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  • Report:  #547770

Complaint Review: Thomas S. Monson / John Taylor

Thomas S. Monson / John Taylor Thomas S.Monson , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints scam syndicate / BYU scam / Bringham Young scam Utah , Internet

  • Reported By:
    Makatianticrime — Makati Philippines
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 31, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 31, 2009
  • Thomas S. Monson / John Taylor
    United States of America
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I was searching the web today and came across some ex-Mormons having a discussion about this post. They lamented the fact that I didn't include the links to Brigham Young admitting that he hadn't EVER paid his tithing and to future PRophet John Taylor(an A**postHOLE at that time) being on the non-tithe payer list.

Well, over the last 4 years, I've been pretty well known for always including the detailed links and proof to everything I post from MORmON history and doctrines and I dropped the ball on those 2 items...sorry about that guys...I must have been tired!!

When I wrote it, I knew it was true because I'd just read it in my research; but you guys don't know that and probably haven't read or heard about it and I have now provided the links above and below, so that everyone can easily verify it and know that both statements are indeed 100% true and factual.

Hopefully this will help fuel the conversation, as these are 2 pretty big and important pieces of information, which again proves how dramatically things have changed in MORmONISM(and with their "GOD") over the years. I encourage everyone reading this to spread it around to as many places as possible.

TBMs and MORmON apologists will of course vehemently deny that any of this ever happened and they'll call me a liar or worse...even though they mentioned and quoted the very book(directly from BYU's website)by E. Jay Bell(regarding something else I'll be exposing soon) that I quoted Brigham Young from, regarding not paying his tithing. I was researching something else and just happened to come upon that suprising THANK YOU BYU...LOL!!

Besides that, it was said in the MORmON's general conference in 1875...which I haven't found access to yet...but that makes it OFFICIAL!! I have access to records that go back to the 1880 General Conference until now...but not before 1880.

Thanks again guys for pointing this out and feel free to leave a comment or drop me an Email in the future, if I haven't included something in a post that I should have or if you have any questions.

I think the last time I bought a pair of secret & scared "MAGIC" Mormon garments/underwear, around 4-5 years ago; they were around $12 a pair, as the cost had just gone up. Maybe it was the cost of the type I bought, as I remember they had different prices for different types. I remember when they were around $7.00 a pair but of course that wasn't enough for the money hungry cult leaders/Jesus, who want every cent they can get their grubby hands on!!

If anyone has bought them lately and has a more accurate price range, or can access the LDS website that has all of the different prices; please share the info, so that I can be more accurate. It's too bad that Ebay won't let us sell them, as it would be a fun hobby and we could make a good living...selling Mormon magic underwear on Ebay...LOL!!

I'm guessing with the Salt Lake City, multi-billion dollar mall/downtown construction projects...the cost of garments will be going waaaay up, as someone has to pay for "Jesus'" shiny new malls(big and spacious buildings), right? I'm sure that "Jesus" will be having a very special meeting with Tommy Boy, in the Holy of Holies, regarding the much needed increase of the cost of Jesus' Magic underwear...LOL!!

In any case, if they are say $12 a pair and you have around 3 million active, temple going Saints(could be more or less), that buy say 10 pair a year...that would add up to 360 million dollars a year, minus their cost to make each pair which is what...50 cents or a dollar at most? They pay their workers minimum wage, so it could even be even less than that.

So, in my opinion, I would guess an accurate number would be somewhere between $200-400 million, based on the actual number of active temple goers, the actual cost per pair they buy & how many pair they buy per year. Could even be more than $400 million, which wouldn't surprise me at all...I just know it's in the hundreds of millions, even low-balling it in all of the categories that I just mentioned above.

That's why they want you to buy your garments from them exclusively and why you aren't allowed to make your own garments.(and make sure your cut out and burn the little Masonic marks in them when they wear out, so that you can use them to dust the furniture or wipe your car down, etc...LOL!) Amazing how much power those marks have eh...when there...garments are fully functional...when they're gone...garments are just rags and have lost all of their "MAGIC POWER"...LOL!!

God I was a brainwashed dumb a** to believe all of that bulls**t and so is anyone else that does!!

Oh and let's not forget the "money changers" in the back of the temple(ching, ching) that are RENTING the temple clothes for a ridiculous price(what they call "a small cleaning fee"), considering what it actually costs them to wash all the clothes, at the end of the day, in one massive load, in Jesus' sacred and blessed washing machines. I'm sure the washer and dryer were included in the dedicatory prayer, right?("Protect ALL from any devastating influence, destruction, or defacement.")

Hey didn't "Jesus" kick the money changers out of the temple...oops!! THEY'RE BACK...time to return bad-a** "Jesus" and kick them out again...LOL!! I guess now he loves money changers...but we have to also add the daily rental money to the above mentioned profits. I'm sure they make tens of millions on the rental charges, mostly from Utah and all of the brainwashed cultists that reside there.

Even when I was a TBM, I was VERY uncomfortable(as were many of my family members and friends) with a cash register ringing up my temple clothes and costume rental costs and I often wondered how that made sense, knowing what "Jesus" thought of the money changers.

Funny how the cash register bothered me so much, but the death penalties and pantomiming my death(along with and beside my family and friends) by slitting my throat and chest and disemboweling myself, if I ever revealed "THE SECRETS" of the temple; was just, was I brainwashed!!

I was bothered and disturbed by the DEATH PENALTIES when I first did them(not knowing ANYTHING about them beforehand), but then moved quickly into acceptance, because after was divine revelation while I was in "The Lord's House", that I should be murdered that way, directly from "Jesus" himself, through Joseph Smith and it was the "one and only true church."

In fact, I would deserve it(DEATH) I thought, if I did indeed reveal those SECRET/SACRED things to anyone else, which I promised I'd never do, with the fear and penalty of DEATH.

On top of the garments, let's also not forget the absurd cost of buying the temple ceremony clothes that you play dress up with and also the actual temple dresses and clothes that you wear under the dress-up clothes. It's Halloween baby, every day a MORmON temple is open.

I'd be surprised if the whole garment/temple clothing market of The Corporation Of The President didn't easily top a billion dollars annually! It's funny(in a pathetic way of course) that just that part of the corporation alone, could be its own successful, independent corporation in the real world.

In fact, in some of the poorest countries in the world, like in Africa; they don't even offer clothing rental and those poor people have to BUY their d**n temple clothes. Couldn't they just let them use them FOR FU**ING FREE?!!


"They wouldn't appreciate it as much if they were able to use them for free and didn't have to work for it" is what they would say. Yeah, like the MORmON Hierarchy works for all of the money that rolls in, based on fears and threats of eternal separation from everyone they've ever loved?!!

First you have to pay your d**n 10% just to get to "Jesus'" temple, then they nickle and dime you once you're worthy(garments) and then shamelessly once again when you get to the temple. It's a threefold hammer...WHAT A RACKET!!

When my Grandma died a few years ago, we went to the official church clothing store to buy her temple dress for her to be buried in(I was still a TBM at that time). They said they could have given her a discount if she was still alive, but since she was now dead...they'd have to charge us full price for the dress!!(It didn't even occur to the lady how offensive that statement was and just came out naturally, like most MORmON BS that they spew)

I believe the regular price was like $75 & they said that they could have sold us the dress for around $45 or something like that if she was still alive and that that was their official policy.

In other words...WE SHOULD HAVE FU**ING LIED!! Once again, the MORmON cult teaches you that lying is the best policy, just like they've done since 1820 until today.

I explained that she WAS DEAD and shouldn't have to pay more in her death, than when she was alive and that it was an absurd and unfair policy!! I asked "if we'd come in to buy the dress when she was on her death bed...would we have gotten the lower price" and her answer was "yes." I was even more furious at that point and I even told her I should have lied then", which she didn't appreciate!!

Then I told her that it was "outrageous that they were going to stick it to my Grandma like that when she was dead, just because of the fact that she was now dead!" I asked "why would you have such an obscene policy like that" and that "it didn't make any sense?" I then asked "is it because you now know you won't make any more money off of her?" I was PISSED!!

I was then, at the point, starting to seriously raise my voice and start to make the lady uncomfortable and cause somewhat of a scene in the otherwise "reverent" clothing store of the MORmON "Jesus."(again I was still TBM, but also very emotional and upset after losing my Grandma and I couldn't believe that "the one TRUE church" was doing this to my Grandma after her death and essentially punishing us for her death.) Where was the love and compassion?!!

It was more about the principle at this point, than the d**n $30...kind of like when Bednar said "it was never about the earrings." The difference is that I'm telling THE TRUTH, Bednar was LYING!!

I said things like "I can't believe you're doing this to my Grandma", "are you kidding me", "you should be ashamed of yourself", "this is absurd", etc. She then told me to "please clam down" and relented and said that "even though she wasn't supposed to and could get in big trouble, that she'd go ahead and give it to me for the lower price." Of course she also asked me "to please not tell anybody." I was so FURIOUS and couldn't believe what I'd just experienced and I was having flash backs to the BS that I'd put up with on my mission.

Anyway, the bottom line is that this Mormon cult will admit to gladly PUNISHING and PENALIZING you and your family, EVEN AFTER YOUR DEAD, while trying to squeeze your loved ones for more cash and every last cent they can get. They are cold and heartless!! There is no depth that they will not sink to, in order to make a buck off of you(even after you're DEAD) and like the d**che bag
Lynn G. Robbins said a few years ago in General Conference:

No bishop, no missionary should ever hesitate or lack the faith to teach the law of tithing TO THE POOR. The sentiment of They cant afford to needs to be replaced with THEY CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO.

One of the FIRST THINGS a bishop must do to HELP THE NEEDY is ask them to PAY THEIR TITHING. Like the widow, IF A DESTITUTE FAMILY IS FACED WITH THE DECISION OF PAYING THEIR TITHING OR EATING, THEY SHOULD PAY THEIR TITHING. The bishop can help them with their food and other basic needs until they become self-reliant.
(Lynn G. Robbins, Tithinga Commandment Even for the Destitute, Ensign, May 2005, 34)
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