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  • Report:  #1423029

Complaint Review: The Psychic Reviews, powered by Simple Machines® Forum (SMF) software The Psychic Reviews Internet

  • Reported By:
    Future Psychic Review Site Owner — San Rafael California United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 14, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 15, 2018

The Psychic Reviews website is an online review and comment forum. The main issue with the site is that the name of the sites owner is intentionally kept hidden. Why? The site does not list any contact information, a single name/number or address, or a way to receive information if you require actual help. So if you're a potential member and have any issues registering/error messages, etc. there is literally no venue in which to ask for help. This is a huge RIP OFF since it's blocking large groups of people, unfairly leaving NO possibility to comment, clarify or defend yourself or your views, or the ability to share your version of events. Considering the high number of one sided negative reviews, and the number of complaints about site, especially the inability to ask for help and denying access to help, it's obvious whoever owns/runs the site is inadequate, a poor decision maker, lacks the business acumen to run a site. Their failure to provide any contact info makes it clear they have reason to "hide" their background: indicating a sketchy track record, current/previous problems with other sites, and the most likely reason: legal issues. It's rare for any legitimate website owner to hide their information. When you're proud of your site and care about the impression it makes, especially what's supposed to be a "public forum", it's crucial to create an environment that's conducive to PEOPLE, striving to be fair and balanced, regardless of the variety of opinions. Hiding your identity and failing to provide a basic point of contact to ensure any issues/problems will be resolved quickly shows an overall lack of respect and disregard to people visting your site. I hope the owner is mature enough to address/fix the issues and in order to make the site user friendly and show the appreciation and respect people deserve.

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