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The Hearst Corporation Pay up, whether you ordered it or not!!! Harlan, Iowa
I have, in the past, hads a subscription to Country Living magazine. When it expired, I decided I did not want to renew, so I didn't.
I received a letter stating that my subscription "was about to expire". I did nothing.
Just today, I received a red and white, rather intimidating letter from Mr. G.L. Valk, Vice President, The Hearst Corporation, P.O. Box 6000, Harlan, Iowa 51593-1500. At the top, in it's own box, outlined with red, it said "Past Due" in caps.
My account number 04 4244 2489, along with third invoice with the payment due date and notification officer, G.L. Valk.
I have never re-ordered, do not intend to re-order and will not be intimidated by these people. What's next? Barb, Eddyville, Kentucky