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  • Report:  #299555

Complaint Review: The Fashion Institute Of Technology

The Fashion Institute Of Technology Harassment stalking with students and friends of the shelter systems NYC New York

  • Reported By:
    NYC New York
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 13, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 13, 2008

In 1991 I arrived at the doors of the popular 12 step addiction treatment programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

What happened next was a system on mindcontro developed by and within the therapeutic community of supportive services, social services community, which suppoirts and treats addictions. This involves DSS or welfare, aftercare treatment centers, private medical practitioners, and hospitals which use 12 step treatment as the preferred method of treatment for addictions, and alcoholism. In otherwords anyplace which deals with severely mentally ill, even including the shelter systems of NYC. What arose out of and within this communty, which has connections into the makor law enforcement related communities, is a system of total harassment, which is so severe as to be used twenty four hours a day, as torture. This system now with a more formal name of groupstalking, or multistalk, involves a group of individuals who involve themselves in acts of stalking. There are tried and true techniques involved in this type of stalk, used by stalkers. One of them is the leaving of encrypted messages outside homes apartments, or areas where a targeted individual may frequent. One example may be a dead animal, or picture drawn on the sidewalk. These episodes happen alon with harasing phone calls, snide remarks made just inside of earshot pertaining to a targets life which the group member a stranger shouldn't be privy to. Entrance to one's home is often reported, where nothing is taken but objects are broken or moved and personal letters and effects gone through.

As time went on in recovery more of this kind of stalking started to happen, but I did my NA comittment weekly at my rehab and loved it. A woman from a sleep deprivation and research unit frrom that hospital, NY Hosp. Cormnell Medical Center moved into the apartment below mine. As time passed I found she and my super her helpers were involved in a, through the flooor, and vacant apartment next door wall, nightly attemps at a form of sleep hypnosis. I complained to her employer and asked for information but received no help, only a letter stating that she was not an employee and that this hampered any efforts to investigate. Troubles still went on as I decided to enter school again. At two step group members request I accompanied them to different locations, where we were watched. After my next to last NA meeting, as we stated to leave a vehicle came from the left and ran down one new meeting maker. The cars occupants were the people who had surveilled me and my step group buddies as they took me to those different locations. Now on college campuses I found harassment had begun during class, and I started to find more of those almost imperceptable messages, which revealed to me that chldhood acquaintences were behind this all. One message just happened to be a drawing hung at the college Art workshop which resembled exactly one I had done as a seventh grader. The odds were one million to one that anyone could recreate this. This is how the games of group stalking work. Then I heard voices, gravely women's voices coming from an area above the college itself

Years later, here in NYC after being displaced by a fire I was forced by health and circumstances into the shelter system. here were the sources of those voices.

This site contains a few minutes of a harassment campaign so large in scope now that it covers the whole country. media has seen fit to be part of and use sound as a method of mindcontrol torture, and the nickname Shadowillowist and geshe Roache Lee has been added as part of this harassment in order to keep my identity a secret. The story began shoetly after my father told me of a family plot to euthanize a sick and suffering uncle. Listen to these sound bytes. I have hours of this. Threats are made daly by staff members at FIT who now fearing a court case feel the nedd to subvert the justice system. As head of the college J brown, whose husband was H C McCall, our states comptroller, engaged in this campaign publically also. This case demands action. The sound byte marked applause and the one marked JeaninePirro were taken from a show and contain subliminals, predicting that I would be living at this Encore 49 Hotel here in NYC, years before I thought of coming to NYC. Listen as directed to each sound byte threats come in daily, from every shelter in NYC. The harassment also concerns some members of my family and some local acquaintences of theirs in White Plains and NYC. Most notably the so of that building super and an acquaintence of my family one Annunciata family living both here in nYC and White plains also.

The male voice on the link marked /mindcontrolindex.html is a person a methadone addict presumed dead by me for years I belive is also operating with my Staten Island family members and my brother's inlaws here on the West Side by the Riverview Hotel. Threats are being made into this Encore 49 Hotel by similar meas as the tapes marked TRANSCRIPT. most notable by Most professors from FIT notable Paul Clement, Burt Metcalf, Anthony Lent, and others in the Graphics Arts department and made through communications within the NYC shelter system. Many tapes are done at night and the men or women try to ebter the subconscious mind as the men sleep.

NYC, New York

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