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  • Report:  #147024

Complaint Review: Gold Canyon Texaco

Texaco Gold Canyon ripoff Falsely accused me of shoplifting because they illegally refused American Express Gold Canyon Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Chandler Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 22, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 05, 2006
  • Gold Canyon Texaco
    7138 E Highway 60
    Gold Canyon, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Suggestion: Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. *Consumer Suggestion: Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. *Consumer Suggestion: Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. *Consumer Suggestion: Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. *Consumer Suggestion: A senior citizen needs to always be on the lookout for scams and frauds. And, banks are the largest frauds in this country. *Consumer Comment: Wow, Karlton, what's with the attitude *Consumer Suggestion: AMEX is the worst! AMEX is the highest *Consumer Suggestion: No need for anyone to call police here. *Consumer Suggestion: I am not angry I just went to OU! *Consumer Comment: You all miss the point here *Consumer Suggestion: I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated. *Consumer Suggestion: I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated. *Consumer Suggestion: I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated. *Consumer Suggestion: I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated. *Consumer Suggestion: Chandler, your missing the point! *Consumer Comment: John Wis. You miss the point *Consumer Suggestion: How long? *Consumer Suggestion: Clerk was well trained. The store owner doesn't want to take AMEX cards for small amounts because the bank fees are high. *Consumer Suggestion: I suspected as much too. It's a shame, but some credit purchases actually COST the retailer money. *Consumer Comment: I would have made them accept my card too *Consumer Suggestion: Paul So True BUT *Consumer Suggestion: Missed the point *Consumer Comment: Report the Store to AMEX. *Consumer Comment: Touchy I can "steal" your card without mugging you *Consumer Comment: Trolls abound! there was anything illegal in their attempt to refuse your credit card *Consumer Comment: All the experts here *Consumer Comment: Well I Think Enough Has Been Said *Consumer Comment: Well I Think Enough Has Been Said *Consumer Comment: Well I Think Enough Has Been Said *Consumer Comment: Well I Think Enough Has Been Said *Consumer Comment: Well I Think Enough Has Been Said *Consumer Suggestion: Wind Bags *Consumer Suggestion: I'm going to Graceland! *Consumer Suggestion: Robert is correct merchant is on the hook *Consumer Comment: Go forth and do good..... if you can bring yourself to... *Consumer Suggestion: At what age do you excuse a rude client? *Author of original report: Paul and Carlton are both way off base here! *Consumer Suggestion: When you behave badly, the whole world is your enemy *Consumer Suggestion: Child Like? Can you not see that YOU were in the wrong, you riped off everyone who had to listen to your rants? *Consumer Comment: No! I am not discriminating *Consumer Comment: No! I am not discriminating *Consumer Comment: No! I am not discriminating *Consumer Suggestion: Coco look where you are? LOL @ U *Consumer Suggestion: Coco look where you are? LOL @ U *Consumer Suggestion: Coco look where you are? LOL @ U *Consumer Suggestion: Coco look where you are? LOL @ U *Consumer Suggestion: What??? Its up to the consumer to pick what method of payment they want to use *Consumer Suggestion: Your missing the point *Consumer Comment: Now I see why Karlton is being so rude to the OP! *Consumer Suggestion: Did you hurt yourself? *Consumer Comment: I jumped to no conclusions, contrary to your belief *Consumer Suggestion: Nope Never been there *Consumer Comment: Illegal To Surcharge *Consumer Suggestion: Maybe in Texas but not in Arizona *Consumer Suggestion: You dont get it *Consumer Comment: Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report. *Consumer Comment: Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report. *Consumer Comment: Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report. *Consumer Comment: Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report. *Consumer Comment: Can't put a cap on purchase amount *Consumer Comment: Can't put a cap on purchase amount *Consumer Comment: Can't put a cap on purchase amount *Consumer Comment: Depending on your state, Surcharges are illegal *Consumer Suggestion: Good 2 cents *Consumer Comment: Response to Karlton. arrest for shoplifting *Consumer Comment: just some thoughts

This letter to Texaco Co explains my complaint

There probably are more adjectives to describe how Texaco treats its long time customers but I am sure you get the idea.

Being part of Corporate America does at least morally not justify the way you conduct business and treat customers.

As a customer of Texaco I am used to bad service. I just work around it. I only put up with it because yours is the only gas station within 15 miles of where I live. However I do not and will not accept the behavior described above. The following is an account of an incident which took place today at your Gold Canyon, Arizona store.

I drove in to that store at 6:07 today in order to have a propane tank filled. Usually whoever fills it has to get further instruction from the manager and it is always a different person each time. This was not that much different except that the person managed to work it out as they went along and was also pleasant and appeared helpful. I was prepared for a long delay and that was the reason I planned a refill on the way home rather than going into work, so therefore no problem - at that point.

When I go into the store to pay, it's another story. As background information I should mention that I fill my propane tank there every 4-5 weeks, and car gas tank every 2-3 days, and have done so since it opened over 5 years ago. I last used this facility on Sunday June 19th for a gas purchase and paid using an American Express Card, the very same one I had used for all my purchases at that station for the preceding five years.

Today I am treated like a criminal. I went into the store to pay for a propane purchase of approximately $7 with the same Am Ex card I had always used. This was refused by the clerk who claimed that the picture ID on the reverse was no good. I asked if that picture really looked that different and told him I had always used that card. He told me that under the present store policy it was not acceptable. I asked how come it had been acceptable all these years. He became very hostile and aggressive. I told him either he accepts it and runs it through or I am walking. He became even more belligerent and told me he would not accept it and I either pay with other means or he would call the cops and have me charged with shoplifting. I once aging offered him my card saying either you take this as payment or I'm walking out of here. He replied that it was not acceptable and if I left I would be charged with shoplifting. I told him this was getting out of hand and reached for my cell phone saying that I would be calling the cops. He changed his aggression slightly and said he would let me talk to the manager. I said please do. he then left to get the "manager".

When the "manager" he agreed to take my card and went to the register. One other customer was real pissed that it had held up the line (which was by then about 20 people) and insisted he be served first as he was in a hurry. What about me - I had been there over 20 minutes.. But no, he gets served first. Finally the Manager runs my card through and I am free to leave presumably with all shoplifting accusations dropped. To be fair he did say something like "Sorry for the inconvenience" .

I would add that the card in question at that particular point had $17,860.40 available credit and that the photo was taken within the last twelve months and the authenticity has never been questioned before. Indeed when I asked what was the problem and what is wrong with the card I never got an answer. I have been accused of shoplifting in front of lots of people in a loud voice in an area where I live . Yet although I have been accused and threatened no formal charges have been made (at least to this point), to which I may have the opportunity of defending myself. I would say that is slanderous behavior, but then why would Corporate America care about that?

Quite apart from the obvious legal ramifications, consider the business angle. Here we have a local repeat customer who has always paid using the same credit card since the store opened. He tries to make a similar purchase for a less than $10 amount and offers to pay with a good valid card at least 4 times, and is verbally abused, falsely accused of a criminal act in public, and almost got into a physical fight over it.

If the clerk truly beloved that I was committing a criminal act and violating Texaco policy as he so stated, would it not have been better to have told me politely that there seem to be an irregularity here but I am sure that the manager can resolve this to your satisfaction, would you mind if I called him and in the meantime serve these customers behind you?

Most reasonable people - yes, myself included, would have said "Sure, go ahead!. But no - the clerk has to punish everyone in line and stubbornly insist on calling police unless I conform to Texaco policy (whatever that may be).

Apart from violating whatever contracts you have with American Express Co., this is simply a case of abuse, intimidation, and slander by a large 25 year old employee against a small senior citizen over $8 which said senior citizen offered to pay on at least four occasions. Therefore money has nothing to do with it. It is just plain intimidation and abuse.

Gold Canyon is going to know about this. I will do my best to let the world know about it. If you people are incapable of conducting your business in a civilized manner you should not be in the retail business.

Chandler, Arizona

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Texaco

66 Updates & Rebuttals



just some thoughts

#67Consumer Comment

Sun, March 05, 2006

I have been an employee of 2 separate gas stations and a cashier for a few different retail outlets.i would just like to add a few thoughts first of all in your initial report you said that the problem started with the id picture on the back and then later on you said the incident had nothing to do with the id pic. that no one had ever even looked at the id or asked for any other that seems a little odd to me your story changing that much but i wasn't there, so who knows.
having been emplyed for several gas stations i must say that for some reason the attendants are treated like the dirt of the earth by the general public, i don't know why but i don't know how many rotten names i and how much foul languauge i have taken from customers in the name of keeping a job and pying my bills. so the attendants tend to be a bit touchy, somtimes for good reason.
as far as the credit card goes i will tell you that any company can without notice demand another form of payment, i am not sure about the individual laws of your state but i have found this to be true . yes even if they have a sign up thats says they take that form of payment they can refuse to take it on an indivdual basis if there is any kind of suspician as to the validity of the card or the user. it would be nice if they were able to post all new store policies , unfortunatly if they did that there would be no room in the store for products as the shelves would be filled with typed pages of policy. as to your comment why could he not just swipe the card like the manager , well thats simple, the manager has the authority to override store policy( also as a regular customer the manager has probably seen you before and knows your card is good.) the clerk does not. clerks are also instructed to try and fix the problem without dragging a manager out of whatever they are doing (they remain constantly busy while on site .)i will also tell you the reason they did not move on to customers behind you until the manager came out to handle your transaction is becauuse when you ask an angry and yelling customer to " please wait while i take care of the people behind you " generally leads to the customer yelling while you are trying to ring up others, wich leads to confusion and more angry customers, most people would rather waite in line a few more minutes than get rung up improperly and have to waite while the whole transaction is voided and re-rung and/or refunds are given.
you had the cash in your car, a person who wanted to avoid a verbal altercation when told store policy did not allow the use of there card would have gone out to there car got the cash , paid and spoke with the manager/gotten the corporate phone number or went online to check policies. i think the point is that you would not be told what to do by a 25 year old clerk or perhaps you may have had a bad day and took it out on the poor guy following policy. You kept calling yourself a senior citizen as if a clerk is supposed to treat you differently. outside of the workplace you may exspect people treat you with more respect because you are a senior citizen, but anybody on a companys time is supposed to treat EVERYONE the same way. they are not supposed to treat you any better or any worse than than anybody else. You had the money to pay in the car , you didn't like the clerks attitude or the stores policy so you were just going to leave and you exspected them to NOT call the police. the definition of shoplifting is : leaving the store without paying for a product or service rendered. being mad at somone or somthing is never a justification for taking somthing without paying,if you offer a form of payment and it is rejected for any reason right or wrong you must offer another form of payment .
lastly, i must say that the comment about the clerk being 25 or so, as if his age makes any difference, atleast he's got a job and pays his bills and doesn't live on government assitance, yes he's young comparitively to your senior citizen status, but what does it really matterwhat his age is ? and if it does matter, if any part of your anger is due to his age and not the incident than maybe you had better reconsider your report. i give 3 cheers to any young person trying to pay there bills these days when more and more of us seem to be not working and waiting on the governemtn assistance to pay our bills.



Response to Karlton. arrest for shoplifting

#67Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2005

Yes, I do agree that if she had walked out with the LP tank without paying, she would have been open to arrest for shoplifting. However, she could make the argument that she did try to submit payment 4 times, but the clerk refused. What was she then supposed to do about HER LP tank? I would have sat outside the store and cranked that baby open to let out the gas. Not really, but that would have been one possible solution.

The simple fact that the manager did finally accept the card and apologized for the trouble says a lot to me. It tells me that the clerk was in the wrong here. If the clerk were right, the manager would have backed him up on it.

I'll bet that if she goes in there again and presents the same card to a different cashier, she wouldn't have any problems. In fact, she may have already done that. That's just my opinion.

My last comment is for Denny in Honolulu. Last month I spent a week at a beach house on St George Island, Florida. There are 2 bait & tackle shops on the island. Since I have gotten used to not carrying cash, all I had was my VISA debit card to make purchases with. Neither of these stores accepted debit, but they did take regular credit cards. One had a minimum purchase requirement of $20, the other one had a $10 minimum.

Both stores had this information clearly posted both at the entrance and the register. Now, I don't know for sure whether or not that is in violation of their merchant agreement as I have never had one myself, but I'm sure some of the regulars here (such as Cory) would be more than happy to fill us in. I bet that if I had tried to push the issue, they would have simply refused my business. I personally had no problem with the requirement as it was clearly posted.


La Canada,

Good 2 cents

#67Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 12, 2005

Good points Patrick. There is no good reason to blow a fuse over $8.00 nor holding up anyone while it gets sorted out.

Would you not agree if she walked out with the gas and did not pay the station would have been well within their right to hold her for shoplifting (gas and go)? She threatened to walk after the gas was pumped, "I asked how come it had been acceptable all these years. He became very hostile and aggressive. I told him either he accepts it and runs it through or I am walking. He became even more belligerent and told me he would not accept it and I either pay with other means or he would call the cops and have me charged with shoplifting. I once aging offered him my card saying either you take this as payment or I'm walking out of here. He replied that it was not acceptable and if I left I would be charged with shoplifting. I told him this was getting out of hand and reached for my cell phone saying that I would be calling the cops."

Would you also agree after reading the report is sounds like th ecleark is matching her tone. The more she dug in the more the cleak dug in.

But I have said it and said and said it. If she walks in with a simple "I am sorry for the way I acted" I bet they take her card no matter how low she wants to charge.



Depending on your state, Surcharges are illegal

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005

Surcharges are illegal in many states, including California. If a business is charging a surcharge to use a CC and your state disallows it, you can report them to your Government for doing so.



Can't put a cap on purchase amount

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005

"It is fully up to the individual store owner to decide if they want to accept credit cards. If they do wish to accept them, but only for purchases over a certain dollar amount, that is fair as well, but it must be posted, and must be applied to all customers equally."

Jason, sorry, honey but its illegal for a store to make a "minimum" purchase amount in order to use a credit card. Its stated in their Credit Card Merchant agreement as well.

If i have to charge 99 cents, they have to accept the CC as payment if they wish to continue accepting credit cards.

As for "pissing" the other customers off, it WASN"T the OP's fault. IT was the ill-advised and poorly trained clerk who is at fault.



Can't put a cap on purchase amount

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005

"It is fully up to the individual store owner to decide if they want to accept credit cards. If they do wish to accept them, but only for purchases over a certain dollar amount, that is fair as well, but it must be posted, and must be applied to all customers equally."

Jason, sorry, honey but its illegal for a store to make a "minimum" purchase amount in order to use a credit card. Its stated in their Credit Card Merchant agreement as well.

If i have to charge 99 cents, they have to accept the CC as payment if they wish to continue accepting credit cards.

As for "pissing" the other customers off, it WASN"T the OP's fault. IT was the ill-advised and poorly trained clerk who is at fault.



Can't put a cap on purchase amount

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005

"It is fully up to the individual store owner to decide if they want to accept credit cards. If they do wish to accept them, but only for purchases over a certain dollar amount, that is fair as well, but it must be posted, and must be applied to all customers equally."

Jason, sorry, honey but its illegal for a store to make a "minimum" purchase amount in order to use a credit card. Its stated in their Credit Card Merchant agreement as well.

If i have to charge 99 cents, they have to accept the CC as payment if they wish to continue accepting credit cards.

As for "pissing" the other customers off, it WASN"T the OP's fault. IT was the ill-advised and poorly trained clerk who is at fault.



Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report.

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005


As Cory stated, it is illegal (in ALL states) to charge a surcharge on a credit card transaction. However, it is not illegal if the transaction is processed as a debit card. That is what McD's, Taco Bell, and all the others that charge a surcharge are doing. Your transaction is being processed as a debit card, therefore you can be charged a small "processing fee" (just like getting money out of an ATM). However, I have noticed that most McD's now process strictly as credit cards, and the fee has gone away. But it is up to each store how they charge you.

And now for my thoughts on this report. I think that both parties are in the wrong here, but more so the cashier than the OP. And I think that there are some misconceptions about the time people spent standing in line. After reading the original report a few times, here is what I get out of it:

The OP said by the time the manager took care of her, there were 20 people in line. This was probably an exaggeration, although it is possible seeing as that is the only store around for a long distance. I have been to this particular store once at 6am on a Saturday morning, and it was very busy then.

The OP also made mention of having been there for 20 minutes. Most people have taken that to mean that they had been at the cashier stand for that amount of time, holding up the line. I believe that the 20 minutes indicates the ENTIRE time the OP was at the store, including the time it took to fill up the propane tank prior to going to the cashier. I for one would has raised an awful stink with them (both the cashier and the OP) if I had been standing in line for 20 minutes while this escapade played out.

Whatever the cashier's motivations for refusing the card were, we may never know. A simple check of additional ID would have solved the problem. At least the manager did make an attempt to apologize, even if it was a feeble one.

And finally, for all those who say why use a card for such a small expense. Some people use their cards (especially AMEX and Discover) almost exclusively for all their purchases as they get rewards or cash back (see the OP's last post on 6/28). If I had one of these, I know I would, then pay off the balance every month so as not to pay any interest.

There's my 2 cents worth.



Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report.

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005


As Cory stated, it is illegal (in ALL states) to charge a surcharge on a credit card transaction. However, it is not illegal if the transaction is processed as a debit card. That is what McD's, Taco Bell, and all the others that charge a surcharge are doing. Your transaction is being processed as a debit card, therefore you can be charged a small "processing fee" (just like getting money out of an ATM). However, I have noticed that most McD's now process strictly as credit cards, and the fee has gone away. But it is up to each store how they charge you.

And now for my thoughts on this report. I think that both parties are in the wrong here, but more so the cashier than the OP. And I think that there are some misconceptions about the time people spent standing in line. After reading the original report a few times, here is what I get out of it:

The OP said by the time the manager took care of her, there were 20 people in line. This was probably an exaggeration, although it is possible seeing as that is the only store around for a long distance. I have been to this particular store once at 6am on a Saturday morning, and it was very busy then.

The OP also made mention of having been there for 20 minutes. Most people have taken that to mean that they had been at the cashier stand for that amount of time, holding up the line. I believe that the 20 minutes indicates the ENTIRE time the OP was at the store, including the time it took to fill up the propane tank prior to going to the cashier. I for one would has raised an awful stink with them (both the cashier and the OP) if I had been standing in line for 20 minutes while this escapade played out.

Whatever the cashier's motivations for refusing the card were, we may never know. A simple check of additional ID would have solved the problem. At least the manager did make an attempt to apologize, even if it was a feeble one.

And finally, for all those who say why use a card for such a small expense. Some people use their cards (especially AMEX and Discover) almost exclusively for all their purchases as they get rewards or cash back (see the OP's last post on 6/28). If I had one of these, I know I would, then pay off the balance every month so as not to pay any interest.

There's my 2 cents worth.



Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report.

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005


As Cory stated, it is illegal (in ALL states) to charge a surcharge on a credit card transaction. However, it is not illegal if the transaction is processed as a debit card. That is what McD's, Taco Bell, and all the others that charge a surcharge are doing. Your transaction is being processed as a debit card, therefore you can be charged a small "processing fee" (just like getting money out of an ATM). However, I have noticed that most McD's now process strictly as credit cards, and the fee has gone away. But it is up to each store how they charge you.

And now for my thoughts on this report. I think that both parties are in the wrong here, but more so the cashier than the OP. And I think that there are some misconceptions about the time people spent standing in line. After reading the original report a few times, here is what I get out of it:

The OP said by the time the manager took care of her, there were 20 people in line. This was probably an exaggeration, although it is possible seeing as that is the only store around for a long distance. I have been to this particular store once at 6am on a Saturday morning, and it was very busy then.

The OP also made mention of having been there for 20 minutes. Most people have taken that to mean that they had been at the cashier stand for that amount of time, holding up the line. I believe that the 20 minutes indicates the ENTIRE time the OP was at the store, including the time it took to fill up the propane tank prior to going to the cashier. I for one would has raised an awful stink with them (both the cashier and the OP) if I had been standing in line for 20 minutes while this escapade played out.

Whatever the cashier's motivations for refusing the card were, we may never know. A simple check of additional ID would have solved the problem. At least the manager did make an attempt to apologize, even if it was a feeble one.

And finally, for all those who say why use a card for such a small expense. Some people use their cards (especially AMEX and Discover) almost exclusively for all their purchases as they get rewards or cash back (see the OP's last post on 6/28). If I had one of these, I know I would, then pay off the balance every month so as not to pay any interest.

There's my 2 cents worth.



Quick comment to Shelby about the surcharge, and my thoughts on this report.

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, July 11, 2005


As Cory stated, it is illegal (in ALL states) to charge a surcharge on a credit card transaction. However, it is not illegal if the transaction is processed as a debit card. That is what McD's, Taco Bell, and all the others that charge a surcharge are doing. Your transaction is being processed as a debit card, therefore you can be charged a small "processing fee" (just like getting money out of an ATM). However, I have noticed that most McD's now process strictly as credit cards, and the fee has gone away. But it is up to each store how they charge you.

And now for my thoughts on this report. I think that both parties are in the wrong here, but more so the cashier than the OP. And I think that there are some misconceptions about the time people spent standing in line. After reading the original report a few times, here is what I get out of it:

The OP said by the time the manager took care of her, there were 20 people in line. This was probably an exaggeration, although it is possible seeing as that is the only store around for a long distance. I have been to this particular store once at 6am on a Saturday morning, and it was very busy then.

The OP also made mention of having been there for 20 minutes. Most people have taken that to mean that they had been at the cashier stand for that amount of time, holding up the line. I believe that the 20 minutes indicates the ENTIRE time the OP was at the store, including the time it took to fill up the propane tank prior to going to the cashier. I for one would has raised an awful stink with them (both the cashier and the OP) if I had been standing in line for 20 minutes while this escapade played out.

Whatever the cashier's motivations for refusing the card were, we may never know. A simple check of additional ID would have solved the problem. At least the manager did make an attempt to apologize, even if it was a feeble one.

And finally, for all those who say why use a card for such a small expense. Some people use their cards (especially AMEX and Discover) almost exclusively for all their purchases as they get rewards or cash back (see the OP's last post on 6/28). If I had one of these, I know I would, then pay off the balance every month so as not to pay any interest.

There's my 2 cents worth.


La Canada,

You dont get it

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 11, 2005

Going after the OP the same way she discribed her report should have showed her to say she was sorry.

Watch what happens when she does.



Maybe in Texas but not in Arizona

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 10, 2005

Karlton...So personally attacking the OP makes you no better than the clerk or the OP if in fact either one of them was rude. We do not know who was rude we were not there. There are 3 sides to every story. His side, my side and the truth.

She has no need to say she is sorry it said at the beginning of this post that the manager came out and finally accepted her card. She could have offered an apology to the people behind her as they were being bothered by the wait. I can only assume that if there was a "real" issue with this card the manager would not have taken it even when he came out. She could have politely thanked them on her way out.

The clerk did handle the situation improperly. If he saw that this customer was going to have a issue with him not taking the card he should have gone to the manager right away. He could have asked the OP to step aside and assisted the other customers while the manager was attempting to handle the situation. I am sure if the card was stolen or some other problem than the person who was attempting to use it would not have caused such a stink over it.

She was not ripping the people behind her off. Had I been behind her I would have probably sided with her as the main form of payment I use is a card also. What if the clerk had refused to take my card? I would probably feel the same way. I do not feel the need to carry cash. It is easier to keep track of spending with my card and online banking. However, if I do anticipate the place that I may be going to not taking plastic of any sort I call them to verify whether they do or not. Never crossed my mind to do that with a gas station though. I guess also I have never come across the same situation that the OP did. I don't think that it would change my mind about wanting to carry and use my card.

If it is illegal to charge a surcharge than a lot of business are going to be in a lot of trouble here in the Phoenix area because AM/PM, McDonalds, Taco Bell are just few that charge any where from 35 cents to a dollar as a surcharge.


San Antonio,

Illegal To Surcharge

#67Consumer Comment

Sun, July 10, 2005

Point of reference. It's not legal, under the terms and conditions of our merchant's agreements to add a surcharge, we can however "discount" for cash. Man I'm glad I stayed out of this one.


La Canada,

Nope Never been there

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 10, 2005

Nope never been there. The OP demanded the gas station say sorry to her? Why should they say sorry to her? She was the one with the problems causing problems being very rude by her own account. Calling her out was just that pointing out she riped everyone off not the Texaco station.

Like I said before she sould go in and say she is sorry, I bet they accept it and her card.



I jumped to no conclusions, contrary to your belief

#67Consumer Comment

Sun, July 10, 2005

David did you hurt yourself jumping to that wrong conclusion?

I have witnessed people of every age act poorly to others who they feel are beneath them as this person reported she felt. Just because she is an old person or OP as you call her makes no matter, she was rude, pushy, obnoxious and kept people from enjoying what they wanted to do for almost half an hour. Why? Because she felt she was wronged by a clerk who was but a piss ant in her eyes how dare they question her almighty hiney! So not nice even for an OP.

Karlton - La Canada, California


OP = Original Poster

Are your comments based on the conclusions that you jumped to, or are you really closer to this issue than you let on? I still do not see why you seem so intent on being rude to the Original Poster (OP) of this thread. Your comments really do not serve ANY purpose other than fulfilling some personal need of yours....unless of course, you are MUCH closer to the original complaint than you have let on. Your statements above presume to know the OP's thoughts and views, while the OP is the only one who can know that.


La Canada,

Did you hurt yourself?

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 08, 2005

David did you hurt yourself jumping to that wrong conclusion?

I have witnessed people of every age act poorly to others who they feel are beneath them as this person reported she felt. Just because she is an old person or OP as you call her makes no matter, she was rude, pushy, obnoxious and kept people from enjoying what they wanted to do for almost half an hour. Why? Because she felt she was wronged by a clerk who was but a piss ant in her eyes how dare they question her almighty hiney! So not nice even for an OP.



Now I see why Karlton is being so rude to the OP!

#67Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2005

"Your missing the point. Dishing back out to her what she put the clerk through, should have opened her eyes to how wrong she was. "

"Have you ever been stuck behind a person for twenty minutes at a gas station? Now picture a person (no matter what gender or age)who is causing the delay over $8.00 in gas?"

Karlton - La Canada, California


Karlton had a bad experience waiting behind someone who took longer than he felt was necessary, when he obviously had no time to waste in getting back to ripoffreport to continue his career as a troll, so he now is compelled to attack those who fit the profile of the original person he feels so wronged by!

Get on with your life, Karlton.


La Canada,

Your missing the point

#67Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 05, 2005

Your missing the point. Dishing back out to her what she put the clerk through, should have opened her eyes to how wrong she was.

Have you ever been stuck behind a person for twenty minutes at a gas station? Now picture a person (no matter what gender or age)who is causing the delay over $8.00 in gas?



What??? Its up to the consumer to pick what method of payment they want to use

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

I can not believe the personal attacks on the original reporter. Maybe he/she does not want to carry cash, maybe they like the rewards they get from that particular card or a number of other reasons. Its up to the consumer to pick what method of payment they want to use from the ones a merchant displays that they will accept.

When a business displays information that they take many different types of payment then they must honor that. I am assuming all the clerk had to do was ask for a different form of id to check the picture, signature etc. Debit cards are money. When you use them they are guarantied form of payment.

At least that is what MY bank has told me. I personally do not carry cash. I did have my purse stolen a few months ago and the person who did this did not get any cash because I use my debit card for every purchase. I was able to report the card stolen and therefore preventing the use of the card.

The way a merchant can get around "giving away" money is to charge a small surcharge to cover what the processing company charges them. I am not a big advocate of these charges but if merchants are taking that big of a hit than there is always away around them. I have noticed a large number of merchants charging surcharges from McDonalds to the local gas stations here in AZ.

I also understand the dangers of debit/credit cards and how easily if you are careless they can be stolen and abused but many bank have safety measure in place for that. When someone steals cash its gone for good but if you debit/credit card is stolen in most cases you are able to get most or all of your money back.

I stumbled upon this site while looking for some info on a car dealer. I then became interested in all the different rip off's and began reading them. So I am a first timer here, please be patient with my typo's. I also read NUMEROUS post where Karlton has expressed his opinion. I by no way ams saying that he has not right to express his opinion.

Often with personal attacks and he seems to have knowledge on EVERYTHING. I think maybe we should all take a step back and think how we would feel if in that same situation.


La Canada,

Coco look where you are? LOL @ U

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Coco if your state was so great it would be California, we have the best schools, the best weather, the best econom in California we have better looking and acting people! LOL

To your point RUDE people come in all ages. Respect is earned demanding it while throwing a fit over $8.00 does not even work for a two year old.

She should go in and say she is sorry for her actions, you know what I bet they accept it and everyone will be happy. OR she can just be a BIG BAG of GAS stomping over people the rest of her pathetic life.


La Canada,

Coco look where you are? LOL @ U

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Coco if your state was so great it would be California, we have the best schools, the best weather, the best econom in California we have better looking and acting people! LOL

To your point RUDE people come in all ages. Respect is earned demanding it while throwing a fit over $8.00 does not even work for a two year old.

She should go in and say she is sorry for her actions, you know what I bet they accept it and everyone will be happy. OR she can just be a BIG BAG of GAS stomping over people the rest of her pathetic life.


La Canada,

Coco look where you are? LOL @ U

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Coco if your state was so great it would be California, we have the best schools, the best weather, the best econom in California we have better looking and acting people! LOL

To your point RUDE people come in all ages. Respect is earned demanding it while throwing a fit over $8.00 does not even work for a two year old.

She should go in and say she is sorry for her actions, you know what I bet they accept it and everyone will be happy. OR she can just be a BIG BAG of GAS stomping over people the rest of her pathetic life.


La Canada,

Coco look where you are? LOL @ U

#67Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Coco if your state was so great it would be California, we have the best schools, the best weather, the best econom in California we have better looking and acting people! LOL

To your point RUDE people come in all ages. Respect is earned demanding it while throwing a fit over $8.00 does not even work for a two year old.

She should go in and say she is sorry for her actions, you know what I bet they accept it and everyone will be happy. OR she can just be a BIG BAG of GAS stomping over people the rest of her pathetic life.



No! I am not discriminating

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, July 02, 2005

No I am not discriminating I am simply suggesting that people show respect for others especially our seniors. But I guess you two guys will probably disrespect anyone. Since one of you thought it would be a nice joke to post a statement "I'm going to Graceland", and to add that his corporate account provides more purchasing power to him than the homes in Tennessee cost, and he so proudly stated that he lives in LaCanada CA. Well WHOOPTI DOO.

Yes I live in Tennessee and here when a person pays 100,000 for a house they get a 100,000 house not some $40,000 house for 200,000 just to say that live in a particular area. So guess who the jokes on. I can't understand for the life of me why someone who has so much comes on a website and speaks so little. Your words make you seem so small. You say things like blow blow hard? What the heck? what type of sense does that make? And with all of you silliness and disrespect I have not once called you out of your name.

Yet, you repeatedly call P. Chandler names like Wind Bag and make other disparaging comments. One of you said that you hope P. Chandler is granted peace by God when he/she dies. I hope you have peace before you die.



No! I am not discriminating

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, July 02, 2005

No I am not discriminating I am simply suggesting that people show respect for others especially our seniors. But I guess you two guys will probably disrespect anyone. Since one of you thought it would be a nice joke to post a statement "I'm going to Graceland", and to add that his corporate account provides more purchasing power to him than the homes in Tennessee cost, and he so proudly stated that he lives in LaCanada CA. Well WHOOPTI DOO.

Yes I live in Tennessee and here when a person pays 100,000 for a house they get a 100,000 house not some $40,000 house for 200,000 just to say that live in a particular area. So guess who the jokes on. I can't understand for the life of me why someone who has so much comes on a website and speaks so little. Your words make you seem so small. You say things like blow blow hard? What the heck? what type of sense does that make? And with all of you silliness and disrespect I have not once called you out of your name.

Yet, you repeatedly call P. Chandler names like Wind Bag and make other disparaging comments. One of you said that you hope P. Chandler is granted peace by God when he/she dies. I hope you have peace before you die.



No! I am not discriminating

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, July 02, 2005

No I am not discriminating I am simply suggesting that people show respect for others especially our seniors. But I guess you two guys will probably disrespect anyone. Since one of you thought it would be a nice joke to post a statement "I'm going to Graceland", and to add that his corporate account provides more purchasing power to him than the homes in Tennessee cost, and he so proudly stated that he lives in LaCanada CA. Well WHOOPTI DOO.

Yes I live in Tennessee and here when a person pays 100,000 for a house they get a 100,000 house not some $40,000 house for 200,000 just to say that live in a particular area. So guess who the jokes on. I can't understand for the life of me why someone who has so much comes on a website and speaks so little. Your words make you seem so small. You say things like blow blow hard? What the heck? what type of sense does that make? And with all of you silliness and disrespect I have not once called you out of your name.

Yet, you repeatedly call P. Chandler names like Wind Bag and make other disparaging comments. One of you said that you hope P. Chandler is granted peace by God when he/she dies. I hope you have peace before you die.


La Canada,

Child Like? Can you not see that YOU were in the wrong, you riped off everyone who had to listen to your rants?

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 29, 2005

P. You are missing the point, did you EVER go back to say your sorry and humble yourself to the people you blew up at?

Can you not see that YOU were in the wrong, you riped off everyone who had to listen to your rants? Actions in your case were as loud as words.

There are many cases where credit cards are faster for small things. Heck even the post office has a set up where you can only use a credit card for postage. That is not the point nor is a cash back deal. Its YOUR actions how YOU WENT off on the clerk for doing their job.




When you behave badly, the whole world is your enemy

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 29, 2005

As a customer of Texaco I am used to bad service
I told him either he accepts it and runs it through or I am walking
I would be calling the cops
Today I am treated like a criminal
almost got into a physical fight over it
I guess I should not have expected any intelligent reply
comments are infantile
you are 14 and have been smoking something
it sounds like the two of you have serious mental problems

It's a lot more than just this Texaco. You don't seem to get along with anyone.

People who don't agree with you are all crazy.

People who won't do things your way are all ripoffs.

I agree with you. You are being ripped off.

You don't have any peace or calm in your life.

There's no solution for your problem.

You will never have any peace or contentment on this earth.

May God finally grant you some when you die.



Paul and Carlton are both way off base here!

#67Author of original report

Tue, June 28, 2005

I guess I should not have expected any intelligent reply. Your comments are infantile and irrelevant to the issue posted. How can a person be stupid in your book for using Amenrican Express when they receive a bonus check from them every year just for using it. My last rebate check was well over $1000 and I paid them zero - i.e., no fee no interest. If you are 14 and have been smoking something you shouldn't have, that might explain your rationale, otherwise it sounds like the two of you have serious mental problems.


La Canada,

At what age do you excuse a rude client?

#67Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 28, 2005

So you are all for age discrimination? I do not care if the bag is old or young she was way out of line not the gas station. At what age do you excuse a rude client?



Go forth and do good..... if you can bring yourself to...

#67Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2005

"I live in La Canada, nor I do not work in a gas station and my corporate Amex has a higher limit then most homes in Tennessee cost. Well not quite high enough to buy Graceland."

Then why do you continue to bad-mouth the OP here in this forum? Even with the Corp card, your life must be pretty empty to have to enjoy it at the expense of others in this forum.

Get on with your life.


La Canada,

Robert is correct merchant is on the hook

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

The merchant is on the hook for all charged backs, not the credit card company, not the processing company the merchant. In three months we lost over $25,000 in fraudulent credit cards from "good" clients. The cards were phony the IDs were phony but matched the bogus credit cards. They kept ordering more stuff telling us how happy they were. Then we got the charge backs, we had to report them to the cops, they are in jail now one is 75 years old. We never got a dime back. BTW their first charge was for $40.00 in small goods.

One other point is you DO not have to accept the card even if you have signs stating you do accept them. Why because it there is one hint of skepticism you do not have to take it. If I had an old bat blowing a valve for a half and hour over $8.00 in propane for her single wide, I would think there would be enough to say no thank you to that kind of client.


La Canada,

I'm going to Graceland!

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

Good customer service starts with a good client, respect started and ended with the WIND BAG. . Read her report once more and you can see SHE went off on a poor person behind the counter who I bet makes far less then she does. Victimizing that poor clerk with insults started with her. I HATE bullies and HATE is a very strong word. She is a BULLY throwing her credit card like a lead fist in the face of a clerk for what $8.00 in stinky gas? She has that much in her depends.

I live in La Canada, nor I do not work in a gas station and my corporate Amex has a higher limit then most homes in Tennessee cost. Well not quite high enough to buy Graceland.
She should apologize to the clerk and I bet the station will apologize to her, not because she demands it. ; )


La Canada,

Wind Bags

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 25, 2005

No problemo here. My point is she did not have to cause a fuss over $8.00 holding up a line for almost a half an hour.

I do not know about you I am not passive ewnough to stand behind a wind bag whining over $8.00 for half an hour. That is a RIP OFF!



Well I Think Enough Has Been Said

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

I would first like to start by saying that I emapathize with you for the poor Customer Service that you encountered while at the Texaco. I could not understand why Paul and Karlton made personal attacks at you for no reason.

I also feel that the amount the store has to pay American Express is irrelavent because they choose to accept the card. Many businesses do not. Since they accept them and they did not state that you had to make a minium purchase of $10.oo etc. then there should have been no problem.

I'm not sure if you left some information out or not. Because while I do empathize with you I do understand it if you picture on the credit card is not valid in their particular store. I would like to thank David the above person for speaking with some sense and telling Paul and Karlton how rediculous they sound.

And people who use Credit Cards are not idiots or poor people who do not have money. Celebrities and Corporates use them all the time actually more than poor people because poor people don't qualify for them or are given ridiculosly high interest rates. You two (Karlton and Paul) probably were turned down for an Amex Card like someone else stated. And you are probably gas station clerks. But what ever happened to having respect for people? P. stated that he or she is a senior citizen does that account for a little respect anymore?



Well I Think Enough Has Been Said

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

I would first like to start by saying that I emapathize with you for the poor Customer Service that you encountered while at the Texaco. I could not understand why Paul and Karlton made personal attacks at you for no reason.

I also feel that the amount the store has to pay American Express is irrelavent because they choose to accept the card. Many businesses do not. Since they accept them and they did not state that you had to make a minium purchase of $10.oo etc. then there should have been no problem. I'm not sure if you left some information out or not.

Because while I do empathize with you I do understand it if you picture on the credit card is not valid in their particular store. I would like to thank David the above person for speaking with some sense and telling Paul and Karlton how rediculous they sound.

And people who use Credit Cards are not idiots or poor people who do not have money. Celebrities and Corporates use them all the time actually more than poor people because poor people don't qualify for them or are given ridiculosly high interest rates.

You two (Karlton and Paul) probably were turned down for an Amex Card like someone else stated. And you are probably gas station clerks. But what ever happened to having respect for people? P. stated that he or she is a senior citizen does that account for a little respect anymore?



Well I Think Enough Has Been Said

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

I would first like to start by saying that I emapathize with you for the poor Customer Service that you encountered while at the Texaco. I could not understand why Paul and Karlton made personal attacks at you for no reason.

I also feel that the amount the store has to pay American Express is irrelavent because they choose to accept the card. Many businesses do not. Since they accept them and they did not state that you had to make a minium purchase of $10.oo etc. then there should have been no problem. I'm not sure if you left some information out or not.

Because while I do empathize with you I do understand it if you picture on the credit card is not valid in their particular store. I would like to thank David the above person for speaking with some sense and telling Paul and Karlton how rediculous they sound.

And people who use Credit Cards are not idiots or poor people who do not have money. Celebrities and Corporates use them all the time actually more than poor people because poor people don't qualify for them or are given ridiculosly high interest rates.

You two (Karlton and Paul) probably were turned down for an Amex Card like someone else stated. And you are probably gas station clerks. But what ever happened to having respect for people? P. stated that he or she is a senior citizen does that account for a little respect anymore?



Well I Think Enough Has Been Said

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

I would first like to start by saying that I emapathize with you for the poor Customer Service that you encountered while at the Texaco. I could not understand why Paul and Karlton made personal attacks at you for no reason.

I also feel that the amount the store has to pay American Express is irrelavent because they choose to accept the card. Many businesses do not. Since they accept them and they did not state that you had to make a minium purchase of $10.oo etc. then there should have been no problem. I'm not sure if you left some information out or not.

Because while I do empathize with you I do understand it if you picture on the credit card is not valid in their particular store. I would like to thank David the above person for speaking with some sense and telling Paul and Karlton how rediculous they sound.

And people who use Credit Cards are not idiots or poor people who do not have money. Celebrities and Corporates use them all the time actually more than poor people because poor people don't qualify for them or are given ridiculosly high interest rates.

You two (Karlton and Paul) probably were turned down for an Amex Card like someone else stated. And you are probably gas station clerks. But what ever happened to having respect for people? P. stated that he or she is a senior citizen does that account for a little respect anymore?



Well I Think Enough Has Been Said

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

I would first like to start by saying that I emapathize with you for the poor Customer Service that you encountered while at the Texaco. I could not understand why Paul and Karlton made personal attacks at you for no reason.

I also feel that the amount the store has to pay American Express is irrelavent because they choose to accept the card. Many businesses do not. Since they accept them and they did not state that you had to make a minium purchase of $10.oo etc. then there should have been no problem. I'm not sure if you left some information out or not.

Because while I do empathize with you I do understand it if you picture on the credit card is not valid in their particular store. I would like to thank David the above person for speaking with some sense and telling Paul and Karlton how rediculous they sound.

And people who use Credit Cards are not idiots or poor people who do not have money. Celebrities and Corporates use them all the time actually more than poor people because poor people don't qualify for them or are given ridiculosly high interest rates.

You two (Karlton and Paul) probably were turned down for an Amex Card like someone else stated. And you are probably gas station clerks. But what ever happened to having respect for people? P. stated that he or she is a senior citizen does that account for a little respect anymore?



All the experts here

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

Merchant agreements are not with the credit card companies. They are with the processing companies. Every processor agreement says "check ID if unsure". Get it? I check 100% of the customers I have and have only had 2 complain. They complained by running away and dropping the cards. I guess thay were STOLEN! The credit card companies will return the funds to the card holder's account. The processor gets paid for the transaction. The merchant is screwed out of the sale and the merchandise.



Trolls abound! there was anything illegal in their attempt to refuse your credit card

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

Paul, Karlton, why not just let the comment stand without the senseless personal attacks? The comments that I have seen both of you place in this thread are nothing but inflammatory, and serve no real purpose. Granted, the situation may seem trivial to both of you, but it was obviously very real and upsetting to the originator of this post. The only person that really knows what happened is the reporting individual.

My suggestion to both of you, find a purpose outside of and do something useful with your time.

P.Chandler, vote with your feet next time. Patronize a business that wants your custom. Frankly, the only real harm you encountered was to your ego.

I really doubt there was anything illegal in their attempt to refuse your credit card. Remember, they are not required to serve you the customer at all if they choose not to.


South Carolina,

Touchy I can "steal" your card without mugging you

#67Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2005

My, everyone is touchy.

In regards to Matthew's point. I can "steal" your card without mugging you, and drain your bank account dry before you even realize it. Now, with your card having the protection of MasterCard, you'll get your money back, unless I also manage to steal your PIN and use it as a debit card, in which case you will just be out the money. And you'd be surprised how many people are dumb enough to write their PIN on the card.

What this boils down to is that if there is fraud, it is the merchant who is responsible. Not the card holder, not the credit card "owner" (AMEX, Visa, etc) the merchant.

So, in this situation, at first glance it seems something tipped the merchant off that perhaps the card was not valid, or the person presenting the card was not the true owner of the card. He didn't want to accept it for that reason. That is fair enough because not only would the merchant be on the hook for the merchandise they lost but those high AmEX fees as well. However, the merchant apparently did no good faith efforts to verify the identity of the card holder. There was a picture on the card, he could have asked for a drivers license, any number of things to further establish that the person presenting the card was the authorized user whose name was on the card. According to the OP, this did not happen. THERE is where it becomes wrong. Now, had the merchant asked the OP for further ID and the OP didn't have it with her, or didn't want to go back to the car to get it, then the OP is totally in the wrong.

It is fully up to the individual store owner to decide if they want to accept credit cards. If they do wish to accept them, but only for purchases over a certain dollar amount, that is fair as well, but it must be posted, and must be applied to all customers equally.

I have purchased a $1.25 Coke at a gas station on a credit card before, when I didn't have any cash on me. Of course, the said gas station did not have an ATM there either, which I would have used to pull cash to pay for that purchase.

What is also missed by the OP is that the 20 pissed off people behind her were all pissed at HER! To avoid ticking them off, she could have stepped aside and had them go ahead, but she wasn't done with her arguing yet, so they would just have to wait.



Report the Store to AMEX.

#67Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2005

By the policies accepted by the store, they have violated it by refusing to accept your card as a pyament type as well as ask for identification, and that any idenfication is not a valid reason to not accept your card.

Make sure that they understand that if a store asks for any identification, they are violating their agreements with the Credit card company. The only thing a STORE clerk can do is VERIFY SIGNATURES! That's it, EVEN if there is a picture on the CC, it doesn't mean you can't use it. If the signatures dont match, then there is a cause for concern. fi they do, they owed you and AMEX and apology.


La Canada,

Missed the point

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

You missed the point. Credit Cards are not money nor are they good for all debts public and private. EVEN if they have a sign that they accept credit cards.

I agree she has every right to get upset free speech and all but come on raging bull for twenty minutes for $7.00 for a can of stinky gas?

What stinks here is the report. AMEX is not a debit card, nor is a debit card money either.


La Canada,

Paul So True BUT

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

Having been a merchant who accepted credit cards you are correct in that the fees can wipe out any profit. If this lady does this three times a week I would not want her there either.



I would have made them accept my card too

#67Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2005

Now I have a mastercard, and am not much of a fan of AMEX, but I would have made them accept my card too.

If a buisness says they take it and then want to give me a problem that is there problem. Its not really a credit card though so much as a debit card, so the money I spend is a little more real, and paul while you are carrying cash and I am carrying that card, both of us get mugged or what not, you are out of money, but I can call my bank and have the card cancelled and marked stolen so that when the theif uses it they are arrested on the spot.. not so stupid to depend on a card after all is it?

Ill admit there are occasions where I will need cash as not everyone accepts credit and debit, but if they say they do and have done so in the past as in the case of this gas station, then they should have accepted it.

If there was a real problem it would have came up when they swiped it, since they didnt even do that they were making it difficult. Karlton go ahead and call me a whiner (clearly you are just too passive) Paul, go ahead and call me stupid, I really dont care what you think, but I support this person. The cashier should have taken it, and if I had been the situation I would have let them know what I think of their policy towards return customers, would have placed the propane tank on the counter and said fine, if my money isnt good enough for you, then you take back the propane.

If they would not then I would threaten to charge them will theft if they didnt let me take my tank home with me.



I suspected as much too. It's a shame, but some credit purchases actually COST the retailer money.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

About a month ago, I had a similar conversation with a local gas station owner. I had some little businesses myself, so I had an initial common bond with the individual.

He tells me that he makes a nickel a gallon. But, credit card purchases COST him 3%. So, on a $2+ gallon of gas, he makes a nickel, and pays six cents if the purchaser uses a card. Net gain: minus one cent per gallon.

In other words, it's the same as handing out fifteen cents to everyone who buys gas with a credit card!

Fifteen cents times 1000 weekly customers? That's $150.

Somebody's making money on gas. It sure as hell ain't the guy on the corner selling it.



Clerk was well trained. The store owner doesn't want to take AMEX cards for small amounts because the bank fees are high.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

Here's what I think is really going on here. The store owner doesn't want to take AMEX cards for small amounts because the bank fees are high. Here's the thing though, AMEX requires him to take the cards for any amount, or not at all. So he tells the clerks:

"Don't take AMEX for under $10.00, but we CAN'T say that's the reason. Instead say that you won't take the AMEX because you think it's a stolen card. We're allowed to do that. Remember, never say that you are refusing it because of the amount; that will get us in big trouble with AMEX. The $10.00 policy is strictly an unwritten rule."

This practice is going to make some customers mad-- the ones who insist on using AMEX for small purchases. The owner doesn't want those customers anyway, he's losing money on them.


La Canada,

How long?

#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

Lets review shall we?

"One other customer was real pissed that it had held up the line (which was by then about 20 people) and insisted he be served first as he was in a hurry."

"Whatever happened to courtesy and common sense customer service?"

That went out the door when an OLD WIND BAG acted like a JERK with no common sense of her own!

Pay the clerk $8.00 and blow.



John Wis. You miss the point

#67Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

The clerk was not intereretsd in even looking at my picture. I was the one who pointed it out to him. It was his attitude that was intimidating, not mine. Why could he not have swiped it just like the manager did. That way he would have found out that there was no problem. Yes I could have paid cash, but I had left my bag in the car with my spouse which was parked well away from the cashier/store. I did in fact ask several times what the problem was, but did not get an answer. You and others like you are also victims - of the brainwashing that whatever corporate america dishes out is good for you. Whatever happened to courtesy and common sense customer service?


Green Bay,

Chandler, your missing the point!

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

The problem here was not about accepting AMEX cards; it was the photo identification on the card. So why didn't you simply show the cashier another form of identification or tender another form of payment instead of being repugnant? It may be their policy to check identification on credit cards. There were no disparaging comments made by this cashier that would warrant a charge of slander. The employee was signifying what would happen to you if you were to walk out the door without paying for the propane. Go ahead and file your complaint with Texaco but given your behavior I doubt you will educe much sympathy.



I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

That's what was going through the cashier's mind at the time.

You're a stranger to him. Maybe you made the same exact purchase a hundred times in the past. But, it was always with someone else.

Someone who probably didn't care one way or another about what card you handed him. Some cashiers will let you use any old card that has money on it.

But, this one wouldn't. He was careful. They have a new thing out now. It's called credit card fraud. You might have heard something about it on the news once or twice.

That's just one problem associated with these cards. People steal them and use them to make purchases.

So, I can't blame the guy all that much for being suspicious. It's a crooked world we live in.

Next, how did you help matters?

Did you try to understand his perspective? No. You demanded he accept the card, or else.

Good negotiation skills! Yelling at someone and demanding they do what you ask is ALWAYS the best way to handle these types of situations.

I mean, why would anyone want to use a civil tone? Why try to look at the cashier's point of view?

That's crazy! Instead, raise your voice! Show them who's boss! Pull out a nine, c**k it and back him up against the wall and jam the front sight against the roof of his mouth. Come on, just give me a reason, cashier boy!

People always respond better to demands and intimidation. Don't you agree?

Why would you want to leave the tank, and go home and get cash? That's crazy.

Make a scene. Blow up. Get your blood pressure as sky high as your anger.

When it's all said and done, can you honestly say that you didn't contribute to this problem?

It's reasonable for someone to be suspicious of a little plastic card. You may not understand that. But, the fact remains, people use those little cards to cheat others.

Perhaps, you may want to find a new store for your propane. Pick one where the people aren't concerned about fraud.

You know, I buy propane all the time. I never had something like this happen to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm too nice to the people. Next time, I'll try going in and demanding they start doing things my way, or else I'm walking out without paying. That'll show em.



I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

That's what was going through the cashier's mind at the time.

You're a stranger to him. Maybe you made the same exact purchase a hundred times in the past. But, it was always with someone else.

Someone who probably didn't care one way or another about what card you handed him. Some cashiers will let you use any old card that has money on it.

But, this one wouldn't. He was careful. They have a new thing out now. It's called credit card fraud. You might have heard something about it on the news once or twice.

That's just one problem associated with these cards. People steal them and use them to make purchases.

So, I can't blame the guy all that much for being suspicious. It's a crooked world we live in.

Next, how did you help matters?

Did you try to understand his perspective? No. You demanded he accept the card, or else.

Good negotiation skills! Yelling at someone and demanding they do what you ask is ALWAYS the best way to handle these types of situations.

I mean, why would anyone want to use a civil tone? Why try to look at the cashier's point of view?

That's crazy! Instead, raise your voice! Show them who's boss! Pull out a nine, c**k it and back him up against the wall and jam the front sight against the roof of his mouth. Come on, just give me a reason, cashier boy!

People always respond better to demands and intimidation. Don't you agree?

Why would you want to leave the tank, and go home and get cash? That's crazy.

Make a scene. Blow up. Get your blood pressure as sky high as your anger.

When it's all said and done, can you honestly say that you didn't contribute to this problem?

It's reasonable for someone to be suspicious of a little plastic card. You may not understand that. But, the fact remains, people use those little cards to cheat others.

Perhaps, you may want to find a new store for your propane. Pick one where the people aren't concerned about fraud.

You know, I buy propane all the time. I never had something like this happen to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm too nice to the people. Next time, I'll try going in and demanding they start doing things my way, or else I'm walking out without paying. That'll show em.



I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

That's what was going through the cashier's mind at the time.

You're a stranger to him. Maybe you made the same exact purchase a hundred times in the past. But, it was always with someone else.

Someone who probably didn't care one way or another about what card you handed him. Some cashiers will let you use any old card that has money on it.

But, this one wouldn't. He was careful. They have a new thing out now. It's called credit card fraud. You might have heard something about it on the news once or twice.

That's just one problem associated with these cards. People steal them and use them to make purchases.

So, I can't blame the guy all that much for being suspicious. It's a crooked world we live in.

Next, how did you help matters?

Did you try to understand his perspective? No. You demanded he accept the card, or else.

Good negotiation skills! Yelling at someone and demanding they do what you ask is ALWAYS the best way to handle these types of situations.

I mean, why would anyone want to use a civil tone? Why try to look at the cashier's point of view?

That's crazy! Instead, raise your voice! Show them who's boss! Pull out a nine, c**k it and back him up against the wall and jam the front sight against the roof of his mouth. Come on, just give me a reason, cashier boy!

People always respond better to demands and intimidation. Don't you agree?

Why would you want to leave the tank, and go home and get cash? That's crazy.

Make a scene. Blow up. Get your blood pressure as sky high as your anger.

When it's all said and done, can you honestly say that you didn't contribute to this problem?

It's reasonable for someone to be suspicious of a little plastic card. You may not understand that. But, the fact remains, people use those little cards to cheat others.

Perhaps, you may want to find a new store for your propane. Pick one where the people aren't concerned about fraud.

You know, I buy propane all the time. I never had something like this happen to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm too nice to the people. Next time, I'll try going in and demanding they start doing things my way, or else I'm walking out without paying. That'll show em.



I don't trust your card. Is this you? I'm not sure this purchase is valid. I don't wanna get cheated.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

That's what was going through the cashier's mind at the time.

You're a stranger to him. Maybe you made the same exact purchase a hundred times in the past. But, it was always with someone else.

Someone who probably didn't care one way or another about what card you handed him. Some cashiers will let you use any old card that has money on it.

But, this one wouldn't. He was careful. They have a new thing out now. It's called credit card fraud. You might have heard something about it on the news once or twice.

That's just one problem associated with these cards. People steal them and use them to make purchases.

So, I can't blame the guy all that much for being suspicious. It's a crooked world we live in.

Next, how did you help matters?

Did you try to understand his perspective? No. You demanded he accept the card, or else.

Good negotiation skills! Yelling at someone and demanding they do what you ask is ALWAYS the best way to handle these types of situations.

I mean, why would anyone want to use a civil tone? Why try to look at the cashier's point of view?

That's crazy! Instead, raise your voice! Show them who's boss! Pull out a nine, c**k it and back him up against the wall and jam the front sight against the roof of his mouth. Come on, just give me a reason, cashier boy!

People always respond better to demands and intimidation. Don't you agree?

Why would you want to leave the tank, and go home and get cash? That's crazy.

Make a scene. Blow up. Get your blood pressure as sky high as your anger.

When it's all said and done, can you honestly say that you didn't contribute to this problem?

It's reasonable for someone to be suspicious of a little plastic card. You may not understand that. But, the fact remains, people use those little cards to cheat others.

Perhaps, you may want to find a new store for your propane. Pick one where the people aren't concerned about fraud.

You know, I buy propane all the time. I never had something like this happen to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm too nice to the people. Next time, I'll try going in and demanding they start doing things my way, or else I'm walking out without paying. That'll show em.



You all miss the point here

#67Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

When a store advertises that they accept whatever cards, they are definitely under an obligation to do just that. If they have a minimum purchase amount then that violates the agreement they made with the card company. However, if they posted a notice of a minimum I would accept that. That is the point - there is no question that they were under a legal and moral obligation to post their main terms of business as it were, before people entered into a transaction. Particularly when those terms and policies had been so drastically changed within the last two days.

If you people cannot see this, then you are part of the problem as that is why these big companies get away with their bad customer attitudes all the time, because people like you keep returning to the place where they were abused. People like me just suffer from the fall out.


La Canada,

I am not angry I just went to OU!

#67Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

LOL could be because I went to OU. ROFLOL!
But the point is the AZ wind bag got all worked up over not having $8.00 in cash to pay for a propane tank and made a fuss almost walking out with it and not paying. If she had walked out with the tank she did not pay for that would be bad, agreed? So why not point out how silly she sounds with a taste of her own blow hard attitude?

Chill out its all good there is a mighty wind a blowing from AZ.



No need for anyone to call police here.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

First you weren't "shoplifting" or otherwise doing anything wrong unless you tried to leave with the propane without paying for it. They probably don't have an easy way to take the propane back out of your tank, but you could have left your tank with the propane in it at the store and returned with another way to pay for it.

In the future, call the number on the back of the card. The people there are trained to deal with situations like these. They should be able to talk the clerk or manager into accepting your card. It is also not a bad idea to keep a few dollars cash on you for cases like this.


La Canada,

AMEX is the worst! AMEX is the highest

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

So true, so true! Many places that take credit cards now set a minimum on the purchase because of the fees the cards charge the merchant and AMEX is the highest. Using an AMEX card for under $10.00 is STUPID for the card holder and the merchant!


Oklahoma City,

Wow, Karlton, what's with the attitude

#67Consumer Comment

Wed, June 22, 2005

Young man, you seem to have an anger management problem here. Such an angry response with absolutely no relevance to the initial report and all of the rude, condescending comments shows that you have emotional problems, or was turned down for an American Express card in the past (or both). As for the crazy assumption that Texaco doesn't have to accept the card as advertized, they also can refuse to accept "good ole' green backs" too if they wanted. But any sane business operator knows that doing so is suicide to his business. No one who runs a business that accepts credit cards is going to refuse the card unless there is specific evidence that the card is stolen when it is presented for payment.

Please try to show a little more maturity if you want to post remarks to this site. Your previous response really exposes you as someone with emotional problems, and no one here desires to read this kind of mess.



A senior citizen needs to always be on the lookout for scams and frauds. And, banks are the largest frauds in this country.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

You got a million dollars, but not a dime to your name. That's because you're living out of some bank account. Your whole life depends on a little plastic card.

How smart is that?

What if the card doesn't work for some reason? What if the approval system is down? What if someone just decides to hack in and steal all your money?

Or, what if the business just decides they don't want to accept the card, like here?

What happens then?

Do you starve to death by the roadside somewhere? A millionaire, but not a penny that you can get to?

See what happens when you put all your trust in some bank? I could understand if the kid did something stupid like this. But, you claim that you're no kid anymore.

A senior citizen needs to always be on the lookout for scams and frauds. And, banks are the largest frauds in this country.

To be on the safe side, you don't want them to have any more of your money than absolutely necessary. And, for god's sake, don't depend on their stupid cards. Living out of a bank is just plain crazy.

From now on, handle your own money. Leave the credit cards for the losers that don't have a dime to their name. After all that's the whole idea behind them. There's a reason they are called CREDIT cards.


La Canada,

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. The only MONEY that is real money in the USA is good old green backs. They do not have to take your plastic even if you have $1,000,000.00 credit limit and had we welcome Amex signs with your picture on it all over the store. If you walked I would have arrested you too. Because that is THEFT! No matter if you go there three times a day who cares. If your card was in question they do not have to take it. Now your telling us that you don't have $7.00 bucks in your hand bag? Come on Get a LIFE!

While you may be upset because your were not served the way you feel you're royal hind a** should have been served, GET OVER IT! You were not Riped Off! You sound like a pompas old bag of AZ wind.


La Canada,

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. The only MONEY that is real money in the USA is good old green backs. They do not have to take your plastic even if you have $1,000,000.00 credit limit and had we welcome Amex signs with your picture on it all over the store. If you walked I would have arrested you too. Because that is THEFT! No matter if you go there three times a day who cares. If your card was in question they do not have to take it. Now your telling us that you don't have $7.00 bucks in your hand bag? Come on Get a LIFE!

While you may be upset because your were not served the way you feel you're royal hind a** should have been served, GET OVER IT! You were not Riped Off! You sound like a pompas old bag of AZ wind.


La Canada,

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. The only MONEY that is real money in the USA is good old green backs. They do not have to take your plastic even if you have $1,000,000.00 credit limit and had we welcome Amex signs with your picture on it all over the store. If you walked I would have arrested you too. Because that is THEFT! No matter if you go there three times a day who cares. If your card was in question they do not have to take it. Now your telling us that you don't have $7.00 bucks in your hand bag? Come on Get a LIFE!

While you may be upset because your were not served the way you feel you're royal hind a** should have been served, GET OVER IT! You were not Riped Off! You sound like a pompas old bag of AZ wind.


La Canada,

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 22, 2005

Boo h*o, your Amex card is NOT LEGAL TENDER in the USA despite what you think. The only MONEY that is real money in the USA is good old green backs. They do not have to take your plastic even if you have $1,000,000.00 credit limit and had we welcome Amex signs with your picture on it all over the store. If you walked I would have arrested you too. Because that is THEFT! No matter if you go there three times a day who cares. If your card was in question they do not have to take it. Now your telling us that you don't have $7.00 bucks in your hand bag? Come on Get a LIFE!

While you may be upset because your were not served the way you feel you're royal hind a** should have been served, GET OVER IT! You were not Riped Off! You sound like a pompas old bag of AZ wind.

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