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  • Report:  #170183

Complaint Review: Terry Vaughn Daddow

Terry Vaughn Daddow Abusive Neglectful Irresponsible Demoralizing Father Paul Idaho

  • Reported By:
    slc Utah
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 03, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 03, 2006

Full Name: Terry Vaughn Daddow
DOB: 07-01-1950
Hair color: brown or grey
eye color: blue
height: 6'0"
occupation: Truck Driver
has been married to at least 5 diffent women
has at least 5 children
attended Berley High school
Areas that he might currently be living in: Paul,Jerome,Rupert,Payette,or Fruitland

Dear residents of Idaho I am here to let you know that you have a irresponsible deadbeat,child beater,womanizing,cheating,spouse and child abuser amongst your community...

In 1971 My 16 yr old mother met my then 21 yr old father at a party that one of my mother's female friends was hosting at the time. When my father showed up at the party he strutted in with 2 12packs of beer (1 pack on each shoulder).. My father drank the night away, having himself a jolly time...

When the party winded down my dad offered my mother a ride home...My unsuspecting mother agreed... After that, things took a turn for the worst..on the way to my mothers house, my father while under the affects of alcohol, parked his vehicle and sexually assualted my mother, raping her.. My mother cried several times for him to stop but he would not listen. Then he finally droppped her home.

The next day later my dad showed up at my mothers door step with a ring in his hand asking her if she wanted to go steady with him.. Her being a sucker for sparkling jewls, said "yes".

My father continued having inappropiate sexual relations with my mother including going over to her house in the middle of the night, drunk while my mother and her frightened 12 yr old sister was asleep in the same bed...then forcing my mother to have sex with him while her little sister lay scared right beside them.

Sometime later in 1972 while my mother was 17, she got pregnant with my brother and my grand parents forced them to marry and move out into the world and be on thier own.

During my mothers pregnacy with my brother, my father was in the military and during this time my mother recalls being physically assaulted by him while he was intoxicated. She says while she was sitting down on the floor one night, while my dad wearing army style combat boots, performed a forward summer sault in her direction and made a direct impact into her lower abdoman with tremendous force...As a result,in 1973 my older brother was born mentally retarded with the imbelical cord rapped around his head.

During 1974 I was born and my father is no longer in the military and becomes an over the road trucker driver.. The reign of terror stil continued.

A few yrs go by and I am now 4 yrs old can now walk and start remembering events that take place in my life. The more me and my brother become mobile the more abusive my father is towards us.

One night my brother gets up out of bed to use the bathroom and my father severely beats him... From then on out my brother goes to the bathroom in his bed, afraid that if he tries to use the bathroom at night he'll get beat again.

Our grandparents would send us toys to play with and when ever we tried to be normal cheerful playful kids, my dad would come and severeley beat us. I recall several occasions where he'd grab me and lift me upside down by one leg, swinging me around in a cirlce while beating me with a belt,coat hanger,belt buckle,or wooden stick...

When I was 5 yrs old I remember one instance when I was playing with toys with my brother and my father grabbed me right off the floor by my shoulders and bashed me into a wall with great force and then released me to drop onto the ground. It felt so devastating to me and i had no idea why it was happening.

Stil 5 yrs old my father would direct us to disrespect our mother by teaching and making us say vulgar,profain, and obsene language to our mother while she was fixing us dinner.

I recall my father always locking me and brother up in our rooms the whole intire day not even letting us out to use the bathroom when we needed to... We ended up relieving ourselves in the closet.

I have scars from severe ear infections sustained as a child, which my father refused to get me medical treatment for even though my mother begged him to.

As a truck driver my father knew where all the good w***e houses were and i recall my father on accasion leaving our place with his friends to go out to w***e houses. My mother mentioned to me that at one time my father had contracted Gonnerea and accused her for giving it to him. I always remembered my mother being at home with us and faithful to my father.

Around the time when I was 6 yrs old my mother falls chronically mentally ill and suffers a nervous breakdown and has to spend time in the hospital for treatment...

My grandmother finally intervenes and gets us on a plane away from my father.

In 1980 my mother files for divorce from my father and he is ordered to pay child support of which he makes one monthly payment then quits his union trucking job and moves away, evading his legal responsibility and the authorites...My siblings and i end up bouncing around and subjected to frequent abuse and neglect in the fostercare system for the rest of our childhoods.

In 1981 my litle sister is about 2 years old and goes back to live with our mother breifly for a few months... During that time my little sister gets hit by a vehicle while playing in a mud puddle by a parking stall of the apartment housing they lived at... She suffers severe head trauma and the experience impairs her for the rest of her life.

My father got his own sister fired from her teaching job by routinely going over to her place of employment and making negative harrassing spectacles infront of her boss and colleagues.

Terry Daddow doesnt deserve the privilage of being amongst society. The only place he belongs is prison for all the damage he's caused us.

To this day my mother still suffers from chronic mental illness. She's been in and out of mental institutions. She has severe schizophrenia and medication doesnt do hardly any good for her.

The abuse and neglect has devastated us and it has deprived us from living a normal quality of life.

Any other person affiliated or related to "Terry Daddow" that has had negative experiences with, that they would like to share or provide more information about, feel free to post here.

Travis (son)
Salt Lake City, Utah

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