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  • Report:  #1452213

Complaint Review: Thorsten Waldbroel / Le Grand Saint Vodka

Thorsten Waldbroel / Le Grand Saint Vodka TW, Thorsten Waldbroll / Le Saint Spirits / Krug Invest Provided me with Fake stock certificate in exchange for 4yrs of my providing marketing services as Marketing Brand Manager and used the brand to defraud investors. Claims to be importing sparking vodka from France but its made in China Miami Florida

  • Reported By:
    Kal007 — Beverly Hills United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 18, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 05, 2018

Thorsten Waldbroel or TW is a bonifed con man who has defrauded several people in the miami area wit his investment scam of sparkling Vodka. After 4 yrs of hard work and promise of owenrship he provided me with a fake stock certificate claiming I had 7% ownership in the brand. After buidling the brand from nothing literally in the LA market, Miami Market, Las Vegas Market, & Atlanta Market not to mention activations with my celebrity contacts for overas marketing event in Monaco I was told if I didnt sign off a release form for my silence he woudl not pay me the money that was owed to me. TO add even further insult I went a national TV show on the WE TV network to promote the brand through product placment. After signing off for the brands apperence he had his attorneys send a letter to the Network claining I had nothing to do with the brand and I wasnt authorised to represent the brand after being the face in the USA of the brand to the WE Network Executives. After my refusal to sign off on his settelement I found out he was a professional scammer and had taken many investors for a ride with this so called sparking vodka that is claimed ot be imported from France but is actually made in China! 4 years of my life went down the drain with no pay whatsoever and a fake stock certificate that he used to con me to beleive I had 7% ownership in the brand. He has traveled the world with his fraud and was here on an investor visa after defrauding Russian Investor whom I met who later pulled out after smellign the roses. If oyu encoutner this man run and do not give him your money. I got the brand placed on TV several times and became very clsoe to the national distributor SWS after this horrible disvovery. He is a very smooth talker and will make you beleive he has all the connections in the world but BEWARE. I know the people whos lives he ruined in Miami who are jewish that he tried to destroy with his cons artist behavior. All of what I have stated is FACTS with documents to prove it.

If you are being courted by him BEWARE you will be taken as he is also a racist against minoritoes and jews as he is of german decent so he believes he can take advantage of anyone who isnt being carfeul. Do not be fooled by appearence as that is only for show as he has no real money but will tke yours and leave you high and dry. Im available if anyone else has been taken by him or has been approached by him for investment. He will take you money and send it to Cyprus where he has hidden the stolen funds that has been taken from previous investors. You have been warned! If you have access to his location please share as my investigators are interested in located him so he may be brought to justice and to the hands of the FBI. 




Kal Williams

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Le Saint Spirits

United States


#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 05, 2018

 Mr. Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams, your defamatory and false statements are completely fraudulent and bogus. Unfortunately this website allows anyone to post fake garbage about other business owners, just to tarnish hard-earned reputations and shoot arrows in the backs of leaders who are ethical, honest, and hard-working. We are looking forward to finally bring such criminal as you to court to serve justice. Please be assured that the examination for discovery is an important part of the litigation process which will discover and prove your professional pattern of defamation to wrongful acts and make blackmailing statements to harm individuals reputation to extort money from them after you have been unsuccessful in your previous and pending business ventures. Please be noticed that our attorney is proceeding to file a claim against you in court in Miami since we and Next Level Spirits, LLC (see attachment for evidence) have sent you multiple letters to cease your disparagements which can no longer be tolerated. If you continue to plea to be upright, please provide us with the name of the attorney of your „legal teams"" which represents you. Feel also free to finally give us a valid address of your residency due that you keep changing nonstop your name and physical address to avoid being served by court papers. This does not mean that we cannot proceed with court actions since we can prove to the judge that we and others have made a reasonable attempt to serve you but have been unable to do so. Best regards, Le Saint Spirits, Ltd.


Beverly Hills,
United States

Answer Rebuttal to !00% False Defamation of Character statements made by Thorsten Waldbroel / Le Grand Saint Vodka aka Le Saints Spirits

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2018

This absurb response by TW aka Throsten Walbroel is self evident &  futher evidence of how far this con man will go to attempt to cover his tracks.

TW since you want to bring my family into this lets ask your Ex-Wife about your business activies I'm sure she has alot to say aout to your character not sure that would be postitive. Yikes that hurt didnt it!  The fact is anyone who wants to do the research on TW can contact Cheers Distributors in Miami Florida located at 2283 NE 164th st North Miami Beach, FL 33160 phone number  305 945 4565 ask for Elana tell them you like to know about TW and Le Grand Saint sure she has alot to say with the entire container of goods you burned her over. They should still be sitting oin warehouse now,  Second reference is Ronen Michael his email is who your also connned for investment. Since you want smoke let me provide FIRE with "demonstrative evidence" I guess you forgot I have 4 years of emails to back up every word of your intentional lies. Lets not forget Boe Trumball from SBE Group whom you got fired after running your scam on him aslo he can be reached at @boetrumball (Twitter). The true Fact is TW all the money you can steal and con people out of in this world will never bring you the solid reputation I have built in this industry not in a million years! The saddest story is howe many people did you you get with your french fry machine scam?? Anu who is has been a good friend to you was taken also for quite a bit & still you have no morals about who you hurt. 

Your not even a US Citizen!! Do you want to talk about your conning of Alexander's brother in law from Russia??  I have his contact info too but out of respect I will not post it here. Your weak attempt to defame me is moot and I wonder how deperate you must be now still posting pics on instagram from 5 years ago seriosuly give it up LOL..My reputation is 200% Solid so no lies or distractions will ever hurt me coming from you ever. I built Le Grand Saint from a maketing perspective and everyone knows it so no need for me to speak on whats already facts! You are taking plays from Trumps book to attack the truth with lies but unfortanutalely that wont help you.  Karma always comes back for those who lie, cheat & steal thinking they can short cut there way to the top. Let this be your lesson that the Brothers & Jews are working togther so I know that must burn you up deep inside with your german superiority complex but you have no power to build a brand in the USA. The past is coming back to get you since it pleasures you to take people on a ride at their financial detriment  By the way the invoice you owe for 34K is still due and accumlating the annual 10% on top of what is owed so take this as notice. Its quite high now be advised as this is notice given based on your acknoweldgment & response to this report here online.

The fact you went so far to try to slander & defame me will be used against you when judgement day comes. Defrauding American citzens as a foreign national is a major crime not to mention the SEC violations with issuing fake stock ceritificates. You say the company lent me personal loans Ha Ha what a joke beware the more lies you tell the deeper the hole you dig for yourself. Please send over these loans LMAO. I'd love to show them to my legal team so you have my email send em over soon as you can for review. You are at the end of your rope so best you be QUIET and stay hiding in Germany til you run out of stolen funds with accounts in Cyprus; your stash spot for the money you have stolen and defrauded other out of. I will retrieve every cent you owe me as there is no law nor contract stating I will work for free based on a false percentage and fake stock cetificate after 4 years. That's called Fraud simple & clear you should learn the US laws which you are breaking with intent!! The fact that I was "Brand Manager" for LGS is undisputed anyone can google my name and see evidence of my work online. Even the big bosses at Southern Wine & Spirits know whats up all the way to the top dog Wayne C. This report must be hurting your chances of taking the latest victim but thats what this site is set up for to expose con men & people that rip good honest people off. I will post the fake stock cetificate & the agreement you signed off with WE TV for the brand appearence if you say one more falsehood! Try me, Make my Day :)

Your Papertrail is quite messy but your ego wont let you humble yourself to accept the truth. My goverment name and proffesional name are no secret as you paid for many plane tickets so cut the bullshit you have no merit to stand on. Without me you aint s**t in the USA markets and will never be taken seriously.

TW Keep lying to yourself and be bold enought to come back to USA. Every Con man gets caught your time is soon to EXPIRE....


PS..Thanks alot for extending the time to file claims against you by posting these defamtory slanderous statements. I can back my story up but if you produce any more fake documents in support of your lies it only adds to the charges and claims.  Take Care & enjoy your freedom while it lasts....They dont serve Cipriani in the Feds so you know.




Kal Williams

Brand Manager / Strategist / Marketing Guru

Le Saint Spirits, Ltd.

United States

Documents which prove the Fake Resume of Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 23, 2018

Please be cautious with Kevin Toomer contacts you with his fake name "Kal Williams". Any legal document he signs is null and void! His contact details: Kevin Toomer 1294 Piedmont ave #9 Atlanta, GA 30309 K&M Media Marketing, LLC 5482 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 426 Los Angeles, CA 90036

Le Grand Saint USA


When Your Contractor is Not Who You Thought He Is - AKA The Fake Resume of Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams Scam

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 23, 2018

We have incurred significant and quantifiable damages by Mr. Kevin Toomer aka "Kal Williams” aka "Kevin Williams” showing a consistent pattern of being rude, provocative and disruptive conduct towards us and many other business victims which he is blackmailing to claim funds or business ownership which is not entitled to.  The forgoing facts support the following legal claims against him are trade liable and disparagement, trademark tarnishment, false endorsement, false advertising and unfair business practices. This situation caused that Mr. Kevin Toomer’s aka Kal Williams misconduct, far from being an experienced Brand Manager, is finally exposed being a proven con artist that lives off other people’s earnings by defrauding private individuals and companies by inventing false claims and backgrounds out of whole cloth to disguise want-to-be "Influencer Guru” as something he is not. 

  Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams has been further misleading producers and distributors of the TV series "Mystery Millionaire” in which he was appearing, where he made public statements that he is the CEO and owner of our Brand, reportedly based on continuous fraudulent behavior to purport to be a millionaire, something we understand is based on information and belief to be demonstrably far from even remotely true, and that he permanently used his claimed ownership of our Company to support this claim. The continued falsification of credentials being presented by Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams in the market has caused many individuals and business owners to lose their money.  We have reason to believe that Kevin Toomer’s intention is committing fraud since he is using the non-legal recognized and fake name "Kal Williams” which is a false person's identity (see attached his passport copy which clearly proves no registered "aka” name), and he ultimately runs up big piles of debt, which he doesn’t pay off. Fraudsters like him using a fake identity intend to mislead individuals and honest business owners to obtain verifiable information by doing a background check to verify his conviction record, work history and credit report. He further continuously refuses to disclose accurate information including his SSN. We all know why!

After we have taken notice that he has not been paying his child support, or his rent (obviously he is using his girlfriend’s name as tenant), as also several occurred expenses where we have been frequently contacted by third parties during a long period of time due that he was using our corporate address. Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams is clearly a fraud intentionally providing a fake resume where he still continues falsification of credentials being presented by him to scam legitimate business owners.  Here, in the course of seemingly so doing, he has caused real damages to real companies and violated a myriad of laws that provide the victims with the ability to seek legal redress.  Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams is meanwhile known in the industry to make similar false claims where he received multiple cease and desist letters from different attorneys to stop his unlawful conducts and attempts to defame us and many others as the company called Next Level Spirits from California (see attachment Cease and Desist letter from Feb 14, 2013). This speaks for itself!

Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams never had any issued ownership or management interest in our company or Brand other than he was an independent contractor providing brand management services during the dates he was so engaged. Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams has been financially compensated for his previous services which can be proven at any time. Further he had received from us multiple personal loans which he obviously never intended to pay back YTD.  To make it clear Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams acting as the CEO of K&M Media Marketing LLC (K&M), or CEO/Partner of CARGO, or CEO/Partner of VII Collection or CEO/Partner of CBVIOR was terminated as a contractor, and as such is no longer affiliated with our company.  

Unfortunately, Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams continues to claim false endorsement or affiliation, or use of our intellectual property, which he is not entitled to. All rights, remedies and positions are reserved.   Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams did not comply with our cease and desist request, to remove the statements and images from his social media and company web site to continue to mislead potential clients doing so to convey a false association and false endorsement apparently to entertain his own commercial interests to continue to identify himself as a partner/owner and Brand Manager of our company. Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams failure to do so before has made an amicable resolution of the dispute next to impossible, especially after we found out his multiple fraudulent actions by creating fake expenses for several events -which is another story in this chapter- where we have immediately canceled after discovery of such expense fraud scheme any kind of working relationship with him to avoid further financial damages to our company which are on record. It further appears that Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams is exaggerating his association with our Company and our Brand to help him build credibility and attract other clients to garner media attention. 

Our pending legal complaint will detail the allegations of his misconduct. Accordingly, a rational person seeking positive publicity for commercial gain would weigh the benefits of continued false affiliation with our company and our Brand, against the potential harm of public controversy and negative portrayal by being involved with such a con artist.  Hopefully this has helped to expose Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams as a charlatan where he is seen as illegitimate, deceptive and inauthentic causing further reputational and financial damage to us and many others.  If anyone has experienced this with Mr. Kevin Toomer aka Kal Williams aka Kevin Williams (and I am sure some of you have) and can offer any suggestion or insight as to how you have fought this battle with such a con artist, please comment or contact me.  If anyone is reading this that is guilty of such actions, maybe you should rethink your business approach and try something honest and ethical. This letter is not intended as a complete statement of fact or law, our investigation continues and all rights and remedies are expressly reserved. Sincerely yours, Le Grand Saint Sparkling Vodka Le Saint Spirits, Ltd.

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