches at T1964 think we are stupid. I am well aware of Target retaliation policy. Writing someone up because they do not wish to stay past their 8 hour shift is RETALIATION!!! and ETLs at T-1964 are in violation. Ray is the store manger; I like Ray. Ray is a pretty cool dude. Ray thinks he is slick, Ray secretly desire drama, he loves drama I bet drama make his heart sing. Ray will sit in his office and watch team members on Candy Camera. But it's cool because I have nothing to hide. Ray never releases the zone on his closing night because he is protecting his job. Ray knows Target rules and regulation and follows them by treating team members like jackasses. Guess he says it was my job to tell those fools their rights in orientation, even gave them a team member hand book. Ray attitude states that he really doesn't give a d**n. He is too cool. Some people get away with things I remember once (recently) this team member get mad because of the assign area they gave her and walk off. She went and whispered a couple of words in Ray ear and the next thing I know she was gone. No-write-up, No-office-talk, No-warning she just walks out. What-The-F

In addition it pisses me off when I come in and have to work in the same area everyday. There was a girl who quit once because of that. I am always working in one area. When I was hired I was told that I would work in many different areas through out the store. They have me doing s**t team leads are suppose to do. Some time I don't feel good and want to work in a relaxing area like seasonal but NO they stick my a*s in toys and sporting goods might-as-well say electronic too because its all in the same area.

T-1964 is totally unprofessional. ETL sit in TSC talking about team members all day. WTF them bitches have a store to maintain but fail to do so because they want to b***h talk all day. Team leads are guilty of doing the same thing the difference between hard-line team leads and soft-line team leads are hard-line team leads talk to their LOD in private and soft-line talks to their LOD in public all at one. ETLs at T-1964 are the ones who put people business out.

T-1964 just hired a new lady she came from a super Target. Every chance she gets she runs to the front end to relieve the GSTL for their break but she also leaves the store!!! On Target time WTF.


Atlanta, Georgia

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7 Updates & Rebuttals



Target Ripoff

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 31, 2007

Here's how it breaks down Tameka, as a former manager with Target I can tell you that your complaints whether online or to your STL will not make a difference. As far as they are concerned you are a very expendable asset, everday they have people walk in off the street looking for a job, so you can be replaced so why care about your issues. If you'r not a TL or ETL or looking to make Target a career then you're not worth the time. Ofcourse they tell you you're going to work in many different areas of the store, that to rope you in and get you to take the job, Because even though you can easily be replaced there's nothing a TL or ETL hates more than doing another interview. They hire you and put you in the same area over and over again so that you learn that area and can get it done quickly at night so everybody can go home. The ETL and STL doesn't like being in the store any longer than anyone else, but they get paid a salary so it doesn't matter what time they leave.

As for the cell phone issue, it is Target policy that any salary based employee may have their cell phone on the sales floor and use it, if you are a TL or TM that has children or a spouse or parent that is ill and might require emergency services, you are allowed to carry your cell phone on the salesfloor in your pocket on vibrate. By reading you post it sounds very much to me like your store is corrupt, I worked as a manager for 3 different stores, from opening in 2 of them and have seen 2 out of the 3 go the same direction as yours. So you have a choice, you can give your 2 week notice and quit like you should, (you don't want to just up and quit, quitting without giving your 2 week notice effects you rehire status, and even though you might never want to work there again, most other companies when they call and check employment references ask what you rehire status is and that can effect if you get the job or not.) Or you can bide you time there and wait for the store to get wiped.

In that case, Target upper management gets rid of everyone above a TM position and starts over with new ones. In most cases where the store has gotten as bad as yours the easiest thing to do is quit, but they want you to up and quit, they want your rehire status to be red. One last person to have to interview if you come back, and you're branded as a trouble maker if your rehire status is red and they don't have to hire you back anyways. But again it can also seriously affect where and how long it takes you to get your next job.

If you just quit then you are letting them get the best of you, in many situations at the other stores I worked at the ETLs And TLs went out of their way to make TM angry and upset just to try and get them to quit. You shouldn't let that happen to you, quit and quit the right way.



Target Ripoff

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 31, 2007

Here's how it breaks down Tameka, as a former manager with Target I can tell you that your complaints whether online or to your STL will not make a difference. As far as they are concerned you are a very expendable asset, everday they have people walk in off the street looking for a job, so you can be replaced so why care about your issues. If you'r not a TL or ETL or looking to make Target a career then you're not worth the time. Ofcourse they tell you you're going to work in many different areas of the store, that to rope you in and get you to take the job, Because even though you can easily be replaced there's nothing a TL or ETL hates more than doing another interview. They hire you and put you in the same area over and over again so that you learn that area and can get it done quickly at night so everybody can go home. The ETL and STL doesn't like being in the store any longer than anyone else, but they get paid a salary so it doesn't matter what time they leave.

As for the cell phone issue, it is Target policy that any salary based employee may have their cell phone on the sales floor and use it, if you are a TL or TM that has children or a spouse or parent that is ill and might require emergency services, you are allowed to carry your cell phone on the salesfloor in your pocket on vibrate. By reading you post it sounds very much to me like your store is corrupt, I worked as a manager for 3 different stores, from opening in 2 of them and have seen 2 out of the 3 go the same direction as yours. So you have a choice, you can give your 2 week notice and quit like you should, (you don't want to just up and quit, quitting without giving your 2 week notice effects you rehire status, and even though you might never want to work there again, most other companies when they call and check employment references ask what you rehire status is and that can effect if you get the job or not.) Or you can bide you time there and wait for the store to get wiped.

In that case, Target upper management gets rid of everyone above a TM position and starts over with new ones. In most cases where the store has gotten as bad as yours the easiest thing to do is quit, but they want you to up and quit, they want your rehire status to be red. One last person to have to interview if you come back, and you're branded as a trouble maker if your rehire status is red and they don't have to hire you back anyways. But again it can also seriously affect where and how long it takes you to get your next job.

If you just quit then you are letting them get the best of you, in many situations at the other stores I worked at the ETLs And TLs went out of their way to make TM angry and upset just to try and get them to quit. You shouldn't let that happen to you, quit and quit the right way.



Target Ripoff

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 31, 2007

Here's how it breaks down Tameka, as a former manager with Target I can tell you that your complaints whether online or to your STL will not make a difference. As far as they are concerned you are a very expendable asset, everday they have people walk in off the street looking for a job, so you can be replaced so why care about your issues. If you'r not a TL or ETL or looking to make Target a career then you're not worth the time. Ofcourse they tell you you're going to work in many different areas of the store, that to rope you in and get you to take the job, Because even though you can easily be replaced there's nothing a TL or ETL hates more than doing another interview. They hire you and put you in the same area over and over again so that you learn that area and can get it done quickly at night so everybody can go home. The ETL and STL doesn't like being in the store any longer than anyone else, but they get paid a salary so it doesn't matter what time they leave.

As for the cell phone issue, it is Target policy that any salary based employee may have their cell phone on the sales floor and use it, if you are a TL or TM that has children or a spouse or parent that is ill and might require emergency services, you are allowed to carry your cell phone on the salesfloor in your pocket on vibrate. By reading you post it sounds very much to me like your store is corrupt, I worked as a manager for 3 different stores, from opening in 2 of them and have seen 2 out of the 3 go the same direction as yours. So you have a choice, you can give your 2 week notice and quit like you should, (you don't want to just up and quit, quitting without giving your 2 week notice effects you rehire status, and even though you might never want to work there again, most other companies when they call and check employment references ask what you rehire status is and that can effect if you get the job or not.) Or you can bide you time there and wait for the store to get wiped.

In that case, Target upper management gets rid of everyone above a TM position and starts over with new ones. In most cases where the store has gotten as bad as yours the easiest thing to do is quit, but they want you to up and quit, they want your rehire status to be red. One last person to have to interview if you come back, and you're branded as a trouble maker if your rehire status is red and they don't have to hire you back anyways. But again it can also seriously affect where and how long it takes you to get your next job.

If you just quit then you are letting them get the best of you, in many situations at the other stores I worked at the ETLs And TLs went out of their way to make TM angry and upset just to try and get them to quit. You shouldn't let that happen to you, quit and quit the right way.



Change you're availability sheet

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 13, 2007

There are quite a few reasons for the complaints you have about this girls schedule. First off, if she is a minor then she is not allowed to close, minors have to leave the store by 9:45 otherwise the store gets in trouble. If you want to have sunday evenings off then go to the office and pick up an availability sheet and change your schedule, leads tend to be willing to work with you.

Target is not required in anyway to move you around to wherever you want to work, it is based on how well you work. From what I read in your report there is no incentive for them to give you a job that you want. If you don't like it quit.



I used to work there...maybe you are missing something?

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 20, 2007

I got a job there when I was 6 months pregnant because a certain drug store chain that is now out of business, discriminated against me for being pregant. Anyway, I was hired in softlines, and told that I would be in that department, as well as jewelry, and relief cashier. I had no problems at all. I was even able to sit down behind the jewelry counter, if we weren't busy.

I closed just about every single night, and I can tell you this: When any area was released, everyone had to help out the other areas until EVERYONE was done - and we all left at the same time. And if you were scheduled to close - you CLOSED - no exceptions.

Personally, I thought they treated everyone fairly in that respect, whether I liked having to help close other areas or not. There were some areas that were either milking the clock, or just plain took their time because they knew everyone would come over to help and their area was just plain messy.

Heck, my team lead would wind up doing some of my work, too, because she didn't want me pushing the clothes racks. Maybe it's just a Midwest thing. LOL.


Pearl River,

I hear ya

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 14, 2006

After reading you report I was in awe. I myself worked their and hated evry moment there. The GSTL's had their favorites and ya know they could take an hour lunch but god forbid if we were 3 minutes late they could sit on their cell phones all day even the store manager talking to thier girlfriends just because they miss them but I cant even hold mine in my pocket.

Well I finally had it with them. I worked my a*s off after starting as a cashier and just cashier so I thought 1 month later after having 4 people quit in customer service due to one Team lead. Since none of the other cashiers want to be in customer service guess who got both the duties switching from cust. service to cashier throughout the day and working 8 to 7 or 8-10 oh yes me.

I worked more than the d**n team leads and Gstls and still got treated like sh** after working opening hours. I also got the honor of zoning and putting back all of the abandons. I also had the honor of helping softlines do their crapp to and when all of the other cashiers were on their way home I was still there and then finally off and able to go home to my 1 month old daughter.

I couldnt work there anymore. I missed my daughter and hated my job and right now the most important thing to me is my daughters well being. Wasnt happening there.

When a store has more then 10 people quit due to one manager being a bi*** dont you think its time to look into it? I'm not going to be one of their guinea pigs they can do it by themselves if they learn how to get off their a*s*s....




Not a valid Complaint for this website.

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 08, 2006

I am sorry that you are not enjoying your employment at Target. Everyone has bad work experiences. However, I do not feel that your complaints are valid for this website. Your beef is with the individuals at your Target, not the company overall.

Every workplace has people that don't put in a full day of work or they cheat the system. Welcome to the real world. Work is not always fun. I suggest that you talk to your manager, instead of stooping below your fellow team members by bashing them on-line.

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