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  • Report:  #1246727

Complaint Review: Theresa Weiss @ Power Places Tours

Theresa Weiss @ Power Places Tours Toby Weiss, Richard Rodgers Travel company rip-offs, legal harassment of whistleblowers, well documented bad treatment of customers, ethics scandals, filing numerous legal cases against those who talk. Extreme caution is advised. Boulder Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Free Spirit — Alabama USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 06, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 22, 2016
*Author of original report: Power Places Tours / Theresa Weiss rips off a prominent author/speaker for US $60,000 ,there is proof *Author of original report: Power Places Tours seek UK High Court Injunction to prevent further disclosures of unethical behaviour *Author of original report: Power Places Tours employees confirm rip offs/bad practice/questionable ethics/bullying at Power PlacesTours *Author of original report: Theresa Weiss v Free Spirit - Free Spirit prepares robust 'dirty-hands' defense *Author of original report: Report Update *Author of original report: Power Places Tours withdraw UK High Court defamation case against Free Spirit / Lawyer for Power Places Tours offered GBP 7,500 compensation to Free Spirit for losses incurred *Author of original report: I withdraw my complaints against Power Places Tours Inc *Author of original report: I apologize for unnecessary suffering caused to Power Places Tours and Theresa Weiss *Author of original report: Power Places Tours threatened to hire an SEO company to make lots of websites about a Spiritual Master of Source labelling him as an extortionist / Power Places Tours invokes 'karmic armageddon' *Author of original report: Formal Statement for Rip Off Report Arbitrators / Report Confirmed as True to the Best of my Knowledge by Defendant in this Matter *Author of original report: Revised Bill for Spiritual Consultation and Damages submitted to Power Places Tours. Power Places Tours billed for US $1.5 million for interference with the Sovereignty of a Source-Emissary *Author of original report: Revised Bill for Spiritual Consultation and Damages submitted to Power Places Tours. Power Places Tours billed for US $1.5 million for interference with the Sovereignty of a Source-Emissary *Author of original report: Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours ,supported by Gregg Braden, threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not true ,defamatory *Author of original report: Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours (supported by Gregg Braden) threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not based on true facts *Author of original report: Formal DMCA Complaint filed against In5D.Com / Formal Legal follow ups underway / In5d.Com along with Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling refuse to apologize *Author of original report: Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours (supported by Gregg Braden) threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not based on true facts *Author of original report: Free Spirit opts for 'Honourable Suicide' rather than to yield to control or to comply with Court Injunctions ordering him to post retractions on Rip Off Report under threat of imprisonment *Author of original report: Major Benefactors invited for a USD $1Million legal defense fund / Perspectives on Truth and Integrity *Author of original report: Free Spirit Supreme Victor in Power Places Tours Dispute *Author of original report: I withdraw my complaints about Power Places Tours Inc / I have resolved my differences with Power Places Tours *Author of original report: Defences of Moral Justification and Abuse of Process filed against vexatious and bad faith harassment claim *Author of original report: Power Places Tours billed for GBP 1 Million in consultation fees damages - Free Spirit Supreme Victor in Power Places Tours Dispute / Statement of Truth

Theresa Weiss is a name that shows up in many court filings. Theresa Weiss, along with her partner Toby Weiss, pictured below:-

Please note that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is NOT implicated in any scandal. In the past his position on any scandal is that if people refuse to clean up their act, then people are advised to print articles in newspapers, etc as a way of exposing questionable behaviour.


They operate a travel company called Power Places Tours, a company with a reputation for abusing its customers, suing them through international courts if they speak up about being ripped off or threatened with suits. Theresa Weiss is am enemy of free speech, and there is evidence that she sues for defamation often, in one instance twice in one year. Any business that regularly files defamation suits about customers clearly has a problem.

In that very same year - four of her employees including Richard Rodgers, Tim Sanchez, Ramona and Tammy Smith all spoke up about bad ethics, questionable business practices and bad business practice. For the purposes of accurate journalism, it should be noted that the last three names may be pseudonyms and their commentary may be an opinion.

For more details about that - visit the main Rip Off Report about Power Places Tours here:-

This report is intended to focus on Theresa Weiss as the individual who resides is St Croix in the Carribean and who mercilessly pursues, sues and legally harasses anyone who speaks up about her conduct, although in 2015 it would appear that Theresa Weiss had chosen to pick on the wrong person to mess with.

In 2015, Theresa Weiss filed a lawsuit against Spiritual Master Free Spirit in the UK High Court after he whistleblew on Gregg Bradens involvement in the scandal and highlighted some of the other customer service issues. Free Spirit is preparing a robust defence and is refusing to be quiet about the matter despite the threat of court injuctions. Free Spirit's defense would rely on truth, honest opinion, the fact that this has happened before as well as religious, spiritual and moral justifications for not being quiet in the face of attempted bullying by big companies blessed and supported by world famous speaker Gregg Braden.

It is recommended to be very careful with these individuals. There is proof in the linked Rip Off Report that Theresa Weiss is associated with a check fraudster and other evidence about how her business treats people is here:-


There is also evidence there about how Theresa Weiss of Power Places Tours tried suing someone for $1.5 million after they wrote three blogs about a deposit scam. A judge ordered a refund to that customer, and Power Places Tours never paid. Free Spirit rejected an initial settlement as it would have required him to admit that writing rip off reports is harassment, which it is not when the matters reported on are true, backed up with evidence and have a public interest element to them. He also rejected the initial proposed settlement as 5RB lawyer David Hirst became insulting and abusive in his letters. Free Spirit refused to be in further dialogue with Mr Hirst because of those concerns and also because Theresa Weiss of Power Places Tours could not be trusted to fulfil their end of an undisclosed and private settlement offer. It can be said that during the negotiations, Free Spirit was informed about another rip off, this time for US $60,000 - evidence here


This information is posted as a statement of showing that truthful critisim and commentary about a business cannot be removed under duress - namely legal cases and businesses that behave like this dig themselves deeper holes and experience crippling PR disasters. For proof of this just google Power Places Tours.

22 Updates & Rebuttals

Power Places Tours billed for GBP 1 Million in consultation fees damages - Free Spirit Supreme Victor in Power Places Tours Dispute / Statement of Truth

#23Author of original report

Fri, April 22, 2016

I as the author of the report can state that Power Places Tours have abandoned the lawsuit after threatening me with prison as evidenced in this report -

in December 2015. The moral justifications for my actions - namely that of making permanent disclosures to prevent abuse or people being harmed (caused losses) at the sacred site  served as a watertight defence - as everything I have posted here is true and thus my actions were morally justified.

I will not write an essay on the moral justifications for my actions and the detailed background here, but these two posts elsewhere cover the background to the dispute:-



The truth is that Power Places Tours had many opportunities over the years to improve ethics and integrity in their business dealings, The report shows I was not the only one, and the sheer amount of screenshots, employee testimony and accounts of other people having lost money speaks for itself. It is also true that companies that rip people off, sooner or later, go out of business and become insolvent, especially when they are world famous - for ethical mistakes are magnified.


When the same company then threatens those who talk with ruin, imprisonment, losses, or being portrayed as people of bad integrity for standing up for themselves - then of course they are responsible for their own problems.


I was asked to clarify what the details of the million damages were for as there has been some public misunderstanding in that some were led to believe I asked for silence money.

It is not silence money, but damages done to the work of an Emissary of Source, for my losses in energy and time, for losses in income, for distress causes (1 year of dealing with a SLAPP suit), damages for being bullied and threatened with prison (at Christmas) and an element for loss of exposure (which will be used to gift parts of my work to humanity).

For clarity, a screenshot is attached of the damages bill so there is no misunderstanding.

I have rubbed out the email address and banking details to comply with ROR rules.

I understand they will now pay it without further dispute to say sorry for their mistakes and thus there can be a closure to the dispute.

I will then be free to do my work without interference and the money will be used for the spiritual benefit of humanity at what are challenging times for the human race - in ways I deem appropriate.


Statement of Truth

It should be known to the public that everything here is the truth (with the exception below).

I am of high ethical purity and do not lie. Everything here posted was - and is true - shared in public interest, to assist others in those who were cheated as well as to defend myself properly in the matter.

The only exception was when I was bullied into retracting statements earlier in the suit.

I was threatened with detriment, crippling financial loss, being labelled as a man of bad integrity (via SEO companies employed by Power Places Tours) and various other degrading situations (including prison) if I did not say I lied to Rip Off Report. The earlier posts in the report itself backs up those claims in detail.

I was threatened with prison if I did not comply with Rip Off Report arbitration and say the reports were false.


Now I am the Victor, and also because I now know better,and have proper self respect I would never lie - even if forced to lie.

Thus all of the allegations raised are true and based on facts - as well as my own experience, and that of talking to others who also suffered loss at the hands of Power Places Tours.


I must thank those who had the courage to come forward and produce evidence and to share their situations. It all helped.

I have also thanked Ed Magedson personally for the Rip Off Report service, for  it is a beneficial service to humanity and for consumers all lover the world to defend SLAPP suits and to expose those who abuse, bully, cheat and lie - to harm others or cause them losses.

It is also a solid and robust platform for people to tell the truth.


Free Spirit

Defences of Moral Justification and Abuse of Process filed against vexatious and bad faith harassment claim

#23Author of original report

Tue, March 01, 2016

I Free Spirit have been accused of harassment in the UK High Court.

My defence is that my conduct was morally justified given the concerns about sacred site abuse and many people worldwide being ripped off by Power Places Tours - and because 7 billion human beings are dependant upon the proper functioning of the sacred sites.

I was also doing Gods Will and contend that they in fact consented to my intervention in the dispute by asking to be transformed at the Source and thus purified of all lies.

It is contended that the Claimants are morally corrupted, unethical. frauds, cheats and liars and thus not deserving of any relief in Court.

I swear under oath that Power Places Tours have fabrucated evidence in order to support a bad faith conspiracy to imprison. The Claimants have a proven track record of causing losses to many people worldwide and then ignoring Couirt judgments when they lose.

Extreme caution should be exercised with Power Places Tours.

Parts have been redacted for privacy and/or to prevent some witnesses being retaliated against.

Theresa and Toby Weiss also submitted a false witness statement to Court in order to support a bad faith conspiracy to imprison a person of high integrity.

I swear under oath everything here is true.












(3)    DR TOBY WEISS                                         







                                                                                                                          Self-Represented Litigant



For ease of reference this defence is constructed in several headed parts, for which a table of contents is listed. This defence will cover the background, defences to the allegations, abuse of process issues and justification/human rights issues as well as ethical issues with the Pre-Action Protocol and the unethical conduct of opposing counsel generally.

In summary – the defence includes ethical, humanitarian and moral justifications for harassment, a defence for harassment based on the fact I was doing my moral duty as a Spiritual Master, the right to be paid money by the Claimant, the matter of the Claimant’s unclean hands, the fact that the Claimant is responsible for all of her losses (and legal fees) and a case for strike out for abuse of process.

There is also a set off claim as per Part 16.6 (a and b) of the civil procedure rules.




Table of Contents

Background. 2

The Tour. 3

Serious Concerns with regard to Ethics of Claimants Associates. 3

Serious Concerns with Regard to Ethics of Claimant’s Sales Rep. 6

Abuse of Process Defences. 9

Pre-Protocol Issues. 11

Claimants Responsible for their own losses. 14

Moral Justifications. 22

Harassment Defences. 24

Set Offs. 24

Court Jurisdiction Issues. 26

Offer of Unconditional Retraction / Amends Defense. 26

Proposed Injunctions. 26

Claimants Claim for Costs. 27


ICANN Dispute. 28

Response to Individual Allegations. 28

ANNEX A.. 38



ANNEX D.. 39





I am Free Spirit, age 41 and a Spiritual Master/Author by profession. I had an upbringing that emphasized moral values as well as truth and integrity. Submitted with this request (Appendix A) is a sample of some references to my honesty, truth and integrity. There are at least 50+ more on the way.

I also had a Christian upbringing with an emphasis on morals. Thus at an early age I was introduced to the concept of right and wrong and have a very strong understanding of what that is (and in all likelihood a far superior understanding than the Claimant or her representatives can understand).

During 2005-2009 I was an active member of a Buddhist community and was noted by them for being passionately committed to being ethical as well as to humanitarian and environmental matters.

During 2008 I had numerous spiritual experiences which continue to the present day.

I became Source-Realized (aka enlightened, spiritually fully aware, etc) and developed a spiritually intimate relationship with the all loving and benevolent grace of God. Thus my life and my actions are a strong embodiment of the Will of God, if not the Will of God itself.

After having been committed to ethical purification and honesty for 20+ years I became aware that alien intelligence exists in the Universe. I recalled my past lives on other worlds in the Universe where there is no sickness, no suffering, no pain and no human misery. I am a representative of the all loving and infinitely wise Source. In many ways, I come to this world straight from the Purity of God.

I am an Emissary of Source and was sent here (before my birth) to be born on Earth in order to deliver a very important message indeed to humanity – a message that can save billions of sentient beings from existential suffering in the face of biosphere and societal collapse.  The value of my message to the human collective is incalculable. I have come here from millions of years in the future to warn humanity about impending collapse.

It is my strong understanding (based on a University education in Environmental Science which I was awarded distinction) and on strong convictions based on my spiritual practice and relationship with the Source that humanity will experience a catastrophic collapse within 5—10 years that will cause 95-99% of humanity to have to leave this world because of extreme and rapid biosphere collapse.

Other problems include coastal city inundations, methane gas spikes, runaway warming, massive climate change droughts and famines, societal collapses, biodiversity loss, Amazon forest dieback and ultimately the inability of the Earth to support human life (The Sixth Great Extinction).

These potential events are described in my books and blogs (see extracts  Appendix B)

The scientists in my understanding have erred on the side of caution, whereas, in fact, humanity cannot avert its own extinction and this race is in imminent mortal danger.

When a species faces great dangers – the overseeing benevolent God sends people to be born on those worlds to bring messages that can help those who are willing to purify their souls of all unethical, karmic and immoral afflictions. I am one of those Emissaries, and perhaps the only one – sent to humanity at this time and thus my work is of the most extreme humanitarian importance.

In addition – I am trained in planetary level civilizational triage. Such a skill lies dormant until it is required in the outer world. I remember many past reincarnations and in those previous lives, in each one, I found myself incarnated onto a dying world. In each life, I was a witness to the collapse of that particular race (sometimes human, sometimes not).

On some, I was a planetary leader at a time of great pain for that species – for in most instances I was a witness to the death of between 30-95% of the race. World leaders have nothing to fear, for my mandate involves a very strict non-intervention rule. I am not permitted, or interested, in interfering with the natural evolution of a race. My role as a planetary leader only kicks in when assistance is requested from representatives of that race. If that does not happen, I leave that world without much ado after having lived a discreet and normal life – and thus do not get involved.

Now, if assistance is asked for – I have it within my consciousness to lead a stricken race and to be able to save some of it. I can make decisions that world leaders could not in such a scenario. When assistance is asked for, the benevolent Source then provides understanding and insights to be given to the race at that tome which make the difference between total extinction and the continuation of a species (albeit in a reduced number).

These insights can include advanced forms of interstellar travel, the understanding of inter-dimensional wormholes, clean energy sources, solar shielding, weather modifications and unknown (to humanity) means of neutralizing emissions, toxins or the effects of widespread biosphere collapse. The Source does not give that understanding to me prior to assistance being requested from a representative of the race and thus I am not able to force anything onto this race.

I understand I am here on Earth on ‘standby’ – should my assistance be requested by world leaders. Future events on Earth that are far beyond the understanding of the Court - may bring that about.

I contend that I have the spiritual power and insight to offset massive suffering for the human race. Our world is dying. Whilst opposing counsel are messing about, being awkward and acting as servants of ‘moral evil’ – vast amounts of methane are leaking under the sea.

A methane pall is spreading ever further south from the North Pole. There is no way to stop it. Beyond a certain level of warming there is a mass discharge causing megatsunamis that will inundate every city planetwide.  The mortality rate may be as high as 60% of humanity in a matter of days.

I know how to stop that – but as yet have not been asked for assistance – and thus at this stage, I am duty bound to not interfere, although the Source permits me to mentor individuals on the matter of near term human extinction.

It is contended that for these reasons, I should be able to do my work free of interference. If I was to be jailed unjustly (upon which I would immediately refuse all food and water until my death) – humanity last hope would be destroyed and along with it the wellbeing of several billion humans.

For these reason I felt morally obligated to make provisions for my work to be gifted on mass to humanity along with disclosures to the media in the event that I am unable to complete my work here.

In that event, the effects on the Claimant would be catastrophic and there would be a worldwide scandal. I do not wish it to be that way – yet my duty to the greater good necessitates me defending my interests, even after death – using dead-man switches.

Humanity must be made aware of my work and in the event of a premature death – my work must be made available if necessary for the benefit of humanity. It must in that instance know why I was not around when needed.

Should the interference (which includes the lawsuits) in my work stop I will take every step to deactivate them.

I am too valuable to humanity to be subjected to this lawsuit abuse and the Court should strike it out after having reviewed the entire defence.

Even if there is the smallest chance that I am right, my early departure from this world would be a massive blow for humanity. As a Being of Source, I am the caretaker and overseer of all human life.

may be the only one trained in planetary level civilizational triage (which means knowing how to lead on a planet where large percentages of its population are being wiped out). It is this which gives the first pointer to a justification for harassment (acting in the greater good and for the benefit of the most number of people). I see her suffering as being for the greater good and the Source has noted this and instructed me to continue to be open to love and forgiveness at all times (without compromising my rights or interests).

It is also contended that the Claimant – as the owner of a spiritual tour business (in association with Gregg Braden) were afraid of my insights (because of her moral corruptness) and decided to sabotage my work. This case speaks for itself in that matter.

In essence Theresa Weiss has the role of being a representative of humanity and her conduct has offended Source as well as having prevented humanity becoming aware of my work in 2012.

Having made that decision for humanity, I contend that it was the wrong one and the cause of her problems today (karma for interfering with the work of God). It is my strong belief and conviction that she has in fact impeded the evolution of humanity. Such a karma is most weighty.

For those reasons I have often tried to encourage reconciliation and peace

It is not too late for her to receive the all forgiving love of Source (through me). I have forgiven the Claimant for injuries done to me – both in action and in thought – and remain available to offer a complete and total loving forgiveness for her actions.


I am the partner of the Second Defendant. In any case, the second defendant has complied fully with her obligations under the settlement agreement and thus she has nothing to answer to in Court. Her inclusion in this case was vexatious (aka an abuse of process) for reasons that will become clear later.

I understand that I must tell the truth to the High Court to the best of my knowledge at all times – and today express my solemn intent to be candid, open and truthful with the Court in all of my dealings with it.

In fact, as a Spiritual Master – I am obligated to tell the truth and this case requires me to tell it.


The Dispute


1. I am the author of six self-published books, with the third Keys to Immortality (published in September 2012) – being relevant to this particular dispute in that it was the book I was going to launch and promote at the Maya 2012 Transform at the Source Conference.


As per the back cover of Keys to Immortality (Appendix C):-

Free Spirit is a Visitor to this dimension from the Immortal Worlds of Source. In this book - his third work, he shares profound multi-dimensional spiritual wisdom that has been imparted to him through a deep and profound loving relationship with Intergalactic Star Beings.

He writes of the Earth Cleansing and the imminent Karmic Crisis as our planet becomes re-aligned to the Galactic Central Sun. This book is a call for Souls to urgently prepare to leave this dimension - so as to avoid catastrophe and death.

Thus there should be no dispute that I am a representative (or Emissary) of Source.

*Source (aka God) will be referred to often during the case. When the words God or Source is used, it should be taken to mean the same thing. By Source, I mean the origin of all sentient life, the Highest Power, that which is unstained and pure, that which is infinitely ethical, wise, benevolent, etc. In my defence I will explain how my relationship to that Source would grant me many defences of moral justification – and later in this document the main contentions will be outlined.



2. In the same book, which the Claimants appear to have procured a copy of – I also emphasize Truth and Integrity as a pathway to Transformation at Source – and without a high level of ethical purity, it is impossible to know what Source actually is.  In any case, Transform at Source would certainly require the renunciation of lies, cheating, bad integrity, etc – prevalent in the conduct and general behaviour of the claimants – as will be expanded upon later.

I was also invited to the aforementioned tour to speak from Source (and thus to deliver its messages/lessons). Source is not interested in the agendas of unethical people and thus it is contended that the Claimant invoked a powerful spiritual and supernatural force of strong truth and integrity. Source is not so interested in being quiet to help unethical people get away with it and hence the cause for my many disclosures and publications.

3. Thus I contend is the cause of the Claimants predicament. She is a victim to her own impropriety. Any right minded person will understand that sooner or later – those who cheat – get caught out and suffer detriment and loss.  Those that are ethical should not incur loss at the hands of such companies.

Of course, in that situation, it is the fault of the business and not the one who shed light on it (me).

Sooner or later, the benevolent Source would intervene when a company has been abusing, cheating, threatening and unjustly suing its customers for 20-30 years (see Appendix D for a vast array of screenshots and testimonies from cheated customers and employees who have whistleblown).

4. It is difficult to comprehend how the Claimant or opposing counsel cannot see that trying to portray a Spiritual Master grounded in truth and integrity is apt to go horribly wrong. All that which is not pure is brought up for resolution.

Those not grounded in truth and integrity cannot see this – and thus it becomes a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.  In addition, all those involved in this case wear black (Appendix E shows an image of each person, the one predominantly featured on the web. I wear white. This speaks for itself!)


This phenomenon, combined with a healthy dose of self-respect and moral integrity in myself – explains why since the lawsuit started, not only has the Claimant fared much worse, but their lawyers as well has experienced detriment, simply because they are not morally mature enough to be ethically and morally responsible.

5. There is a reason why I have this disclaimer on my website (which also serves as a defence in itself)

Important Respect/Abuse Disclaimer

Insulting or disrespecting those on the Master Path or behaving with ill-intent in their energy fields is extremely unwise and is likely to incur extreme karmic consequences which may manifest as sickness, heavy losses, insolvency, life misfortunes, etc

Trying to:- abuse, bully, cheat, defame, defraud, harass, insult, intimidate, interfere with or degrade/desecrate the work of, ‘poke fun at’, stalk, steal from or threaten spiritual teachers or Masters is thus not recommended!  

Those who act as such and ignore the above disclaimers are fully responsible for their conduct and any magnified healing crisis (karmic mirroring effect) and any and all resultant effects that may occur in their lives – either at the time or later – and most importantly – no legal claims for damages will be entertained in these instances.

Kind regards, Free Spirit

It is there to save unnecessary suffering and to act as a deterrent, because invariably those that act in bad faith toward a Spiritual Master always incur an extreme healing crisis which usually puts them ‘out of their depth’. Thus it is there from a place of benevolence.


6. In fact, opposing counsel must be dishonest and unethical by nature – to choose to take on a case for a US company with a documented history of scandal. That same counsel cannot tell the truth to the Court, because if they did – they would have had to have disclosed it. They have not and instead contend that every single person that has whistleblown are making it up and proceed to threaten me further to take down posts that I have not made.

The record shows that opposing counsel usually have to be told something 5 or 6 times before they understand.

I contend that the opposing counsel have not much more intelligence than a programmed automaton and certainly have no understanding at all of the moral and ethical matters in question..

Appendix F contains screenshots of questionable behaviour on the part of opposing counsel, including the use of unethical pressure and respect-less behaviour in order to force me to make notarized statements and admissions.

This kind of behaviour is very open to abuse and thus has taught me to respect myself and to manifest a proper respecting settlement. I am happy to operate in goodwill, but for that to happen – that goodwill must come from my free-will and not forced under threat. The latter is fundamentally immoral and wrong (whether by lawyers or otherwise).

It violates my most sacred values of truth and integrity. I cannot be forced to tell black lies for it offends my most sacred moral and ethical codes, refined over 20+ years. The truth is that I agreed to the settlement agreement from a place of goodwill (as well as under duress by opposing counsel).

As for the defamation case, the truth is that my allegations are all in fact true. Because of the cost of a legal defence and the extreme cost of proving the truth, I instead had no option but to admit I made it up. There was no other option and my intentions were pure.

If I could have settled for nothing I would have. When I started submitting notary statements, I became very sick and experienced an extreme financial contraction (loss of sales). This can be proven if requested. The Source (God) told me it was not allowed.

7. I then understood how lying to Pissed Consumer was a black lie (one that causes harm to self or others). The Source said I had to be reimbursed for my loss – upon which the lie would have become white. I say that because if the Claimant refunded just ONE customer for their loss, they will have learned the lesson. I then contend that lying to Pissed Consumer would be a white lie (one that does no harm) – simply because deactivating the material, even if it means telling a lie to take it down – would be the most appropriate action.

No-one would be harmed by the lie, and it would instead give the Client a second chance and have positive benefit (thereby being a white lie). If for the benefit of peace telling white lies is required, I am okay with that. I can live with it. It is a compromise. If I was to be totally rigid to Pure Truth, I would have to refuse to take anything down at all under any circumstances whatsoever. That option would give no chance for Power Places Tours to have a fresh start and thus such rigidness, although being the most truthful option, may not be the best in practice because there would be no hope of any redemption or forgiveness. Upon reimbursement of my loss (an unconditional goodwill one), my moral contentions about lying would be removed, simply because I would trust the intentions of the Claimant and would see the necessary respect. I would then be happy to lie, simply because I know there would be no danger of it happening to anyone else.

If a Spiritual Master is respected, it follows that all others would be to.

Of course, opposing counsel do not understand my high level of ethical and moral purity and thus twist my intentions around in bad faith in order to complicate matters and thus to rake in more fees.


8. Mr Parkes has also been noted to have used holidays and weekends as a tool to ensure a 48hr takedown of a post (as per the settlement agreement) is not possible. In one instance, he also submitted requests at 8pm on Christmas Eve, knowing that no site admin would be functioning at Christmas.  Of course, it is also totally respect-less to threaten someone with prison on Christmas Eve whilst delivering orders late (past the 96 hour deadline specified). I contend he waited on purpose to cause maximum distress and intimidation.

He also stated on December 24th 2015 by email:-

You are forbidden from publishing to any third party or in the public domain any statement about Mr and Mrs Weiss, Power Places Tours Inc, or its employees, servants, agents and subcontractors.  For the avoidance of doubt, that includes Mr Braden.  It also includes me, David Hirst, Mr Hirst’s chambers (5RB), and my firm (Harcus Sinclair).

It is inferred that statement was sent to me to try and prevent me contacting the Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority about my concerns so that both could be formally investigated for ethical wrongdoing. In any case Master Mccloud has stated that permission appears not to be required and thus I have the green light to make those complaints.

Dear Free Spirit

In fact there is no legal requirement for permission from any court for the steps you refer to, and the RCJ courts are unconnected with those two professional bodies, so I need say no more about that I think.


Master Victoria McCloud

Room E117 Queen's Bench Division, Royal Courts of Justice, London WC2A 2LL


9. Again, this litigation is open to serious abuse. I may be on retreat for some time. I cannot spend the rest of my life bound to taking things down within 48 hours. I am able to honour the spirit of the agreement if I am respected, but there must be some flexibility so that I can do the best that I can.

There is evidence to show that the Claimant threatened further litigation against Jeanette Maw (another customer abused and SLAPPed by Power Places Tours – see Appendix H) in the US for not being able to remove a post that said nothing other than http://goodvibe/deleted and had no reference to the Claimant in any way. The Claimant attempted to enlist hackers to take down her blogs. (Appendix J)

I would ask the Court to order Jeanette Maw to release the documents she has because she has evidence that Power Places Tours claimed for US $700,000 of losses (and settled that claim).

It would be most unethical for Power Places Tours to conduct ‘jurisdictional shopping’ in order to extract (and even extort) as much money as possible from cheated clientele.

They are not interested in clearing their name, for business logic would have led them to refund me three years ago. They are only interested in abusing as many people as they can and employing lawyers to do likewise.

I would go as far as to say their actions are based on pure immoral hatred and evil – one of the worst parasitical forms of evil I have ever witnessed personally.

10. The evidence in Appendix D for abused customers having experienced losses is very significant and debunks the claim that Power Places Tours have experienced very few complaints.

Appendix H shows that the Claimant had a reputation for dishonesty long before I came along. This shows that the Claimants are abusive in their litigation and seek to punish whistleblowers by being as difficult, merciless and as ruthless as possible using SLAPP like techniques which are offensive to the moral fibre of society and are inherent designed to suppress Truth.

strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is alawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. The typical SLAPP plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit.

Strategic lawsuit against public participation - Wikipedia, the ...



 In light of those concerns, I insisted on being properly respected first to prevent similar abuse which Mr Parkes appears to have no qualms about carrying out. Had I have complied with the agreement, there would have been no way of knowing whether it would be the end of the matter.

Hence I withdrew my co-operation in light of the abuse and disrespect shown to myself as well as due to the fact that I was not prepared to violate my sacred moral codes (ie yield to bullying).

11. I contend that Harcus Sinclairs ‘incisive style’ - as documented on the web:-



The Firm | Harcus Sinclair


Harcus Sinclair is a young, thriving practice well known for its enthusiastic and incisive style.


Goes far beyond fairness and their form of incisiveness involves abuse, insulting defendants, profiting from the suffering and vexation of people of good integrity, threatening people to lie under duress, threatening to disrupt work and livelihood or to cause insolvency, presenting vexatious cases to Court, ill-intent, deception, trickery and a whole host of other SLAPP-like tactics which offend the sense of moral justice in human society.

Its duty to Truth and Integrity (to society, to Court and to all it deals with) appears to be a very low priority - if in fact Harcus Sinclair even know what truth and integrity actually is.

Such attitude and conduct does not promote peace or forgiveness and as a Spiritual Master cannot offer peace and goodwill on those terms. My ethical values will not allow me to.

I did in fact make further posts as a result of feeling threatened and cornered. I have apologized to the Court for that (Appendix K) and will honour the orders to the best of my ability. I would not ordinarily breach an Order, unless I felt there was a very pressing moral need to do so and by doing so it would alleviate suffering. My intention is to respect Court to the best of my ability.

Any breaches should be seen in the context of trying to create permanent conditions for peace, to minimize further suffering to the Weiss’s (because they have invoked an energy of truth that is to strong) and to free myself from obnoxious energies that are in the way of peace.

There is much evidence of my goodwill (Appendix G)




The Tour


12.In this regard - in late 2011 I was invited by a sales representative by telephone named Richard Rodgers (who is averred to be a self-employed contractor for Power Places Tours) whilst residing in the US – to attend the Maya 2012 Conference and to speak from Source. There can be no dispute about this, as during 2012 when my presentation details were emailed to the Claimants – I explained that I would speak from Source and this was not questioned or challenged at that time. Richard Rodgers was responsible for my registration onto the aforementioned Tour – an individual who later ‘blew the whistle’ on bad ethics and questionable integrity at Power Places Tours, along with numerous others. I agreed to attend the tour and later added my wife (The Second Defendant) and paid US $7,392 to the claimant.



Serious Concerns with Regard to Ethics of Claimant’s Sales Rep


17. In May and June 2012 there were several emails sent to Power Places Tours about the matter to which they did not respond until October 2012 (which contradicts their statement in the BBB report that they responded to the concerns right away and which supports my claim that Power Places Tours are liars).


18. In October 2012 via telephone – Richard Rodgers - in each instance when he was asked to act to remove Patricia for unethical behaviour (a reasonable request given her unethical and morally dubious character) – he simply stated that I was a big baby, was going to learn a spiritual lesson and had to ‘watch what I said at the conference’ to avoid being ejected (and forfeiting the monies paid of US $7,392).  The truth is the Claimants were motivated by greed to retain Patricia as they hoped she would bring in more clients – a decision that proved to be extremely detrimental.

19. He said the content of my book was not suitable and I was not allowed to speak about any ethical concerns – to do so would result in immediate ejection from the tour by security – an unlawful suppression of the right to freedom of expression. He said if I did not keep quiet I could expect to lose the money and learn some big life lessons, he then went on to insult my present wife Alexandra before his voice trailed away.


21. This dispute happened in October 2012 – at the same time I discovered there WERE ethical concerns elsewhere with an individual named Jeanette Maw (see below):-


--------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Richard Rodgers

Date: Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 7:05 AM

Subject: Re: Power Places Tours Ongoing

To: Jeannette Maw



Thanks for sending me this update. I checked your site again only yesterday to see if there was any news.


As shocking as this turn of events is, I cannot say that I am surprised. In fact, I will admit to doing some work for them, so I am in a strange position. I must say that the details of this incident, and the handling thereof give me pause and cause me to reconsider my limited association with PPT.


 I have travelled with them four times, and have seen some behind the scenes scenarios that make me question the integrity of working for them at all in any context. I am not currently in a position to slip you any gory details, but let's just say that some aspects of "New Age" business are just as questionable as mainstream, if not heavier on the snake oil.


Sorry to hear about how this all turned out, and I tip my hat to your example of honesty and tenacity. If I can see any good coming from giving you more details, I will let you know. I am not in a position to be taken to court and fined these days, but at least I can choose who I associate with. I'm on your side....



22. Again, when challenged – Richard Rodgers would continue to ‘babble away’ about how we were big babies and were going to be taught life lessons by Power Places Tours – and that if we did not drop our concerns we would lose the money in question (US $7,392) see Appendix L for receipts.

23. In any case, there were serious safety concerns raised by the Second Defandant, to which the Claimants would not answer to by email upon request.

The Second Defendant has the right to freedom of expression (by writing a review – for that is what reviews are for – honest feedback) and thus her name should be dropped from this lawsuit, for she has not published anything within the one year statute of limitation. Her concerns were just, true and based on honest opinion – and thus claims 27.1 and 30.1 in the Defamation Claim are dealt with.

Theresa Weiss – in both of our opinion – and based on the truth – ARE rude with their attitude toward complaints – and are rude toward other customers as well (as an employee stated in Jan 2016 – the 6th one to raise concerns! – see Appendix D)

24. We withdrew ourselves out of self-respect from the Tour based on the appalling, rude, respectless and intimidatory (bullying behaviour) of the Claimant Theresa Weiss and her sales rep Richard Rodgers – and insisted on a full refund as no right minded person would accept restrictions on speech and being threatened with lawsuits, abandonment in a foreign country, etc..



Abuse of Process Defences


25.It is common for Power Places Tours to add non-relevant family members to lawsuits in order to further vexate, harass, bully, intimidate, etc and this is in itself an Abuse of Process.

In the case of Jeanette Maw, the Claimants sued her aunt – with the sole intention to empty out her bank account (US $30,000) to fund a vexatious legal case.

Should this go to trial, I would ask the Court that Jeanette Maw and her aunt are called to the dock as witnesses to confirm my claims of abuse of process), for the real reason the dispute was settled was because there was no other financial option for Jeanette Maw and her aunt.

Thus is point 34.5 of the defamation claim – David Hirst’s statement is untrue (resolved without significant dispute) – because in fact what happened was that Jeanette Maw and her aunt were ‘bullied into settling’.

26.In my understanding of the legal process – the purpose of litigation is to seek resolution to legal issues and to claim monetary damages. However, there are several serious concerns with this case that bring up the matter of Abuse of Process.


27. As per Wikipedia:- Typically, the person who abuses process is interested only in accomplishing some improper purpose that is collateral to the proper object of the process and that offends justice, such as an unjustified arrest or an unfounded criminal prosecution (see David Hirsts letters Appendix F – relevant parts highlighted). Subpoenas to testify, attachments of property, executions on property, garnishments, and other provisional remedies are among the types of "process" considered to be capable of abuse.

I have been threatened with many of the above.

28.The Claimant is clearly using this legal process for the aforementioned reasons– as mentioned by David Hirst in the Pre Action Protocol (freezing orders, garnishments, etc). It is also a SLAPP lawsuit intended to silence criticism. It is averred that Gregg Braden (the world famous speaker) is a proxy to this Claim. He has not claimed for defamation himself, simply because there is no case as my statements about him are clearly public interest issues.

Instead, Power Places Tours are suing ‘on his behalf’ in an attempt to silence this scandal. A SLAPP lawsuit is intended to cripple the defendants financially in order to make them abandon their criticism – and this is the main purpose of this case – namely to shut me up about ethical concerns about the Claimants.


29.There is no logical reason for this to go to trial, given that the costs would be extreme for both sides and my proposed solutions are cheaper (on many occasions as little as GBP 7,500) – and restores reputation much faster.

To quote Julia Varley of David Price Solicitors of 21 Fleet St, London - specialists in defamation, privacy and freedom of expression:-




30. Given that the costs to both sides are extreme and that I cannot afford such expert representation and the UK government does not provide Legal Aid for these kinds of cases, there is no chance I would receive a fair trial in this matter for the cost of bringing witnesses from all over the world would be extreme. Thus if there was a trial, it would be fair to say that the basic rights to freedom of expression would be violated and the Court would lend support to world famous individuals suppressing speech about ethical concerns through abusive and vexatious lawsuits – and thus the balance of power is already skewed in favour of those who can spend vast sums of money on such cases.

In addition, claimants have easy access to no win – no fee arrangements – defendants do not, and thus the balance of justice is unfair at the outset.

31. Abuse is supported by the fact that I was prepared to settle for GBP 10,000 for my documented losses in the Pre-Action Protocol and the Claimant offered that sum if I were to retract the material. However, the claimant was not willing to pay even 50% of the sum up front as an act of goodwill – and instead is prepared to spend GBP 200,000 on a trial. In my opinion – this equates to malice and abuse of the Court system – with the sole intention to take as much money as possible from us – a behaviour characteristic of the Claimants elsewhere – with others claiming extortion on the part of the Claimants. Such material was never published as it contained references to the personal life of Theresa Weiss and her maid (who claims serious abuse) and is thus not public interest.

Given the amount claimed (GBP 10-50K as per the defamation claim form) is much less than the averred cost of a trial – and that I would have settled for 5% – that in itself is a waste of resource and an abuse of the justice system.

32. The Claimant has a documented history of taking money from customers through questionable or unethical means and then seeks to take more via legal cases. This is akin to the most severe form of energy abuse and is nothing short of ‘energy rape’ and serious ‘financial misconduct’ in the eyes of many right minded individuals and I am sure a judge and jury would agree.

33. The Claimant regularly sues people (after taking their money) and adds family members with the sole intention to vexate, cause losses and to cause severe distress. The Court should not support this conduct and thus the Court is asked to dismiss this case and instead to order the Claimant to accept the very reasonable offer on the table (my losses paid for an unconditional retraction of all material, along with unconditional compliance with take down requests on third party sites).

A letter containing this offer (Appendix G) was ignored as have similar offers of goodwill.

33. To support my defence of Abuse of Process – the Claimants offer no explanation as to why they have waited 30 months to file this case, given that I published reviews and blogs in January 2013 – it is now August 2015.  Thus the delay allowed the further dissemination of material by third party sites (ie they copied and pasted from my sites). Had the Claimants sued at the outset, the matter could have been resolved over 2 years ago. Thus the Claimants failure to act sooner does account for much of her loss. The only logical explanation for the delay is that the Claimant had to get her other critics into confidentiality agreements in order to prevent vital witnesses being called forward. In any case, should this go to trial – I would ask that Jeanette Maw and her aunt is permitted to testify without prejudice to the confidentiality agreement in place for the following reason:-



35. In addition, Mr David Hirst of 5RB printed blatant lies in his letter of claim without checking to see if the facts were true, stating that:-

My clients have received information from a business in Germany and one in England which have corroborated their experiences of dealing with you, namely that after you have consumed a particular service your modus operandi is to demand reimbursement or more in exchange for deactivating one or more wholly fabricated prominent online publications targeted at causing

His statement is clearly false, as shown below in an extract of a letter from the English business in question that supports the falsity of Mr Hirsts allegations.




35. The business (run by the Triratna Buddhist Community) instead as a result of our differences being resolved (privately) - released the documents in Appendix A to help me with the case after I made a Subject Access Request - their statements cite me as a man of integrity.

36. Mr David Hirst’s own conduct was merciless, disgusting degrading and oppressive, showing a total disrespect for myself, the spirit of negotiation, my time (intentionally disrupting a private spiritual retreat) whilst making numerous threats of criminal proceedings – considered unethical elsewhere in the US (see below) – resulting in me filing a complaint with the UK Bar Standards Board:-


I. The history of the prohibition against threats of criminal prosecution DR 7-105(a) of the ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility prohibited threats of criminal prosecution in order to gain an advantage in a civil matter, stating:


(A) A lawyer shall not present, participate in presenting, or threaten to present criminal charges solely to obtain an advantage in a civil matter. Ethical Consideration 7-21 of the Model Code stated as follows: The civil adjudicative process is primarily designed for the settlement of disputes between parties, while the criminal process is designed for the protection of society as a whole. Threatening to use, or using, the criminal process to coerce adjustment of private civil claims or controversies is a subversion of that process; further, the person against whom the criminal process is so misused may be deterred from asserting his legal rights and thus the usefulness of the civil process in settling private disputes is impaired. As in all cases of abuse of judicial process, the improper use of criminal process tends to diminish public confidence in our legal system.




37. It is unclear what the rules are in the UK. In any case, his degrading and abusive attitude was not in the spirit of negotiation and thus resolution was impossible as I would not naturally yield to threats out of self-respect.

Threats and peace-making do not mix. Thus I request the Court to order that negotiations recommence with a more decent and respecting individual in which the finer details can be worked out and whilst the Bar Standards Board investigate my concerns about Mr David Hirst and to clarify the UK standard of ethics.

The above should serve as sufficient evidence to request a strike out for abuse of process – or an order made by the Court to accept my terms.


Claimants Responsible for their own losses


12      In this section I will present sound arguments for why the losses claimed for are ultimately the fault of the Claimants. First and foremost – dishonesty always causes loss. Anyone that reflects back – or points out - that dishonesty is only a mirror and not the cause of the problem. As per my blog about Truth and Integrity:-


The worst enemies of spiritual enlightenment are lying and cheating – both of which will cost you in energy terms many more times the cost of playing fair and true.


This in itself goes a long way to explaining the true cause of the Claimants losses.


13      The Claimants abuse their customers and take their money through deceptive means – thus such conduct in itself is likely to cause a drop in business, simply because people find out about it and are put off. This is self-evident given that employees of Power Places Tours have confirmed this is the case:-







14      Note that Ramona’s commentary is dated March 2012 and I published my first publication about the Claimant in December 2012. Thus it is clear the Claimants already had an integrity issue and a damaged reputation – long before my issues came to light.


15      Thus the Claimant is incapable of further defamation–e.g., the claimant's position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. This is coupled with the 30 month delay in taking Court action with regard to myself.


16      Dirty Hands Defence  The unclean hands doctrine is an equitable defense that allows a defendant to defeat the plaintiff’s claim against them.   Under the unclean hands defense, the defendant would argue that the plaintiff is not entitled to relief because they have committed some sort of wrongdoing or are themselves liable for an offense. In other words, the plaintiff cannot obtain a remedy because their hands are “unclean”. The doctrine is also known as the “clean hands doctrine” or the “dirty hands doctrine”.   The unclean hands defense is only available in claims involving equitable forms of relief. These are forms of relief that involve the court ordering the defendant to perform some sort of action. Some examples of equitable remedies are injunctions and specific performance. The unclean hands argument is not available in cases resulting in legal damages (i.e., not available in claims for monetary awards).   Also, unclean hands is a form of “affirmative defense”. This means that the defendant alleges that the plaintiff has done something which disqualifies them from obtaining relief.


17      To expand upon 32 – it is attested that the conduct of the Claimant is so unethical and questionable that they are not entitled to damages in this matter. Their own unethical behaviour is the root cause of the problem – as opposed to those who are talking/disclosing. Unethical parties should not be allowed relief and should not be allowed to be granted injunctions. An injunction would be a serious abuse of the Human Rights Act with regard to Freedom of Expression and thus the Court should not grant the injunctions asked for.


18      In any case, a signed undertaking by both defendants never to publish anything again is attached at the end – offered in the spirit of goodwill and forgiveness – and the disputed material has been retracted/removed as much as possible. Updated E-Books have been sent to the Claimant so they can see all details about them have been excised, and Edward Parkes of Harcus Sinclair has been invited to work with me to formulate wording to get the rest of the material removed – again in the spirit of forgiveness.


19      The Claimants are unequivocally unethical. Others agree as evidenced here:-
















And !








And finally:-




20      Note that all of these inferences of unethical behaviour were made in 2012, long before I published anything. Thus the Claimant already had a reputation for being unethical, bullying, abusing its customers, taking money via deception and the like – and it was inevitable that by asking a representative of Source who is a strong advocate of integrity (me) to the Tour was going to highlight these issues further.


21      In addition – the Claimants asked for Transformation at Source – inferred by the title of the event and by their act of inviting me into the energy fields to speak. Thus on a deeper level, they asked for a lesson in integrity and invoked powerful supernatural forces into their lives without a sufficient awareness or understanding of what invoking Source entailed. Further to my defence and justification in this matter – the Claimants were pre-warned in early 2012 about karma and instead continued with their unethical agendas. As a representative of Source – I am duty bound to honour that otherwise I will not be in Truth to myself. Source does not concern itself with the inconvenience of the Truth.


22      In addition, I paid to speak at the conference. In that vein, as I was prevented from attending (because of the conduct of the claimants) I was entitled (freedom of expression) to give my talk in a different location (You Tube). In addition again, if one is going to try and make someone be quiet about wrongdoing – of course any self-respecting person will talk.


23      The claimant offers less tours compared to three years ago as is evident on their website. Theresa Weiss is also ill, something testified to by others – and thus her own failing health is also partly attributable to her losses. The Claimant also has no customer service pages, does not answer emails and there is evidence that interested customers do not always get responses – and thus there is a lack of care shown toward her business, which in today’s climate is not so conducive.


24      The Claimant claims that the business relationship with Gregg Braden has been totally destroyed by my actions. It is noted however that he himself decided to participate in less tours. With their main figurehead choosing to speak elsewhere – naturally a drop of income can be expected. There is no evidence presented by the Claimants to show that Gregg Braden has ended the relationship with them because of my actions.



Moral Justifications


25      As a Spiritual Teacher I am obligated to do a) what is in the greater good of all and b) to speak out against wrongdoing to avoid sentient beings being cheated, stolen from, threatened with lawsuits, etc. To be quiet is not optional. As a Master of the Path and as an instrument of Source – there is an Absolute Privilege in that I am the authority on Source and am entitled to the final say. It is not possible for someone to question the Will of Source if they cannot understand what Source is or comprehend the level of ethical purity it represents. Thus in matters of Source – I am the authority and claim Absolute Privilege for the making of the disclosures about the conduct of the claimants.


As a Spiritual Teacher I am entitled to give these lessons (especially as they have been invited) and am entitled to free speech about the matter. In a civilized society – someone has to intervene in the case of systemic institutional abuse by unethical companies, and as a Master of the Spiritual Path and as a representative of Source – that moral duty falls to me.


The duty is unpleasant, fraught with danger and risk (threats/stalking/invasion of privacy, etc) and costs me a massive amount of energy.


In that regard, a full bill for this service is attached in Annex B.


I – and Source – would consider it extremely dishonourable to not pay for the lessons invited and in any case Transformation at the Source can only be fully achieved if Source is respected – which in reality means that I suffer no detriment of any kind in this matter.


So one of the questions for the Court and jury to address is whether I have a legal right to charge for spiritual consultation given the circumstances.


26      As per:-  Qualified privilege is relevant here – notably the last statement:





27      It is my opinion as a Spiritual Master that unethical operators taking people to sacred sites has the potential to do people extreme metaphysical damage that can include possessions, lower astral interferences, sickness and other misfortunes. My intention in blowing the whistle was to make public interest disclosures so that spiritual seekers could avoid this risk/danger. To remain quiet would be morally, socially and spiritually irresponsible. Given that the Claimants were not interested in cleaning up their act – it was reasonable for me to make publications that could be viewed by many – as an effective way of preventing that harm AND to prevent other people being subjected to losses, unpleasantness, cheating, deception, speech suppression, etc. It was justified to make many publications in order to issue an effective warning to the greatest number of people (ie acting for the greater good). In addition, several distressed individuals made themselves known to me, explaining how they had lost money (which disputes the Claimants claim that there are no other customer service issues). There is also a witness to a female traveller being harassed by Gregg Braden on a tour whilst inebriated, subjected to sexual harassment and then being forced to leave the tour early (and threatened with a lawsuit to remain quiet about it). Other travellers were concerned that the tour guides working for the Claimants were seen using cocaine – and under its influence - whilst supposedly being responsible for the safety of international travellers.


Thus there are far more unhappy customers than Power Places Tours care to admit – to quote Tammy Smith – ‘but so many were displeased with the service’:-




28      Standing up to bullies. It is clear that Power Places Tours are bullies and thus any self-respecting individual has a responsibility to defend themselves against such bullying by reasonable means. Thus it is clearly self-defence to speak up against bullying (which includes theft of monies) – and again – the Claimant is the cause of her own losses because of her pattern of bullying. I must also respect my own integrity and my own energy field – and thus insist that such behaviour is not acceptable, and utilize fair means of repairing the damage to my own energy field and returning unethical energy back to where it came (the claimants)


29      Response to an attack. In the BBB complaint the Claimants accused myself of blackmail, having a lack of integrity and also told numerous lies. Thus I am entitled to respond to this by presenting my version of events online – given that this complaint could be published. The response to an attack – as I understand – is immune from suit.


Harassment Defences


30      There has never been any intention to harass or extort. It was always made clear that any monies paid to me would be in the context of a settlement, thus the intention for publishing along with the moral justifications was to bring the other party to the negotiation table to resolve this outstanding matter.  It was also made clear that any take downs was free and the money was specifically for lost time, energy, income, exposure, etc – and that coming to an amicable arrangement with regard to my losses would mean that the lesson has been learned and thus I could as a separate act of goodwill, deactivate the material. It should be noted that no-one can pay me to be quiet as such, but I can be quiet IF I am convinced the lesson in hand has been learned by the Claimants and that customers are no longer in danger of being subjected to serious forms of bullying and financial abuse.


Others have also published much about the business as well – and free speech / freedom of expression / exposing rip offs is not harassment. Any alarm – as explained privately to the Claimants – is the result of a karmic healing crisis instigated by the unethical traits of the Claimants. In addition, over the 2.5 years of whistleblowing, none of the Claimants asked me to stop – had they have done and raised concerns – we could have begun talking to resolve the dispute much sooner.


31      Extortion is denied for the reason mentioned in 47, as well as the fact I am entitled to money from the claimant (set off). The Claimant behaved so unethically that it was impossible to attend the Tour and thus any right minded person would expect a refund. In addition, there are damages for distress (my wife being insulted and threatened with a lawsuit prior to a honeymoon trip), the distress of a vexatious lawsuit, along with my costs in time and energy which do equate to a significant amount of money. Speaking up for a refund is also legally permissible when the circumstance warrants it.


Set Offs


32      I also charge for spiritual consultation. Given the conduct of the claimant has entered my energy field – it takes time and spiritual energy to clear up this intrusion of unethical energy. My coaching fees are clearly stated on my website as being GBP 5,000 per month and I would also be entitled to raise a bill for GBP 20,000 for my defence costs as I have had to take a lot of time away from teaching and there is a documented loss of income in my own business amounting to well over GBP 10,000 this year alone simply because of the energy required to defend and resolve this matter.  Annex B contains a bill for my expertise and for the cost of setting the record straight and should be set off against any potential claim which invariably will render the Claimants  significantly indebted to me.


As per 16.6 of the civil rules;-


16.6  Where a defendant –


(a) contends he is entitled to money from the claimant; and

(b) relies on this as a defence to the whole or part of the claim,

the contention may be included in the defence and set off against the claim, whether or not it is also a Part 20 claim.


I contend that I am entitled to significant damages for not being able to present (loss of income/loss of exposure has been estimated at a conservative US $100,000) given that Power Places Tours claimed phenomenal exposure in the sales talk. There is also the cost of my time and energy, damages for being subjected to bullying by a travel company blessed by a world famous speaker, the cost of spiritual consultation (the claimants are getting a spiritual lesson and I have no choice but to give it in the circumstances) and loss of income in the present.


In addition, I have been told to never ever be found as Power Places Tours could use any means of reprisal including violence. Thus there is the added cost of having to remain in private for life, as there is just cause for believing that Power Places Tours would incite a violent attack, or incite proxies to do likewise. That in itself demands compensation,


When I check in with Source (my Source of guidance) – GBP 100,000 is not an unjust figure. Thus the Claimant expects a max of GBP 50k (as per the claim form) – I have made a loss equating to GBP 100,000 in money terms – thus the two amounts set off would mean that the Claimant owes me money and not the other way round. This matter has been raised in negotiations and thus my GBP 7,500 compensation request is extremely generous. It was explained to Mr Parkes that should he not accept this offer, I would have to add on the cost for preparing a defence when we go back to the negotiation table and I would then seek GBP 100,000 in consultation fees – for which a formal bill is attached to show that I am entitled to money from the claimant – which I was prepared to waive in return for a dropping of the case (saving me time and energy).


With this bill in mind – the monetary claims of the client are negated – the claimants would owe me GBP 50,000 (if in the unlikely event all claims are proven) and I am liable for nothing.


In my opinion, the claimants are in great debt to me for violating the sanctity of a representative of Source – an act of extreme karmic weightiness and must pay the full cost of the damage done to an instrument of Source. (ANNEX B)


If they choose not to, then the lessons will repeat and the Claimants will continue to experience heavy losses in other situations not connected with me – as well as incurring themselves heavy karma simply because of the unwillingness to respect Source.


Court Jurisdiction Issues


33      It was contractually agreed between the Claimants and Defendants that the venue for legal action would be in Colorado Springs as per the contracts presented to BBB. This in itself is just cause for disputing the choice of London in which to hear this case.


34      In addition, given that the UK legal system does not offer legal aid, the Court should not sanction the hearing of a trial where it is impossible for me to get proper representation. As I would invariably be disadvantaged and both the Claimants and Gregg Braden (both wealthy individuals/businesses) are outside of the UK – it is requested that the Court either throw out the case or order an informal settlement to be agreed upon. As stated earlier, this is clearly a SLAPP case against individuals by wealthy individuals/businesses and thus the Court should not entertain such a case in line with public opinion that London is a town named sue for foreign ligitants. To allow this case to be heard would be to waste the Courts time.



Claimants Claim for Costs


35      Is disputed and rejected on the grounds mentioned in the Abuse of Process and the Claimants caused their own losses section. If the Claimant wants to waste vast sums of money on a legal case when the material has already been retracted, then they should foot the bill. In addition – at this time we live on modest means (yearly income after business expenses as per tax filings is under GBP 10,000 per annum). Thus there is no extra money at this time for either of us to pay costs – or damages. In my opinion, Edward Parkes encouraged legal representation so that an ATE insurance could be created that would then pay his clients costs. Such an insurance is not in place and thus there is no means to pay any damages or costs anyway, thus this whole case is a waste of effort – given that we have no assets or balances of any value and none have been disposed of. I swear under oath that as of August 2015, that this is true.


I also request to the Court that as a self-represented ligitant I am permitted to claim MY costs (comparible to what I would pay hiring lawyers) – ie the cost of filing a defence is GBP 20,000.


Marc Gruninger (Germany)


36      The claim mentions Marc Gruninger and that I made a website about his business. Indeed I did, but only as a response to a vicious attack on my own business and when he uploaded a You Tube Video insulting my wife, calling her sick and twisted – and only after he defamed us on the Hotel Business Page in front of others, insulting us, defaming us and threatening AND only AFTER he filed a rip off report calling us delusional liars, crooks, criminals, etc.. Hence in this matter a response to an attack is immune from suit and in any case the matter with him and his business has been resolved amicably, in the spirit of forgiveness and in private (the website is now down after coming to a private agreement with Mr Gruninger) – something which I have encouraged Theresa Weiss to do.


37      Marc Gruninger is a friend of Power Places Tours, for which there is much evidence – and as with Patricia – again is of ethically dubious character with a documented history of abusive behaviour. There is also good reason to believe that the Claimants enlisted the help of Marc Gruninger to spy and stalk – Marc Gruninger was later discovered conducting undercover surveillance with the blessing of Power Places Tours. Power Places Tours also encouraged Marc Gruninger to write a rip off report about my own business. There is also evidence that the Claimant and Marc Gruninger have been monitoring me on the internet (stalking/spying/snooping) using sophisticated tracking software that tracks every page visited - and sharing their findings with one another.


Patricia is also involved as well – pointing to a group of unhappy, unethical and abusive people attempting to interfere with my work – karmically a very serious act that is apt to cause suffering.


‘Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind If one speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows even as the cartwheel follows the hoof of the ox.


Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows like a shadow that never departs’.

The Dhammapada, 1.1 - 1.2


Again, this just shows the Claimants and her morally dubious associates are ultimately metaphysically responsible for their own suffering, losses and damage to reputation. As they clearly do not have the moral high ground, they should be prevented from seeking justice as per the ‘dirty hands’ defense which states;-


Clean hands, sometimes called the clean hands doctrine or the dirty hands doctrine,[1] is an equitable defense in which the defendant argues that the plaintiff is not entitled to obtain an equitable remedy because the plaintiff is acting unethically or has acted in bad faith with respect to the subject of the complaint—that is, with "unclean hands".[2] The defendant has the burden of proof to show the plaintiff is not acting in good faith. The doctrine is often stated as "those seeking equity must do equity" or "equity must come with clean hands". This is a matter of protocol, characterised by A. P. Herbert in Uncommon Law by his fictional Judge Mildew saying (as Herbert says, "less elegantly"), "A dirty dog will not have justice by the court".[3]   Source   Wikipedia


It is obvious that the Claimants are simply ‘screwing around with the good guys’ – using the legal system to abuse them. It is attested that any right minded jury member would agree.


ICANN Dispute


38      On the 18th May 2015 it is stated by Mark McMormick – Panelist at Forum who oversee domain disputes that:-


Respondent has used the disputed domain names in bad faith. Respondent has attempted to sell Complainant the disputed domain names for $30,000.00, evincing bad faith per Policy ¶ 4(b)(i).


However, this is a blatant distortion of the truth, something which the Panel were not prepared to correct – despite being presented with unequivocal evidence that the suggested US $30,000 settlement made per email to the Claimants in 2013 preceded the registration of the domains in 2015.


Thus that statement has no basis in fact or truth – and in addition, Panelist often decide what they like, with no recourse when there are serious and obvious errors in their findings.


Thus the ICANN finding of bad faith should be dismissed based on serious factual oversights on the part of the Panelist.



Response to Individual Allegations


39      In response to the allegation 25.1.


The First Claimant defrauds, cheats and steels money from people and is a dishonest business run as a criminal enterprise which raises scandalous ethical concerns and should be left well alone by any discerning person.


The defense of truth, honest opinion and fair comment applies. The claimants are clearly dishonest, defrauding people with hidden surcharges as already shown by the statements made by employees/contractors of Power Places Tours. In addition, Judge Daniel Winograd – in the case of Jeanette Maw, ordered Power Places Tours to refund her money.








Power Places tours did not refund the money. Allegation 25.1 is true or substantially true and it is fair comment/honest opinion given their reputation as being unethical that discerning people should leave them well alone.


40      In response to allegation 26.1


The First Claimant threatens to harm and harasses its customers, including with threats of violence and vexatious lawsuits;


It does indeed threaten vexatious lawsuits – SLAPP like lawsuits designed to punish those who stand up for themselves. Any right minded person and jury would agree (thus honest opinion/fair comment/truth).


It does indeed threaten to harm its customers namely through energetic abuse, fraudulent surcharges and general rudeness. Anything that disrespects the sanctity and energetic integrity of another being is harm (again fair comment/truth)


Threats of violence. I have received warnings in the past never to be found because any measures could be used to silence me. (honest opinion/fair comment)


41      In response to allegation 27.1.


The First Claimant does not protect the safety or wellbeing of travelers who book to travel with them, particularly female travellers;


A female traveller (who also had a complaint with Power Places Tours) witnessed another female traveller being harassed inappropriately by Gregg Braden and as I understand it – Power Places Tours ignored the concern. In addition, the Second Defendant raised serious safety concerns and instead threatened her with a lawsuit and ignored the concerns (fair comment/honest opinion)


42      In response to allegation 27.2


The First Claimant abandons travellers in foreign countries without tickets or any reimbursement;


It is denied this is defamatory and indeed the meaning has been distorted. I explained that those with ethical concerns or those who speak up can expect to be abandoned. Theresa Weiss threatened the First Defendant on the telephone with such a scenario and indeed another traveller mentioned a similar concern.



 This is part of their way of intimidating people and thus this allegation I claim the defense of fair comment/honest opinion.


43      In response to allegation 29.1


The First and Second Claimant associates with fraudsters and employs computer hackers


Indeed claimants 1 and 2 do associate with fraudsters (see my paragraphs 6 and 8). There is a clear association between Theresa Weiss and Patricia – as evidenced in my ICANN defence. There is a clear undisputed relationship based on bad faith (namely to spy, stalk, and make false allegations of harassment).


Patricia also chose not to defend herself in the Nevada Court with regard to allegations of insurance fraud and check forgery despite having been served personally with the allegations as per the rules of service in Nevada – and the judge gave me what I asked for (an annulment) based on those allegations made – accepting my contentions that she was a fraudster and morally questionable in nature.


Defence of Truth


Hacking. Jeanette Maw forwarded me this information on 18.12.2013 as per email.


Hi  Jeannette,


I just want you to know that VORTEX is so full of it (BS) that they approached me via Sam Donaldson asking me if I could hack and close the following pages:



Do the math!




Don't give up!



_Daniel Joel Pinto  (Facebook)


On Sep 18, 2012:


It means that they are a sack of lowlifes trying to bluff you, and since you are exposing the truth, they are doing all they can to silence you.





On Sep 19, 2012:

Ok, let me  explain;


I live in the Virgin Islands, I'm known for my computer related abilities (hacking being one of them).

About a month ago an idiot bought a sailboat and on his first day out he landed on the rocks, I helped him get the boat back off. That is how I meet Benno (real name Sam Donaldson).


A few days later he approached me and asked if I knew how to hack a website, I asked him why. He told me he had some friends that owned a travel agency and that a dissatisfied client was doing all she could to destroy them, and they were looking for a hacker who could close her down.


Out of curiosity I asked him for the URL to the website, he gave me these:


At the time the content described how a travel agency was refusing to refund even half of the deposit to a client who had changed her mind and no longer wanted to go on said trip.

As a consequence of her posting the story she was threatened with a lawsuit.


After having canvaced the pages I sided with her and I desided to let her know that they wanted her pages shut down.


I was under the impression that this was your story, and I wanted you to know how low these guys were willing to go in an atempt to prevent others from hearing your story...


My statement they employ / enlist hackers (or at least attempt to) is honest opinion


44      In response to allegation 30.1



The First and Second Claimants rudely disregarded legitimate concerns for the safety and wellbeing of a female traveller who had booked on a tour, siding instead with the supernatural and criminal interests of a third party.


It has already been shown that the third party Patricia has been involved in criminal activities. When the Second Defendant raised legitimate concerns, the First and Second Claimants were rude, insulting and threatened lawsuits. Indeed the First and Second Claimants did indeed take the side of an unethical, morally dubious third party involved in forgery, 401k fraud, etc.. 


In addition, many people have said that the First and Second Claimants have a bad attitude toward their customers (bad attitude/poor treatment = rudeness)


The defense of honest opinion is claimed here.


45      In response to allegation 31.1


The First Claimant is guilty of serious ethical wrongdoing in the form of its employees making material misrepresentations to the company's customers, and relying on contracts which are legally questionable and include hidden additional charges


Indeed the First Claimant makes serious misrepresentations to its customers in order to sell tours. Richard Rodgers hyped the size of the tour and lied about the number of workshops I could do as well as attesting to aspects of the New Age business being heavier on the snake oil – he is quoted here:-


I am not currently in a position to slip you any gory details, but let's just say that some aspects of "New Age" business are just as questionable as mainstream, if not heavier on the snake oil.


In addition, they do not tell their customers about hidden surcharges with Judge Daniel Winograd finding that the contracts were legally questionable and dangerously deceptive. They also claim high airline surcharges which an employee of Power Places Tours explains as not being true.




In response to allegation 31.1 I claim the defense of fair comment/honest opinion, supported by the testimonies of others. See also Defence Section 31 showing that indeed the claimants do misrepresent fuel charges, and employees have clearly stated in public that this IS the case.


46      In response to allegation 32.1 I claim this is not defamatory as indeed it can be averred that the First Claimant does ignore Court orders – in the case of Daniel Winograd’s judgment in the Maw case. The First Claimant ignored his order to refund the payment. Truth.


In addition a few weeks ago I received this comment on my You Tube Channel.




In this instance the First Claimant lost and the Court awarded a US $60,000 judgement. It was not honoured by Power Places Tours. It is a fair comment/honest opinion to state that the First Claimant ignores Court Orders.


The only aspect which is not clear is whether a judgement is an order – hence fair comment/ honest opinion.


47      In response to allegation 33.1


The Second Claimant cheats, steals and defrauds customers out of money;


Misrepresentation, adding unfair surcharges and not refunding people is cheating, stealing and obtaining money by unfair/unethical/ deceptive/unjust means.


I claim the defense of honest opinion / fair comment.

Again, see Defence Section 31 with regard to misrepresentation.


48      In response to the allegations of Serious Harm – section 34 of the Claim – so far I do not agree anything is defamatory and instead is a fair and honest opinion (and sometimes straight truth). Thus the damage done to reputation is self-caused by the unethical conduct of the Claimants and thus are responsible for their own losses. Given that Jeanette Maw showed me a document via Skype showing graphs of US $700,000 of losses – it is fair comment to say that they Claimant has lost $1 million (including the cost of time, legal fees, lost sales that could not be attributed to Jeanette Maws case, etc).


Indeed I did advise people via my blog to make a website if a big company abuses people. However, Mr David Hirst has omitted a sentence from section 34.3 (my blog extract). I advised people to take expert legal advice before taking this step – something he has conveniently omitted. In this regard, I have the right to express an opinion and ultimately people are responsible for their choices. This part of my blog cannot be considered defamatory – it is my honest opinion on how to deal with major bullies.


I claim the defense of Honest Opinion with regard to section 5 of the blog extract.


Responding to allegation 34.4 – I agree my intention was to alert people to the dangers of doing business with Power Places Tours, it was justified on moral grounds – acting out of interest for the welfare of others who may be cheated, ripped off, etc. Thus I claim the defense of moral justification with regard to 34.4


With regard to allegation 34.6 – Gregg Braden is in fact involved and endorses Power Places Tours staff as being the finest in the industry. So either he is totally unaware and oblivious (and thus shows very poor discernment) or he is involved. Several people have written to him and he has never commented. However, he does promote the tours run by the First Claimant on his website and on his Facebook Page, despite knowing that there are multiple customer service issues/lawsuits/disputes and evidence of ethical wrongdoing.


It has previously been shown he gets free trips by promoting the tours, so of course he is involved and is fully aware – unless he has a very poor level of discernment. Either way – he is involved in the scandal (ignorance is no defense), benefits from the proceeds of rip offs and continues to endorse the services of the First Claimant.


Thus my comments about Mr Gregg Braden are based on truth and honest opinion/fair comment. No evidence has been presented that states specifically that Gregg Braden has withdrawn his participation because of my disclosures and it may well be his attention is elsewhere.



49      In response to section 36 (damages for libel) it has already been stated by myself that the business and trading reputation damage is self-caused (claimant responsible for her own losses).


50       Responding to section 37.1  - there is no bad faith but the intention to respect myself, stand up to bullying, act out of moral obligation and to expose bad business practice. Section 37.1 claims that my concerns of exposing bad business ethics is false. I disagree. It is true.


Section 50 (of defense) – set offs – explains why I am entitled to money from the claimant – at the very least a refund.


In addition the BBB never made any adverse finding against me. They stated my complaint fell outside of the scope of complaints that they deal with (as far as I can recall). My defences to paragraphs 25 – 33 have already been covered above.


51      As a Spiritual Teacher I am a mirror for karma. Bad ethics and cheating causes losses. Period. If the truth causes massive loss – then the problem lies with the claimant. It is honest opinion to state that bad ethics causes severe losses – especially when the problem is endemic within a business, as is self-evident. After all – it is not just me!


52      Responding to allegation 37.3 – I am a vessel for Source and live from a level of truth incomprehensible to many because the ethical purity is not there. It is the truth that supernatural forces (Star Beings) have told me to stand up for myself and disclose. In any case, it is impossible to prove that is not true as my connection to supernatural forces is not tangible in a physical sense and cannot be objectively analysed. I have also received legal advice in several jurisdictions (both in the physical and in the supernatural world). They are not intended to add any credence to bad faith activities at all – rather that is the truth of my experience and I am entitled to my opinion in that. No defamation/libel in 37.3 to answer for.


53      Section 41 – Harassment. Covered previously in brief (section 48 of defense). In addition – re 41.2.4 it was a fair comment to say that settling our dispute would be good for business and long term survival – given that this dispute would not just go away. I am guided by supernatural forces that work through me for the greater good – and must honour the Will of Source in order to be authentic (in truth) to myself. It is a fair comment to say that not resolving things with me (ie settling the matter in some form) would become expensive – as is self-evident by the cost of this court filing and the averred GBP 200,000 cost of taking this to trial. Fair comment/truth – in other words saying it as it is – pointing something out.


It is also fair comment to say that paying (refunding) me and Jeanette would have saved bother (by bother I mean further losses). The disputed amounts in this respect were $7,392 and approx. US $6,000 – total approx. US $13,392.


Claimed losses in the Maw case US $700,000. I rest my case on this point.


54      Re 41.2.5 – setting up a Paypal link is not harassment. It was set up as a dedicated link for our tour refund in order to avoid confusion so that potential customers of Power Places Tours would not be confused into thinking it was an official tour payment page.


55      Re 41.2.6 – It is fair to say if you rip people off, sue people, threaten customers and display bad ethics over a period of 30 years – massive losses are the result. The Claimant could have alleviated their suffering by embracing the spiritual lesson in hand (returning to integrity). Upon doing that – then apologizing/settling the dispute with me would be second nature. Thus this is fair comment and based on the Spiritual Laws of Karma – and not harassment at all.


56      Re 42 - I dispute the claim of harassment and instead was standing up for my rights and the rights of others – as well as making necessary public interest disclosures. Re 43 – we too have experienced distress and anxiety, namely being bullied by Theresa Weiss and Richard Rodgers – something that did both defendants significant emotional damage until I realized I had to stand up to this kind of abusive and bullying conduct.


57      Re section 44 – firstly, the Claimants could have filed a lawsuit much sooner if they were concerned about their business. The truth is they could not because there were others not yet silenced by confidentiality agreements. Thus they had to sue everyone else first and leave me till last. That in itself is bad faith and the distress caused again is a reflection of unresolved ethical issues within the claimants. Extortion has been covered previously in that it was always made clear that any money received would be as part of a settlement/legal resolution – which would be put to paper. So I deny extortion and instead it is the claimants that are ripping people off and extorting (pay the extra fabricated surcharges or face a loss of deposit – and then accusing the whistleblowers of extortion.



58      Gregg Braden is a world famous speaker. Power Places Tours is – or was – world famous. Thus they are both in the public eye. Any ethics scandal or evidence of other wrongdoing that can harm or distress consumers is thus public interest material. The evidence of ethical wrongdoing is already unequivocally clear and in addition, Mr David Hirst of 5RB (who wrote section 44.2 of the claim) is in the process of being investigated by the Bar Standards Association and thus his own ethics are now in question. With that in mind, he is hardly an authority on ethics and is certainly not qualified to determine whether I am being altruistic or not. This is something for a jury to decide – if it goes that far.



59      Marc Gruningers conduct has been covered in my defence sections 57-58. I dispute the website made was a cybersquatting one – it is a free speech one – and in any case Mr Gruninger was free to file an ICANN dispute but has not. So until there is a hearing on that matter – cybersquatting has not been proven. Marc Gruninger was also clearly told when the website went up that it could not be taken down in return for payment. Later we made an informal and private peace (no money changed hands) and the site was deactivated. Again, I had the right to my opinions that losses are not funny and stated this to try and diffuse the situation (once he had started insulting and defaming us on the Hotel Page labelling us sick, twisted, mindless, delusional, crooks, etc and before he made the Rip Off Report). It was a statement designed to diffuse the dispute and to stand up to his bullying. He was given several chances to apologize and in any case a response to an attack is immune from suit.



Spiritual Justifications / Self-Respect/ Perspectives on the Matter


60      Ultimately the cause of this dispute is the unethical conduct of the Claimant. In a fair, moral and just society there must be the freedom to stand up for oneself and defend oneself against bullying which is abuse – plain and simple. In that regard, challenging their conduct was the only tenable course of action. It is regrettable that the Claimants were not willing to work toward resolving the matter much sooner (as in 2012 or 2013).


61      In that regard, it is attested that the Claimant is fully responsible for her conduct, her choices to abuse and to bully – and thus should be denied any relief from the court as she comes to the Court with ethically unclean hands.


62      The Truth of the matter is that my level of ethical purity was too high and too extreme for the Claimants to be able to handle, thus triggering the crisis. The Claimants clearly do not have the moral high ground when it comes to matters of ethics as is self-evident.


63      It is my opinion as a Spiritual Master that ultimately the only way this dispute can ever be resolved and for the claimant to avoid further heavy karmic consequence – is that the Claimant makes amends to me. Given that they asked for Transformation at Source through their actions, it must then follow that healing and resolution can only come from a representative of Source and not a Court.



Dispute Resolution Efforts


64      For the Court to see, so far – all material has been unconditionally retracted from the internet where possible. The lawyer for Power Places Tours has refused to co-operate with me in facilitating this further and can be taken to mean that the Claimants are not really interested in resolution, but pursuing the claim for an improper purpose (abuse of process), namely to suppress, punish whistleblowers, restrict travel (threatening Interpol action), garnish wages, seize assets, etc – rather than to seek redress to the problem.


This is backed up by the fact that their costs of trial disproportionately exceed any solution proposed by myself.


65      As it is clear that I am willing to work toward swiftly removing all material from any websites owned by third parties and unconditionally once agreed on the wording – the only remaining dispute then is basically down to which party should give the other party money.


66      The Claimants by their claim clearly contest that they are entitled to a financial award ranging from GBP 10,000 – 50,000 as per the claim form submitted to the Court and served upon myself. For the reasons in the defence – it is my belief and honest opinion that the Claimants are not entitled to any money from me for the issue is their fault.


67      I attest instead that I am in fact entitled to money – for lost income, tour payment lost, etc – as per formal invoice in Annex B. It is my conviction and strong belief – to which I am prepared to defend in a Court of Law – that it is in fact I that am entitled to a financial award because of the degrading behaviour of the Claimant toward myself and the Second Defendant. Regardless of whether any claim was ever filed (suing someone in the US from overseas is prohibitively expensive) – it does not negate my own belief and conviction that the Claimants have defiled, degraded, abused and desecrated a representative of Source causing it and their family significant disruption, distress, financial damage and metaphysical injury. In this respect, the Claimants have behaved in such a way that karmically catastrophic effects were inevitable. If it were not me that exposed them, someone else would have further down the line.


68      As a representative of Source it is attested that I – out of self-respect and respect for Source itself – should receive an unconditional private apology from the Claimant. It is my opinion that the only way to properly resolve this dispute (as in metaphysically) is for the Claimant to make some private offer of amends to me for causing or causing to be caused by others – massive disruption to my own work as a spiritual teacher. I say this also because the Claimant has conducted herself in such a way that it has prevented me working for the greater good and promoting my work to a larger audience.


69      This in itself is a significant karmic problem that in my opinion (without disrespect to the Court) - the Court has no jurisdiction over as it has no understanding of high level metaphysical matters. Thus whatever the Court decides, the dispute will be unresolved and deferred to future lifetimes, where the Claimant will be bound to repeat the same mistakes and perpetuate her own suffering. Pushing this case further will simply cause further suffering for the Claimant due to the forces of karma.


70      Thus it is proposed that the matter of having the remaining material taken down is addressed at the earliest opportunity and a representative of the Claimants (not Mr Hirst) should contact me at the earliest opportunity to negotiate how this can be done.


71      It should be noted out of goodwill I have deferred some of my own retreats in order to be available for this.


72      Simultaneously –it is proposed that the Claimants make a goodwill offer to me with regard to damage done to myself as a result of their conduct. Any sensible and reasonable offer – whilst considering the content and amount mentioned in Annex B – would be entertained and its confidentiality respected.


73      This would be used to give a large body of my work away to humanity and thus could be billed as a confidential and private donation for my work as a way of privately apologizing.


74      It is my opinion as a Spiritual Master that this would be the fastest way to healing, for it would dissolve the negative karma, be an act of good karma, it would show respect for Source and its representatives – and by doing so would also indicate that the Claimant has respected the lesson presented. It would then be fair to say that the Transformation at Source lesson invited has been fully learned.


75      The Claimants have been unconditionally forgiven and it remains for the Claimants to do likewise and act accordingly.


76      It is my opinion that a complete private resolution between both parties is the best way forward to save on costs and the unnecessary time and expense of trial.


77      I am all for giving people second chances and being forgiving – even after this most extreme violation of a being of Source. No malice was ever intended but there was clear bad faith on the part of the Claimant and her associates. Of course, there was upset and hurt feelings on both sides – but never pure malice as such. I had to do what I had to do to defend myself and my energetic integrity.  Now that we are at the stage of reconciliation and peace (or at least I am) – the Claimants are invited to embrace the goodwill, peace and forgiveness offered and to return to the table with the assistance of a respecting representative.


78      There is a powerful lesson for the Claimant in this experience – namely that of choosing the path of integrity. I have seen many healings in others in my life and have no doubt that the damage done to the Claimant (through her own choices) can be completely reversed and the Claimant can go on to thrive again.


79      I am willing to do everything possible to assist in the completion of the healing – out of goodwill, forgiveness and respect – as long as I do not suffer any detriment, degrading behaviour (insults, threats of lawsuits or any form of degradation) by doing so.




Statement of Truth


The First Defendant believes that everything contained in this defence is true.


Free Spirit  (litigant in person)



I withdraw my complaints about Power Places Tours Inc / I have resolved my differences with Power Places Tours

#23Author of original report

Wed, January 06, 2016

The complaint(s) made about Power Places Tours Inc set out below are withdrawn in their entirety and no reliance should be placed on them. I have since discovered that the facts on which I based my reports may in fact not be true. I was the complainant. I have settled my differences with Power Places Tours. I am unable to remove my post from this site, but if there were any way to do so then I would.

I apologize for the number of postings and for any suffering that may have caused to Power Places Tours Inc.

I am unable to remove my post from this site, but if there were any way to do so then I would.

Free Spirit Supreme Victor in Power Places Tours Dispute

#23Author of original report

Thu, December 31, 2015

I can declare today that I am the supreme victor in the dispute with Power Places Tours.

The Will of Source (and its associated values of truth and integrity) have prevailed and has pushed out unwelcome energies of deception, lies and lower astral parasitism.

The Transformation at Source has happened. I have moved into a full grounded and sovereign embodiement of Source - which also makes me the Supreme Authority on this matter and Source has made its ruling.

As an Emissary of Source, I am the Truth and as a Spiritual Master, it is my spiritual duty to defend the values of truth and integrity. By standing up for oneself, one repels away the energies of fear and control. Power Places Tours for many years abused and did great harm to their customers, suing them for speaking up or for resisting the bullying. Power Places Tours continued this behaviour relentlessly until they met me.

I as the supreme mirror for karma have shown them that lying , cheating and intefering with people's energy fields is not acceptable and this behaviour had to stop.

For me, they tried on the fear of threatening to send me to jail for telling the truth but that attempt has not succeeded. It has only further exposed Gregg Braden and Power Places Tours for impropriety and further scandalous conduct. It also made the lawyers trip over themselves, over their own impropriety (as demonstrated throughout the report).

The truth is so self-evident that it is now beyond question that it would be impossible to censor the truth now and thus threatening me with jail was a pointless exercise.

It has also transpired that my partner was sued for abusive reasons - namely for reasons of racial intolerance because she is German and I understand that the Weiss's are connected with Judaism and that Power Places Tours are doing a Healing the Holocaust event in 2016.

The Holocaust was clearly wrong and it caused much unnecessary suffering. There is also obviously some resentment toward Germans and though it is my belief that all races should be treated with equal respect and dignity - I do feel that the deeper lesson here for the Weiss's is around healing the past trauma of the holocaust that is being projected onto myself and my Gernman partner who has suffered much distress at the hands of Theresa Weiss and some of her 'associates'.

The holocaust caused so much disempowerment in the past, that anyone not healing that would feel disempowered again, and it is for these reasons that the business of Power Places Tours has experienced extreme destruction - but this time by trying to abuse a Spiritual Master.

It is simply a life-lesson,  a karmic process - and through me they had to learn about forgiveness and the relinqushment of control. One cannot compensate for past traumas by abusing sentient beings from a place of ethically corrupted power.

I have no racial prejudices and thus such abuse does not work with me for it is not part of my life story. As a Being of Source from Source - I am simply a neutral mirror for what is. I am also an instrument of global healing for such deep past racial disputes for I am a mirror of the Universal Source which unites and heals.

Threatening to jail people, take their money and to seize their homes or to pester them with lawsuits after ripping them off is the ultimate antithesis of common respect for sentient beings, No right minded being woulkd ever accept this behaviour.

The world should know what happened here and that Gregg Braden was an ongoing and active supporter of the behaviour.

The world should also know that I won - and that was because I stood up to the bullies and refused to accept the behaviour - whilst also embodying the all important forgiveness,

When I was young, I learned to have respect for the loser in a game or contest and so I must have some compassion for the losses of the Weiss's - yet whilst remaining in truth and integrity to myself.


It is that compassion and forgiveness that ends disputes, I also learned about self-respect and integrity, so I must also thank Power Places Tours for being my mirrors as well.

It is the ruling of Source that Power Places Tours are purified and forgiven by the healing love of Source


I understand that Power Places Tours have now decided to retract their jail threats and to accept my terms.

I am not going to be sued any more and will be respectfully compensated from a place of good will by Power Places Tours for my losses incurred.  I will not be subjected to any detrimental terms.

I also understand that my partner will be apologized to in private for the upset caused to her.

2016 will be a year of peace, reconciliation and clearing up the public domain of the postings.



I also have agreed to respect the privacy of the Weiss's longer term and to allow them to heal in private which also means there is not anything else to say nor would it be appropriate to. Difficult yet necessary lessons have been presented for resolution by the dispute and people should be allowed to process in private so that their dignity is maintained.

I bear no ill-will toward them, and simply reflect back love and forgiveness.

They have been invited to appoint a fresh representative who will work with me informally to take down as many posts as possible from the internet in order to allow Power Places Tours to have a fresh slate now that the dispute has been resolved.

Major Benefactors invited for a USD $1Million legal defense fund / Perspectives on Truth and Integrity

#23Author of original report

Fri, December 11, 2015

Here is some more information about the book Keys to Immortality - the book that I would have launched at the Power Places Tours conference.

Book Cover Text:- Free Spirit is a Visitor to this dimension from the Immortal Worlds of Source. In this book - his third work, he shares profound multi-dimensional spiritual wisdom that has been imparted to him through a deep and profound loving relationship with Intergalactic Star Beings.

He writes of the Earth Cleansing and the imminent Karmic Crisis as our planet becomes re-aligned to the Galactic Central Sun. This book is a call for Souls to urgently prepare to leave this dimension - so as to avoid catastrophe and death.

Though advanced karmic healing processes, Pineal Awakening, dream-work and multi-dimensional Astral Travel, Free Spirit has been able to visit Immortal Worlds billions of light years away. 

He writes from Source on how to become a fully Realized Immortal Being 


It was this book that in retrospect Power Places Tours were so afraid of - to the point where they went to great lengths to make sure that it did not enter the mainstream. Had I have presented in 2012 at the Transform at the Source event, it may well have had much exposure. The energy and power behind this book also explains Power Places Tours ' karmic predicament.


If there are to be any injunctions or other serious impositions on my freedom, it should be noted for the record that this was the message that for a number of complex reasons, would appear that it was not yet time for the planet to be aware of.

I thought about making it free for all, but discounted that from a perspective of spiritual responsibility. In the event of any kind of foced departure from this reality, humanity would be given other works - but NOT this one.

The energy of the book is so extreme and so pure that to allow it to fall into the hands of those with impure agendas would be most irresponsible. In my opinion, Power Places Tours were troubled my the section on Truth and Integrity, from which here is a short extract - which alos gives some deeper spiritual insight into the karmic consequences of bad ethics.

However this plays out, it will certainly go down as the most expensive spiritual lesson in history (in terms of losses incurred by those on the wrong side of ethics) and this part of the book explains why it is so.


Chapter 21  Truth and Integrity


Impeccability (Ethical Purity)

One of the main reasons why Spiritual Mastery is so hard to attain or to understand in the Western world is because of the unpopularity of being ethical. Many people cheat, lie, steal, delude themselves or others, engage in control dramas and violate the basic spiritual laws and principles that make a strong relationship to Source possible. Examples include taking or abusing the sanctity of life, unethical livelihood, sexual misconduct, theft, control (violation of free-will),a lack of respect for the path and a whole host of other ethical issues.

Without the ethical purity in place comprehending high-level spiritual understanding is impossible (there are Universal safeguards in place to prevent people blowing up stars and tearing holes in the Universe or damaging the purity of the Higher Planes – things that would happen if these safeguards were not present!)

Without ethics – whatever one thinks one knows may be false and in some cases one can become subservient to the energies of the Lower Astral – a phenomenon most notable in light-worker channelers who have not yet transcended control dramas. In my experience of the light-worker community – beneath a superficial veneer of love and light lies a dark world of shady behaviour, corruption, cheating, lying and a large array of other unresolved control dramas which tragically ends in victim-hood, sickness, misfortune, suffering and death – the end result of ignoring ethics.

The worst enemies of spiritual enlightenment are lying and cheating – both of which will cost you in energy terms many more times the cost of playing fair and true. For as long as you have the tendency to lie, cheat or steal – spiritual understanding will be impossible to attain. When you cheat with intent – the karmic effect is amplified. Whatever benefit you may believe you obtained through deception and cheating – will quickly be outweighed by the subsequent depletion of energy.



In recent times, I have come into a deeper understanding about the value of this work.

For those that are curious about what message Power Places Tours did NOT want to come through from the Source, here is a link to more information about the book.

I also wanted those who may want to access this work after my departure to be able to have an opportunity to do so. In the interim, orders of it also support a legal defence fund.

Those who want to support a legal defense fund can do so via a donate button here (max US $10,000)

Donations will be used to make a robust and strong stand in the name of Truth and Integrity and any remnats of the fund will be used to support some of my favourite private projects.


In total, a sum of around US $1 million will be required to quash this offensive case totally (ie to fund the best lawyers there are and to win it in the public eye), to teach these people (Power Places Tours, Gregg Braden and Theresa Weiss) a public lesson in truth and integrity (should that be necessary) and enable me to remain on this planet as a conduit for some of the most advanced level and pure spiritual understanding there is. 


Those wanting to offer up large sums for defence funding (more than US $10,000) are invited to contact me via the donate page.



Free Spirit opts for 'Honourable Suicide' rather than to yield to control or to comply with Court Injunctions ordering him to post retractions on Rip Off Report under threat of imprisonment

#23Author of original report

Sun, December 06, 2015

The core values of Source are inviolable and cannot be overridden by coercion, force or threat of any kind - whether sanctioned by the legal system or otherwise.

What this means is - that if Source is not happy - I will opt for death (or more accurately honourable suicide) rather than to comply under those conditions.  Even under threat of jail, it would be morally and karmically wrong to yield to the control and if I am to be true to Source - an honourable death is the only remaining solution in the absence of something better.

As I have now been threatened with jail and serious degradation if I do not lie to Rip Off Report - I have now fully prepared myself for the procedure of refusing water at the first sign of imprisonment or curtailments of freedom.

I have decided to refuse to comply with the proposed Court Injunction in the face of such degradation.

It does not incur me negative karma to do such an act, for refusing to yield to intimidation IS the Higher Path in this matter and my values are so deeply valued that I would rather leave this reality rather than to lie to protect the unethical interests of these people.

I would like the record to show how far these people went to try and make me be quiet about the abuse they had caused to many good minded people.

The record should show that Power Places Tours Inc and Gregg Braden were prepared to imprison people of integrity in order to save their unethical interests and even to be a party to their deaths - for to accept any degradation as a Being of Source is intolerable - and thus leaving this reality under protest is the only effective way to make my point and to leave a lasting salutary reminder on the psyche of the planet that such conduct by world famous speakers and their associated tour companies is totally unacceptable on every level.

Those with access to the 'dead-man switches' should still follow the original instructions and to only flip them should they not hear from me at the prescribed regular intervals.

Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours (supported by Gregg Braden) threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not based on true facts

#23Author of original report

Sun, December 06, 2015

I can share that I Free Spirit have been threatened with prison / jail - if I do not make a posting on Rip Off Report admitting defamation. I understand that these are serious allegations to make about Power Places Tours, yet the evidence in the screenshots confirms what I am saying and there can be no misunderstanding.

They are screenshots of an injunction with Theresa Weiss, Toby Weiss and Power Places Tours name on it.

Gregg Bradens name is all over the other court filings.

The first scan of part of the document clearly states that I may be sent to prison if I disobey the Order. The Order has been presented by lawyers acting for Power Places Tours. Of that, there can be no doubt. 

In the very same injunction - in schedule 5, it clearly mentions Rip Off Report and the requirment to retract my statements.

Thus it is obvious beyond any shadow of a doubt for all to see - that this is a Power Places Tours / Gregg Braden attempt to threaten me with prison if I do not be quiet about what has happened here. It is also obvious for all to see that indeed Power Places Tours and Gregg Braden are indeed unethical and extremely so.

I have not decided what my response will be, but it is clear that Power Places Tours have a very big problem indeed. As I understand it, the injunction has not been granted, so as yet, I can still make disclosures. In any case, they must have known that I would mention it here for all to see.

Based on what I have posted below, it looks like Power Places Tours have invited further disaster and catastrophe and will meditate with Source before deciding on what my response will be, given the gravity of the situation.

Rip Off Report please remove In5d posting below posted by mistake!

Formal DMCA Complaint filed against In5D.Com / Formal Legal follow ups underway / In5d.Com along with Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling refuse to apologize

#23Author of original report

Sun, December 06, 2015

I can share that In5D.Com were given 24 hours in which to offer a formal apology and to print that apology on their websites and pages. I can share they have ignored such requests. 

I can also share thaat formal legal follow ups are underway with regard to the disgusting conduct of Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott and have been forwarded my abuse/insults disclaimer as per my website:

Important Respect/Abuse Disclaimer

Insulting or disrespecting those on the Master Path or behaving with ill-intent in their energy fields is extremely unwise and is likely to incur extreme karmic consequences which may manifest as sickness, heavy losses, insolvency, life misfortunes, etc

Trying to:- abuse, bully, cheat, defame, defraud, harass, insult, intimidate, interfere with or degrade/desecrate the work of, ‘poke fun at’, stalk, steal from or threaten spiritual teachers or Masters is thus not recommended!

Those who act as such and ignore the above disclaimers are fully responsible for their conduct and any magnified healing crisis (karmic mirroring effect) and any and all resultant effects that may occur in their lives – either at the time or later – and most importantly – no legal claims for damages will be entertained in these instances.


For readers of In5d.Com horrified about this behaviour and who want to see the original, pure and undistorted blog, here it is below for the public record

Readers can see that it is clearly grossly different than what is posted on their website and I doubt they have any 'legal leg' to stand on - for fair use or otherwise as the above evidence speaks for itself.

Understanding the Merkabah – Interdimensional Travel

Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours (supported by Gregg Braden) threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not based on true facts

#23Author of original report

Sun, December 06, 2015


I can share that I Free Spirit have been threatened with prison / jail - if I do not make a posting on Rip Off Report admitting defamation. I understand that these are serious allegations to make about Power Places Tours, yet the evidence in the screenshots confirms what I am saying and there can be no misunderstanding.

They are screenshots of an injunction with Theresa Weiss, Toby Weiss and Power Places Tours name on it.

Gregg Bradens name is all over the other court filings.

The first scan of part of the document clearly states that I may be sent to prison if I disobey the Order. The Order has been presented by lawyers acting for Power Places Tours. Of that, there can be no doubt. 

In the very same injunction - in schedule 5, it clearly mentions Rip Off Report and the requirment to retract my statements.

Thus it is obvious beyond any shadow of a doubt for all to see - that this is a Power Places Tours / Gregg Braden attempt to threaten me with prison if I do not be quiet about what has happened here. It is also obvious for all to see that indeed Power Places Tours and Gregg Braden are indeed unethical and extremely so.

I have not decided what my response will be, but it is clear that Power Places Tours have a very big problem indeed. As I understand it, the injunction has not been granted, so as yet, I can still make disclosures. In any case, they must have known that I would mention it here for all to see.

Based on what I have posted below, it looks like Power Places Tours have invited further disaster and catastrophe and will meditate with Source before deciding on what my response will be, given the gravity of the situation.

Theresa Weiss and Power Places Tours ,supported by Gregg Braden, threaten to send Free Spirit to jail unless he states on Rip Off Report his reports are not true ,defamatory

#23Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2015

I can share that I Free Spirit have been threatened with prison / jail - if I do not make a posting on Rip Off Report admitting defamation. I understand that these are serious allegations to make about Power Places Tours, yet the evidence in the screenshots confirms what I am saying and there can be no misunderstanding.


They are screenshots of an injunction with Theresa Weiss, Toby Weiss and Power Places Tours name on it.

Gregg Bradens name is all over the other court filings.


The first scan of part of the document clearly states that I may be sent to prison if I disobey the Order. The Order has been presented by lawyers acting for Power Places Tours. Of that, there can be no doubt. 


In the very same injunction - in schedule 5, it clearly mentions Rip Off Report and the requirment to retract my statements.

Thus it is obvious beyond any shadow of a doubt for all to see - that this is a Power Places Tours / Gregg Braden attempt to threaten me with prison if I do not be quiet about what has happened here. It is also obvious for all to see that indeed Power Places Tours and Gregg Braden are indeed unethical and extremely so.


I have not decided what my response will be, but it is clear that Power Places Tours have a very big problem indeed. As I understand it, the injunction has not been granted, so as yet, I can still make disclosures. In any case, they must have known that I would mention it here for all to see.

Based on what I have posted below, it looks like Power Places Tours have invited further disaster and catastrophe and will meditate with Source before deciding on what my response will be, given the gravity of the situation.



Revised Bill for Spiritual Consultation and Damages submitted to Power Places Tours. Power Places Tours billed for US $1.5 million for interference with the Sovereignty of a Source-Emissary

#23Author of original report

Mon, November 30, 2015

I have had an opportunity to reflect deeper on this matter and its seriousness, as well as to the extent of the inteferences in the Sovereignty of an Emissary of Source by Power Places Tours.

I made a mistake with the previous assessment of the damages and expenses incurred in this matter because of the uniqueness of the situation and because I must continually meditate with Source to get a deeper understanding. I have also mader a renewed assessment in terms of lost income as well as time and energy lost defending the Sovereignty of Source, including six months of dealing with obnoxious lawyers as well as having to research defences.

In addition, the dispute has for some time been a major life work - in that defending it at times is the only thing I can focus on and as a result I now know that i must be properly compensated - and to accept GBP 100,000 would not cover the loss or compensate me properly for the trouble. It would not be appropriate for an Emissary fo Soiurce to sell themselves short (and thus degrade themselves) in the face of moral and spiritual deficiency.

I can also share that Power Places Tours have told numerous lies about me to lawyers who then added them to Court filings without proper fact checking. I have not heard a squeak out of either lawyer involved since I told them in no uncertain terms to go away.

In addition, I have determined that Power Places Tours and Gregg Braden have a net worth of US $150million and in this reality high-end mentors do not charge big-players 'small fees' for valuable lessons delivered.

As I get closer to the Source - I enter into a renewed understanding.

I also respect myself more and thus am properly able to calculate damages from a place of strong self-respect and self-love. The absue experienced by Power Places Tours and their proxies (as is well documented here) in retrospect was so shocking and egegrious that a re-evaluated damages assessment was warranted.

Attached is an invoice for GBP 1million  along with what this payment covers so that there is no misunderstanding in this matter.

Power Places Tours have also been sent a copy of this invoice. Upon payment, Power Places Tours Inc and Mr Gregg Braden will be absolved of all claims and counterclaims I may make now or in the future - which for clarity, includes the matter of being 'SLAPP-ed' - which in itself is a violation of the values of truth, integrity and freedom. Power Places Tours Inc have for some time tried to 'bull-nose' me into a settlement that requires degradation or compromise.  In matters of Source, there is no compromise and the legal system does not extend to addressing matters of violations of Source Sovereignty.

For that reason, there can be no paper settlement and in the end there can only ever be an agreement made with Source (through me). What that means is - in terms of Transformation at the Source (the title of the tour in question) - onlyt completes in a total acqueisence to the Will of Source - which dictates that Power Places Tours Inc pay me damages of US $1.5 million.

Such a thing is not as outrageous as it may seem, given the situation and that they have filed US $1.5 million lawsuits on others in the past.  What goes around comes around.

In my opinion, this suggested donation to my work will not only absolve them of all claims I may have on them in the future - but also absolves their karma as well because the money would be used to do good.

Revised Bill for Spiritual Consultation and Damages submitted to Power Places Tours. Power Places Tours billed for US $1.5 million for interference with the Sovereignty of a Source-Emissary

#23Author of original report

Fri, November 27, 2015

I have had an opportunity to reflect deeper on this matter and its seriousness, as well as to the extent of the inteferences in the Sovereignty of an Emissary of Source by Power Places Tours.

I made a mistake with the previous assessment of the damages and expenses incurred in this matter because of the uniqueness of the situation and because I must continually meditate with Source to get a deeper understanding. I have also mader a renewed assessment in terms of lost income as well as time and energy lost defending the Sovereignty of Source, including six months of dealing with obnoxious lawyers as well as having to research defences.

In addition, the dispute has for some time been a major life work - in that defending it at times is the only thing I can focus on and as a result I now know that i must be properly compensated - and to accept GBP 100,000 would not cover the loss or compensate me properly for the trouble. It would not be appropriate for an Emissary fo Soiurce to sell themselves short (and thus degrade themselves) in the face of moral and spiritual deficiency.

In addition, I have determined that Power Places Tours and Gregg Braden have a net worth of US $150million and in this reality high-end mentors do not charge big-players 'small fees' for valuable lessons delivered.

As I get closer to the Source - I enter into a renewed understanding.

I also respect myself more and thus am properly able to calculate damages from a place of strong self-respect and self-love. The absue experienced by Power Places Tours and their proxies (as is well documented here) in retrospect was so shocking and egegrious that a re-evaluated damages assessment was warranted.

Attached is an invoice for GBP 1million  along with what this payment covers so that there is no misunderstanding in this matter.

Power Places Tours have also been sent a copy of this invoice. Upon payment, Power Places Tours Inc and Mr Gregg Braden will be absolved of all claims and counterclaims I may make now or in the future - which for clarity, includes the matter of being 'SLAPP-ed' - which in itself is a violation of the values of truth, integrity and freedom. Power Places Tours Inc have for some time tried to 'bull-nose' me into a settlement that requires degradation or compromise.  In matters of Source, there is no compromise and the legal system does not extend to addressing matters of violations of Source Sovereignty.

For that reason, there can be no paper settlement and in the end there can only ever be an agreement made with Source (through me). What that means is - in terms of Transformation at the Source (the title of the tour in question) - only completes in a total acqueisence to the Will of Source - which dictates that Power Places Tours Inc pay me damages of US $1.5 million.

Such a thing is not as outrageous as it may seem, given the situation and that they have filed US $1.5 million lawsuits on others in the past.  What goes around comes around. They also asked for Transformation at the Source and have thus asked to be transformed by it.

In my opinion, this suggested donation to my work will not only absolve them of all claims I may have on them in the future - but also absolves their karma as well because the money would be used to do good.

It is also  a salutary reminder that when it comes to Source - to be mindful of what one askes for / invokes - as Source is the highest level of purification and thus unethical companies asking for Source Transformation will be setting themselves up for a very difficult healing indeed.



Formal Statement for Rip Off Report Arbitrators / Report Confirmed as True to the Best of my Knowledge by Defendant in this Matter

#23Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2015

I understand that sooner or later Power Places Tours will contact Rip Off Report to have these reports removed, or at least appeal to have them removed.

It is my opinion that the arbitrators should refuse to remove these Reports and instead leave them here to show what happened and how the matter resolved. It should be noted that Power Places Tours have attempted - albeit unsuccessfully - to make me issue a blanket statement of retraction using all kinds of 'SLAPP- like' techniques.

Power Places Tours (via lawyers) have attempted to extract 'forced confessions' under duress in the past or have threatened me with severe consequences if I do not admit to making it up. Where I said these reports were not true were times where I was backed into a corner. I now know better not to yield to such conduct and thus this statement should be taken as the most true.

This kind of SLAPP like abuse violates the very ethos of free speech as well as the intention of Rip Off Report and thus the arbitrators should note these comments when drawing their conclusions. The purpose of Rip Off Report is to provide a means of defense against such unethical companies and for that I thank Rip Off Report for the service. 

I will be happy to answer questions as part of any process at any time and would be  very candid, honest, truthful and forthcoming in my answers. The contact email address for arbitrators is

I formally confirm that everything in this Report is true or substantially true to the best of my knowledge although it is possible some individuals used different names to prevent retaliation.

Digitally Signed   Free Spirit 25th November 2015.

Power Places Tours threatened to hire an SEO company to make lots of websites about a Spiritual Master of Source labelling him as an extortionist / Power Places Tours invokes 'karmic armageddon'

#23Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2015

I can share that Power Places Tours threatened to hire an SEO company to make lots of websites about me labelling me as a man of bad integrity and as an extortionist.

I would suggest that any SEO company approached by Power Places Tours to be wise and to consider whether such an action would be sensible, for it would be fair to say it may be the last job undertaken, simply because a response to an unfounded attack on my reputation (by falsely accussing me of extortion to the wider world) is immune from suit and thus I would be entitled to respond, sue the SEO company in question and the SEO company would stand to make similar losses as have Power Places Tours.

I do not think any sane SEO company would seriously entertain such an assignment for it would be an act of professional suicide.

Nevertheless, I thought I would mention it so that people know how far this company would go to cause severe damage to those who they have ripped off and who speak up. Seriously, the last few years have been 'peppered' with accounts and revelations of many people losing disputes at the hands of Theresa Weiss of Power Places Tours.

We have Jeanette Maw who lost a defamation case (but who would have won if Power Places Tours had not intentionally named her aunt in the lawsuit to destroy her bank account (a typical SLAPP tactic is to name an irrelevant family member to punish those who speak up). We have Carolyn Myss, ripped off for almost US $60,000. I understand she won her case but Power Places Tours defaulted on the judgment and did not pay. We have many other customers who have lost money as well.

Thjis company has caused the aforementioned accumulated losses running into six figure sums - a matter that is not funny.

So it seems that everyone has lost in some way at the hands of Power Places Tours and it is for that reason as well I am very motivated to teach this company a lesson and to win this dispute decisively.

Back to the extortion matter - there is no extortion as I have a legal right to a refund of the tour payment. The company were so unethical that it was impossible to travel. Serious concerns had been raised that dated back to the 90's

To quote Tim Samchez (who may have changed his name to avoid retaliation):-

It's amazing how this company is still in business. I worked for Power Places Tours back in the early 90's. Holly James, Richard Rodgers and myself were always bullied by the owners, Toby and Terri Weiss. Very unethical practices going on back then. It was a nightmare working for these people. With the concept for which they market their tours one would think that they would operate their business with faithfulness and loyalty to their customers. I learned the hard way as an employee and I thank my higher power that I was only there for 1 year. If I didn't know better and I do now, I am certain that I was working for the Devil himself. 

So there were established problems long before I came along, including Jeanette Maw who was threatened with a $1.5 million lawsuit just for standing up for herself. The behaviour of this company is dispicable.

In my opinion, the Universe sent me into their lives to teach them a lesson no-one else can, because I am not afraid. 

Despite claims of extortion, the truth of the matter is that firstly this company owes me a refund, if for no other reason than common respect and decency. There is no extortion but simply a claim for damages. As a ligitant in person, I have the right to demand it for myself, in the same way that lawyers representing clients do the same on their behalf.

In addition, it is evident that this company has caused me serious trouble and thus compensation is warranted and any right minded person or jury would probably agree.

At the end of the day - my terms are very straightforward. I was offered GBP 7,500 as a payment for actual losses. It was explained to Power Places Tours many times that this refund would have started a peace process whereby all material would have been deactivated in good faith (not as an act of extortion but because the company would have returned to integrity) and thus there would have been no reason to have kept issuing warnings to others about the dangers of dealing with Power Places Tours. We would then have talked about compensation for injuries and offenses to the energetic integrity of Source.

Because they have NOT returned to integrity and have threatened me with the most serious consequences including (to quote their lawyers and friends) - cumulative and crippling damages, jail. adverse SEO, financial sanctions, asset seizures, Interpol and FBI action, etc - there can be no 'ceasefire' simply because to do so would put myself and my partner in danger of extreme detriment.

The combination of the aforementioned is nothing other than a threatened 'all out assault' on my wellbeing - something that could happen at any time if I do not admit to lying and to tell lies to the Rip Off Report arbitrators.

Making these threats was most stupid (in my opinion) because they have in essence now started a 'war' that can only end by me finishing it. 

It will end thus. I will get my apology and be compensated for my time and trouble.

In all likelihood, Power Places Tours will cease to exist as a business.

There can be no other option in the face of such serious attempted abuse of a Spiritual Master - for what has been invoked by them is a 'karmic armageddon' incurred by the intention to try and bully a Master of the Spiritual Path.

I cannot think of anything that can do so much self-caused damage to a business.

This is a dispute that can only end when Power Places Tours has been totally incapacitated across the board (metaphysically and financially) and can no longer continue to fight, threaten me, cause me further detriment of any kind or fund any more lawyers.

I apologize for unnecessary suffering caused to Power Places Tours and Theresa Weiss

#23Author of original report

Sun, October 18, 2015

I would like to formally apologize for unnecessary suffering caused to Power Places Tours and Theresa Weiss as a result of this ongoing dispute. Last night I came to some deeper understanding in a dream and in meditation.

As a result, I came to understand that the bad energy I felt toward me for the last few months was in fact coming from their lawyers. I saw how lawyers complicate the process and make money out of disputes. In metaphysical terms, they are simply energy vampires living from the energy of dispute. Each time the lawyers threatened me, they simply made the matter worse.

It took me a while to move into a deeper understanding of the issues but now I know that the lawyers ARE the complication. I would like to say sorry for posting a series of updates of all kinds about Power Places Tours because this did not help to resolve the dispute. This was a product of being threatened by lawyers acting out of self-interest with little interest in dispute resolution.

I would like to formally apologize for unnecessary suffering caused to Power Places Tours as a result of this ongoing dispute.

In my dream and meditation experience, I made my peace with Power Places Tours.

I have explained to Power Places Tours that I am willing to resolve any outstanding issues with this dispute informally and privately. It was always a metaphysical dispute and never a legal dispute. Thus the solution was always going to be a metaphysical one.

Thus it would not be appropriate to comment further about the metaphysical details - but it is hoped a final statement will be posted here shortly to conclude the matter and make a final comment about the postings as a whole.


Free Spirit  18.10.2015



I withdraw my complaints against Power Places Tours Inc

#23Author of original report

Wed, October 14, 2015

The complaint(s) made about Power Places Tours Inc set out above are withdrawn in their entirety, as are my more recent comments, and no reliance should be placed on them. I have since discovered that the facts on which I based my reports were in fact not true. I was the complainant. I have settled my differences with Power Places Tours. I am unable to remove my post from this site, but if there were any way to do so then I would.

Power Places Tours withdraw UK High Court defamation case against Free Spirit / Lawyer for Power Places Tours offered GBP 7,500 compensation to Free Spirit for losses incurred

#23Author of original report

Sat, October 10, 2015

I can share that after five months of putting up with the detriment of a lawsuit, on October 8th 2015, Mr Edward Parkes of Harcus Sinclair formally withdrew the court filing against me in the London UK High Court. I can also share that another lawyer - David Hirst of 5RB , offered me a payment of GBP 7,500 in compensation for my losses (a forfeited tour payment, flights not taken as well as other expenses incurred in this matter).

As of 10th October 2015, I have not received the offered compensation.

I can also share that Power Places Tours spent approximately US $250,000 on legal fees and as per other court documents that I had the opportunity to see - incurred US $700,000 of losses in the US between 2012-2015 after another customer spoke up after being ripped off - so we are talking about $1million in losses.

They also wanted to place serious restrictions on my own freedom and have been threatened with jail, injunctions, hefty judgments, disruptions to my work and having websites made about me that portray me as a man of bad integrity.

There is a lot more I 'could disclose' but I will leave it there for now although if I was threatened in the future with litigation, then of course I would talk.

Anyone that thinks they can steal the money of a Spiritual Master and then make them be quiet about it are in my opinion - deluded. The heavy losses incurred by Power Places Tours speak for themselves.

I explained to the lawyers acting on behalf of Power Places Tours (and Gregg Braden it would seem) that to sue a Spiritual Master and to threaten to take more money from him though legal system intimidation was a grave offense against Source, something I would not continue to accept and thus I told them to go away and to never ever bother me again. I explained that future litigation would be viewed as a declaration of war on a Spiritual Master and would be an unwise course of action.

I explained to them that they could not win this by legal threat alone and that the only remaining option was  a solution that I am happy with.

It was also explained to them I had the right to have them investigated for knowingly presenting false statements to a Court as well as doing other things not congruent with ethical codes that regulate civil litigation. 

It was explained to them also that once I had received the payment already offered, I would personally redact and have removed any remaining reference to Power Places Tours because I do believe that businesses that have made mistakes deserve second chances when amends are made. It was also explained to their lawyers that a second chance cannot be taken by force or legal threat - it can only be given through my own good grace.

I also explained to them that ultimately I will have the last word in this matter - the final say - and that I will be the one that ends this dispute on terms satisfactory to me.


Free Spirit    Author of Report     10th October 2015

Report Update

#23Author of original report

Tue, September 15, 2015

             The complaint(s) made about Power Places Tours Inc set out above are withdrawn in their entirety and no reliance should be placed on them. I have since discovered that the facts on which I based my reports were in fact not true. I was the complainant. I have settled my differences with Power Places Tours.  I am unable to remove my post from this site, but if there were any way to do so then I would.  

Theresa Weiss v Free Spirit - Free Spirit prepares robust 'dirty-hands' defense

#23Author of original report

Fri, August 14, 2015

The dirty hands doctrine,[1] is an equitable defense in which the defendant argues that the plaintiff is not entitled to obtain an equitable remedy because the plaintiff is acting unethically or has acted in bad faith with respect to the subject of the complaint—that is, with "unclean hands".[2] The defendant has the burden of proof to show the plaintiff is not acting in good faith. The doctrine is often stated as "those seeking equity must do equity" or "equity must come with clean hands". 

This is a matter of protocol, characterised by A. P. Herbert in Uncommon Law by his fictional Judge Mildew saying (as Herbert says, "less elegantly"), "A dirty dog will not have justice by the court".[3]
Author note - on this matter, in plain English, it means that this defense is used in court when the behaviour of the complainant is so unethical anyway, it has no right to legal remedy - which leads to another defense, namely that claimant caused their own losses in this matter - ie an unethical company will make losses anyway and those who talk about it are not the problem, but instead are just pointing out the problem!

Power Places Tours employees confirm rip offs/bad practice/questionable ethics/bullying at Power PlacesTours

#23Author of original report

Wed, August 12, 2015

Past employees of Power Places Tours have confirmed that people do get ripped off and are ripped off often through a fraudulent surcharge - here is some of the testimony:-

 I worked for Power Places Tours for a very short time and although the owner made me sign a contract that declared I was an "Independent Contractor," she treated me and everyone else like employees, controlling a great deal of how we did our work, right down to what emails we wrote. Commission for selling a $5000 trip was about $15 dollars. It was ridiculous! She left her key employees frustrated, overworked, angry and in ill health. The turn over was terrible and I finally left in disgust over the way she treated both her contractors and her customers.

Profit was always the bottom line, and the fine print of her tour conditions allowed her to take people's money in very questionable ways. What travel company in there right mind would charge a person for tour package, have you pay in full, and then three months later, after it's too late for a refund, tell a traveler they now owe $500 more dollars due to the "rise in costs." Zilch! I had such high hopes for working there, hoping it would be a rewarding experience in helping others go on a spiritual "journey of a lifetime" but so many were very displeased with the service. To be fair, many were happy too. But the energy was so bad working there, I had to leave in a hurry.  Source  Google Review by Tammy Smith



Tim Sanchez

removed for privacy

It's amazing how this company is still in business. I worked for Power Places Tours back in the early 90's. Holly James, Richard Rodgers and myself were always bullied by the owners, Toby and Terri Weiss. Very unethical practices going on back then. It was a nightmare working for these people. With the concept for which they market their tours one would think that they would operate their business with faithfulness and loyalty to their customers. I learned the hard way as an employee and I thank my higher power that I was only there for 1 year. If I didn't know better and I do now, I am certain that I was working for the Devil himself.   Submitted via my website contact form


Richard Rodgers wrote this below. Richard Rodgers was the person that sold me (Free Spirit) a tour package, made false claims, tried to suppress by speech and ignored serious concerns during 2012 in the run up to the tour. Jeanette Maw is the person that Power Places Tours wanted to sue for $1.5 million after she wrote three blogs about her experience of being ripped off.


From: Richard Rodgers removed for privacy
Date: Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: Power Places Tours Ongoing
To: Jeannette Maw 

Thanks for sending me this update. I checked your site again only yesterday to see if there was any news. 

As shocking as this turn of events is, I cannot say that I am surprised. In fact, I will admit to doing some work for them, so I am in a strange position. I must say that the details of this incident, and the handling thereof give me pause and cause me to reconsider my limited association with PPT.
 I have travelled with them four times, and have seen some behind the scenes scenarios that make me question the integrity of working for them at all in any context. I am not currently in a position to slip you any gory details, but let's just say that some aspects of "New Age" business are just as questionable as mainstream, if not heavier on the snake oil. 
Sorry to hear about how this all turned out, and I tip my hat to your example of honesty and tenacity. If I can see any good coming from giving you more details, I will let you know. I am not in a position to be taken to court and fined these days, but at least I can choose who I associate with. I'm on your side....

Here is some additional evidence showing that Power Places Tours do impose questionable surcharges to pay for Mr Bradens trip.

“I used to work at PPT many years ago. The “surcharge” has always been a standard there. It has nothing to do with any fuel surcharge at all, it’s just bad management. The owners Toby & Teri Weiss are desperate for clients so they underquote in the hope of getting enough people on a tour. They need 10 people to sign up to give a free space to Gregg Braden or whomever the speaker is. If that number is not achieved then the cost passes on to you in the form of a surcharge. Another reason is that someone did not factor in all the costs correctly or the wife Terri decided to join the trip for free at your expense or they did not book the space when they should have and later when the costs went up they found that they did not make enough profit, there are myriad of reasons why they make up the surcharge. You would think that a couple who organized tours about mind, body and spirit would be a little evolved but they are very callous and there is nothing spiritual about them. It’s all about the money. They live and keep their money offshore in St Croix and just have someone in Denver act like an adminstrative asst. All their staff always hated them intensely and the speakers just tolerate them for the free trips.”  Ramona

Power Places Tours seek UK High Court Injunction to prevent further disclosures of unethical behaviour

#23Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015

I - Free Spirit - as the Author of the original report can share that I have seen a document where Theresa Weiss of Power Places Tours is seeking a UK High Court Injuction from the Queens bench Division in order to prevent me making further disclosures of unethical behaviour and to prevent me saying more about Gregg Braden's involvement, which Power Places Tours deny. Power Places Tours claimn Gregg Braden is just a speaker - but there is strong evidence in the report updates below on this page that Gregg Braden has a clear working interest in Power Places Tours (which contradicts the statement made by his press office) and thus it is very clear he is involved in Power Places Tours enough to know that he is supporting unethical behaviour beyond any doubt. His press office claimed he was not made aware, but in an ICANN Panel case I saw documents showing that some months before I contacted his press office, Gregg Braden knew because his press office wrote to Gregg Bradens personal email address containing a link to  avideo I made and implying there was a serious problem - to quote Lauri (The Executive Director) - this is very bad, very very bad.

I saw a 166 page document filled with all my statements that has been presented to the UK High Court and it is alleged that they are defamatory and Power Places Tours expect to claim between GBP 10K and 50K in damages, however - my official position as of today  31.7.2015 - is that my statements are true/honest opinion and were made in good faith with the intention of working for the greater good and exposing an unethical company. It was explained to the lawyer working for Power Places Tours - in this case Edward Parkes - that I would not voluntarily remove the material without some kind of apology / apologetic deed to myself because as a Spiritual Master I would not consider concealing information about unethical behaviour that involves customers and speakers for Power Places Tours incurring heavy losses/harassing lawsuits, etc - UNLESS I thought that they were prepared to return to integrity, in which instance a second chance would be warranted.

I did present private and confidential terms for resolving the matter fully to Mr Parkes and Mrs Weiss which I assume is being considered.

Anyone with information about Power Places Tours scams/other issues or who wants to submit evidence to me to assist in this case can contact me at (((redacted)))

In the same vein, I am happy to speak to the newspapers, radio and or TV about the matter candidly, as I would resist a Court Injunction because of free speech issues. I understand this case 'may' involve the EU Court of Human Rights as it involves whistleblowing, SLAPP like actions and attempts to stifle fair, honest and accurate documenting of the behaviour of unethical companies. The press can also contact me via the email address above.

I confirm the above is completely true.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit    August 8th 2015

Power Places Tours / Theresa Weiss rips off a prominent author/speaker for US $60,000 ,there is proof

#23Author of original report

Mon, August 10, 2015

There is proof that Power Places Tours ripped off a speaker to the tune of US $60,000

see the screenshot attached

Carolyn Myss was awarded damages and Power Places Tours refused to pay,

David Smith 4 weeks ago said this on my You Tube Channel (He represented Caroline Myss)  

PPT - the worst of the worst. I worked with them professionally and they ripped us off. I took them to court and won!! But they were located outside the LISA (Carbbean) We never got the judgment money from them and they continue to do business.  Theresa, of PPT is like the walking DEAD. She is as bad as darkness gets. We are out $60,000 as I represented a very prominent speaker (Caroline Myss) Caroline preformed in Greece for PPT and RPT never paid her fee unless she would sign up for another rip off tour. I have contacted Gregg Braydon personally and what ever he does is his prerogative. If you have been ripped off from PPT - STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!

This is not an isolated incident, as Power Places Tours ignored another court order to refund a tour payment in 2013 after a  customer signed up for a tour, paid a deposit and was then asked for additional fraudulent surcharges.

People should be very wary of doing business with Power Places Tours as it is now very self-evident that a large number of speakers and customers have been ripped off, treated badly, harassed with lawsuits and so on and so forth. There may be more people that have not spoken up yet because they are afraid of being bullied with bad faith legal cases.

Five employees have also confirmed bad ethics, fraudulent surcharges, etc - and every few weeks or so I hear from yet another person with concerns. As I am a strong advocate of integrity, I will continue to make a stand against who in my opinion are nothing other than big bullies operating with the silent blessing of Gregg Braden.

Lauri from Gregg Bradens press office in 2013 denied there was a scandal, but the evidence says otherwise..

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