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  • Report:  #151638

Complaint Review: Terry Lee Reid Aka Terry Lee

Terry Lee Reid Aka Terry Lee she lied to me had me give up my job working for the army at ft hood texas Albany oregon

  • Reported By:
    killeen Texas
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 29, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 10, 2005
  • Terry Lee Reid Aka Terry Lee
    1810 Ravenwood Dr
    Albany, Oregon
  • Phone:
  • Category:

terry, my wife, seems has been havin affairs ever since we were married

i have alot of physical probs had back surgery etc now i am having a major neck surgery in corvallis oregon .

she a retired h.p. executive made lotta money,
seems that since i make so little money doing the work i done in albany

she wants out and trying to get out of takin care of me knowing soon as i have my neck surgery she will have to take care of me and she doesnt like that idea at all,
so with her daughter a 39 year old woman that lived with us the whole time she made up a tale to have me removed from the house under the lies to the court that i am a threat to her and her daughter.

i work for chamberlin house in albany teaching living skill to mentally retarded adults and valley merchant police these people will testify to the fact of my character.

she did this because i wasnt able to afford an expensive attorney like she has, and she even has my whole recording studio my only belongings.

i need to see a neorosurgeon in corvallis on the 23rd of aug at about the same time of our innitial court hearing, i am poor and without means and she is taking full advantage of this situation.

my surgeon is ( John Kast M.D.) 3615 nw samaritan dr Corvallis oregon primary care doc id e
Elizabet Lincoln, i had to come to texas to live with my mother to help me because terry has all my clothes and and since my serious injuries i cannot care for myself as a reference i have ( Linda Lentz) owner valley merchant police inc.

541 928 9355, and chamberlin house Diana Bates 541 926 6148, i worked hard and cared for the people in my care and my wife terry reid is a ruthless calculating shark all in the name of money.

she came here to texas in nov of 2003 to stay with my family till after new year and she said how she would get me the best medical care because the docs in corvallis were much more attentive than here in texas, but it seems that it was all talk and because i dont make enough money to meet her demands she has been plotting against me from day one trying to get out of caring for me when i need her the most.

if i dont have my surgery i will be paralized soon and since i am on her medical insurance she is doing her best to get out of caring for me as soon as possible,
im here in killeen texas at my mothers house worried because my mother is old and sick and now i am her burden because of the actions of my estranged wife terry reid who i found out to have several aliases online with a local firefighter in albany and several other men, my wife terry reid is 11 years older thnan i am but i loved her with all my heart and soul from day one thats why i gave up my civil service job here at ft hood texas to come live with her in albany oregon, she tries to use the fact that i have groupies on my online group sites against me , i am a musician with online music videos etc and have many members, but i love my wife and have never even considered cheating on her, even though i have had nothing but constant emotional abuse from her because of my physical handicaps that are increasin and my greater need for care.

i gave her all ihad togive from the star all my love and devotion and trust and faith but since i dont have the money she loves so desperatly she wants to make sure she defames my character so she will only have to give me minimal support.

i hurt so bad in my heart from what she is doing i just feel like i could die.

Terry and her daughter trisha raus seem to have been hustling men with money for many years
her daughter trisha raus just recieved a new bmw as a gift from her new boy friend
she has a treasure chest of solid gold jewelry from dates
she just returned from a month long tour vacation with a boyfriend
yet she cant seem to move out of the house
and is trying to claim that she needs disability from the state and cant work because she is too depressed
these women have made my life hell and now they are trying to push me into irrational behavior with constant harrassing emails and calls
please somebody help me
i have a surgery comming up i need in corvallis oregon
and have no place to stay there because of their lies and pathetic acts to the court
i always believe in the truth will prevail but
i am so worn down broke and without means like she is to afford an expensive lawyer.... much less any lawyer
but i do have the people i worked with to testify in my behalf of my character that i am a kind loving man that cares for people.
so i am pleadind that someone out there hears me and will come to my assistance.

4 Updates & Rebuttals



trisha raus the daughter of ( terry lee reid 1810 ravenwood dr. albany or, 97321 ) a part of the dynamic duo of hustlers

#5Author of original report

Sat, September 10, 2005

terrys daughter trisha raus who is part of this whole ripp off scam a mother and daughter hustling team, she spends her days sleeping when she isnt making sure that i never have a moment alone with her mother, whch i am sure was a total scam from the begining to push me to my absolute limits, she is hustling men/ she has a jewelry treasure chest full of expensive 24k gold rings bracelets etc and valuable stone that she gets from mid eastern men with money. these men she strings along till she done with them being useful to her and then she moves on to the next. in the last month i was living with my wife she found a new fool that bought her a new bmw and who is now spending most of his time in the house with my wife, as she told me he is doing major repairs and painting the house for no charge, yeah rite. well im sure they are al very happy bunch now that i am out of the way. terry says she loves me but she cant help me driveback to oregon from my moms house because her dog is i am in physical agony because of the serious injury and complications to my neck and i have been recommended for surgery to a specialist neurosurgeon in corvallis or, where i am under terrys medical insurance,my loving wife terry cant help me because her dog is sick, terry is constantly pressuring me to have this rippoff report removed she says its embarrasing, yet she filed a court restraining order against me stating absolute lies that i am a physical threat to her daughter.terry says she is furious that this ripp off report is here. i asked her should i be even more furious because of what you done with the lies you told to have me thrown out of our house. terry has no reply to that.
but she tells me she loves me still.Trisha raus good luck with getting welfare after all u deserve it working so hard hustling men for money, and making up all these fantastic schemes with your mother.



terry lee reid

#5Author of original report

Sat, September 10, 2005

i know my wife has access to all my online accounts so she knows all my emails and most passwords i know she is trying to remove this report as far as i am concerned this should stay here for ever just so you know that this is clyde r r
my cell number is ((REDACTED))
my homefone is (my mothers fone just for messages)
she will prob say i am not here because of all the harassing fone calls due to my ex wife.
thank you.



terry lee reid 08/29/1947 / ssn: 566-70-6369

#5Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2005

i met terry on an adult dating site approximatly 2 1/2 yrs ago.
i was working for the army at ft hood texas , she said she needed help with making her computer run correctly, so i guided her in cleaning it up and making it perform bettr. ever since we were online camming talking love and making plans for her to come stay with me at my motheres house here in texas. my mom is old and since my dad died i have been taking care of the house and grounds till a serious back injury caused me to have major surgery and restricted my physical abilities.i had been off work on sick leave for most of the year, my job for the army didnt pay much but it gave me lifetime security and medical insurance i needed , because i also developed problems with my knees and walkin and bending are now even much worse i need knee replacement.since my back surgery my i have gone to a new doctor she said MRI results showed that i need to return to the same surgeon because results show excessive scar tissue which is makin it now so painful for me to lift the lightes thing for more than a minute as well as any bending at all causes sever pain, i havent returned to that surgeon because of fear i dont want end up in wheel chair. Terry came to stay with my family here in texas all throuh the holidays till after new years, and she was aware of my condition , she told me the docs in corvallis oregon were much better and she would see to it thati would get the best care.she knew if i came to albany to marry her i would need to be on her health plan immediately becaus i have many medications i take daily for my hypertension and arthritis and many pain meds as well.she said she would make certain i would get my knee replacements do to their degenerative condition. i have a good looking physical appearance because ive always been active but that doesnt change the fact my body is in a bad way and getting worse.Terry told me she has been an executive at h.p. in corvallis 30 yrs and she makes good money as well as socks and bonds she has investments her home is appraised at 205.000 .she told me she has half a million dollars retirment etc. Terry left here from texas after new years day and said she would return on a flite to austin on the 20th of february to rent me a uhaul so i could bring my music studio along and she could help me drive. before we rented the uhaul she bought a hitch for my on the 20th feb 2004 we headed out on the hyway pulling all my music studio in my took us 8 days to make the trip to albany oregon because bad weathere and not being able to drive over 50mph.she told me that woeking conditions in albany were bad its a high unemployment area, ans she told me a friend of hers had a husband that was out of work for two years, but she said things will work out and i had faith they would i trusted in my wife. well it took me bout 3 months get a job in albany took long time to get a security working for Linda Lentz owner valley merchant police inc. doindg security work 541-928-9355/ and i work for chamberlin house inc. teaching living skills to retarded adults,i love my job they didnt pay much and my wife constantly put me down for it callin me a lil boy and not a man , because she makes so much money at h.p. in corvallis. before we even arrived in albany she told me her daughter trish age 39 was gonna visit with us for a month , turns out she been there for 5 years and had no plans of ever leaving.turns out trish is a husstler she get expensive jewelry and money from rich arabs etc, trish spent the las month crosssin the country doing the best resorts with her new lover who just bought her a new bmw yet she trying get welfare and cant seem to get her own apt.trish spent her days laying in her bed and never came out till at night , when time after time i would set a romantic table for my wife terry with candles smooth jazz music excellent set plate im quite the chef
as soon as terry and i sat down , trish comes out of her room turns on the lites starts up disgusting conversations like( my friend had to have these gross boils removed from the back of her a*s etc) and that wasnt just a one time thing it was every time i wanted to have an intimate evening alone with y wife terry. well i tried time after time to discuss this with my wife but it was in one ear out the other as she told me ( shes my daughter you just have to be understanding )
we were married a month and evry morning at about 7 am her ex husband is calling while we r still in bad to chat, to me this was totally rude and inappropriate . i confronted my wife and told her she needs to tell him to stop calling here, terry gave me a rude look and face and said(i not telling him that and dont ask me to make a choice!) st which point im thinking god wht have i got next to me in bed.... well eventualli i got tired of trying to set romantic moods and just thought to myself she just dont give a d**n about my feeling and thats just her a cold hearted sociopath.i never felt more hurt or put down how can ur wife say such a thing.wwell about the time i was there 3 months i told her i want a divorce because she treats me with no respect and makes me feel like dirt and we have no intimacy or privacy what so ever, to which she would reply we need to work it out and i need to stand by her and she convinced me to try over and over but there was never any changed.well terry attitude became worse she demanded thati qut my online groups , i have online music videos and references about my career in movies in the past etc including several hundred groupies and women that model for pics on my msn groups sites, which i have had dor years to advertise my music.and she began telling me i am not allowed to talk with my group members, her jealousy was out of place when u consider she laying next to me in bed telling me not to ask her to make a choice between her x husband and just got worse day by dayand i told her i dont have enuff money to get an attorney but u lied to me about everything including the music studio you said you would build onto our new home on my mothers property in el paso . wel she filed for divorce but she continued to tell me i cant talk to my group members as long as im in her house upto the last 2 days i was there when i was talking to one of my group members she was jealous of . terry tried to smash me in the face with a web cam and then slam my lap top into my chest! i called the police and made a complaint and report just to cover myself, well the next day i come home from work and she has sheriff there with a restraining order saying that i grabbed her wrist, she conveniently left out the part that i grabbed her wrist because she was trying to punch me in the face and she just doing this because shes trying to defame me its buncha b.s. she just pissed off because i am probably the only man in her life that left her for being an abusive woman and liar and she had no control over me, her exhuband she divorced a month after we got to albany because she was still getting money from him. he felt bad because he was having an affair with another woman, terry reid is a sick woman and selfish to a fault. it was hell living in her house from day one god it was so bad and worst of all is im still in love with her even after all the lies and abuse. i found all her aliases on her messengers of men shes baan giving sexual displays for years and even up to date which tore out my heart i have pics of them and dozens of their yahooo addresses how she ever made me believe she loved me. im just a stupid fool.



Terry Lee Reid con-artist pro hustler

#5Author of original report

Fri, July 29, 2005

she constantly emailing me telling me to kill myself becaus i told her i wished i was dead because she tore out my heart with her lies and deceptions then she tells me she wants to talk civil with me and wants me to stop the documents that i post online at the same time she tells me the lies she told about me to the court wont cause me much of a problem when i think how cold hearted and ruthless she is all over the love of her bank account it makes me feel like the biggest a*s on the planet for loving her as much as i have........

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