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The Greatest Vitamins In The World Retired couple on fixed income cheated by Mr. Don LaPre and his henchmen. Phoenix Arizona
As a retired RN I don't feel particularly stupid and was looking for something to help my family, My husband is disabled and has been for 17 years. When I was injured and forced to retire early it was clear we needed to create some income stream. As a health care professional I was very interested in LaPre's company. As a health care professional I spent 25 year caring for others. Somehow deceipt and fraud seemed the furthest thing from my mind. The life I've led has been honorable and I was not given to mistrust until now.
I WAS A FOOL AND DID NOT DO DUE DILIGENCE. His company SEEMED OK but in fact his people were stealing ours and many others money while he slipped back under some rock through bankruptcy. I don't understand why the powers that be did not regulate his fraud earlier. The FCC as well as the IRS and many other agencies MUST have had some awareness about him as his trail of deceipt is really LONG, (whichk we discovered after reading many of your letters.)
Alas, too little too late. Here's to his customer care folks: Cameron, Erica, and most of all to James Gallagher, whose smooth and sympathetic support promised a prompt refund in 7-10 days, who had elderly parents who had been similarly ripped off, etc. He was from the company who bought out TGVITW and vowed to make things right.
HA! This second company is apparently no better than LaPre's. Anyone out there know the second company's name? After looking at the LOOOOOONG list of victims, it could have been worse, I guess, since he only stole $1,500 from us; it was, however, all we had. Not a sob story -- just too trusting and faith in humanity misplaced. I wonder which rock he's under as I'd like to smash it with him dead center. What a fool he is and we are.
I doubt he could lift his head up again, but since this last is only the most recent in a long line of criminal behaviors he'll be back around at an informercial near us at 4 am, searching for more trusting folks like us, but not us again. At least he can't file bankruptcy again for a while. Hope the feds get him for a visit to one of their "country clubs". d**n and d**n again.
Sandy, Utah