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  • Report:  #783450

16 Updates & Rebuttals

Mambo Odette


ms odette wants your forgiveness

#17Author of original report

Sat, February 18, 2012

I am Mambo Odette. The person who was posting in the name of Tara "Victim of Love - West Palm Beach (United States of America)" is ME.

I wrote all this out of jealousy and envy; It's all lies. I'm begging all your forgiveness.

Virgil aka Dr. Corbeaux aka Thetoadsbool of youtube is a very good man. I was arrogant and struck out at him in revenge. It was very evil of me. Virgil please forgive me, I beg your forgiveness, and I beg God for forgiveness, for all that I've done to you, Tara, and Chris.

Victim of Love

West Palm Beach,
United States of America

I found more victims of Thetoadsbool from Youtube

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

The victims never stop. I found 3 more this month alone.




#17Consumer Comment

Tue, November 22, 2011

That any normal, breathing human being would believe this crap - just send me your money I will predict your future! What a load!




#17Consumer Comment

Tue, November 22, 2011

I wasn't exactly certain what 'cretin' means, so I looked it up:

Urban Dictionary:
Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins.

I like it!


North Carolina,
United States of America

Gotta love ripoff reports

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2011

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano, hey Mambo...


Averill Park,
New York,


#17Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2011

Good grief !!  How can anyone be so absolutely STUPID as to send money to these fakes and charlatans ???   Spiritual advisor ???  Give me a break.  They don't  know as much about spirituality as my Shetland Sheepdog.  I suppose if anyone is stupid enough to GIVE their hard-earned money to these shysters, they DESERVE to lose it.  Such an ignorant bunch of CRETINS !!!!  WISE UP, geniuses  !!  Your local pastor can give you MORE and BETTER spiritual advice for FREE !!

Victim of Love

West Palm Beach,
United States of America


#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 21, 2011

Thetoadsbool is a thief and does not know what he is talking about. I have found many victims of this man ,if you are one message me on Youtube. I am "Spell Searcher"

Victim of Love

West Palm Beach,
United States of America

I have found 43 victims of Thetoadsbool

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 21, 2011

If you are a victim message me on Youtube I am "Spellsearcher"


United States of America

Please Perform Due Diligence on Odette

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011


I encourage people to do a background check on her to substantiate these claims if they have been involved with Ms. Odette/Mambo Odette aka Odetta Washington in any way. This is not a joke and should be taken very seriously. Do your research.


United States of America

False report related to long-standing internet feud

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, October 05, 2011

It took me a few times reading to make sense of this ridiculous report. However, one thing that is clear is this is a false report. Virgil is an upstanding and knowledgeable man. He has gone out of his way to help others and would not:

 #1 - charge $5,000 for ANYTHING, that is unethical and against his standards.

#2 - Not do work that was promised to someone.

It is clear that this is part of the internet feud that has been going on for some time. If only people could worry about themselves and their clients, rather than try to discredit or otherwise malign the character of others, this world would be a much better place. 



The Real Culprits Are Odette & Pierre Calixte

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, October 03, 2011

First, I would like to apologize to Virgil for getting caught up in this nonsense. The author of the original post has errorously assumed he is responsible for exposing a con artist named Odette Calixte aka Ms Odette, Odette302 and Mambo Odette. While it saddens me to see he (along with many others)  has been victimized by her I'm glad to see that Virgil has some people who have come to his defense. Your sincere words and praise is a testament to Virgils' true character.
The people responsible for posting this false claim are only showing themselves to be what they truly are, a bunch of mean-spirited, vindictive liars. When I first learned of the scam Odette was running on people it didn't faze me at first. However when I became aware of her strong-armed tactics against the people she has already scammed than I became angry. For those who don't know, after Odette rips them off she threatens, exposes and harasses them by various means afterward.
At first I wasn't sure if Odette was arrogant, believing she'd never get caught or ignorant. Now I am convinced its the latter. After all how can you be in the business of scamming people online then have so much of your own personal business online. People she has family pictures, address, full names and more online. Not only is that  foolish but extremely dangerous.
For anyone who has been conned by her I strongly urge you to file a complaint with the:
*Federal Trade Commission
*FBI IC3 - Internet Crime Complaint Center (
*United States Postal Inspection Service (possible mail fraud also)

Even though the government can be slow, they do take things like this seriously. They persecuted Miss Cleo for something similar and they can get her to.

Caveat RE

North Garden,
United States of America

Must Be Another Virgil

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

I needed a good laugh this morning! Here's my experience with Virgil: Mid 2010 I began to interview spiritual workers, specifically Hoodoo/Rootworkers for an upcoming book. When contacting these workers I did not reveal my intentions at first. Why? I wanted to see how they treated a prospective client. No doubt there are charlatans in this profession as there are in any profession. Out of 15 initial phone calls and/or email contacts, Virgil was the only person willing to speak with me without charging a consultation fee. I was shocked that he replied to my email and encouraged me to call him! Since our initial conversation I have engaged Virgil for some spiritual work and he has been very patient to answer my questions about Hoodoo, especially cemetery work. He always responds to my emails in a timely manner and calls me back, so I think the person filing the complaint must be confused. In fact, I have encouraged him to charge more for his services and stop giving away stuff...that's a quick way to go broke! Caveat Emptor everybody. Check out any person you want to work with in any profession...especially one offering services via the internet. Ask for references, not just testimonials posted on a website. RipOffReports is a venue for the internet community to post viable complaints, not start smear campaigns. Let's not abuse a valuable resource.


New Jersey,

I'm Sorry I Disagree

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

I am very sorry to hear about this. With all due respect, I do not believe we are speaking about the same gentleman. Mr. Virgil has performed work for me that unfortunately, other "wanna be" rootworkers claimed they solved, but many dollars later, I found out they lied. I came to him, at my wit's end. He calmly explained to me what needed to be done. I had a pressing concern which was distressing me terribly.

The Result: The spiritual work he performed on my behalf worked, literally, like a charm! And he NEVER charged me anywhere near the $5,000 fee you claim. He has ALWAYS taken my phone calls, answered each and every email, and even gave me his home phone number. He has proven to be a spiritually gifted advisor of the highest caliber and he has never charged me anywhere near those outrageous figures you have posted.

Either you are a liar or you are confusing him with someone else. His readings have ALWAYS been confirmed by my guias and they have blessed me immensely.



This is a Hoax

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

I happen to know Virgil quite well.  He has been my spiritual advisor for many years.  For the record, he has never charged me more than 30 dollars for a service, which I always paid by Paypal.  The claim that he would charge anyone 5k is preposterous.

The individual claims that Virgil doesn't return phone calls and yet his phone number was not included in the complaint.  It's obvious to me that it isn't included because this individual never had his phone number and has never paid him for anything.

There are only three ways to pay for a service over the internet:  Paypal or similar service, sending a check through the mail, or a service such as Western Union.  No one would be dumb enough to send five thousand in cash through the mail.

I need to see some proof that Virgil received the 5k and ever talked to this person.  There should be a cancelled check or money order stub, a Western Union receipt or a paypal record.  Where's the documentation?

If someone was moronic enough to send someone 5k, it should have at least gone by registered mail, and there would be paperwork for that.   If someone is going to now claim that they sent 5k though the mail in cash with no return receipt or registration, then what proof would they have that Virgil ever received this supposed 5k?  And without that proof, this report is worthless.

Where's the proof?  It concerns me that anyone can come on here and make outlandish accusations against others without a shread of proof.



Yet another sucker

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, October 01, 2011

You are yet another ignorant sucker. I mean - $5,000.00?

If you don't wise up this fraud or another just like it will get everything you have.

It's just plain dumb. These people are ALL 100% frauds.




#17Consumer Comment

Sat, October 01, 2011

Get a life, save your money and time.

Make your own decisions and stay completely away from these charlatans.

They're ALL FAKES and they ALL know it.

I'll only charge you $3,000 for a bunch of stupid, false readings, a far better deal.
NO REFUNDS though if it doesn't work out.

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