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  • Report:  #604967

Complaint Review: The Decibel Garden ( recording studio)

The Decibel Garden , recording studio, Tao Engine Philms Recording Sanctuary Sucks ! Denver, Colorado

  • Reported By:
    TinkrunsBatman — Gotham Colorado United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 19, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 26, 2012

Let me begin my complaint by stating that their are some professional recording sanctuaries in Colorado. The Decibel Garden is not one of them. This studio is owned and operated by a group of friends who self promote their credentials. These people are no studio engineers and have no resume to support anything other than self taught,poorly self taught I may add.My personal experience there was a plethora of lies and excuses by  "Legend In Own Mind" Haylar Garcia and his side kick some bald headed butt kiss named Bryan. Of the many studios I have recorded in over the 40 years in the business I have never EVER came across an individual who is so self absorbed and stuck on self that you can hardly get a word in edgewise.No creative input here,this guy is is just plain and simple - WINGING IT ! I also noticed that they are not accomplished musicians either,they are are some kiddie garage band from the 80's who probably were inspired by Guitar Magazine then learned a couple licks and tab and now have progressed somehow or other probably with their parents money into this alleged recording studio.I am one of three Denver Artists and I'm sure their are more who all agree your money is better spent in a real recording environment rather than sit there and listen to Haylar Garcia bulls**t himself into super hero oblivion while his side kick just sits there amazed and obedient and nod's his head at anything like a good dog.My recording was horrid to say the least,popping sounds in the " In House Mastering"  IHM my a*s ! is just one of many little wrongs this idiot was stumbling through. Gain levels mistakes,signal processing abuse, what a retard.Man the list goes on and on. These are mistakes kid's make with rinky dink home studios.I payed these fools only a portion of the time I spent and I know they were not going to argue the fact after I explained to them in detail what idiots they were. Their was some young kid there who did seem to understand the recording industry his name was Mark, I noticed he is not on their website so I have no idea if he is related to this bogus studio but I will say he did understand music and was a talented Piano player as well, meaning he could site read- The rest of those clowns would not know a treble clef if it walked up to them and kissed them on thier egotistical a**'s. Stay away from this RIP OFF ! The other bands you see on his site are all his friends so dont expect them to blow the whistle but thier is one that has told me that they felt the same way.I also bumped into a young artist that went into detail how these people ripped off their parents who apparently had done some very considerate things for them. They asked to be anonymous because they are considering litigation over their experience with The Decibel Garden and Haylar Garcia. I never ever will record there again and make a point to tell everyone at all my gig's the same. THE DECIBEL GARDEN SUCKS !

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Andrew Nast

United States of America

New Management = New Experience

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 26, 2012

Haylar isn't a part of sessions or bookings concerning the studio. He doesn't run sessions, or participate at all in the process. Sorry it didn't work out in the past; my experiences with Haylar don't match yours. Either way, working at the Decibel Garden now would be different then before.

I'm not here to say you didn't have a bad experience, I'm here to say I run the ship now, and that's not how I do it. 

Best of luck,

Selfless Acts

United States of America

Same Owners Can = Same Conflicts?

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, April 25, 2012

I " in my opinion and gist of it" still would be reluctant to record at this this studio and not because of the new sound engineer it truly is because of the of the owners and simply not keeping up to their end of a deal that was a simple handshake. A mistake on both sides parts- we should have did it in writing,however it has been years and people can change hopefully they have learned equally and realize the destruction that can happen when things are not done in a legal binding fashion....we simply were friends who made a bad choice...we trusted each other to early in a business transaction that went wrong because of that.

 I always believe in solutions to the problem and quick resolve where no hearts get scorned and this thread has gotten out of control and it's not morally right for either of us to be attacking each other anymore . So having publicly stated that-

Is this studio technically capable- Yes.

Is this studio a musicians sanctuary- Yes the place does have this magic about it. Disregarding all the negative experience we personally had there, their were moments of harmony- the place was designed by intent to release yourself from the rest of the world so you can be relaxed and be creative there- poor management and mistakes is what ruined it for us we simply became uncomfortable there because of the loose ends and each others actions.

 Should you record there-  If you do, I strongly recommend that you have a detailed contract written up in advance with signatures of all who are involved with your project and keep the owners out of your creative concepts involving your project there. Free or not should be a written agreement and better defined. I truly did do all this free work to help release them of distractions and financial burdens like their home and business plumbing, I know this field personally and I saved them several  thousand dollars simply from the heart and in hope that our- not mine "our" project was finished so we could start working on the friendship by being released of the business end but even more importantly and less selfishly getting the project done for the people who were suffering and spreading the word of awareness . So don't make those mistakes and go in knowing exactly what you want  and utilize the facility for it's capabilities and keep strong personalities out of it.

 In closing- Andrew this is my only olive branch so out of respect to you as I do not know you, I think it would be more positive for us all to attempt to at least agree on this- That readers have a chance to read these new updates ( solutions) let them decide for themselves and I will contact the webmaster of this site and go through the removal process of all post's 30 days from now if possible on their end.

 This is a much better separation process for all parties involved. As I have stated we have moved on and are prospering very nicely with these steps with any studio. In hindsight had these simple steps been taken in the first place and keeping it strictly business not allowing friendships to collide this situation more than likely would not have happened because of the boundaries and a friendship would not have been destroyed, sadly because being to loose with each others best interests.

I wish the same prosperity for all involved in this "Past" incident.

Sincerely- Us.

Andrew Nast

United States of America

Decibel Garden under new management

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 25, 2012

Im sorry this person had a bad expierence. I don't know Bryan, and can't vouch for his skills. I run the studio now, and this person would not have had this type of expierence with me. I've run the studio for six months now, and have gotten two artists major deals. I spent ten years in LA and have legit credits. The studio is super nice, take a look at our web site and give us a chance.

Selfless Acts

United States of America

Facts and Fiction

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2010

Side Bar :

He claims he has been a recording studio or words to confuse you that he is, for over 30 years.The Decibel Garden opened up on or around 2006 no known Colorado Registration the closest is his DBA.

Tao Engine Philms in 2003.

Here is truth -;jsessionid=0000iTT5UVZsQvOs1ipd0AbwWZp:11nm16sja

Of course this must be a lie to.You see he has to protect his insecurity by feeding you all a line of Horsey Dung.


PS. He is in his thirties..WHA ? he started his business when he was a child ????

I get no enjoyment out of proving to you his "story" about me is nothing more than a plethora of lie after lie.I was not ejected from the studio I have emails that prove this also. I hired a much more talented youth filmmaker and FIRED this Company...that's what really happened.I recommend you visit the studio after his own band records there and you can see the Beer bottles that familiar POT smell and his little world of lies strewn about his struggling establishment.Oh and I did the repairs on his home after his alleged incident where supposedly I was ejected.....yea right !

The link is a Colorado Registered DBA name and date do the math.

With Love to Batman,

Yours- The Real Deal

Selfless Acts

United States of America

Calling The Kettle Black

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2010

Honesty and truth is a guideline that some folks live by,and others pretend.

As I am being called out here because of another party's bad experience at the Decibel Garden I feel compelled to respond.

Lets start from the beginning :

Being a long time member of the arts and entertainment industry and community I resourced connections seeking a Indie Filmmaker here in the state of Colorado for a project I was working on for a high profile family.This project involved many families,children,sick people,healing people and people in need of transplantation.

My concept was to have a show and follow up with a Documentary Film.This is where Tao Engine,the owner and the respondent of the last rebuttal was HIRED by me to film,Direct and Edit a Documentary for this project.This individual promised it would take approximately 1 to 2 years his exact words....Knowing personally from professionals in this field that even a bad Documentary of this subject should only take eight months to a year tops.However I wanted a rookie Filmmaker to have this amazing opportunity and also the opportunity to meet and film an urban legend Actor and other high profile talent who I shall not name out of respect to him/them as they are friends.

To boost this Company I praised it several times believing even after the THIRD year of waiting for my project to be finished that there was some shred of dignity considering all the things I did for this Company and it proprietor as follows.

-I and a friend plumbed the entire Basement at the Decibel Garden for FREE.
- I did repairs on other plumbing in the studio myself for FREE.
- I even repaired This persons personal property ( sewer  ) and plumbed the entire crawl space of his girlfriends property that had major sewer line collapse for FREE.
-I had to go back and repair another break in the same sewer again for FREE.
- I Networked with several friends and many major contacts in Hollywood I know to build reputation for the Decibel Garden for FREE.
- I gave him $100.00 Dollars to take his girlfriend out to dinner even when I new this relationship was coming too and end because he was not working at all on my project.
- I still wanting to desperately believe that after taking him on an all expense payed trip to visit and meet a film legend and high profile Television Actors,Musician Icon Song Writer and artists hoping that he would be inspired to finish my still didn't happen.
- I had to be insane but I still wanted hope.I gave him $800.00 dollars to record my 12 year old daughter.While I was knee deep in human feces fixing his girlfriends property he was supposed to be recording my kid,he was more concerned about the property repair and it was obvious because of this very poorly recorded 4 song CD.Thats not the worst of it.His brow beating out of jealousy to my 12 year old with comments that had no relevancy to what and why we were recording there,he really didn't know much about time signatures or music ( notes and structure) We confirmed that at the University Of Colorado Music Department ( I have friends there to) we successfully had her work redone at better professional studio with REAL studio Engineers.

Calling the Kettle Black :

Substance abuse is really a cheap shot.That day there were several people drinking and they to were drunk,they did not have a problem with this individual after all the aforementioned so they didn't lose there self control with this very selfish person ! Let me also state that they smoke pot there they do coke there they all drink there and I know this from YOUTH interns who have worked for him who are more than willing to make it public record if he would like to push the matter. Drink that in.

As for hitting up on his friends wife - I met her at a music festival in Denver and her insanely jealous boyfriend was very bold with both of us simply because she approached me and said hello.So at his Beer party at the studio where nobody was social drinking I commented to ONLY him that she was cute and only HE had a problem with it( he was just looking for an out so he didn't have to finish my film it was obvious so this was his big chance... wow) And I still stand by my comment that she is cute,hell she should leave all those class acts behind and roll with the real deal ME !

Summing it up - I observed allot of immaturity with all the people who run that circus that included male controlling with the women( don't expect the women to come forward because of the circle of how that illness works) But yes my family and children can testify that the owner of that establishment has an anger control problem.We witnessed tantrums with high profile artists we brought to the studio to meet him that he insulted and the woman he said I hit on at his BEER party this particular day he was extreamly volatile with and she seemed scared my kids and I picked up on that quickly and we were very uncomfortable afterwords.

I would not record there if it was the last place on earth.Its like dealing with Spankys Fun Club.They are bratish very inexperienced nonprofessionals in this field.I recommend you try many of the other budding studios here in Colorado or you can always do the Ranch.

So in closing : Riddle me this Batman - My film is done,her CD is done a major record label is working with her right NOW ! and all you had to do was finish a little film out of consideration for all the little kids,people,teachers,parents,sick people who were depending on you to help them deliver a message of love to the world and don't forget all the kindness we both with love gave you in appreciation.Instead you chose to humiliate us, lie to us and use a person who is in very poor health ( neurological disorder relating to the nerve's) ME... to the tune of approximately $10,000 dollars or more of FREE labor of LOVE .Truthfully I can care less about the money the principle in response to your Karma comment is more important.When I walk off my porch I know the rest of the day is going to be in honor of someone else and the shirt on my back literally is theirs........ many, many, many friends know me and this to be fact. I have nothing I want nothing the key word here is this was for CHARITY.

So Batman swim in your  "Karma"....... learn from it grow from it but most of all except it. Because in your case your going to be putting in allot of time fixing YOU good luck with that.Meanwhile I celebrate my good deeds and Karma and God rewards me everyday TEN fold.Tried to teach you but your just to high on YOU.

You are forgiven we have moved on without you.Don't embarrass yourself anymore move on to young man.... it will start the new you process.

Blessings - The Real Deals



United States of America

Untrue and totally slanderous

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 21, 2010

The original report issued here was posted by a man/former client who
was ejected from a studio event after showing up intoxicated and proceeded 
to shamelessly sexually harass the wife of one of the studio partners. I will not
mention his name (as he has ours). We will not participate in
the same  slanderous/illegal acts that we have become a victim of here. I will
only say that all people are welcome to contact and meet us person and
to decide for themselves. We have a long list of satisfied clients and
more coming in all the time. The simple fact is; the person who wrote
this review has serious substance abuse problems which sadly makes his
life unmanageable. When we showed zero patience for his extreme
alcoholic behaviors, the client/studio relationship was just no longer
possible and we were forced to stop working with him. As you can tell by his rant,
it is obviously a personal attack very sadly disguised as a consumer
review. We have been functioning and upstanding members of the Denver
music scene for nearly 30 years. We invite all people to visit our
website, come meet us at any of our music community events and decide
for themselves. We wish everyone the best, even the person who slandered
us here. It's all about Karma, we only wish you get the help you need. Down deep you are a good man, but you have to clean up.  PS. I have enclosed a screen-shot of our google reviews, (including the original review by THIS MAN, you will see he was quite satisfied before the alcoholic episode mentioned above.) Also I am sure he will read this rebuttal and remove his positive google comments, and maybe even add some bad ones to under another identity. The nice thing is; you will always be able to read this screen-shot as proof to his true opinion of the studio before he was ejected. -The Decibel
Garden 2010


United States of America

Untrue and totally slanderous

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 21, 2010

The original report issued here was posted by a man/former client who was ejected from a studio event after showing up intoxicated and trying shamelessly to hit on the wife of one of the studio partners. I will not mention his name as he has ours as, because we will not participate in the same  slanderous acts that we have become a victim of here. I will only say that all people are welcome to contact and meet us person and to decide for yourself. We have a long list of satisfied clients and more coming in all the time. The simple fact is the person who wrote this review has serious substance abuse problems which sadly makes his life unmanageable. When we showed a zero patience for his extreme alcoholic behavior, the client/studio relationship was no longer possible and we stopped working with him. As you can tell by his rant, it is obviously a personal attack very sadly disguised as a consumer review. We have been functioning and upstanding members of the Denver music scene for nearly 30 years, we invite all people to visit our website, come meet us at any of our music community events and decide for themselves. We wish everyone the best, even the person who slandered us here. It's all about Karma, we wish you the best.
-The Decibel Garden 2010

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