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  • Report:  #1357300


THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH Racist, Pirates, Manipulators, Liars, Haters, Controllers, Embezelers, Exploiters, Extortioners, Crooks, Bastards Virginia Beach Virginia

  • Reported By:
    EXPOSING them CROOKS — Virginia Beach Virginia United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 21, 2017
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 21, 2017
    2401 Court House Drive
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

During the summer of 2016, after making enough effort to sit in a meeting with Dave Hansen, William Sessoms and Sergeant Douglas, an official of the Virginia Beach Police enforcement division and Sharon Felton, that is known as a member of the Seatack Civic League board, also an employee of the Virginia Beach School board, a district 6 Beach representative, was in communication and intentions of having her sit in a meeting with them, about me and our city government’s concerns and never during this time or before this time, had contacted me about their intentions.  Neither did Ms. Sharon Felton contact me about this situation, but did email a letter to my brother, that didn’t have anything to do with my business.  I don’t know why any police official thought that Ms. Felton did, and I don’t know why they behaved the way they did concerning my business.  By Mr. George Minns, I was informed that Ms. Felton was not a board member at the time and had resigned.  I share with you now that also I didn’t ask police nor Sharon Felton for her presence or support in a meeting with City of Virginia Beach officials, neither was my concerns addressed with Ms. Felton of sitting in any meeting.  My brother is not me nor does he speak for me unless I give authorization.  If anyone thinks that they can speak for me, they should have enough respect to ask me first to see what I think.  And this is nothing that I should have to say to them because they know better and none of this was professional, and very sloppy.  Apparently, the City of Virginia Beach must consider this to be ok, until we don’t care like they have shown to not care.

I sit in the city manager’s waiting room several times requesting a meeting, also sent a letter requesting a meeting, not my brother.  This is similar to what I mean when I ask for an apple, they give me an orange.  If I hired one of these persons to work for me and owed them money, but paid a brother or a sister, instead of one of these individuals themselves, then they would know that this is inappropriate, just like what they did, was and still is inappropriate

I would also like to make mention, so you can see that when people that are responsible, in any department of our city government, are wrong, they have a serious problem with being accountable, telling the truth, of not being passive and making it their business of keeping focus, that if they do away with wrong and unfair behavior that they aim to not let these things rule in their force.  Otherwise, not let these things return and tolerating them.  Having said this, my wife and I had visited the 2nd precinct to make contact with the chief about some things that went wrong, because of when I asked to speak with certain persons, those who represent our city government and police department always choose to do things the way they want to do it instead of meeting a private citizen’s request concerning matters, when it is all possible.  And the results are, after leaving a message for the chief, at his office, twice, Ms. Michelle, that supports him, and I went back and forwards, focusing on one week, to see if we could schedule an appointment for my wife and I to meet him.  We couldn’t fit the first week, so we agreed to go with Wednesday of the following week, which some would consider to be the 2nd week of December.  After making it known to Michelle that this was urgent, 11 months ago, and going through her calendar, for the chief was good enough time and knowledge for us to agree on a certain day of that following week.  My wife and I tossed back and forth about a good time that we could meet with the chief as well as taking his schedule and his time and need in consideration.  The time was set for 4:45 pm, Wed the 7th.  On this day, I got a call to confirm the time and meeting, which we both agreed and this around noon.  While we talked, I questioned her about the meeting place, since it was never mention, when the appointment was scheduled; she said she would contact him.  About 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm for me to reach my wife with what she said, created a problem at their blame and that was after she told me the meeting would be at Building 1 and I believe she said, 1st precinct.  I shared with her if we will meet at 1st precinct, then it will take some time for me to get there from Oceana so the meeting would have to be about 5:15 pm.  She said that she would see if he could come down this way, but her final was, out of the blue, that we would have to reschedule the appointment because he has an appointment with Norfolk police which would consume 5:15 pm.  As you see, practically an entire year has pasted concerning one or more specific things that needs to be shared and then there are other things that I would like to bring to attention, but you see, they feature being churlish, being passive and wasting time as long as it is not theirs.  Still we have not accomplished anything, but our city government, officials and police think we should be perfect, the way they want us to be, comfortable and at ease, but how can this possibly be?  If they behave this way and disregard how any other individual feels and would like to be treated, and don’t take accountability, then how can we be comfortable and at ease about how they act and behave out amongst the public, and they and those that they answer to don’t give any consideration or response, nor effort, that they care?  How can you expect any or every private citizen that comes in and out of this city to be totally submissive to their every discretion and expect “over-respect” seemingly that they may feel that they are bigger, taller and greater than most everybody because they are commissioned. 

Back to where we left off from the chief of police and Michelle, his verbal support.   When the appointment was scheduled the meeting location should have been given then.  They should be able to agree with me.  If an appointment is scheduled for anyone, to speak with him, at 4:45 pm and another appointment is going to consume part of the time, whether he is maneuvering or sitting at his next appointment, when we consider 5:15 pm, then everybody who reads this letter could name what kind of category this kind of behavior should be condemned of, because if I name it, I don’t think they would like me very much at all and to be honest with you, it’s so until, I don’t know how to name it to make everybody satisfied.

Some of the things I would like to share with specific persons that’s part of our city government, does not so particularly, in my concern, attach with other particulars, but peripherally, I think would reveal that, yes, there is a serious problem with the total city government, in this private city of Virginia Beach.  During the year of 2013, one day after Martin Luther King’s Day, I received a phone call, seemingly anonymous, informing me from the City of Virginia Beach, that there were found a letter or speech spoken that, “If Mr. Albritton comes on city property or school property, shoot him down.”  So, I called the city manager’s office and I shared it with him and asked if he heard anything about it and what does he know?  He stuttered, “Ah, no, no.”  But he didn’t answer my question clearly and then I told him they said that I needed to be escorted when I come down there to city hall, then he said, “Yes, I remember hearing that.”  I felt that he knew or heard more.  Then I called the police department, told them who I am, what I heard and asked, “Has anybody accused me of anything and why and who?”  Never have I recognized before, that I could recall, in 30 some years, a black officer answered the phone and communicated with me and said he don’t know of anything and hadn’t heard of anything.  I said alright, thank you for your time.  I don’t know what was the reason for this kind of evil and wicked intention, but I do recall when a lot of questions about certain requirements and procedures of different departments in the City of Virginia Beach, that continually are found to go wrong and to be found in violation; in the way that some of the directors handle services and resources toward private citizens, then different persons in these particular departments tries to cover for their superior by attacking me, verbally and making jesters and responses as if I’m being a problem on the other side of the phone, while I can’t be heard in the office, unless or until they put me on speaker,   but when they don’t put me on speaker phone, they make these false responses and verbal expressions as if I’m being a problem, and they respond as if I am communicating with them and they are communicating back to me but they say things that doesn’t relate to the things I say to them which causes others in their office to think that I’m being uncooperative.  Often time’s city official would pick with me and harass me.  I be thinking that it was to entrap me but they harass and agitate to get me, hopefully to respond the way they want me to so that they can have a recording or memory to accuse me of something, so that way, in a situation that is going on right now, they could say that Mr. Albritton said this and Mr. Albritton did that, where that then, their aim could be to discredit me and to make me be the problem in the eyes of everybody else, like some people dealt with Trayvone Martin, he was being made something that there was no proof to, but if there was anything that they could prove, it never was exposed clearly as to how it came about to be, which could then give clarity and possibly justification.  There have been times a city official was trying to record me with a tape recorder, in their lap, under a table (didn’t ask me about it, didn’t tell me anything about it, but kept looking down in their lap, that’s when I caught them).  I try hard not to make problems for people, but try to get them to change for the better, but all my life, in this city, whoever hired these people to be directors and head of certain departments, search for certain breed to do a lot of harm and mistreatment to black people, meaning youthful male, but now, more so toward senior males to handicapped and black youth so there will be a shortage of leadership of his and her kind, mostly aimed at the black male youth and senior citizens and a lot of them that own property.  All kind of manipulations and violations are inflicted upon these persons.  I’m just sharing a little bit, but there are things I want to talk about to certain persons.   But, then there is a curve, white poor seniors, some with children, they mistreat and violate, but a lot of the time, treat them better than black people.  Low income people are lied to, cheated and manipulated and a whole lot of things are done wrong, but this is not the time to discuss it.  It doesn’t matter, overall, what race, but so many senior citizens are cheated.  

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