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  • Report:  #28862

Complaint Review: The City of Ann Arbor

The City of Ann Arbor is ridiculous My weekend was ruined I'm never coming back three days in hell Ann Arbor Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Minneapolis MN
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 03, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 19, 2012
  • The City of Ann Arbor
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Man, I'd never thought I'd be doing something like this but after my three days in hell, I feel I have to get it off my chest. I'm from Minnesota (GO GOPHERS!) but came to Michigan with some buddies for the big Wolverine game. My friend Booker had tickets for us cause he goes there, but he still made us pay about 20 bucks, which is ok, I think. He could have ripped us off, I don't know what the going rate is. Anyway, the game was cool cause Michigan won, but it was way too hot and crowded in that stadium. Get a roof or air-conditioning or people with hoses or something. I thought I was gonna die! Everybody was drunk, including us, so I actually don't remember if it was the sun or just my medication that was making me so sweaty, but I do remember it was stupid.

And what an ordeal it was getting outta that stadium. I could have walked back to MINNESOTA before my buddies ever made it outta traffic. Time to build a new street, Ann Arbor, you lame-oes.

So, we go to a place called THE ARENA for beers and it's totally gaystore. Our waitress, Beth, greeted us by saying, "Go Blue!". There goes her tip, sorry Beth, but you can't buy me off with some jingoistic cheer. Why don't you just say, "God Bless America, can I get you a patriotic cocktail?" What a dorkette.

So, the next day we go out looking for "da ladies" but I don't have a right arm so sometimes girls don't go for me. Right away, we ran into a problem. Hordes, and hordes of stupid people were dancing, like right in the middle of the street. And it wasn't like kick-a*s sexxed-up Kylie Minogue dancing, but rather Mississippi hoedowns and drunk bumblef*** Irish jigs. What is with you, Ann Arbor? Get your s**t together! You close down streets and make us park super far away just so you can have "SUNDAY FAMILY DANCE DAY" and ruin the good time of anybody who is between 8 and 60?!

Two stupid white kids were tapping on a wooden board, like they thought it was gonna make them cool. Yeah, sure you are nerds. I'll probably get laid more times than them this year and I don't even have a right arm. Then there were these Jamaican rastarians who were just beating drums. You could sooooooo tell that they were smoking the ganja. "hey pass the herb, Marley!" LOL! LOL!! But anyways...

We left on Monday, not saying anything to Booker because he was so thrilled we hung out with him at his school for the first time. The car ride home took like forever but it was still better than hanging out around his dumb-boat campus. I'm never going back to Ann Arbor. If I do, I hope I'm blind or dead. "Ann Arbor"? More like "Ann ArBORING!"

GOPHERS RULE! 2COOL 2B 4GOTTEN! PEACE OUT reject farmers, -Jimmy

Jimmy Minneapolis, Minnesota

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Whitmore Lake,

Stay Where the "Quality of Life" is sooo gooood!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 18, 2002

You have to kidding me! I lived in MN for ten years before moving to Michigan. My only regret is that I didn't move here 5 years sooner. You are a perfect example of why. Unintelligable dribble on the Rip-off Report. Of all the places in Michigan, I have likened Ann Arbor to a mini Twin Cities because of its liberal slant (taxes) and plethora of entertainment ((First Ave)(Purple/Golden Showers Rain)). Stay in MN with your 30 below zero and Govenor Misfit, the pride must be overflowing! The reason your weekend was incomprehensable was because like so many others from MN, it was probably the first time you have ever left the boundries of the state. Stop eating all those Cheese Curds in August, it will leave a measurable gap in your cerebellum for a glimmer of real knowledge and understanding of the real world. Ya sure, you betcha to the land of 10,000 morons, not lakes, which by the way, Michigan has more lakes.


Whitmore Lake,

Stay Where the "Quality of Life" is sooo gooood!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 18, 2002

You have to kidding me! I lived in MN for ten years before moving to Michigan. My only regret is that I didn't move here 5 years sooner. You are a perfect example of why. Unintelligable dribble on the Rip-off Report. Of all the places in Michigan, I have likened Ann Arbor to a mini Twin Cities because of its liberal slant (taxes) and plethora of entertainment ((First Ave)(Purple/Golden Showers Rain)). Stay in MN with your 30 below zero and Govenor Misfit, the pride must be overflowing! The reason your weekend was incomprehensable was because like so many others from MN, it was probably the first time you have ever left the boundries of the state. Stop eating all those Cheese Curds in August, it will leave a measurable gap in your cerebellum for a glimmer of real knowledge and understanding of the real world. Ya sure, you betcha to the land of 10,000 morons, not lakes, which by the way, Michigan has more lakes.


Whitmore Lake,

Stay Where the "Quality of Life" is sooo gooood!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 18, 2002

You have to kidding me! I lived in MN for ten years before moving to Michigan. My only regret is that I didn't move here 5 years sooner. You are a perfect example of why. Unintelligable dribble on the Rip-off Report. Of all the places in Michigan, I have likened Ann Arbor to a mini Twin Cities because of its liberal slant (taxes) and plethora of entertainment ((First Ave)(Purple/Golden Showers Rain)). Stay in MN with your 30 below zero and Govenor Misfit, the pride must be overflowing! The reason your weekend was incomprehensable was because like so many others from MN, it was probably the first time you have ever left the boundries of the state. Stop eating all those Cheese Curds in August, it will leave a measurable gap in your cerebellum for a glimmer of real knowledge and understanding of the real world. Ya sure, you betcha to the land of 10,000 morons, not lakes, which by the way, Michigan has more lakes.


Whitmore Lake,

Stay Where the "Quality of Life" is sooo gooood!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 18, 2002

You have to kidding me! I lived in MN for ten years before moving to Michigan. My only regret is that I didn't move here 5 years sooner. You are a perfect example of why. Unintelligable dribble on the Rip-off Report. Of all the places in Michigan, I have likened Ann Arbor to a mini Twin Cities because of its liberal slant (taxes) and plethora of entertainment ((First Ave)(Purple/Golden Showers Rain)). Stay in MN with your 30 below zero and Govenor Misfit, the pride must be overflowing! The reason your weekend was incomprehensable was because like so many others from MN, it was probably the first time you have ever left the boundries of the state. Stop eating all those Cheese Curds in August, it will leave a measurable gap in your cerebellum for a glimmer of real knowledge and understanding of the real world. Ya sure, you betcha to the land of 10,000 morons, not lakes, which by the way, Michigan has more lakes.

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