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  • Report:  #1474909

Complaint Review: The Providence Journal

The Providence Journal - Along With Local Media Outlets, WPRI 12, WJAR 10, and WLNE 6 - Ignores, Buries, Covers-Up Stories That Implicate Local Police, Politicians, Organized Crime, And Allies Of The State of Rhode Island That Have Commited Wrongs, Improprieties, Or Crimes To Protect Rhode Island. - Rhode Island - Providence RI

  • Reported By:
    Steven Silverman Esq. — United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 07, 2019
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 08, 2019

As the title states:

The Providence Journal - Along With Local Media Outlets, WPRI 12, WJAR 10, and WLNE 6 - Ignores, Buries, Covers-Up Stories That Implicate Local Police, Politicians, Organized Crime, And Allies Of The State of Rhode Island That Have Commited Wrongs, Improprieties, Or Crimes To Protect Rhode Island.

The Providence Journal, with other mainstream media outlets in rhode island WPRI 12, WJAR 10, and WLNE 6, have, for decades, wrong innocent individuals and stripped them of their freedom of speech by selectively only reporting on stories that shed the state of rhode island in a positive light, or that do not make them liable for crimes that have been commited against innocent people they the state of rhode island, local police, courts, politicians, or even organized crime.

The best example of this is the tacit agreement between the media and each of the above mentioned groups to collaborate on stories and decide amonst themselves if the stories should be told to the public. For examle, if the police commit a wrong against an innocent individual, that story is not taken and run with and publicized by the media independently. The media and the police and the other rhode island leadership, inclusive of organized crime members, will discuss amonst themselves if the story should be made public. Which is utterly ridiculous and completely against what fredom of the press is and individuals rights to freedom of speech. So, insted of publicizing the wrong, they seek to criminalize the victim and contest his or her mental health. And it happens all the time. It is standard rhode island practice.

In doing so, they then seek to publicize the actual criminals by casting them in a positive light by giving them awards or covering some pre-ochastrated event that was simply a way to cover up the truth of these peoples wrongs.

the media, and justice system, are completely rigged and they seek to make sure those they want in certain positions, or those they want cast in the spotlight, are the only ones there, and stay there.

They possess, individually and collectively, absolutely zero integrity and any and all of the stories they write or air should be reviewed for the reverse side of what the actual truth is behind the story, individual, or group they are covering because there is always something they are trying to hide or coverup by what they 'choose' to report even though there is no actual choice being made. Its pre-determined and done for a reason. for the benfit of themselve and their allies.

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