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  • Report:  #14774

Complaint Review: Tax Ready and NADN

Tax Ready-Biggest rip off in history

  • Reported By:
    Portland Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 21, 2002
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 11, 2004
  • Tax Ready and NADN
    4310 South Cameron Street, Suite 11,
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
    1-877-658-4433 or 1-800-4
  • Category:

I heard National Audit Defense Network personel on one of the radio stations and asked for their free offer tax reduction book which they charged $6.95 for shipping.

A few days later they called and pressured me to join their coaching program for $995. I went and saw their website and it sounds good and thought that it ought to be a legitimate business. Without having a chance to look at my last year's income tax, they guaranteed me that I will get $3000 or more above what I normally get. I decided not to join the first time. Again, they called me a few days later and guranteed that if I'm not satisfied for any reason within 30 days that they will refund my $995 no question ask. I took the offer. The guranteed seems faired.

Couple days later I heard my wife said something about a tax scam on the news and I was concerned about the offer I took with Tax Ready. They have already charged my account. I called them back and was unable to reach them. I called several times a day and the "this mail box is full" message kept coming up. No service. No live operator. On one occasion I was able to leave them a message which they never did return. I did not give up. I kept calling them back hopefully to be able to talk to someone. Finally, I got a hold of someone and she said to fax a cancellation letter with my signature to 1-702-220-9745 and they will issue a refund within three business days. Five business days later, nothing happened.

Every call after that, they said the computer is broken and they have no access to my account. One of the excuses was "someone will call you within 24 hours". Two days later nothing happened. I called them back and they said, "we never said that". I tried several times and they give me other excuses such as: "this is the wrong department, we don't know anything about your account;", or they will give me an extension such as 2296 and I tried but it was nothing.

I called one time and was able to get to their voice mail boxes. I left messages to more than five mail boxes. Three days later, Mr.Kevin Smothers called about the refund. He said he was the Diretor of Client Resolution Department for Tax Ready. He told me he had received my refund faxed letter. After a few intent to convince me to stay with the coaching system, I refused and I told him that I want nothing more than a refund. He, again, tried to convince me to stay. I told him that there is no other route that I would take other than issuing me a refund. He offered 50% off the $995 and asked that I stay and if I'm happy with the result that I write a testimony letter for Tax Ready. Again, I refused. I told him that I have bad experiences with the company already and that this was enough for me. I had to tell him several times before he said that he will issue my refund within three days. Five days later, nothing happened. No refund.

Today, 2/21/02 I called and was able to get a hold of customer support agent and related to him that I was supposed to get my refund three days ago and that I spoke to Kevin about this already. He said "I don't know why Kevin told you that. It doesn't happened like that, but your money will be refunded to you as soon as possible and have a nice day." and slam the phone. Ten minutes later, I called back and spoke to Carlos. He said "the system is down, call Monday at extension 2175."

How many more excuses will I get?????? Please help me.

Zai Xiong

Click here to read other Rip-off Reports on Tax Ready

14 Updates & Rebuttals



How do employees of NADN feel now?

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, June 10, 2004

As another in a long line of ripped-off clients for NADN (including the "never getting a refund" policy despite uncoutable attempts), I am wondering how Kevin feels about his wonderful company that does so much for people now.

I was duped big time, too. I wish I had found this website before I purchased a membership ($1500) two malls (one at $2995 and one at $2495) and a marketing plan ($1500).

I am usually a very supicious person, so I even went IN PERSON to NADN's offices (twice) in Las Vegas to ensure they were legit. So much for site visits.

I am mortified and financially ruined. I will be working until I am 80 to pay off these credit card debts (and interest) incurred with NADN.

Kevin, I hope you didn't invest anything for yourself.



Response to report Submitted: 8/8/2002 7:46:30 PM

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, August 11, 2002

The information you gave has been circulating for quite some time. After lodging a complaint I was sent a series of documents to fill out. The months have passed with no reply. The Attorney General, Federal Trade Commission, and the US District Court for the District of Nevada need to get their acts together.

I have been waiting to get my stolen money back but nobody has contacted me or said anything since I filled out the forms and mailed them back. Many say the wheels of justice move slowly but I say that the wheels of justice have had a broom handle shoved into the spokes. Not a day goes by that I loose more and more respect for the justice system.



Teacher almost taken!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, August 10, 2002

I too heard the commercial for National Audit Defense Network on a VERY reputable AM radio station in California that discusses tax and money matters with Mr. T.S. (My husband and I will never listen to this station again.)

I called to receive that "free" tax book for a shipping price of $6.95. This company sounded extremely organized and creditable. Today from 6:00 to 6:20pm, I spoke to a John O'Shae and then a Lorenzo (He said, "I'm the only Lorenzo with the company.")I went ahead, against my better judgement, and gave them my credit card number to purchase a two-year membership including two-years of tax preparation for the price of $1,412.95.

He, (Lorenzo)said he would waive the $6.95 since I purchased the membership. What a sweetie!! I asked several questions. I received two phone numbers- (866)TAX-2001 and (877)469-3477,
and a He, (Mr. O'Shae)asked me many questions like: what our gross income was, how much we pay for our tax preparation, who does our taxes, any kids, auto milage, work and home phone numbers, oh-and so...much more! PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THIS!!!

At the time, I was in my classroom working and didn't have access to the web. Upon arriving home, I went straight to the computer and fortunately went directly to this site. I immediately called my credit card company and closed my account. I also placed Privacy Guard on it. I can't thank this company enough!! The internet is a WONDEFUL THING!!

Almost taken in CA

almost customer



#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 09, 2002

I have been burnt in the past and did my homework before commiting to anything from this company.
I went to the Better Business Bureau for help.
Good ole'

I typed in National Audit Defense Network and there you have it. Not one but TWO listings!!!

This company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to two or more unanswered complaints. The Attorney General filed suit seeking to halt the alleged deceptive trade practices of these companies. These companies promise consumers thousands of dollars in tax deductions or their money back as well as a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee.

The attorney General cites the receipt of OVER 140 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS of delayed or denied refunds as evidence of the alleged intent of both companies. The lawsuit, a joint investigation by the Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection and the Federal Trade Commission, seeks a court order halting further illegal practices requiring full restitution for all injured consumers and civil penalties, which is $2500 for each violation.

At 140 complaints, $2500 for each comes to $350,000!!! And there are more where those came from!

The Federal Trade Commission website ( also has a detailed article regarding this company. They have filed a complaint, under seal, in the US District Court for the District of Nevada in las Vegas on
January 30, 2002!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you wish to file complaints regarding your transactions with NADN or Tax Ready contact the Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection in Las Vegas at (702)486-3132 or in Carson City (775)687-6300. You can also visit: for more contact info.


If your company valued its customers so much, they would be treated better to begin with. How do you sleep at night?

Your company has probably stayed in business for so long because it keeps bailing itself out. At this rate, it looks like you may not have a job either!

You must have a lot of time on your hands to write such long responses to these postings!



Thanks for the warm fuzzy Kevin.

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 07, 2002


"but bashing a company your not happy with is a little childish"

What other avenue is a consumer supposed to persue when a company chooses to ignore them?

Are we to automatically assume that you and Tax Ready are telling the truth because you SAY so?

Here's how the business world works Kevin:

A company provides a product or service. A customer has a problem with said company. Same company has a choice...
1) Resolve issue to customer's satisfaction. 2) Ignore or refuse to solve problem.

Choice ONE results in a positive customer experience and will most likely result in the happy customer telling their friends about the company.

Choice TWO results in the company being reported to this board (of which should be the least of their problems) and numerous other actions the customer might choose to follow in obtaining satisfaction.

Tax ready seems to fall into the former category. If you note some of the other reports on this site, there are a few (very) where the company actually asks the borrower to contact them to resolve the problem.

You, however, choose to bash the customer which will only result in a backlash of negativity to YOU not the customer.

You preach about 'not bashing' and some philosophical mumbo jumbo about how 'we as a people should try and find a reasonable solution instead of slandering big business.' You obviously DON'T PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!

Know what Kevin - Corporations have always (and most likely will for the foreseable future) had the upper hand. They take advantage of people just to line their own pockets. The almighty dollar is their bottom line.

If you choose not to resolve this customer's problem to HIS or HER satisfaction, you're best bet is keep your mouth shut since when you open it, you continue to give Tax Ready a bad name.

Rest assured you have NO chance of ever gaining my patronage.


las vegas,

This is ridiculous

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 07, 2002

Pay attention. I think the bandwagon is a little full. I think it's quite humurous how we at NADN can have so many happy clients 100,000 plus and be in business for so long 21 years, yet we're this horrible company.

Think about it people, NADN is a very good company. I myself have been with the company for quite a long time and enjoy talking with clients. That is why I forgot about this website for so long.

I personally am not the type that seeks vengience every time i don't get my way. Now i've looked up some of the accounts on this site and it is very obvious that buyers remorse has occurred in most cases. OF COURSE WE HAVE A CANCELLATION POLICY.

Try getting out of your cellphone agreement, see how well that works out. > I think that we do a lot of good for a lot of people and unfortueatly a lot of other people get scared by seeing these types of comments on a site like this and YOU ARE NOW NOT ONLY COSTING YOURSELVES TAXSAVINGS BUT YOU ARE NOW INTERFERING WITH THE TAX SAVINGS OF NEW CLIENTS.

You are messing with peoples lives and wellbeing. I understand that you are upset people, whether it be a just or injust reason, i understand, but bashing a company your not happy with is a little childish and i think that we, as a people should try a little harder to find a reasonable solution for our problems with big businesses instead of bashing them so slanderishly



Las Vegas,


#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 26, 2002

I think you got smothered and you are braindead. As far as "getting back" with you...please...not in this life, reality, universe or any other.

Besides, we all know that Scotty and Johnboy are back at NADN cooking up another scam. The next all major channel news coverage will be when Metro backs-up the black school bus to load you all up. I hope that navy-blue jump suits with chrome accessories accentuate your finer features.


las vegas,

OverPriced>>> Not a chance

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 25, 2002

Obviously those of you who do not see the value of offering a reduced price for a service or product to keep a client on board and happy have never encountered one of the two following:

(1) Gone anywhere further in life to realize how valuable a client is and the relationship between company and client, or (

2) you have never been taken care of properly by a company that you were not satisfied

How dare you take my statement of honesty explaining how we make one last and final attmept to satisfy a client by offering him/her the opportunity to utilize something at a reduced cost in order to make good with the client as well as salvage a relationship with the client. Bottom line I think it's quite disappointing that some clients who were not happy with us, could still be unsatisfied with our service even after we've made every attempt to make them happy.

There are a lot of misconceptions on how businesses operate, but what they don't realize is yes the customer is always right; but at the same time does that mean that we shouldn't try to salvage the relationship? Of course not. When a customer is unhappy, it's time to pull all stops and bring out all reserves to make the client happy. I make people happy, whether it's by discounting there membership and give free additional services or by giving a refund (whichever is to the client's request) >> THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME BAD. That makes me customer service.
Kevin Smothers


las vegas,

Brainwashed New Employee ** I think not

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 25, 2002

Don't get mad because you lost your job! "hot,las vegas"
Are you trying to get your job back with us and worried and badmouthing of us would hinder your reinstatement with the company?

**Also, what makes you think I'm some new brainwashed employee. How about I've been here well over a year and helped implement a department that assigns our clients their own personal customer service rep.

But obviously you didn't work here for very long and you're a little upset about being fired. I'm sorry, and by the looks of it I think you must have been on the sales floor for about 4-5 weeks and couldn't make it.

That's too bad, but realisticly don't you think you should be looking for another job. *%*%* Brainwashed *&*&* Are you serious. Not to be rude but don't you think your being a little childish, not everyone can take sales orders from an 800#, but don't slander me because of your inabilities to perform. *

*To the consumers >> We value everyone of our clients, even the ones that we couldn't make happy, and any company that provides a service with the caliber that we have understands that. Sincerely
Kevin Smothers


Las Vegas,

Interesting Perspective!

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 21, 2002

I would advocate that the pricing offered by Tax Ready is indeed within fair market value, considering the level of exemplary service associated with the services rendered. Therefore, when a reduced price for services is promoted, it should be interpreted as an attempt to secure and maintain a client. Your argument is obviously biased and most assuredly derived from the perspective of a disgruntled employee.


Las Vegas,

Lackluster Intelligence!

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 21, 2002

Please, if you're going to bash a company at least do so with facts, not fiction! It's painfully apparent that you've never been offered discounted services or hard goods! Therefore, I would advocate your opinion as that of a disgruntled employee bent on ranting and raving to vent their fustrations regarding their insecurities. When you feel a little more secure, you may feel somewhat better about posting the truth.


South Bend,

Way to go, Kevin........

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, March 20, 2002

Any time any service is offered at a reduced price as an incentive to buy or participate, it's quite obvious what ever was offered in the first place was overpriced.

Your offer to reduce the price by one half does indicate you're half way to indicating what it's REALLY worth.

Your post is certailny transparent. I will give you credit to having the balls to wade into your customer complaints. Sort of like a guy taking a knife to a gun fight, eh?


Las Vegas,

Obviously post fall-out brainwashed new employee

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 19, 2002

I don't know who you are, but you have obviously fallen under the spell. My freind you will see in the long run that you are working for a sham and at some point it will come back to haunt you.


Las Vegas,


#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 17, 2002

All I offered Mr. Xiong was an opportunity to utilize our services at a discounted rate as well a guarantee that would give him the ability to get a refund for his membership fees afterwords, should our services and strategies not save him $3000 in additional deductions.

The fact that he declined didn't bother me. The part that bothers me is that he would make us look bad by saying i promised him his refund in 3 days

>> if you notice he hasn't added to his statement >> obviously a refund has occured >>

As for trying to keep him aboard, of course we did, we care about all of our clients and we want to keep all of them as clients and I don't think that by offering them to use our service at a lower rate is a bad thing at all. Not only that but all services; cell phones, mortgage loan co's, as well as banks; should do the same thing, then maybe they wouldn't have so many problems.
Thank You,
Kevin Smothers

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