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  • Report:  #1113114

Complaint Review: The American War Library

The American War Library DEA Watch Phill Coleman AMERVETS Solicitation to upload and search for military records. Also to purchase records, medals and awards. Gardena California

  • Reported By:
    Ralph — Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 05, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 11, 2014

The following is a condensation of someone else's FAQ which I verified after my initial suspicious were raised by a number of red flags concerning this website - especially the reference to a site more secure than that of the Federal Government.  There is NO SITE on the internet, the Dark Web, or most provate non-published IP addresses that cannot be hacked.

The issues include financial rip-off and MOST IMPORTANTLY, securing very sensistive personal information that could be used to commit identity theft. This PII (Personally Indentifiable Information) solicitied by the site include DOB, SSN, current and former addresses, PayPal info, credit and debit including CCV codes, etc.


My report is an attempt to help stop these activitiess.

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1. Q -- What Is The American War Library & DEA Watch?
A -- It is a COMMERCIAL PAY-FOR-VIEW BULLETIN BOARD SERVICE with a WEB PAGE ON THE INTERNET USED AS THE FISHING LURE. You will currently find it listed as The American War Library, but it has been called other names such as: The American Foreign Conflicts Electronic Library, The
American Constitutional Service Electronic Library, The Electronic War Library, War Library, The Vietnam War Electronic Library, The
Japanese-American WWII Electronic Library, The Nisei-American Veterans Electronic Library, etc. The American Law Enforcement Electronic Wall, The American Internment Camp Experience, American Heros Info Services.

That has appeared in the news group and is being used by Phill Coleman is The American Law Enforcement
Electronic Library. Phill says that he has created a Hall of Fame to honor the US Drug Enforcement Administrations finest.  So now it
appears that Phill is trying become the GURU for Law Enforcement as he has stated he is for Veterans.
2. Q. -- How long has The American War Library & DEA Watch been in
A. --Even though Phill Coleman claims since 1988 for AWL & 1989 for DEA Watch, as far as can be ascertained from the news group archives at Deja
News the first postings occurred in April 1995. This check was made against all of the different names listed in question number 1.
3. Q. -- Who is Phill Coleman?
A. -- He is the individual who operates The American War Library & DEA Watch Commercial Bulletin Board System at 16907 Brighton Ave., #B,
Gardena, California, 90247. Prior to Gardena he previously operated at 25601 Narbonne, Ste 6, Lomita, CA. 90717. He claims to be a veteran of
the Army and also claims to have served in Vietnam, but both those claims have not been substantiated and he refuses to offer any kind of proof. Even though he has demanded it of other Veterans that post to the various Veterans News groups.

4. Q. -- What is the purpose of The American War Library (AWL)?
A. -- The purpose of this Commercial Bulletin Board Service pay-for-view operation is to entice Vietnam Veterans, Gulf War Veterans,
Other Veterans, other unsuspecting people, their families and friends into signing up for his "SERVICE." He claims to have a huge database
that can provide virtually any information on any veteran to include those pretending to be veterans.
Not only are his claims an outright lie, it is an act of fraud.
The only way to access this "SERVICE"; is through a modem number and in some cases by only using the software provided by AWL & DEA Watch, there is NO ACCESS THROUGH THE INTERNET. Also to gain access to this site you have to fill out a form providing your life history, which you should
not have to do. Phill Coleman preys on the unsuspecting who are seeking information that is obtainable elsewhere at no cost. Using an Internet
search engine such as Yahoo or Infoseek you can get the same information, that AWL provides for a fee, anywhere else for free.
5. Q. -- What News groups does The American War Library (AWL) and DEA
Watch post their FISHING LURE WEB PAGE to?
A. -- Per information that is available through Deja News Archives, AWL is/has posted to approximately 109 to 128 different news groups
depending on the time frame checked. The latest are:


6. Q. -- What does Phill Coleman of The American War Library post to all of these news groups?
A. -- He posts spam things to generate conversation to make AWL & DEA Watch seem important, he posts responses to people that have requested
information (but never refers those individuals to where the FREE information is, only to HIS COMMERCIAL BBS) and most of all he requests
As previously stated he is seeking information to enhance his data base, thus allowing him to charge a fee for free information sent to him
because people do not know his organization is a fraud, they think it is on the up and up.
Listed are the types of information Phill Coleman has requested and claims to have available:
Active-Duty Locator
African-American Veterans Wing

Air War/Operations Wing, Vietnam War
Alleged Improprieties Wing, Vietnam War
American Revolution Wing
Americal Division On-Line
American and Foreign VIP's Wing, Vietnam War
Americans Killed-in-Action from All Military Actions
Anti-Mao Ops
Armed Forces Recruiting Stations
Beirut Mission Wing
Benny Wasserman Collection Wing, Vietnam War,


If Phill Coleman is not receiving an adequate amount of information he then has been known to raid various veterans Web pages and Data Bases
stealing their information; attaching his link to their Web page and/or using their web page as a hook on AWL's Fishing Lure Web Page without
the owner of the web page ever knowing that his web page is being used
to perpetuate a fraud (this is proven and not hearsay).
7. Q. -- How accurate is the information that AWL & DEA Watch claims to have, has provided in the past and what does Phill Coleman do with the
information that the unsuspecting provide when they register with AWL?
A. -- First the information that the unsuspecting provide to the AWL (Phill Coleman) when registering for his so-called service is UNSECURE,
I REPEAT UNSECURE. In the past from what can be seen Coleman has compiled this information along with E-mail addresses and sold this information to Internet Advertisers. Next thing you know you are trying to figure out why your E-mail box is flooded with advertisements.
Second what information has been provided is not very accurate and there is a major credibility gap in much of it, meaning there is NO way to
verify the sources that AWL uses, they will not post or release them.
You have veterans that have posted their verifiable credentials on the Internet, but yet Coleman's data base does not have them listed as a
Veteran of anything.
Case in point being Admiral Boorda, who the AWL said WAS NOT a Vietnam Veteran and was not authorized to wear his Vietnam Service Ribbons. As
we all know Admiral Boorda WAS a Vietnam Veteran, but there was only questions about the "V" devices he wore on the ribbons.
Phill Coleman portrays himself as a spokesman for veterans, especially Vietnam veterans. He claims to have insider contacts at the Veterans
Administration. He claims to have lists of all the men that served in Vietnam and Desert Storm. In fact VETERANS ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVES,
LISTS OF ALL VETERANS THAT EVER SERVED AND WHERE. Even the Veterans Administration (V.A.) does not have that information.
They must get it on a case by case basis from the branch of the service the person in question claims to have been in or they simply ask to see
that persons DD-214 discharge paper and verify it, if they feel it is necessary. No other person anywhere has that kind of information. To get
this info from the V.A. one must have a signed **release of information** form (from each person in question) AND be a
representative of an organization that the V.A. considers valid enough to have the power of attorney for the person in question. (Immediate
family, Social Security Administration, etc.) For V.A. personnel to release information otherwise is a federal crime. Phill Coleman would
have us believe that he has people transgressing these rules to further his commercial venture. There are existing lists of veterans, but these
are usually compiled from public sources that some veterans allow themselves to be listed in. The only other way to get information on a
veteran is to contact that veterans former unit or an association if he belongs to one.
8. Q. -- Is Phill Coleman the only one involved in this scam?
A.-- Apparently so and there is no evidence to the contrary. Although Phill Coleman uses numerous "PERSONAS or ALIASES" he is easily
identifieable because Phill Coleman has a rather unique writing style and a poor memory. This allows the astute members of the news groups to
catch and expose his fraudulent activities on a routine basis. Some of Phill Coleman's "PERSONAS or ALIASES" have posted racist, slanderous,
degrading and insulting comments directed at the members of the news groups.

Listed below are some of the "PERSONAS or ALIASES" that Coleman has used, bottom line being that all these "PERSONAS or ALIASES" are none
other than PHILLIP ROGER COLEMAN. All of these have been archived through Deja News and is available at any time if verification of
Coleman's activities is desired.
"PERSONAS & or ALIASES" used by Phill Coleman:

Jane Alexander
Dave Kobi
American Justice
Cyndi Labelle
Robert L. Odom
Jane Armstrong
Howard Ramsey
Jane Bergmann
Thomas Redding
Ron Blake
Brooke Rowe
Ron Blankenstein
Brent Sadler
Jack Bloomberg
Brenda Salinger
Alice Bromely
Leonard Schultz
Jane Simmons
Ralf Engram
Roger Simpson
James Fletcher
Andrea Suarez
Jim Fletcher
Angela Suarez
William T. Friedrich, PhD
Rachel Suarez
Edward Gentry
William Szcewitz
Andy Goodman
William Thompson
Aaron Greenberg
Veterans For Clinton/Gore,


9. Q. -- What are some of the FISHING LURE pages that AWL & DEA Watch uses for ts COMMERCIAL BULLETIN BOARD SERVICE operation?
A. --Listed below you will find just some of the fishing lure pages AWL & DEA Watch uses, more will be added as they become known. The important
thing to remember is that just because there is a Web Page for an Organization on the Net it DOES NOT necessarily mean that Organization
is LEGITIMATE, there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there in this
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