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  • Report:  #660179

Complaint Review: The Impac Companies

The Impac Companies Steve Curry, Jason Curry, Bank of America, Brian T. Moynihan, Reconstruct Company, Wendy McKnight Through The Mod Loan Glass With Dewy, Cheatem & Howe, Internet

  • Reported By:
    iJoe — Lake Tahoe California USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 10, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sun, November 21, 2010

Today's houses are more covered with mortgages than with paint.

I have a temporary mortgage. What do you mean temporary? Until they foreclose. Yes, it is a Pity You Didn't Read The Small Print BUT what are the foxes doing in charge of our hen house anyway? Why are terrorists in charge of our financial system? Terror is a state of intense fear, one or something that inspires fear, a frightening aspect
, a cause of anxiety : worry d : an appalling person or thing. That's all very clear and straight forward to me. Terror is exactly how my family and feel from these home lenders.

FACT: America is still a Free Speech Zone isn't it? U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and all that good stuff. So I want to thank my Realtor Just Average Joe, and Craig B. It is true that home loan lenders are way too increasingly being accused and * proven of pandering, Unclean Hands and being a threat to American economic interests and security. President GW Bush and President B. Obama and millions others are rightfully still blaming lenders for the American recession. Unreasonable lender insistence on foreclosure is driving the American economy further into recession. That is an increasingly contemptible tactic as it pushes us nearer to global depression. Home value continue to go down because of lender initiated foreclosures.

OPINION: our opinion is part of our guaranteed Free Speech: What Bank of America and Impac Mortgage conspired to do and then did to us was a horrible scam that was financially and emotionally devastating to my family and I.

FACT: I only got any response back from Countrywide Mortgage now with Bank of America after I contacted Senate Majority Leader and Democrat U.S. Senator from NV, Harry Reid after Republican U.S. Senator John Ensign's office and Republican U.S. Representative Dean Heller's office did nothing for me after I contacted them for help with Countrywide Mortgage now with Bank of America who was just somehow NOT doing the legally required under Federal regulations since Summer 2005 loan modifications.

FACT: The asinine and clearly illegal written response I got back from Lorraine Raymer of then Countrywide Mortgage now with Bank of America was I "needed to be more patient with her industry and there was nothing Countrywide Mortgage now with Bank of America could do for me in spite of the legal requirement to do so since Summer 2005." Lorraine Raymer wrote on the CEO of Bank of Americas stationary. The B of A CEO is Brian Moynihan.

FACT: Less than 24 hours after that I starting getting hourly phone messages, tag teaming me, from Jason Curry and Steve Curry of Impac Mortgage who were "calling to offer me this great deal since Impac Mortgage was the holder of my note, the owner of my note, the investor of my note, weve got your 1003 right here so we have all your info" the story was always the same hour after hour after hour of messages from Jason Curry and Steve Curry of Impac Mortgage. Yeah, it's a scam. It was all a scam. It was all a thorough scam. It was all a well thought out scam.

FACT: The written approval we fell for from Impac Mortgage, Joseph R. Tomkinson, Ronald Morrison, Steve Curry, and Jason Curry turned out to be worth nothing.

FACT: We paid Impac Mortgage based on their written approval they gave us. Impac Mortgage did cash our check. Impac Mortgage then did not deliver on their written approval to us.

FACT: Then we find out Impac Mortgage was never and isn't the holder of our note, the owner of our note, or the investor of our note.

FACT: Nor did Impac Mortgage defer our next two payments as their written approval promised they would.

FACT: Our Impac Mortgage loan modification documents didn't come from Impac Mortgage which we told would. No, our loan mod docs Impac Mortgage had conned us into by exploiting our desperation came from Bank of America on Bank of America paperwork BUT it was Bank of America Lorraine Raymer who had just written us from the Bank of America CEO's office nothing B of A can do for us. Brian Moynihan is the B of A CEO.

FACT: According to several State of Nevada websites, Impac Mortgage is not licensed to do business in Nevada which is where we live. Yet, according to several State of Nevada web sites, Impac Mortgage is REQUIRED to have several licensees from several State of Nevada agencies.

FACT: Impac Mortgage is not licensed in Reno, nor Sparks, Nevada nor Washoe County Nevada although Impac Mortgage is required to be by the Cities of Reno and Sparks and Washoe County.

OPINION: The mortgage industry was regulated and it was well-regulated until President GW Bush stepped in and stopped the enforcement of the existing very good regulations.

FACT: Since summer 2005 Uncle Sam says Home Loan Modifications are the required way to avoid foreclosure, but the mortgage lenders are NOT willingly doing them. Why?

FACT: Brian Moynihan, home borrowers are facing foreclosure that shouldn't be.

OPINION: Home loan lenders are NOT doing the REQUIRED Note Modification. Instead, irrational lenders are illegally doing Foreclosures and Short Sales in violation of the rules. Why is that Brian Moynihan?

OPINION: The required immediate Note Modification gives homeowners time until the housing market recovers, the economy recovers, homeowners' credit can start being repaired to its previous flawless condition, and do NOT add to the already bloated for sale/rent housing inventory. That's why HUD, Freddie and Fannie had their foreclosure mitigation requirements, and Congress and the President signed foreclosure mitigation legislation into law -- years ago!

FACT: In Nevada all these loan mods have to be approved by the Nevada Mortgage Lending Division. We found this requirement out only after the fact. The Nevada Mortgage Lending Division never approved our Impac Mortgage approval from Jason Curry and Steve Curry becasue Impac Mortgage, Jason Curry and Steve Curry are not registered as they are legally required to be.

FACT: Nevada Assemly Bill 149 FURTHER Requires Homeloan Modifications

Nevada legislators finally got fed up enough with the lenders illegal foreclosures and did something.

Nevada ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 149 establishes additional restrictions on the trustee's power of sale with respect to owner-occupied housing by providing a homeowner with the right to request mediation under which he may receive a loan modification. Once a homeowner requests mediation, no further action may be taken to exercise the power of sale until the completion of the mediation. Each mediation must be conducted by a senior justice, judge, hearing master or other designee pursuant to rules adopted by the Nevada Supreme Court or an entity designated by the Nevada Supreme Court.


Section 1. Chapter 107 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:

1. In addition to the requirements of NRS 107.085, the exercise of the power of sale pursuant to NRS 107.080 with respect to any trust agreement to which NRS 107.085 applies and which concerns owner-occupied housing is subject to the provisions of this section.

2. The trustee shall not exercise a power of sale pursuant to NRS 107.080 unless the trustee includes in the notice required by subsection 2 of NRS 107.085:

(a) Contact information which the grantor may use to reach a person with authority to negotiate a loan modification on behalf of the trustee;

(b) Contact information for at least one local housing counseling agency approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and

(c) A form upon which the grantor may indicate his election to enter into mediation or to waive mediation and one envelope addressed to the trustee and one envelope addressed to the Administrative Office of the Courts, which the grantor may use to comply with the provisions of subsection 3.

3. The grantor shall, not later than 30 days after service of the notice in the manner required by NRS 107.085, complete the form required by paragraph (c) of subsection 2 and return the form to the trustee by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the grantor indicates on the form his election to enter into mediation, the trustee shall file a copy of the form with the Administrative Office of the Courts, which shall assign the matter to a senior justice, judge, hearing master or other designee and schedule the matter for mediation. No further action may be taken to exercise the power of sale until the completion of the mediation. If the grantor indicates on the form his election to waive mediation or fails to return the form to the trustee as required by this paragraph, no mediation is required.

4. Each mediation required by this section must be conducted by a senior justice, judge, hearing master or other designee pursuant to the rules adopted pursuant to subsection 7. The trustee or his representative and the grantor or his representative shall each attend the mediation. The trustee shall bring a copy of the deed of trust and the mortgage note to the mediation. If the trustee is represented at the mediation by another person, that person must have authority to negotiate a loan modification on behalf of the trustee or have access at all times during the mediation to a person with such authority.

5. If the trustee or his representative fails to attend the mediation, does not bring to the mediation each document required by subsection 4 or does not have the authority or access to a person with the authority required by subsection 4, the court may issue an order requiring a loan modification in the manner determined proper by the court.

6. If the grantor fails to attend the mediation, the court shall dismiss the matter and the mediation shall be deemed completed for the purposes of this section.

7. The Supreme Court or an entity designated by the Supreme Court shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

FACT: Bank of America (and their apparent partner Impac Mortgage) NEVER complied with NV AB 149. They just slapped an illegal Notice of Default on our home and there it illegally remains to this day.

FACT: NV AB 149 FURTHER Requires Home Loan Modifications because Nevada legislators finally got fed up enough with the lenders illegal foreclosures and short sales and did something FEBRUARY 9, 2009.

Nevada ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 149 establishes additional restrictions on the trustee's power of sale with respect to owner-occupied housing by providing a homeowner with the right to request mediation under which he may receive a loan modification. Once a homeowner requests mediation, no further action may be taken to exercise the power of sale until the completion of the mediation. Each mediation must be conducted by a senior justice, judge, hearing master or other designee pursuant to rules adopted by the Nevada Supreme Court or an entity designated by the Nevada Supreme Court.

FACT: We requested this required mediation and compliance pursuant to NV AB 149. We did it in writing through Republican U.S. Representative Dean Heller's office. Bank of America and Impac Mortgage refused to meet with Lance Allen, our chosen trained mediator with Neighborhood Mediation Center (NMC). In 1997, Nevada legislation was enacted to impose filing fees to fund this Neighborhood Mediation Center (NMC) in Washoe County, Nevada . The NMC can handle any type of dispute and is designed to provide conflict resolution services, including mediation, conciliation and referral services, at no charge, within Washoe County. Yet somehow Bank of America just didn't care and they refused to comply with NV AB 149. Republican U.S. Representative Dean Heller's office did not care that Bank of America refused to comply with this NV law and several other laws.

FACT: Impac Mortgage, Impac Companies, Jason Curry and Steve Curry are clearly openly based out of California and clearly and openly doing business everywhere. Under California's Mortgage Foreclosure Act as codified in Sections 2945 et seq of the California Civil Code, a regulation, all foreclosure specialist or consultants, which all loan modifiers are, which Impac Mortgage, Impac Companies, Steve Curry and Jason Curry are, are all PROHIBITED from requiring or collecting Impac's illegal "required upfront fee."

FACT: Also, although Impac Mortgage, Impac Companies, Steve Curry and Jason Curry are lying to you and me about being yours or my note holder to get us to "work" with them, even if any or all of them were our note holder, which none are, no lender or note holder can EVER charge anything up front.

FACT: RESPA is just one of many regulations about that!

FACT: Like the Nevada mortgage fraud where the Nevada Mortgage Lending Division ended up enabling the vast amount of it, the same is happening now for the foreclosure and loan modification fraud. The Nevada Mortgage Lending Division is again asleep at the wheel. Why is that Sheila Walther and Mendy Elliott and Jim Gibbons? Why are these foxes in charge of the Nevada hen house?

OPINION: Regarding website moderators removing content aka someone's Free Speech, I have this to say: Consumers have become bolder that their payment means total accountability for what consumers paid for. Consumers are less likely to keep to their place, do as they're told and keep their opinions to themselves. Today's governments, businesses or religions that dismiss or ignore consumers do so at their own risk. The Internet is free at public libraries, free at many businesses and free to anyone that wants to crawl on to it from a nearby wireless connection. Consumers of these goods and services more often than not relate bad experiences over good experiences. Exercising their freedom of speech rights where legal and illegal in other countries, they not only spell out and link the offending business' name and location, but also the offending employees and/or owner's names and locations. They spell out in great detail, and link with supporting documentation, their complaints. I am glad to see "Gone are the days where settings from Auschwitz to Abu Ghraib contaminated in isolation both superiors and subordinates." I am glad "the Internet is real-time exposure forcing attention, and repercussions." I am glad "The result has been an increase in holding others accountable, just saying no and exposes." Governments, schools, teachers, businesses, attorneys, judges, Realtors, home loan lenders, doctors, mechanics, hospitals, religions, etc. should be "relentlessly interviewed, closely monitored, increasingly resisted, and constantly scrutinized." "Online exposes and nastiness" happen for a reason. Reasons like bad customer service or injustice. "As the realization sinks in that the Internet is also a real time conduit of ones' reputation," customer service will be deliberately forced to get only better.

OPINION: Clearly Imapc Mortgage, Impac Companies, Steve Curry and Jason Curry have scammed more than a few here and elsewhere. Also clearly, Bank of America obviously steered Impac to several of B of A's customers which is also clearly illegal under several law, one of many being RESPA, the other common law agency and fidiciary duties to all customer and clients, another privacy laws as Bank of America and Brian Moynihan, clearly gave all our private information to Impac Mortgage, Imapc Companies. Impac then violated the Do Not Call laws when they made all those "tag-team" calls to B of A's customer's homes with the information B of A illegally provided.

OPINION: Bank of America has this cozy conspiracy relationships with others also besides Impac Mortgage here. Impac Companies predatory lending through loan steering, bringing into serious play the Federal RICO statutues. Then there's ReconTrust Company, N.A, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America, N.A. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lenders" operating illegally in all 50 states. It's the one recording the millions of illegal Notices of Default against our homes.

OPINION: Too many title companies and sheriff's offices are just accepting at face value these Notices of Default without actually verifying them against the actual Deed of Trust as to who really has the lawful authority to foreclose.

FACT: If you get one of those dreaded Notice of Default's filed against your home, check out the facts first. Like is the one that filed that Notice of Default the one with the lawful authority to do so? Guess what? The vast majority of the time, they don't! They claim to have the authority, like Impac Mortgage did here in this story, but don't believe it. Make them prove it to you.

If it's not the party written in your Deed of Trust, a legal trail must be established as to how the alleged party now foreclosing is lawfully involved and has the lawful authority to do so. That included if your loan has been sold one or more times from who you originally did the loan with. There has to be provided to you the trail of legal transfers.

FACT: All the legal information that a title company can rely on in the chain of title search when the title company issues the title insurance, is on each property's recorded Deed of Trust or Grant Deed or Quit Claim Deed. Those are the only documents that should be accepted and relied on for these foreclosures by the sheriffs and in issuing their Trustee's Deed, and the title companies subsequent issuance of title Trustee insurance and title insurance going forward from a Trustee's Sale. If the party/ies identified in the property's Deed of Trust is or are not the same as the ones doing the "foreclosure," the escrow and title must know why they aren't before escrow is closed. And they must know to their legal satisfaction before they close the escrow or issue title insurance.


Name (Connections)
Board Relationships

Brian Moynihan

57 Relationships
Chief Executive Officer, President, Director and Member of Executive Committee

Thomas Ryan

48 Relationships
Director, Chairman of Compensation & Benefits Committee, Member of Executive Committee, Member of Enterprise Risk Committee, Chairman of CVS/Caremark Corporation, Chief Executive Officer of CVS/Caremark Corporation and President of CVS/Caremark Corporation

Other Board Members on Board of Directors*

Name (Connections)
Board Relationships
Primary Company

Charles Holliday Jr.

206 Relationships
DuPont Qualicon, Inc.

Walter Massey

214 Relationships
Bank of America Corporation

Thomas May

83 Relationships

Charles Gifford

137 Relationships
CBS Corporation

Frank Bramble Sr.

31 Relationships
Bank of America Corporation

Charles Rossotti

66 Relationships
The Carlyle Group

D. Jones Jr.

14 Relationships
Blaylock & Company Inc.

Monica Lozano

110 Relationships
ImpreMedia, LLC

Virgis Colbert

153 Relationships
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

Susan Bies

26 Relationships
Bank of America Corporation

William Boardman

27 Relationships
Bank of America Corporation

Don Powell

33 Relationships
Stone Energy Corp.

Robert Scully

83 Relationships
Bank of America Corporation

*Data is at least as current as the most recent Definitive Proxy.

Is Your Lender A Patriot Or A Terrorist? Now a patriot is one who loves, supports, and defends one's country. A patriot loves his or her country and supports their country's authority and interests. A terrorist on the other hand, is one that engages in acts or an act of terrorism. Terrorism is the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. Terror is a state of intense fear, one or something that inspires fear, a frightening aspect , a cause of anxiety, worry, an appalling person or thing. That's all very clear and straight forward to me. That's all exactly how my family and feel from these home lenders.


Q: What kind of person steals soap?
A: A dirty crook

There is no longer a need for the Neutron Bomb. Here we already have something that destroys people and leaves buildings intact. It's called the Mortgage/Foreclosure/Modification Fraud Team with its members Fraudster Realtor, Fraudster Loan Officer, Fraudster or Incompetent or Corrupt State Real Estate Division and/or Mortgage Lending Division, Fraudster Escrow Officer/Company, Fraudster Lawyer, and Fraudster or Incompetent or Corrupt Judge.

3 Updates & Rebuttals



I Got The Foreclosure Fraud Blues

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, November 21, 2010


Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, cashes my checks but Bank of America, Brian T. Moynihan, cannot correctly post my payments.

Bank of America, Impac Mortgage, Steve Curry, Jason Curry, Reconstruct Company, Wendy McKnight, Tamara Brown, Kathleen Walker, Temena McGee, Michelle Langley, Ashley Stix, Brandon Coltin, and Brian T. Moynihan is illegally foreclosing on me.

Last night I was depressed at their illegal foreclosure of my home,

so I called Lifeline, and each one of them.

Each time I got a call center in Pakistan.

I told each of them each I was suicidal over their illegal foreclosure of my home.

Bank of America, Tamara Brown, Kathleen Walker, Temena McGee, Michelle Langley, Ashley Stix, Brandon Coltin, and Brian T. Moynihan, Impac Mortgage, Steve Curry, Jason Curry, Reconstruct Company, and Wendy McKnight, each and every one of them, asked if I could drive a truck.

  • Beware Of Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices
  • (((Redacted)))

    CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



    You More Afraid of The Lenders Than You Ever Were Over 91-11

    #4Consumer Comment

    Sun, November 21, 2010

    Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  You are more afraid, way more afraid of the lenders, Wall Street, these corporations, including NPR, and mortgage investors, than you ever were or are of the 9-11 terrorists.  For they, each and every one of these mega-corporations and their employees, is A Terrorist for Sure, even Terrorist Extraordinaire.


    Youre way more afraid of these guys and gals Brian, Steve, Wendy, Bank of America, Reconstruct, Impac Mortgage, NPR, Zilow, BrooWaha and the rest of you clowns than we have ever been over 9-11.


    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  The truth about this recession is that it corporate executives bad decisions and fraudulent AND ILLEGAL behavior that created and maintains this Hell of a Recession.


    NPR, Zillow, BrooWaha, Reo Gazette Journal among others, has and is willfully interfering with Free Speech in their public squares.  Its been clearly defined and addressed by the courts.  And THAT is just more sick, sad, disgusting, anti-American, anti-patriot behavior frightening as hell to us citizens.  It is a terror.


    Terror is a state of intense fear, one or something that inspires fear, a frightening aspect terrors of invasion, a cause of anxiety, worry, an appalling person or thing. That's all very clear and straight forward to me in my continuing nightmare of terror with Terrorists Extraordinaire Bank of America and Impac Mortgage and Freedom of Speech interferences from the likes of hypocrite NPR, National Public Radio and BrooWahas Cease & Desist Tom Lewis, Sock Extraordinaire and Yapper Alan Handwerger, Who is Jack? Jack Bates, I Killed Broo Tony Berkman, CPA oops did I make a mistake that Charles Harmison caught, Im outta here John, and Along For The Ride But Now Wish I Really Wasnt Angie Alaniz.


    Terror is EXACTLY how my family and feel from these home lenders and mortgage investors and the likes of NPR, Zillow, Reno Gazette Journal, and BrooWahas Free Speech Interference.  Got that Avarice Moguls Bank of America and Brian T. Moynihan AND IMPAC MORTGAGE AND STEVE CURRY AND NPR, ZILLOW, Reno Gazette Journal, AND BROOWAHA?  YOUR community, YOUR family and YOUR COUNTRY, hell most everyone YOU know these days, are more afraid, way more afraid of YOU AND YOUR CANT PROPERLY POST A PAYMENT THEN ILLEGALLY FORECLOSE ON YOUR HOMES WHILE ILLEGALLY REFUSING TO LET US TALK ABOUT IT than we ever were or remain over the 9-11 terrorists.


    Were way more afraid of you guys and gals Brian, Steve, Wendy, Tony, Tom, Bank of America, Reconstruct, Impac Mortgage, NPR, ZILLOW, Reno Gazette Journal, BrooWaha and the rest of you clowns than we have ever been over 9-11.


    Highlands Ranch,

    iJoe, Don't count on the politicians doing much....

    #4Consumer Comment

    Wed, November 10, 2010

    for the American people.

    The politicians are simply 'puppets' who will do what their bosses tell them to do, in my opinion.

    If you 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, you can go to the site with the 5 charts to see who the 'bosses' are.

    That's who controls the U.S. government and the governments of Europe.

    The USA is now being exposed for what it really is: a country that's deep in debt and a country that has no real leadership. The politicians have basically handed the bankers control and are hoping that things will get better.

    Things are not going to get better, in my opinion.

    Make sure to 'Google' this- DOUGLAS REED- THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION- INDEX- SITE BY KNUD ERIKSEN, and click on 'Chapter 15' and scroll down to 'Page 97' and read it. (Pay attention to what is stated in the 3rd paragraph.) 
    Read the entire chapter at least 3 or 4 times, very slowly.

    Then ask yourself this question:

    *Is all of this currently happening in the USA and in Europe?

    You be the judge.

    P.S. The one thing we still have in America that they don't control is 'Freedom of Speech'. People need to continue speaking-out and exposing the problems so the whole world can see the truth.

    Good luck to you.

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