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THE EVENT Rose, someone named Q and staff members FRAUD SELLING KIDS FALSE DREAMS..... DISGUSTING!!! new york, New York
As of 2/9/13 I received a call for my daughter to come to an open interview for what I was told was for Disney/Nickolden channels. Oh' great how this sounds my daughter would be thrilled. However, we get there Saturday night and there are a bunch of kids in all races hoping to get this chance of a lifetime. Well, after this then I am handed this paper to fill out with all of my information as the "interviewee" then at the bottom of one of the documents it has a mini-script for ages of 6-9 years off age to read and stand before a camera and read the script in front of a guy who plays in "Victorous" oh great. The kids are STAR STRUCK...
So, hear it is there is the lady who calls herself "Rose" says it the chance of a lifetime and that the kids will have there opportunity as she says that what they are not looking for but what the will not tolerate... by this I mean.. No "D"'s on report cards, no annoying kids, no tolerance for bull crap. In other words she states she means business she states that she works with all these "high end" producers such as ''Steven Speilberg".. she has been on sets such as "Batman", Men in Black, and Spiderman.. okay all lies...
Now, they say that if your child gets a call back ,,,, it will be a chance of a lifetime as I keep stating. Then, here is the kicker.... "Money , Money, Money"... So, my daughter got a call back on 2/11/13 and I was told "Q" who interviewed my daughter and who call me "2/11/13 said that she wanted to interview her again. Whoa! My little one was so excited told all her friends and all. Great! Now, we arrive to our appointment on time and they were late speaking to me.. Some big white guy comes in , and the the lady who gave this big "speech" named "Rose and said and the guy who they called "Q" said "Congratualations" and said to my daughter, "Have you been to Disney World?, she says "No" then they say, well here is your chance we will see you there!..I was waiting for them to have my daughter read another script.. "Bullcrap".
Okay, then "Q" will start the registration process, then out comes her application and then the folders. So let's begin.. "Do you have a credit card that you can give us at this time?", What ???? What option did you choose, the basic charge is $1950 that I was interested in addition to the finances charges,,,I mean the "hidden cost of finance charge", what???? Well, at this time... I already knew that it was a scam from the beginning. When you sell these kids a pipeline dream it is disgusting and not warranted....Horrible.!... I wasn't given them a dime of my money... Some parents will do it if it will get their children "fame".. This event that they call THE EVENT IS FRAUD....! I am aiming to get them out of business.. they are making money off of people.... So, you are not including airfare , transportation...etc..... However, I hope that who ever gets my complaint will forward this to the apporiate parties and shut this down. DONT SELL THESE KIDS A FALSE DREAM....!
This so -called event was taken place @ The Radisson Hotel at 49 West 32nd street, on the 2nd floor. I pray that no one else gets taken for this... The radio station... WLBS 107.5 IN NEW YORK IS PROMOTING THIS FRAUDLENT CRAP!