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  • Report:  #1076833

Complaint Review: Tau Tia L Douglass

Tau Tia L Douglass Temple of Theola, Church St Mary & St John Reptilian, Witch, Tia Douglass, Seed of Cain, Serpent Bloodline, Secrets of the Serpent Bloodline Preston Lancashire

  • Reported By:
    gypsychris — Northampton Dist of Columbia
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 18, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 16, 2013
  • Tau Tia L Douglass
    Lancashire, Select State/Province
    United Kingdom
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Tau Tia L Douglass, this woman is evil and should be stopped, she is spawn of the Devil. Her Illuminated cult have secret rituals where they shapeshift into reptiles and drink blood. If you join her church she will put a reptilian alien in you in a special ceremony. Tau Tia Douglas knows how to read your mind and remotely view, they train them to do this in her cult and other satanic powers. The witch Tia Douglass should burn for this. David Icke has mentioned her family in his books, saying they are reptiles, so I know it is true.

How dare the stupid woman say she is a Priest or Bishop, that is a man job only, no woman can be Priest. We used to burn the likes of her at the stake and clean up the place of her satanic devil worship illuminati cults - church of st mary and st john, temple of theola and knights group. She has a Templar Illuminati cult for the reptiles to secretly meet. I pray the Lord will punish her for her evil deeds. Her hair is red, the hair of the reptilian seed of Cain. The ginger b***h must be stopped. I am writing this report so you can avoid her cult, don't be taken in or she will put a reptile in you. You have been warned. AVOID Tau Tia Douglas.

DO NOT READ Tau Tia's book Secrets of the Serpent Bloodline, it will hypnotise you into allowing her to put a reptile in you.

13 Updates & Rebuttals



What a Joke!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, September 16, 2013

I haven't stopped laughing at this report...  the author obviously has serious mental problems and lives in a fantasy world..

I mean ‘Putting reptiles in your head by reading a book...’ seriously ‘dude’ seek some psychiatric help!!!!!

It is such a pity that people like the author are allowed to run around and have access to the internet, we really need new institutions to be built to house these people.

All I can say is that anyone who believes this report needs help!

Tau Tia is a very close personal friend and colleague and I can assure you all neither she nor I or anyone else has any reptiles in us!!!!!



Cracks me up

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, September 09, 2013

You people are all hilarious.

Cynthia Wolf


Wow! That was deeply offensive :'(

#14General Comment

Tue, August 20, 2013

How evil of you to speak this way, burn at the stake bc she has red hair?  Are you mental?  

I love Jesus Christ with all that I am.  But I'm certain had I lived in medieval times, I would've taken a witch dunking and likely been burnt.  Did you know the first men to translate the Holy Bible into English along with the books were also burnt at the stake?  This is taking God's name in vain:  using it to control & condemn souls to advance your own agenda.  

This one thing I know for certain:  if Jesus Christ felt Tau Tia had demons, He would've touched, healed, delivered, freed, and loved her like Legion or Mary Magdalene.  He would NOT have slandered her in demonic hate.  He who is without sin cast the first stone.  Clearly, that is not you.



Lies & Slander

#14General Comment

Mon, August 19, 2013

The author of this post is clearly having some sort of delusional thought process to believe someone is putting reptiles into people, drinking blood and other ridiculous ideas. 

Tau Tia Douglass is an honest, trustworthy individual her book is filled with an incredible amount of actual research and it's the truth. Perhaps the author is feeling spiritually conflicted because the information in her book goes against what he was taught and he simply can't come to terms with it? 

Rubbish like this disinformation and ridiculous lies, lible & slander against Tau Tia should be removed immediately! 

For those of you out there that are professed Christians I am prayer intercessor, deliverance minister. In my discernment of Tau Tia she is truthful and pure of heart regardless of how you perceive her knowledge. 

I will give you something to ponder: 

Matthew 7:1-5 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


Dist of Columbia,


#14Consumer Comment

Mon, August 19, 2013

 I own the book myself, there is zero promotion present of devils, demons, satanism, ghosts, aliens, reptiles but there is however lots of research & information including human DNA & history of cultures in our world. I don't understand why the author of this report felt it was necessary to incorporate sexism, prejudice, discrimination & slander towards the book author. I believe the author of this report has created a false claim & has never purchased nor read the book before. This issued rip off report is very faulty and unreliable report representing the book authors work. All of what the report author for the book is claiming is actually in the book, is not in there. The book author doesn't practice satanism, nor has ever claimed to.



Seriously unstable

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 18, 2013

Anyone who believes this poster's ideas (including the poster, if applicable...and not someone trying to scare and intimidate  people from learning what other's don't want to be revealed) has serious psychological issues. Burning this published author at the stake? Accusing her of putting REPTILES into people? I am concerned for this person's mental health and for the safety of those around him or her. 

I am looking forward to reading her book. And Icke mentions my family name in one of his books. I must be possessed by a reptile then too? Pathetic. 

alastair james chambers


sea creatures !! are you for real ?

#14General Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

Drinking blood !! Sea creatures !! What exactlly have parasites like you ever done to help anyone .. wrapped up in your reptile / ET theories ! How can you even comment on something you know nothing about .. crawl back down the hole from .. again what shred of evidence do you have to back up this nonsense .. stop trying to ruin someones good name who you know nothing about . 


New York,

Dude is telling the truth! wake-up

#14General Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

Thankyou for your truth written above. Most people won't know jack concerning spirits, demons so that's why the world is in so much chaos.  Something bad happens then they blame the holy God. I completely understand that you are saying and I've spoken to several satanic worshippers who are now Christians concerning their deeds. It was a proven fact that they transformed into marine sea creatures that were like sharkes and dangerous reptiles to eat their prey and drink their blood as part of the ritual.  Satan loves it when the world is blind because he can do anything he wants because everyone denies the truth of satanic cults, lodges and some catholic churches.  Wake up !!Thankyou Jesus




#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 18, 2013

Absolute load of rubbish. I would like to see you prove any of that. I have known Tau Tia for a long time and none of that is true. Personally I am enjoying her book and highly recommend it to anyone.


let's roll,

sounds far fetched

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 18, 2013

wow, drinking blood? reptiles inside people? 

i have soo much more to worry about now.... i've heard burning women at the stake is a crime in most states.. not to mention the masagenistic tone of this entire read... the author sounds as if he has been deeply wounded by a female and is now a bitter sack of what he once was... sad sight. 


New Jersey,


#14General Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

The person who posted this obviously drank David Icke's Kool Aid and is a delusional fantasist. The man is a "Celebrity" Conspiracy Theorist, which means that he's sold a lot of books and DVD's to ignorant and gullible people. If Icke's information were a real threat to the psychopaths in power - who like that you're distracted by this nonsense, as it keeps you off their backs - he would be a dead man by now.

It is pretty sad that you have nothing better to do than spew hate about a woman you don't even know. You really need some help for that psychosis of yours. Shamelessly promoting genocide, racism, and misogyny. Disgusting. Some "Christian"! Oh no, wait, this is actually quite typical of you Fundies.

Maybe you're just another psychopath, working for the more powerful, smarter ones, since you seem to get off on the idea of murder and clearly have an impaired ability to empathize with others. In that case, I'd rather be a reptile than a parasite like you. Why don't you crawl back to the primordial slime where you belong?

alastair james chambers


rebuttal of lies regarding tau tia douglass

#14General Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

it says  a lot about the author of this report that they have remained anonymous and frankly cowardly . i would chalenge the author of this to reveal themselves and show anything that backs up their claims ..  mean really!!! plant a reptile in you !! what planet are you on ? in the time ive known tau tia no-one has been hypnotised or forced into anything and this report is the act of a sad coward .. 



The Reptiles are here

#14Author of original report

Sun, August 18, 2013

It is too late for you, you have a reptile in you already.

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