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  • Report:  #277811

Complaint Review: The Noerr Programs Corporation

The Noerr Programs Corporation Noerr Programs, a digital event company in verious malls for Santa & Bunny Arvada Colorado

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, October 09, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 19, 2011
  • The Noerr Programs Corporation
    6632 Fig Street.
    Arvada, Colorado
  • Phone:
  • Category:

As of yesterday I am no longer an employee of Noerr or any of te companies. Being a regional manager meant one thing to me which was the be able to make all the malls reporting to me "SHINE" and make a lot of money... Well my idea really backfired.

I am letting people know about my opinion of everything that has transpired and why I am in such disbelief. I did contact a manager I hired to only find out "CRAIG" called employees asking for help in hiring them, this is understandable but in away very unprofessional. I hope to be working in the malls with a organization that doesn't backstab anyone in the back.

Here is the outcome of why I am no longer with Noerr:

I am writing this to my former fellow employees voicing my opinion and also letting You know some insight on many things that people do not know about.
When I started With The Noerr Programs, Inc. back last October 30, 2006 I was promised help, training And most of all a successful season working for Noerr at the Santa set located at Orange park mall. When i started things turned for the worse; I was working 80+ Hours A week and the pay equaled out to only approx 4.15 an hour. When it came to my regional I went thru 5 of them. It was hard. I then was able to beat season goals but then I found out once again I was given incorrect information and didn't get a 700.00 bonus which I was promised.

They created Santa from Orange park mall like crap (NOT THE MALL ITSELF); the mall however provided him with a "DUMP HOLE"; Mold throughout the entire break room with all types of bad things (I believe it would have been resolved if I did contact the amazing new marketing director or Mall director). Noerr wanted him (SANTA) to go to the bathroom, change and have breaks in that room. The toilet never even worked, eventually the light in the bathroom stopped working.

We were forced to enforce the "NO PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHY" rule which basically means anyone who tries to take a picture without any purchase is told they aren't allowed. The company then states if they put up an argument to let them take the picture. There reason they don't need bad publicity (LIKE THEY HAVE HAD: Especially about a year ago when the Easter bunny and manager got into a fight with customers at the mall)

During the Easter season I was made to go to Avenues Mall (AMFL) I was given the salary of $2,100.00 which isn't bad for three weeks of work. I was made once again to work unlimited hours and sent to help in another city with opening and training. The day after the avenues set closed I was told that someone filed a complaint against my bunny (HE HAD DOWNSYNDROM) Because he inappropriately touched a visitor. I have to say he never once did this.

I had my eyes on everything. I wanted to tell the bunny about this but couldn't. I was told that basically if I said anything I would be in trouble and they would let me know the outcome when appropriate. WELL they never said anything. I wanted so much to tell them and to say were behind him but if I did I was going to be terminated. How can a company say a person touched a visitor when indeed they didn't; my Bunny was amazing? He cared and made people laugh etc. The bunny did pass out the last day because of the heat inside the bunny uniform. NOERR once again didn't assist by providing a fan inside the head; so you would sweat.

When I took on the regional manager job I thought to myself this could be good for The company and myself. I would be able to make people have the best time ever and not have to have previous things happen like it did for me. I was offered $4,500.00 for the Jacksonville/ Pensacola area. I was told it would be great. Craig, Senior regional manager then forced me to go to another region (Miami) and said they wouldn't keep me in my area; I would have to commute from Jacksonville/FL all the time, oversee 8 malls thought the South East. On the phone he said doing the Melbourne to Miami area would be a base pay of $6,200 - 6,500.00. I did agree but then found out much more after the fact; he lied; my pay was dropped to $5,700.00. After fighting they finally raised it back to $6,200.00. I then asked for my jacksonville/pensacola area back for the $4,500 but was told basically I take the new area or I was fired.

I came to training and saw how people were (Training in CO). I saw that a lot of the people they hired were always getting "DRUNK" and voicing there opinions.

Noerr mission is to "MAKE MONEY" and don't care about the employees or managers. They only are after the $$$$$ and nothing else. People who work on the Santa and bunny get ""PAID Minimal"" and they won't pay them over $7.50 an hour if they can. My roommate was forced to work off the clock when he entered nightly paperwork in the system.

Noerr treats the Santa's and employees horribly. I believe that as a community we need to step up to the plate and fight back. When Santa is sick they are required to work; that threatens the community; child then turn around and catch these horrible viruses but what does noerr say? They ONLY CARE ABOUT THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$. My Santa complained on several occasions he wasn't feeling well; he even went to the doctor who told him he couldn't work but NOERR DIDNT CARE. Noerr told him he had no choice but to work.

I AM ENCOURAGING EVERYONE to go to another company then Noerr; Noerr operates in Orange Park Mall, Avenues Mall, St johns town center (JAX/FL) and many other locations in the UNITED STATES... My region after switching from JAX/PENS I was overseeing malls located anywhere from Melbourne, FL TO Miami, Florida. They advised me how much I could pay my employees and wanted me to give them the lowest possible; vs. the maximum.

This is my opinion. I am not telling people to NOT work for Noerr but think of everything I have said; Noerr making Santa's work for Minimal wages (423+
HOURS) in most cases under $7,000.00. I looked at the board and one Santa (who been with them forever) $17,000.00 (BUT NOT ANYONE ELSE). Set managers are making up to $2,900.00 - meanwhile Noerr is bringing in millions of dollars. I looked at previous records and employees awhile ago were paid anywhere from $3,000-to-$4,500.00 My roommate was offered a Set manager position for $3,100.00 (But meanwhile pervious seasons they gave them

Some people are made for this work; some people aren't. I checked two regions I had and honestly every year they get rid of people for standing up for themselves etc. Why does company exist like this? When I take on a job I want to build the respect up as a individual. I did a coke promotion for Noerr (At Simon malls) and found out that Noerr was making $27.00 an hour per employee working (PAID REGARDLESS for 4 Employees). Noerr only paid employees $7.00. I had to fight for higher wages. I wanted $15 but was only given $12.50/hr

In Colorado for RM Trainings some of the bigger executives were NOT impressed by my figure they told me I had no choice but to give Up my region as regional manager. They then said they would make an exception and Let me have Orange park mall for $4,500.00 (SALARY) vs. the $6,200.00 for Miami which I didn't really care about. They made some conditions also. Then today on the way to the airport (Made me take two flights; and leave @ 6:30am I was told they took that away from me also and therefore am no longer an employee of Noerr and I wasn't allowed saying anything. I handed Craig, Senior RM my paperwork and took it back; he and Berk Wright (Craig's boss) starting to yell at me saying if I don't give it to them there calling "A HIGHER POWER" to make me give back there possessions. I HAD MY CHECKING ACCOUNT INFO in there; is that Noerr's property? NOPE ITS MINE. They took something that belonged to me!!!!!

I have wanted to quit for awhile now (all away back to last year). Another event company offered me a Set manager position for good pay but was stupid to turn it down. I felt that I needed to leave Noerr because of issues And mostly how I was treated. Noerr made me drive to MIAMI (FOR FREE; THEY ONLY PROVIDED GAS; AND THE VEHICLE; BUT THE TRIP ITSELF WASNT COVERED. THEY MADE MY Assistant ALSO GO WITH ME ON THIS TRIP AND HE WASNT COMPENSATED FOR 10 HOURS OF DRIVE TIME.

Another instance when I went to another city they actually deducted 50 MILES IN PAY because they didn't think they needed to pay me for it.

Some of the malls I had they wanted me to send employees in (NOT UNDER CONTRACT WORKING) getting people recruited for noerr. I told them this isn't happening. You can't expect people to work w/out a contract.


I HOPE ONE DAY many malls that Noerr has had issues with (Avenues Mall/JAX,FL, Orange park mall, JAX/FL, Coral Sq mall in Boca Raton) get smart and find a caring company who will make the marketing and mall personnel happy. These malls need to step up to the plate and get things changed. NO Companies should treat malls and employees like this. Yeah there a business but still. NOERR Expects people to make people purchase packages and make everyone walk away with spending over $50.00/PER VISIT. Is this right???? They try to keep pushing and up-selling; this is totally WRONG in some ways. If someone isnt interested in purchasing a product leave it alone........

IN CLOSING I WISH EVERYONE LUCK! I HOPE Someday I will be able to get the malls I care about to have me in there community and let me represent there Santa sets. I am dedicated. Noerr made me not want to work with them.

. I have been made aware that Craig from Noerr has been going around telling people i was "FIRED" which is so unprofessional. How can someone do this and get away? How about them threatening to call the police? What is that?


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Seasoned Santa

United States of America

Disgruntled ex employee has most things wrong

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 19, 2011

I am an experianced professional Santa. I have worked for three different photo promotion companies since 1996 in the posistions of set manager, district or area manager, regional manager and now as a professional Santa. I am currently working for the Noerr programs.

A large number of the complaints that were given, frankly were not issue's with Noerr but rather the mall in question. Facilitys, cleanliness, over all safety of the set and "green" room area are the responsibility of the mall and if there were problems, they needed to be adressed to the mall managment. (by either the set or area manager) I am not saying those things were inacurate, I don't know I was not there, but the fact that these problems were not solved frankly are because the disgrunteled ex employee did not address the issue with the mall management. Santa and set and regional management are paid on a contract basis. 

The hours involved are not hidden, and when offered a posistion it is simple enough to figure out what your pay is per hour and if the numbers don't compute for you then reply with a counter offer. If you are still not satisfied, don't accept the posistion, it is as simple as that. Bonuses are just that, a bonus earned for makeing certain goals, if those goals (some are sales, some are based on customer feedback on you. are not meet, you dont get the bonus. To complain about your pay after the fact is well, not very flatering to you in my opinion. (this goes for proffesional athleats as well! LOL) 

From area managment on up, there is extreamly little turnover with this company, As for the way Santa's are treated, I am in contact with about 50 Noerr santa's every year and almost to a man they love working with Noerr and say it is by far the best company of it's type to work for. Yes the hours are long. Very long. Thanksgiving is our only day off for the whole run. (unless you are in a mall with two Santa's) and if we are feeling a little under the weather (we see thousands of kids, imagine all the germs we come in contact with!) we try very hard to grin and bear it. however, if a Santa is seriously ill, a substatute is found. (that is not easy to find a temporary real bearded santa in the area needed and can you imagine the complaints if a family shows up to the mall and Santa is not there when the schedual says he will be?) As for employees getting drunk and voicing there opinions. first, I have never once seen an employee off ANY of the companys I have worked for in the last 16 or so years drunk while on set or working. not one. I think the writer is feeding into an old stereo type that frankly may have hapened back in the 30's but just doesent happen today. Most Santa's are not spring chickens and some have medical issue's and if someone see's a Santa that apears a little wobbly it is assumed he is drunk when in fact it may be because of a side effect of medication or the fact that he has been sitting down with hundreds of kids jumping on him for hours and stood up a little fast. As for employee's voicing there opinions, what is he doing with this post? only he is doing so far more publicly and frankly most of his issue's are probably of his making as poor manager. If a Bunny or Santa was accused of inapropriate touching, the picture would be looked at to see if anything could be seen, but unfortunatly there are people that claim stuff like this in hopes of  monitary settlement. I assure you I get a background check EVERY year. If the acusation is credible enough that Santa or Bunny is pulled off set and won't return untill there is a resolution. The vast majority of the time, that is very hard on the charactor as they truly are innocent but in todays letigious socioty, they have little choice. 

Finally, as for customers with there own camera's. the last number of years that has been a dificult subject because you as a company want the customer to have a great experiance but they are a company that ivests many many thousands of dollars on every set to bring Santa to your mall. The mall does not pay for this or provide this as a thank you to there customers as some malls intimate. In fact, the mall is paid a large percentage of the gross profits to allow the company to come to there mall. So in order to make money and continue to be able to bring Santa back year after year,  the company must sell pictures. (why do you think Santa isn't in all the department stores anymore like when I was a child?) So If a person comes to see Santa and just wants to viset, no problem, there never has been a problem with any company. But if they come in with there own camera and want to take a group picture, than individual pictures with each person in the family or group and end up with 20 pictures and dont pay and the next person in line see's this and pays for and gets one picture, is this fair? chances are the second customer will just viset santa and come back later with there own camera. I worked a mall for a different company a few years ago that a full 70% of the people brought there own camera and didt purchase a thing. That is not a good business model. Noerr's policy is if you purchase a picture (even one) you can take more pictures with your own camera and Santa will smile and be just as jolly for those pictures as well. This is a very fair policy in my opinion. I would hate to see a day when Santa disapiers from the malls like he did from the department stores.    

I guarantee there is a lot more going on than is being represented by the writer in question.    


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