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  • Report:  #1005100

Complaint Review: The Ventana Greystar Managemnent

The Ventana Greystar Managemnent Fraud, False Advertising, Civil Rights Violations, Threatened Assault, Verbal Abuse From Maintenance Denver, Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Theyknowwhothisis — Denver Colorado USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 29, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 11, 2013

Well, it's been a long year and a half and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  My lease is almost over.  First of all, I'll talk about why I have started writing these things again.  I had stopped because I just wanted to go away peacefully and be left alone, but no, the psychotic maintenance man at The Ventana Apartments in Denver, Colorado, could not let that happen.  The latest was that he yelled and pointed up at my son on the balcony and said "look at the terrorist M......F......."  Ok, my son is dark skinned and has a full black beard and is the sweetest person you could ever hope to meet.  As a matter of fact, when he was awakened at 3 AM to one of the neighbors screaming "help me" outside in the courtyard, he jumped out of bed, ran downstairs, unconcerned for his own welfare, and tried to assist her. 

Which brings me to an aside, or why the heck do these management people rent to anyone at all instead of screening them?  Because they don't care if we live next to a serial killer or a drug dealer or a psychotic meth head, it's just not their problem.  They cater to the people who have no power to sue them or get an attorney to break the lease, so that they can make even more money by pursuing people in court when they get fed up and leave here without being able to get out of the lease legally.  You would think that the judges in Denver would be on to this scam by now and not let Greystar do this to the already disenfranchised, but no, they think it's wonderful to allow Greystar to terrorize people.

So, my son was yelled at.  Not only that, the idiot maintenance man yelled it in front of some Muslim neighbors of ours.  Since they are Muslims, I suppose they let this stuff just roll off of them, having lived in America with a bunch of idiotic ignorant people like this maintenance man for years.  Anyway, so this jerk who has made our lives a living hell here, is such a wimp that he yelled this while my son was way up on the balcony and the maintenance man was out on his little golf cart driving by on the street. Coward.  And this brings me to another thing he did.  He threatened to throw a rock in our window about a month and a half ago.

This is the same person who tells everyone in charge that our AC works.  Our Air Conditioner hasn't worked since we moved in and this is the person who goes to the office and tells them that we are making things up about the Air Conditioner.  It was, on average, 95 degrees in here during the summer last summer.  The manager told us to buy Air Conditioners and that we would be reimbursed for them, so we bought them.  So, my husband brings the receipt over and they tell us that they never agreed to such a thing.  They charge us this "allocated" fee for the use of the air conditioning and this means that we pay for everyone else in the complex to have air conditioning while we don't.  And we have to pay the extra money that it costs to run the AC units with our electricity.  But we can't afford enough AC units for the whole apartment, so the living room remains a sweltering hotbox.  Only the bedrooms are bearable.  But they insist that there is nothing wrong with the AC.  Which brings me to the heating.  This same maintenance man came in here to "fix" the heater and told my husband that we weren't using it right.  Again, the problem is with us, university educations and all, and this person is here to set us straight.  So, he fiddled around with the heater and set it up so that now it runs backwards.  As hard as this is to fathom, yes, it now works backwards.  You have to turn it down to make it heat up and turn it up to make it turn off.  So, now, you have to manually turn it on and off in order for it to work.  You have the choice of freezing all night or roasting all night or waking up off and on to turn the heater off and on.

Let's see.  What else?  The water in the kitchen sink.  Oh, and the faucet in the kitchen.  The faucet was leaking and instead of fixing it properly, the psyco-maintenance-man tightened it so much that you can't move the faucet above the sink.  You know, the part that is supposed to move back and forth so that you can rinse off the dishes properly.  So, this practically immovable thing had a piece of the rubber seal break off inside and the water wouldn't drain through the pipe anymore.  I called to have them fix it and they ignored me.  So, I went into the bathroom and filled up a pot with water so that I could wash my dishes and did the dishes that way.  My husband got completely fed up with this and fixed the faucet himself.  That is how I know it was a piece of rubber seal that broke off and blocked the water flow.  We pay near a thousand dollars a month to fix our own plumbing.

Hmmm.  Then there is the laundry facility.  You can't trust any of the washers and dryers, so I just gave up and now I go down the road about a mile to do my laundry at a real laundry facility that is maintained by the business owners that know that if they rip you off, you will go somewhere else.  The laundry facility is run by MacGrey.  I imagine that it is a subsidiary of Greystar, with the Grey in the name and all.  So they run the laundry like everything else here.  They don't maintain it.

And on to the doggy poop bins.  They don't empty them, so no, I don't blame people who let their dogs poo everywhere and not pick it up.  What the heck.  You can smell the poo from the bins, so why bother?

Leaky roof.  Didn't fix.

Hallway lights.  Not fixed.

Painting outside.  Ok.  So, Greystar gets this big seven million dollar loan to fix the place and instead of fixing the place, they slap a bunch of paint on the outside of the building so that it will look good to the poor suckers that they are trying to move into the revolving door.  They don't care if you are happy or stay, as long as they get you to sign on the bottom line and owe them the money until the end of the lease that they will never let you out of, no matter how you have been scammed.  Oh, which brings me to their terrorizing us in our own apartment.  They sent a note around saying what was allowed on the porch and not allowed on the porch and told us that we are not allowed to leave our shoes in the hallway.  If we leave our shoes in the hallway, according to this note, we will be charged a disposal fee for them to come and pick them up, ie steal our shoes.  Not only that, we will be evicted if we leave our shoes in the hallway.  These people somehow feel that it is their right to tell us what kind of furniture we can have on our balconies, too.  They only allow "outdoor" furniture, and to me the term "outdoor" is open to interpretation.  So, by sending this note out to all of us, they have given themselves the right to steal anything off of our porches and then charge us a fee for doing it, then tell us we are in violation of our leases and put us out, suing us for the rest of the rent that is due until the end of the lease.  Because we, the tenants, violated the lease by having the wrong thing on the porches that we paid for.  This little terrorist letter was so vague and open to interpretation that I took in the entryway rug that I had out there.  I call it terrorism because I will never get to rent again if I have an eviction on my record.  I will be homeless, sleeping on the cement downtown with my husband and two children, and all because I left my shoes outside my front door.  Absurd, right?

And on their website they call this "luxurious" living.  That's the false advertising part.

And I have to just keep on keeping on, terrorized by the maintenance man who hurls profanities at my son and threatens us with bodily harm.  I have to freeze at night or roast.  Oh, well, it's good training for the homelessness that they constantly threaten us with in this apartment building.  And the people all the way at the top of Greystar condone all of this behavior.  They have attorneys lined up in little rooms, writing all of the rules and regulations to maximize their terrorist activities.  I've told the CEO about this little psycho-fixit-jerk and he knows exactly what the attorneys will be able to get away with in court.  Which brings me to the liar part.  I wrote to the BBB about the broken AC and they told the BBB that the issues were all resolved.  So, when I imagine going into court against these people, I have to figure that they will lie in court.  They will tell the judge that I am crazy and that I don't have a broken Air Conditioner or a broken anything and that I am just making it all up to get out of the lease.  They will lie and I know this because they have lied before.  They will go into court and tell the judge just what they need to to get me to pay the back rent on the lease.  So, I am terrorized into staying here because I don't want to become homeless at the hands of these liars.  So, that's why I went to wash the dishes in the tub.  They have me by the "short hairs" to be crude.  And I wasn't going to write this, but, well, the little crazed-cleanup-guy cursed my son.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



I agree that Greystar is the Worst

#3Author of original report

Tue, June 11, 2013

These people victimized us, too.  I would love to find an attorney and all the other people that they are destroying with their fees and such.  They say that we owe them money for cleaning and painting after we left, but the thing is, the apartment wasn't painted properly or cleaned right when we moved in.  I cleaned it better when we moved out than we found it when we moved in.  They also charged us for painting when they paint all the apartments anyway when anyone moves out.  They are really sick people.  I wonder about a person who can work for them.  How can they sleep at night, knowing that they are personally responsible for destroying people?  How in the world can they live with themselves when they know perfectly well that what they are doing is wrong, even evil?  I refuse to pay them to clean an apartment that I cleaned.  If they take me to court over it, I will be fighting, just so you know.  I am going to pay an attorney if I have to eat beans and rice to be able to do it.  I will be eating steak after I get finished with them.  I would love to organize a class action law suit.



The Ventana Apartments Greystar Management

#3Author of original report

Tue, June 11, 2013

We left The Ventana Apartments but they are still victimizing us.  We left The Ventana one month early, leaving them an empty clean paid for apartment in as good a condition as we could given the fact that they refused to fix things for us while we were there.  They let water sit in places it shouldn't because of leaks that they chose to ignore, like under the sink, behind the toilet and along a bedrooom wall.  That is not our fault at all since we notified them of all of these things happening and they refused to fix them.  So, I used to clean at the Country Club for a living and anyone can ask them there if I was not the best housekeeper they ever had.  And I cleaned that apartment. 

I cleaned every single slat on the blinds, the windowsills, the shelving, the doors, the walls, the switchplates, the baseboards, the oven, the refrigerator, every single badly painted cabinet.  Let's talk about the cabinets.  They did such a bad job of painting before we moved in that the paint would peel off on our dishes.  This happened because the just put layer after layer after layer of paint on the cabinets without sanding or prepping anything.  Every single time I would take a pot out to cook in, I would have to rinse the paint out. 

Oh, and they painted the top of the metal vent over the stove last time before we moved in instead of cleaning it.  It was gross the whole time we were there.  That was the shoddy workmanship we moved into.  Oh, and the sink was broken.  They broke it and never came back to fix it.  And the AC never worked right the whole time we were there.  So, I left the apartment as well as I could leave it, considering the fact that they refused to keep it in repair.  I cleaned the heck out of that place.  No one on the planet can clean better than I do.  I washed the walls, which is an issue, too.  Because they are charging me 160 dollars for a cleaning and 35 dollars to clean the fridge and 250 dollars to paint the apartment, now that we are gone. 

So, I left them a clean apartment with paint that was as good as can be expected when the did a shoddy job painting before we moved in.  So, they got a free month's rent plus some.  I gave them 925 dollars toward the last month's rent which was only supposed to be 829 dollars base rent to begin with.  And I wrote off the 350 dollar deposit and the 300 dollar pet rent.  So, I lef these scumbags with 1550 just to get away from them, since I felt that my life was in danger there, no not from the neighbors but from the psychotic maintenance man.  Just take it.  That is all I wanted, to get away with my life and the life of my children.  1550 dollars was a small price to pay. 

Now, what these criminals have done is add all sorts of ficticious bills to the end of the lease and say that we owe them money.  They are liars.  Only thing is, I have proof.  I took pictures of the interior of the apartment before I gave them the keys over a month early.  But they will bring it to court and ruin our credit record because that is the kind of scum they are.  These are criminals.  Do not sign a lease with these people.  You will only regret it.  They lie in court.  They are scumbags.  They do not do what is required of a landlord to be profitable:  repair and maintain an apartment building.  Instead they use attorneys and lies in court to make money on the backs of the lower middle class.  And they don't even provide a service. 

i find it interesting that they changed their web address.  The new web site is even chocked full of more lies than the old one.  It is not a luxury apartment building by any stretch of the imagination and it is not newly renovated.  They slapped some paint on the outside, badly and they fixed up the one apartment that they show to people.  They renovated the office for the office workers who only sit on their fat behinds and sue poor people instead of attending to the needs of the tenants.  These are the most horrible people I have met in my entire life and I am pretty old and have met quite a few gross people along the way.  The staff at the Ventana and their boss, Mr. Faith at Greystar take the cake of horrible excuses.

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