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  • Report:  #129100

Complaint Review: The Nouveau Society - The Nouveau Tech Society - Neo-Tech Publishing

The Nouveau Tech Society aka The Nouveau Society added my name to their mailing list without my permission. Ripoff! Letter Mailed From Grove City, Ohio; Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Reported By:
    Louisa Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 27, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 04, 2005
  • The Nouveau Society - The Nouveau Tech Society - Neo-Tech Publishing
    PO Box 96117
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Novus Tek claims it has all the secrets for "enormous wealth, love and the most phenomenal personal abilities."
It also promises you will learn "where the profits are in games of chance", "to transfer money, power, prestige from the uninformed to you", "generate huge sums of money... without even trying" and "lose weight or eliminate addictions effortlessly and virtually overnight."

If that's not enough, you can learn "how to control anyone, win any lover, and be more intelligent." You apparently get all this if you send $120 (about 65) for a 553-page "manuscript". So it's hardly secret, and hardly limited to the list of high-profile people.

Novus Tek was started some decades ago by Frank Wallace, known to US Federal authorities as Wallace Ward. (see more info at this URL:)

Wallace wrote much of his material in a US penitentiary after he was found guilty on tax evasion charges. Wallace later moved into Zonpower, whatever that is, leaving Novus Tek to others.

But Novus Tek still claims Wallace used "secret knowledge" to advance major discoveries at General Motors, IBM, in military aviation and in and finding cures for progressive diseases. All this, but no Nobel Prize so far.

Neo-Tech, from the same Nevada address, was the subject of an Advertising Standards Authority ruling in May 2000. The ASA asked for proof of benefits such as "you will be having sex with beautiful women in one week."

The ASA said Neo-Tech had "not provided evidence, other than anecdotal, to show the guaranteed earnings, improvements to health, and other benefits had been, or could be, attained."

So, send the letter from Novus Tek to a recycling bin and save your cash.

Louisa, Virginia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Boulder City,

Newly-Rising Neo-Tech/Illuminati Societies

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 03, 2005

REVISED 02/03/05

Newly-Rising Neo-Tech/Illuminati Societies

Novus Tek, Novatech, and Nouveau Tech
Secret Societies

Three Questions
For twenty-eight years, the religious right along with certain political and philosophical groups have tried to vanish Neo-Tech from this planet. Three questions: (1) Why do they want Neo-Tech to vanish? (2) What have been the results of their assaulting Neo-Tech for nearly three decades? (3) How can individuals bypass Neo-Tech haters to access secret Illuminati Societies and gain their eternally profitable advantages?
Hola! My tradename is Barbie Diamond. Since coming to America in 1985 as a former beauty queen from Costa Rica (see my 2003 photo on, I have been the English and Spanish customer-service manager for Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) and its newly-forming Illuminati Societies. I shall fully answer the above three questions. But first, I must caution readers about professional parasites who illicitly skim from Neo-Tech's mountain of uniquely-powerful values created over 32 years of focused efforts, strengthened by overcoming hostile adversities coming from all directions:

The latest usurpers copping our name to foist loser-generating products on victims include (1) a costly fraud trap from the UK dubbed Neo-Tech Specifics (aka Neo-Tech Applied) and (2) a costly cult trap dubbed Neo-Tech Warriors (aka Neo-Warriors). The latter uses Scientology/Landmark/Forum-type cult exploitations to hijack victims from NTP's hard-earned database of loyal readers. For details of usurpers who parasitically sponge off Neo-Tech's achievements, values, copyrights, tradenames, intellectual properties, and customer activities see Now to answer those three questions:

In the past three months, NTP has mailed via first-class USPS dramatic 56-page and 80-page information packages for free to a million households. During those same three months, NTP also shipped tens-of-thousands thick instruction manuals of 400 to 1000 pages each. Those manuals detail how to profitably sweep today's larcenous politics and repressive religions from one's life.

Yes, indeed, Neo-Tech's newly-forming Illuminati Societies sweep away all life-draining delusions. As always before, most Neo-Tech hating flamers offer only ad-hominem rants and vilifying emotionalisms. Few if any flamers have valid criticisms or complaints. Most have never seen or read, much less studied, the Neo-Tech literature or attended Neo-Tech World Summits.

Neo-Tech identifies the 2400-years of lethal hoaxes that impoverish and kill duped innocents by the billions -- yes, billions. Upon identifying those hoaxes, Neo-Tech delivers the hidden life-saving/life-flourishing values to everyone who enters its Illuminati matrix. Yes, the Neo-Tech Illuminati matrix delivers clean-sweep riches, non-aging health, and never-ending romance for those living within its matrices. See for yourself by visiting NTP's website at Also, review its many hundreds upon hundreds of life-saving/life-flourishing testimonials at And, most important, review the hatefully-violent comments that all too often come from political-and-religious malefactors profanely damning and physically threatening Neo-Tech authors with Biblical torture, bloody maiming, and horrifying death as revealed on

Neo-Tech's Mission
Upon establishing an Illuminati mission after its first major publication in 1968, NTP never focused on profit alone. All its authors write to fulfil that mission. NTP crafted every publication since 1976 to explicitly free people from the lethal deceptions foisted upon them by today's political-and-religious civilization, which is not a civilization at all but is actually a destructively-irrational anticivilization. Throughout the 20th century, that anticivilization murdered 160-million innocent civilians while extracting the riches and happiness from billions of duped innocents in the name of pathological politics and religions.

Since 1996, in urgently striving to advance its mission through pro-bono strategies, NTP was the first and perhaps the only publishing house ever, large or small, to put all its major works in their unabridged entirety on the Web for free public reading. Thus, before purchasing any book, everyone had the opportunity to read each-and-every Neo-Tech publication online to free him of her self from today's anticivilization trap without paying a penny!

Thus, by freeing populations individual by individual, Neo-Tech's invisible hand moves the world beyond today's mortal deceptions. But what does freeing oneself from those deceptions actually mean? As in the Neo-Tech inspired movie, The Matrix, freedom comes from taking Neo-Tech's red pill of honesty. That honesty lets one profitably nullify the cruelly-controlling matrix of politics, religion, and utopianism. Also, echoing the same theme, Batman writer/artist Alan Grant of DC Comics produced a popular series of comic books titled Anarky based explicitly on Neo-Tech. Both The Matrix and Anarky drew upon Neo-Tech's three-decade theme of delivering supreme universal values to those discovering its Illuminati key for open-ended wealth, non-aging health, and never-ending romance.

How does Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) distribute its continuously unfolding values? How does a small, implacably-determined, in-the-trenches family publishing house achieve breakeven global distributions to evolve its enriching advantages into 170 countries and 13 languages? And, especially over the past dozen years, how has NTP competitively influenced contemporary politics, cable news, talk radio, and the movie industry? How has NTP's mission advanced the well-being, health, and happiness of society? The answers to those questions are detailed and documented in NTP's newly-developing Pax Neo-Tech manuscript available for free public perusal at

And, sure enough, today, Neo-Tech's public literature is becoming increasingly effective in undermining fraudulent politics and destructive religions by nullifying their manipulations that utilize the lethal tools of fascism, socialism, populism, utopianism, scriptures, and God.

My Take
As is obvious from its website, NTP advances decidedly liberal/progressive positions. Not surprisingly, therefore, Neo-Tech infuriates intolerant Christian conservatives, born-again fundamentalists, crusading evangelists, and Muslim jihadists. We explicitly and emphatically do not want those people associating with us, acquiring our literature, or infiltrating our newly-forming Illuminati Societies. For, such people not only become virulently enraged but also physically threatening, even violent, upon encountering Neo-Tech's Voltairean anti-religious/anti-political stances. Most angrily return their books for refunds. But, some literally burn our satanic books and then dishonestly receive refunds or make credit-card charge backs without ever returning their products. Why? Usually just to dishonestly rip off NTP. Or, sometimes to strike a financial blow against Satan as one born-again fundamentalist gleefully trumpeted.

So, what is the point of dealing with such people? There is no point. No, we do not want life losers acquiring our products. We do not want life losers associating with us, our writers, or our newly-forming societies. Indeed, our mailing pieces are intentionally injected with metaphors designed to repel those life losers before they even try to acquire our literature or enter our matrix. Can you blame us for rejecting such people?

Yet, ironically and justly, life losers who hate, flame, threaten, and attack Neo-Tech are the very engines that propagate Neo-Tech worldwide while obsoleting themselves. Thus, they are the ones who shall ultimately disappear from Earth to unleash everyone's human potential and fulfil NTP's mission. Thus, we salute life-loser attacks on Neo-Tech.

Finally, concerning our constitutional free-press/free-speech rights: Our First-Amendment rights are the supreme legal rights of every American. It is our responsibility to uphold those rights by never relenting, never compromising on achieving NTP's goal via free press and free speech. Moreover, we shall always (1) aggressively extinguish theistic-and-political intrusions upon our legal rights and (2) promptly report to appropriate law-enforcement authorities every theistic-and-political threat, hate crime, copyright theft, and act of violence directed at us. Can you understand why we hire the tightest security and legal protections for our writers?

Who is Chosen; Who is Rejected

To emphasize once again: In the best interest of everyone, we do not want those hostile to Neo-Tech's ideas and goals acquiring our anti-political/anti-theistic secrets. And, we certainly do not want them infiltrating Neo-Tech's newly-forming Illuminati societies. Thus, everyone should first carefully peruse NTP's website at Those who recognize Neo-Tech as crucial to the survival and well-being of them, their loved ones, and humanity itself -- now and for generations to come -- are welcome to express their sincere-and-honest positive views. In that way, readers can qualify for Neo-Tech's ever-evolving discoveries and values by emailing me at

[Note: So your positive email message does not mistakenly get deleted as spam, put the word Illuminati in your email subject heading.]

In Conclusion

Always acutely aware of Omar Khayyam's admonition, Neo-Tech authors proudly stand behind every word that they write and readily admit any error that they commit:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it

And, finally, one of my favorite verses from that coolest of Muslims:
Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verseand Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness
And Wilderness is Paradise enow.
Omar Khayyam

Graciously yours,
Barbie Diamond
Customer-Service Manager
Neo-Tech Publishing Company

Customer-Service Notice
Since its ads began appearing in the Wall Street Journal during 1969, NTP has offered and honored a 90-day, money-back guarantee on all its literature. In fact, anyone can query the Better Business Bureau about our 35-year record of satisfactorily resolving every customer question brought to our attention. Customers can email

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