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  • Report:  #1301859

Complaint Review: TERRIBLE HERBST


  • Reported By:
    former cashier — LAS VEGAS Nevada USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 26, 2016
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 20, 2018

My son's dad was visiting us, here inlas vegas,  through greyhound from mississippi  around march 16, 2016 and I told my mgr Fred I was concerned that he never arrived and the last time I had spoke to him, he said greyhound had left him at a restaurant in arizona..My mgr instantly told me that he should have been watching the bus..My mgr became very irrtated with me after I mentioned my concern over my loved one to another co-worker and she offered her concern to me...Later after research n the morgue, because his family were calling me concerned over not hearing from him,  I found out he was found in the river dead which caused family and detectives to call my phone.It was in te daily review nespaper...My mgr started writing me up when every sunday he has me working alone with only one break, after 2 hours of woringk and then he would leave me alone  on sunday and the remaining 6 hours I was in the gas station/carwarsh alone dealing with numerous complaints  having to hold myself from using the bathroom for 6 hours until the next shift would come in..  the carwash would always break down while customers were using it, whereas I was contstantly dealing with complaints but I never complained because in between customers I would sit in a chair...

He wrote me up twice within my trying times and fired me because he said he didnt like me sitting in a chair in between customers when I have alsways done that within the 6 terribles I have worked for..Only one other mgr complained, (Jane)  but only for me to sit in the casino chairs instead of pulling out a breakroom chair because I would work 8 hours, 3 days a week without anyone there to relieve me for a break in her store....the first write up is wrote me up for. is he said I didnt ask an over 40 customer for I.D..When they reviewed the camers's it showed the cusomer showing the I.D..Later he changed it to my eyes wasnt looking at the I.D when the camera only can view the side of my face..I always ask for I.D that is why he was showing it..I am a 54 yr old lady..I've never complained when he asked me to clock oock out so that the company wont compslin of overtime, but asks me to stay off the clook so the co-worker who is relieving me can repair the car wash before he start his shift..When I complained to upper mgmt of how he wrote me up by lying sayng I didnt ask for I.D and that there was a glitch in the register that causes a override when you type the dob in at a fast rate...(they changed the register but....He gave a male younger co-worke, who has less seniority than myself overtime to come on my shift to do my job and had me washing gas pumps. cleaning out the dirty carwarsh area, (where no one ever  did it and there were 3 other younger males working there, since i've been working there ), and he had me emptying the trash, cleaning soda machines cleaning garbage cans and then called corporate and said it took me two hours to do the job ( pretending to them I was only emptying the garbage cans) ..I accomplished all that was done, we had an inspection the next day by the health dept, we passed with an A, I did all of the work and 2 days later he fired me because he said I was too slow at working and sitting in a chairin between customers, talking on the phone. when he never complained of me sitting on the days I couldnt take a break..I am sure he fill like a big man ..

Now 3 weeks after my sons death, I dont have an income, my sons dad is still sitting in the morgue because we can afford a crematon., and terribles and battling against me thru unemploymentbut hopefully unemployment ..Also, Terribles dont wont us on our telephones, but they tell us to not answer the store phones after 4 p.m. in case a tobber tries to call us through the phone to set up a robbery to protect there money..They want us to protect there money, but we can't make calls on our own phones for our own needs to order lunch and etc as employees, on the days we work alone (sad)..Do a search on man found in river dead in arizona in march 2o16..That will be my son's Father..My name is Queen..What a mgr..I hope they meet there match because they are a bully company..

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Las Vegas,
United States

Fred the manager

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 20, 2018

You know I have been waiting to respond to this report for the longest time and now that I am no longer an employee I can. First of all Queen (yes that’s her name) not one word of what you wrote reflected any truth at all other than you having been transferred from 6 stores and sitting down while up at the register. Let’s address each subject point for point.


How does such a lazy person find enough energy to make up such hateful lies yet not enough to complete her job duties or even be able to come to work?


You admit to sitting in an office chair while on the clock, when has that ever been acceptable for a cashier to sit when she could be completing her shift duties? I mean seriously, come on name one employer that will accept you sitting on your lazy lying a*s while they are paying you.


I am so glad you brought up the disciplinary action but you failed to mention the video footage that is always saved to your file when you are disciplined showing your misconduct. Why didn’t you mention that video? Why didn’t you mention that the only reason you were caught sitting throughout 6 hours off your shift was because of this video? Why didn’t you mention that you would get up long enough and put your phone to the side long enough to deal with customers and once they were gone you would return to sitting. What happened to front-loading the cooler? Or wiping counters and putting food on the grill, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, and mopping? You did none of those things and you didn’t have an issue with locking the door then to use the bathroom for a good 20 minutes.


And yes you took using your personal phone to the next level, one would go looking for you and you would be in the back room using your phone, send you out to do trash (a 20-minute job) and it would take you an hour and a half because you were on your phone. I would ask you to stock the cooler and what did video show the following day when I would come in to find the cooler not stocked? You sitting in the cooler texting and talking on your phone. You my dear are exactly the reason why employers do not allow personal phones to be used at work.


So as you admit I wrote you up twice and once was for sitting for a course of 6 hours on and off while not doing any of your shift duties. What about the second time (there were actually 3 write-ups)? Do you remember why I wrote you up the second time because I do.


I wrote you up for calling off 20 minutes into your shift not 4 hours beforehand. And the best part was that it turned out the reason you called off was a lie. You claimed you were on your way to work and stopped at a gas station at which point your purse was supposedly stolen. That was 20 minutes after you were supposed to be at work already, but wait it get better. At 20 minutes before 5, you finally show up to work almost 7 hours late claiming that all your cards had been stolen. On video however, you came in with the purse, your wallet because you went straight to the ATM and got cash. How is it your purse got stolen and you came in with the purse that had supposedly been stolen, they left your wallet, your bank cards, but stole your sheriff's card, non-gaming card, and you tam card. I would say Las Vegas has some special people but not that special. You were sent to replace your cards and the next day when asked for your cards you admit none of your cards had been stolen but your health card had expired.


Now here’s what really happened, you (Queen) went to buy a new ford mustang convertible but didn’t plan on it taking almost all day so you lied. You couldn’t be a responsible adult no you wanted what you wanted and f**k anyone who got in your way or kept you from it. You decided to let your team down and have them carry your workload for you while you went and traded in your piece of s**t expedition for a sports car. You could have done this on your days off but no you chose to do it when you were scheduled to work and to top it off you lied and got busted for your lack of intelligence (video is such a nice thing to have). Honestly, I wish Terrible Herbst would have sued you for defamation as everything you stated was a lie.


Ok next topic, how you alone got the store to pass a health inspection. Let’s see you claim you by yourself got our store to pass the health inspection, and what was it you did that makes you think you did it all by yourself? You’re deluded if you honestly think anything you did had anything to do with us passing the inspection. Here’s what made us pass, my main cashier, doing her job correctly, my grave person cleaning the machines correctly, myself putting things to be maintained (such as the cleaning of the ice machine) on the web, my main cashier answering the inspectors question correctly. You yourself weren’t even present.  


Over time you claimed I gave it to a younger male and had you cleaning pumps and the carwash. Why don’t you be honest and tell everyone how you treated overtime? If you were offered overtime you would take it and then call off your next shift, every time. And forgive me but you fought for that position which was a mid-shift position and those were the job duties of that shift so where exactly was it an unfair practice? No this is what it was, you wanted to stand at the register and do nothing else other than that because you are lazy, be honest for a change. You wanted special privileges and used your age as a reason and at one point even used the race card.


The third time I wrote you up was for failing to card a customer, company policy states any and all customers purchasing alcohol or tobacco will be carded. You even signed the documentation stating you would comply and card the customers. They card EVERYONE no matter how young or old if they are purchasing either of the two products that are age restricted they will be carded. There are legal reasons behind this; no one cares what you think the person’s age is. The company wants to cover all legalities so they don’t end up in trouble; your job is to comply. And again there was a video that was saved to your file for this.


Now onto the father of your child (who was a grown man in his 20’s), another lie surfaced there too didn’t it? You had nothing nice to say about him, as a matter of fact, you called him more names than even Webster’s contains. The last thing you said you needed days off because he was supposedly in Las Vegas and you got those days off, then all of a sudden he died on a Greyhound bus and that they supposedly dumped his body in Arizona (that would have been a legal action that would have paid if it were true). If this family member was actually a family member there were provisions in place for such instances however YOU not I did not follow through and go to Human resources to request time off.


Bottom line is this, you were a terrible employee, you called off often, you failed to complete any of your duties, your a*s saw the seat cushion more than your feet saw the ground, you lied regularly and that store was your last stop due to you having been transferred 6 times prior. You were a problem child in every store you were at and this was the store where someone grabbed the bull by the horns and took out the trash. I personally was surprised you kept getting passed around instead of being termed before but some managers simply scare too easily when a black female starts screaming racism, I, however, I don’t. Racism wasn’t a factor in your being termed and your work record and videos reflect that but being as weak minded as you are it is obvious that you would reach for that first instead of owning up to all your wrongdoings. And shame on you for using your prior manager as a scapegoat and mentioning her name on here.


I hope that your report is read continuously and that mine is read right afterward, I hope any employer with the ability to do so checks this site and is able to see who wrote what before making a choice to hire you. I hope you stay unemployed for the rest of your life because your work ethic is anything but, and I hope that each and every lie you ever told comes back to bite you in the a*s, just like they did at the store.


And finally for anyone who read the report written by Queen a former employee come on be serious if any of that was true why hasn’t this person filed a lawsuit? She claims blatant discrimination and wrongful termination. I will tell you why because she lied and there is video in her file that still exists even today to prove she lied.  




Now for legal matters, I do not work for Terrible Herbst, I was not employed by Terrible Herbst when I responded to this report and I was present and have full knowledge of the employee who posted the original reports wrongdoings. Have a great day Queen.


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