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  • Report:  #1104351

Complaint Review: The Stock Swoosh

The Stock Swoosh Melissa ArmoThe Golden GapStock Swoosh Did not deliver on promises, to get a full return on investment Reading Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Victim — New Albany New York
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 04, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 07, 2014

Warning!  The Stock Swoosh did not and can not deliver on it's promise to make money.  Melissa tells you that you can piggy back her trades in her trade room and get your maoney back by just doing that.

Not true!  She loses more trades than she wins, and unless you have a Large account you are wiped out before you know it. 

She calls you and acts like your best friends, until she gets your money, and guessed it your toast.  DO NOT but her system.

She will not even consider giving you your money back.  That is how she funds her losing trades, and once in a blue moon shew hits a hoem run.  Forget her.  She's not worth your time, and is nothing more that a gambler, that shoots from the hip.  Never follows her own teqachings, which B TW are worthless.  Stay away far away.

15 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

In all fairness to the rebuttals Melissa - This is exactly your words in which you emailed my boyfriend:

#16General Comment

Tue, January 07, 2014


Good afternoon Mike. I was wondering if I could ask your help with something? I had a customer who complained and put a report out on the net. I tried to help him but he honestly wanted to quit trading. I guess he had a hard time following me. Would you be willing to post a rebuttal on this site for me? Let me know. I would sincerely appreciate it!!
Melissa Armo
The Stock Swoosh, LLC.




#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 15, 2013

I own the Stock Swoosh, LLC. and my name is Melissa Armo. I know the client who wrote this rebuttal as he threatened to do so prior to writing it. He did not use his first name on the initial rebuttal or his correct location. His real name is Michael and he now has posted two rebuttals on this report as if it is two separate clients-but there is only one. I have no clients in Albany New York which was the first posting. Now he chooses to use his real name in a second rebuttal to act like these are two clients. Michael can keep putting fake names as posts but it is all only one person. I have a lot of clients happy with my services who of their own free will and time wrote their honest opinions and positive comments about my class and trading room. Honesty and integrity count in the trading business and in any business. I personally have both those qualities and run an honest and fair business teaching people a method that works.

Not only did Michael verbally attack me personally and professionally for three weeks threatening me on emails prior to putting the first post, he now is trying to act like more than one person. In fact if I chose to post online the emails from Michael to me- my clients would be very upset as he directly attacked me as a female personally which was completely inappropriate. I had to seek legal counsel which I did due to the severity of the threatening emails to me from Michael. Michael also did not have a $10,000 trading account and never traded gaps before he met me- let alone for 15 years. Some people are not meant to be traders. I can teach people to trade, but some people are not cut out for this business. It also takes dedication and committment. If people want to quit after two months of trading then they are not meant to be traders. Michael took the class in September and quit in two months in mid November. Michael also followed my trading for 6 months prior to taking the class. He saw my system in the live trading room work even before paying for the course and chose to pay for the course. Michael did not see the results he wanted in two months. I offered to help him before he started threatening me, but he didn't want to learn. I cannot force people to learn information if they are not willing to do so. 
A lot of people that take my class and trade with me are happy. My personal trading success and the success of the business will continue to grow and flourish. I have a great trading system that many people are using to make money including me. They are meant to be successful traders. Michael is clearly not meant to trade. And I wish him well in his future endeavors.
Thank you to all my fantastic clients. The love and support here is overwhelming and I appreciate all the loyalty and warm comments from everyone!
Love, Melissa



I had the same experince

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, December 09, 2013

I am a professional trader with 15 years experience, and i bought into her sales pitch too.

If you have a $10,000 account following all of Melissa's trades in her room she will wipe out your account in less than a month.  She may be the worst trader i have ever seen, has no structure or rules that she follows. 

She either wrote the positive rebuttals, or these people are on her payroll, because many of those names are familiar ones she uses in her sales department.  Be aware of getting sold down the road for $2,500.




I disagree

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 07, 2013

I disagree.


I came to Melissa's program as a swing trader trying to transition to intraday trading.  My experience has been very positive, and I am more profitable than ever.

As an educational program, her class is densely packed with valuable information.  Re-takes are a free and useful way to get all the info down.  You must internalize it to really use it independently.  Melissa's concepts now permeate all of my trading, including types of trades that Melissa does not do.

If you use her program strictly for stock call-outs, you can make solid returns, but you aren't doing the class justice.  her calls at the open are good, and sometimes aggressive, but she absolutely controls risk.

No system of trading can possibly work all of the time, and nobody can offer you a guarantee.  Melissa trades as advertised.  If you simply follow her calls, you may ave some losing days, bust you won't get into trouble.  To the contrary, people like me make good money on her calls over time.



Disagree with report

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

I want to start by saying that I am new to trading, I am only 25 years old and have never traded in my life until I met Melissa Armo. I always knew that I wanted to trade the market and I just didn't konw what strategy to use or what was needed to trade the market. I decided to take Melissa's Golden Gap Course, in which she taught me how to trade gaps and at the completion of her course I also decided to join her trade room. The information Melissa provides in her course has given me the confidence to trade, since all of this was foreign to me a couple of months ago, and have seen great results. Keep in mind that I was completely new so I didn't start with a large account, so I know that even people that start with small accounts could see great results.


I also want to say that one must know that if they decide to trade the market there is always going to be a risk of losing money. I completely disagree with the statement above because in the last couple of months that I have been a part of the trade room I have seen success. I will admit that not all trades Melissa calls work 100% of the time and that is why she is very detailed on where we should have our stops to minimize our risk while letting stocks run in our favor. I highly dobut that you could find another trade room were 100% of the trades work. If I had to give a percentage of trades that do work in the trade room since I have joined I would 75-80%. 


Not only is her trade room a great way to learn, but taking Melissa's Golden Gap Course and really mastering the information she gives you will definately make you a better trader. She is very detailed in her course and makes sure that the students understand concepts before moving on. You may imagine how many questions I had since I had never traded in my life and since I first met Melissa she has always been there for me to help answer my question. If I send her an email or give her a call to ask more questions she promply replies to me or calls me. She is also great at keeping me motivated and makng sure that I build proper money management skill. I truly believe she wants to see me succeed because of all the support and encouragement she has given me. Once again the statement above is 100% inaccurate. 



I beg to differ

#16General Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

I have known Melissa Armo for a long time and I am well aware of her style of trading and I know how hard she has worked to develop it into a profitable trading system.


Melissa's type of trading will not be suitable for everyone as it requires practice and skill but I have no doubt it is a profitable system and anyone who is willing to put in the work and time can produce consistent profitable results with her style of trading.


Melissa is not promoting a get rich quick scheme and she is not saying it's going to be a walk in the park to become a successful trader.


Any style of trading requires alot of work, time and discipline, as the old saying goes in the trading industry that it's the hardest way to make easy money





Totally disagree

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

As a trader with a number of years’ experience I have found that The Stock Swoosh provides everything within the course that is promised and far more besides.  Melissa Armo (owner) works through the courses in a systematic and methodical manner answering every question until there are none to answer.

The trading room provides essential guidance by an experienced level headed trader such as Melissa. I have been a live trading room member for the last 3 months and have taken skilfully calculated trades, which have varied in number depending upon the day itself. Melissa guides you through every trade, which are easy to follow, with a detailed explanation on why, where and when after the trades have completed, which helps build upon the individuals skillset.

I have not come across anyone with so much dedication to see a student succeed. Melissa will spend time to help anyone that has problems understanding, implementing any part of her courses. She provides a full package to anyone wanting to succeed at trading.


Kenneth Zervos

North Carolina,

I disagree with your assessments...

#16General Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

Dear Sir,

I am a former stockbroker and a very active active US equities daytrader since 1996.  I have been consistently profitable since 2006, and I know a fraud when I see one (in terms of trading services that are all hype and not actually worth your time).  I've joined many services over the years, and most all of them I've asked for my money back within 30 days, having realized that either their service was not at all my style of trading, or in many cases, realized that their trading system was most likely not even consistently profitable.

In my opinion, literally ninety-nine out of 100 stockbrokers could not trade make a profit trading stocks in any circumstances, and I would never let them near my money.  I joined Melissa's service because I've been struggling on the short side this year, due to the incredible strength of the market this year.  I had done extremely well almost exclusively on the short side for several years, focusing on earnings and gap plays.  Since I know first-hand how well this type of trading works, when I realized that Melissa's Stock Swoosh trading focuses on the same types of plays that I've done so well on over the years (shorting stocks that gap down on major news, mostly either earnings or guidance-related), I thought I would try Melissa's service.  I honestly made up the cost of both her class, and 14 months of the live chatroom, in the first few days after I joined her service.  I use my own trading style that happens to be different from Melissa's, but in the several weeks I've been in her live chatroom, I've been impressed with her knowledge and stock picking ablities.  She has picked several stocks I would not have touched, had it not been for her liking the stock on the short side, and I have done very well with her service.  You must understand that no service can provide you with 100 percent winners, but to say that the Stock Swoosh service is a scam, and that she doesn't know what she is doing, is just plain wrong.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with Stock Swoosh; I'm just a satisfied customer, and I make sure to log in each and every morning, to find out which stocks Melissa is focusing on shorting each day.

That's my honest "two cents"; don't give up on trading; the most successful traders in the world almost without exception have all struggled early in their trading careers.  It took me ten years to get consistently profitable.


Best of luck,


Kenneth Zervos (this is my REAL name by the way).



Coal Township,

Definitly NOT a ripoff

#16General Comment

Fri, December 06, 2013

I know Melissa, and I know her to be an upsatnding person. ANYONE who trades the markets KNOWS that there is ALWAYS a RISK involved when you do that. If you are not willing to accept the risk that you could loose ALL the money invested then you should not trade the market.

I believe you have to have certain ABILITY to be able to trade in the first place. A very small number of people have this ability, and if you do Melissa can expand that, and make your venture profitable.

The long and short of it is though, it's still a RISK, and you should treat as such. Trade with money you can afford to loose.

mike g

Staten island,
New York,

couldn't agree less

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

I have been trading this market for about a year now, and was not having any success at all.  About three months ago my company suggested I start following Melissa at the stock swoosh.  I took her Golden Gap Course, as well as her trends course. Best investment I ever made.  Since I have been following her I have had my first positive months and I feel 100% better about my trading.  While piggybacking off her trades may be some peoples startegy, and I think it is a strategy that DOES work, I think the point is to learn from what she teaches you and become a good trader on your own, anything short of that shows a form of laziness.  

Melissa has been extremely helpful, both during here courses and classes, as well as on her own private time, answering questions both by email and by phone anytime I have them.  Since I have been taking her class, I have watched her make amazing call after amazing call.  Is EVERY call she makes right? No.  But part of her startegy is to use stops to keep losses from getting too big.  I can't count how many times I have heard her say, both to me and to newer  traders how important money mangement is, so I dont see any real reason someone without a large account( mine is relatively small) can't do well.

I have never seen anyone who tries so hard to make money both for herself, as well as for the people in her room.  She makes calls and gives her opinion to anyone who asks, even for trades she has no intention of ever getting involved in.  And when she does lose money she tries her damdest to make it back, again, both for herself and for those in her class. Nobody makes money on every trade they make.  Trading certainly isn't for everyone, and it doesn't sound like it is for you, but your bashing of her and her techniques are completely unfounded.  Better luck elsewhere



The Stock Swoosh

#16General Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

As an active trader for more than 20 years who has traded the markets and tried many systems, rooms and services, I can state without hesitation that none come even close to Melissa Armo's Stock Swoosh Live Trading Room and training for content value, winning trades and ease of use and transparency.

I have been a member of The Stock Swoosh Live Trading Room for several months. Melissa Armo consistently on a daily basis makes great calls in the stock market based on her very well planned and thought out strategies. Her trades are always set up with great risk to reward ratios. Very tight stops to limit risk are used with excellent and attainable reward targets. She trades live along with the room members and is very easy to follow for anyone, experienced or beginner.

I have known Melissa for over a year and she has always been very helpful, responsive and easily accessible. Her live room and training is a bargain for what you get in return. I highly recommend her services!


solana beach,

I've had a completely different experience

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

I've been in the stock swoosh trading room for eight months and have had a completely different experience.

I have consistently made money following the trades of the moderator Melissa Armo.  She is a very intuitive trader with a well thought out trading plan.  She is extremely helpful and definitely cares if you suceed.  

Her Stock Swoosh seminar is well worth the money and has completely changed the way I trade stocks.


San Juan Capistrano,


#16Consumer Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013


No setup in trading works 100% of the time.  If it did, there would be no market.  All we can do is find situations where we have an edge.

Ms. Armo has invested considerable time to find the best down gaps to trade on any given day and rates them accordingly.   She also teaches we students how to rate them on our own.  She also provides and teaches the highest odds setups to trade them, or NOT, depending upon how they setup.  She also teaches how to determine and manage the risk on the trades selected by providing the support and resistance levels for each trade.  Yes, sometimes trades do not work out.  Each trader controls in advance how much he/she wants to risk on any given trade.


Gwynn Oak,

Totally disagree

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 05, 2013

Not only was I a student of The Stock Swoosh, I was a contracted employee.  I worked for The Stock Swoosh in Sept 2012 to Oct 2013.  I have seen many students come and succeed using The Stock Swoosh's education and strategies.  I myself, before working for The Stock Swoosh was a student.  I saw much improvement in my trading while under Melissa's (owner) mentorship.  I have spent thousands on other stock trading educational programs before and have found The Stock Swoosh breaks it down to make it easy to understand.  Melissa takes the time and effort for you to understand the market like she does.  Yes, you can piggyback off her but in order to succeed you have to understand the concepts that The Stock Swoosh teaches or you will not last long in the market.  


New York,

The Stock Swoosh

#16General Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

I have been a daily participant in Melissa'a chat room and stock picking services for the past 4 months with much success. I find that Melissa is successful approx. 70% of the time and I have been financially rewarded by her services. She has always been 100% accessable and sincere in her willingness to help me succeed in day trading. Her 'live' chat room makes it extremely easy to follow her trades as she talks the whole time stating her exact trade entry points and exits. As I tell other traders; "if you can't follow Melissa, then you can't follow anyone". I find her services to be very afforadable per the dedicated services she provides and her 70% success rate over the past 4 months since I joined.  Melissa is perfect for the beginner as well as experienced traders as she is  extremely easy to follow and only trades 3-4 low risk/high reward trade set-up's per day. 

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