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The Greatest Vitamin In The World Nothing like what the TV commercial promised. They make you believe you will make a lot of money rightaway, but after spending $1,600 I haven't earned any money yet. ripoff Phoenix Arizona
After seeing the "Greatest Vitamin in the World" commercial, I ordered the program for #35.00, but I ended up paying $110.00. Two days later, a rep called me and told me that I should advertise my website, or I won't get any traffic. After a lot of persuation on his part, I paid $1,000 to get 12,000 visitors per year (1,000 per month) to visit my website every month. The first day, I got 3 orders, since then, (after 12 days) and 700 people visiting my website, I haven't had ONE SINGLE order.
Then, another rep called, explaining the benefits of paying for one of their advertisemtnts on TV. I sent another $600.00.
After reading your website, my heart sank. I spent all my savings on this, and opened a new credit card accont to accommodate the $600.
So far Nothing is like they promised on TV, and I am extremely upset
Can you please tell me how I can recover my money?
Davie, Florida