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  • Report:  #1072251

Complaint Review: Thuy Li - Thuy-Duyen thi Huynh

Thuy Li - Thuy-Duyen thi Huynh Thuy Li (Thuy Huynh) - Perjury - Lying Under Oath - Divorce & Civil Cases - Has repeatedly and blatantly committed perjury. In addition, has been reported to the IRS and the FTB for federal and state income tax evasion. Orange California

  • Reported By:
    Mr.P. — California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 02, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 06, 2013

Thuy Huynh aka “Thuy Li” has repeatedly committed perjury (lied under oath) during her divorce proceedings (Case # 12D000915) as well as in a civil lawsuit (Case #30-2012-00564239-CU-BC-CJC). This report will serve to provide a full account of all the perjury she has committed thus far and will document any more instances of perjury going forward. Thuy Li’s perjury has been brought to the attention of the Orange County District Attorney’s office asking that she be investigated and prosecuted for perjury.

It should be noted that in the civil case Thuy Li was first represented by attorney Michael C. O’Young (SB# 260953) from April 24, 2012 until April 26, 2013 when he dropped her as a client.  One of Mr. O’Young’s law partners stated that one of the reasons Thuy Li was dropped as a client was because “she is a liar and we could not believe anything that came out of her mouth”.

Since being dropped by Mr. O’Young for dishonesty, Thuy Li has been represented by attorney Early Marlow Hawkins (SB# 119827). On multiple occasions, Thuy Li’s blatant perjury has been brought to the attention of Early Hawkins. Even though Early Hawkins is aware of his client’s repeated perjury, it does not appear that he is willing to do anything about it, even though, as a licensed attorney, he has several legal and ethical obligations to uphold.

Normally when an attorney becomes of aware of their client committing perjury, they are required to either make the client stop or drop the client altogether. Thus far, Early Hawkins has refused to explain why he is not taking any action regarding his client’s perjury. If it appears that he is continuing to allow his client to commit perjury, it will be brought to the attention of the California Bar as well as the Orange County DA’s office.

There is a trial scheduled for the civil lawsuit on December 2, 2013.  It remains to be seen if Early Hawkins intends to put his client on the stand knowing that she has already perjured herself and will most likely continue committing perjury. Early Hawkins should know that putting a client on the witness stand while knowing they are going to commit perjury is not only unethical,

but illegal as well. If Hawkins does go that route, it will be brought to the attention of the California Bar as well as the Orange County DA’s office. It will also be posted on this report.

If Early Hawkins wakes up one day and decides to fulfil his legal and ethical obligations and either put a stop to his client’s perjury or if he drops her as a client, credit will be given where credit is due and it will be posted on this site.

This is not Thuy Li’s first brush with perjury. It was recently brought to the attention of the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board that she has been filing fraudulent federal and state tax returns and evading income taxes since at least the mid-2000s. Her ex-husband has been providing information to IRS criminal investigators who are currently investigating the allegations.

This report will be frequently updated over the next several months. A complete laundry list of Thuy Li’s perjury will be posted on this report along with evidence to substantiate the allegations.

Stay tuned.

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Report Thuy For Tax Evasion


Email to US Attorney, IRS, FBI 08/08/13 - Regarding Early M. Hawkins and Witness Intimidation/Obstruction of Justice

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, September 06, 2013

On 08/18/13 an email was sent to the US Attorney's office along with criminal investigators with the IRS and FBI to bring it to their attention the great lengths that attorney Early Hawkins will go to retaliate against witnesses for reporting a federal crime. Hawkins went as far as instructing his client, Thuy Li, to file a frivolous grievance with the Texas State Bar that was summarily dismissed. It is interesting to note that Thuy Li contradicted herself in the grievance when compared to previous statements she made under oath. Early Hawkins is aware of his client's rampant perjury and he has decided to allow Thuy Li to continue committing perjury. The victim of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li is bringing a lawsuit against both of them for their vile and descipcable conduct.
Re: Obstruction of Justice/ Witness Intimidation - Early M. Hawkins 
Dear Mr. Birotte,
I am writing to bring to your attention the efforts of Early Hawkins, a California-based attorney (SB# 119827), to not only obstruct and hinder cooperation with the reporting of federal crime(s) committed by his close friend and client, Thuy Huynh, but also to harass and intimidate witnesses.  In recent weeks Mr. Hawkins has stepped up his threats and efforts at retaliation for reporting his client to the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board for federal and state income tax evasion.
In recent months, Early Hawkins has instructed his client to make false allegations against her ex-husband, *********** **** with the Irvine Police, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and even the FBI – all of which went nowhere after her lack of credibility became clear. I myself have fallen victim to Mr. Hawkins’ tactics after he instructed his client to file a false grievance against me with the Texas State Bar – which was promptly dismissed as unfounded. Even though her false allegations fell on deaf ears, Early Hawkins’ original intent did succeed – to harass and intimidate witnesses who reported his client to federal and state authorities. My concern is that Early Hawkins intends to continue his campaign of obstruction, intimidation, and retaliation.
In February, 2012, *********** ****, then Thuy Huynh’s husband, contacted an investigator with the IRS with information and evidence regarding Ms. Huynh’s long running tax evasion scheme.  The investigator took down all of Ms. Huynh’s information, but told Mr. **** he would be unable to take a statement from him due to their marital status. Mr. **** was advised to contact the IRS again after his divorce was final. A week later Mr. **** notified Ms. Huynh’s family attorney, Damian Fragoso, that he had reported Ms. Huynh’s tax evasion to the IRS and had provided the investigator with all of Ms. Huynh’s banking and credit card information.
In retaliation for reporting her to the IRS, Thuy Huynh filed a frivolous lawsuit against Mr. **** approximately two months later. Her first attorney, Michael C. O’Young, called Mr. **** less than 24 hours after Mr. **** was served a copy of the lawsuit and told him that if he did not settle quickly and write Ms. Huynh a sizeable check, that he and Ms. Huynh would subject Mr. **** to embarrassment and expensive litigation. It should be pointed that out that in the 16 months since the lawsuit was filed, Ms. Huynh and her attorneys have refused or been unable to provide any evidence backing up their allegations. At a deposition for Ms. Huynh, Mr. O’Young admitted there was no evidence and that they were only pursuing the lawsuit to financially exhaust Mr. ****. It should also be noted Mr. O’Young left the case after he violently attacked Mr. **** and threw a laptop at his head in an attempt to cause serious injury to Mr. ****. Mr. Hawkins readily agreed to represent Ms. Huynh in her frivolous lawsuit and he expanded upon previous efforts to retaliate against Mr. **** for his cooperation with the IRS.
Mr. Hawkins is clearly aware that Ms. Huynh has evaded paying income taxes. At a recent court hearing on a Motion to Compel, Mr. Hawkins admitted to the Judge in open court that the reason he was unwilling to turn over key evidence was that it would implicate his client in a crime. The fact that Mr. Hawkins was willing to admit to a Judge that his client has a tax evasion problem is proof that there is merit to allegations made to the IRS by Mr. ****.  Mr. Hawkins went on to cite Mr. **** cooperation with the IRS, showing that he is aware that Mr. **** is a cooperating witness, which makes his efforts to intimidate Mr. **** all the more troubling.
In addition to Mr. Hawkins directing his client to file a frivolous grievance against me with the Texas State Bar, Mr. Hawkins personally contacted me by phone on June 4, 2013 and threatened me with retaliation if I continued to discuss the particulars of Ms. Huynh’s long running tax evasion scheme. I also believe Mr. Hawkins directed his client and friend, Ms. Huynh, to conduct a smear campaign against myself and Mr. **** by contacting our friends and business associates and making online posts claiming we were “lovers” when nothing could be further from the truth. Again, my concern is that Mr. Hawkins will continue to ratchet up the harassment and pressure in an attempt to silence Mr. **** and myself.
 Even in light of Mr. Hawkins’ extensive arrest record, I find it very troubling that a licensed attorney would go to great lengths to hinder a criminal investigation on behalf of a close, personal friend. I believe it is worth pointing out that Ms. Huynh is a Playboy and lingerie model. It is not a stretch of the imagination that Mr. Hawkins’ willingness to harass and intimidate Mr. **** and myself is tied to his own personal feelings toward Ms. Huynh. In my opinion, based on 35 years of practicing law, it is the only reasonable explanation why Mr. Hawkins would continue a malicious prosecution even after Mr. O’Young admitted there was no evidence to back up Ms. Huynh’s claims.
I am asking the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California to investigate Mr. Hawkins’ conduct. One of the fundamental beliefs of our justice system is that witnesses and whistleblowers be free from retaliation and intimidation. The system fails when people like Mr. Hawkins are able to succeed with intimidating witnesses and obstructing justice.
I can provide more specific examples and evidence of Mr. Hawkins’ attempts at obstructing justice and witness intimidation. Please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail or at ***-***-****.


Report Thuy For Tax Evasion


Email to IRS Criminal Investigator 08/17/13

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, September 06, 2013

This email was sent to the IRS Criminal Investigator that originally started asking questions about Thuy Li's long running tax evasion scheme. It was important that he know that Early Marlow Hawkins is continuing to intimidate witnesses and obstruct a criminal investigation. Shocking and disgusting behavior on the part of Early Hawkins. It begs the question to ask what he is receiving return from Thuy Li for his assistance.
Special Agent ******,




I want to give you a quick update on the civil case involving Thuy-Duyen Thi Huynh. I also want to bring it to your attention that it appears her attorney, Early M. Hawkins, is trying to prevent any further cooperation with the IRS and is trying to intimidate witnesses into silence.




This past Wednesday there was a hearing for a Motion to Compel Further Bill of Particulars from Ms. Huynh. The Judge granted the motion and Ms. Huynh has until the 24th to provide a full and complete accounting, including dates, of when she allegedly lent her ex-husband $40,000 cash. Anyone that has seen her tax returns knows this has to be unreported income. If and when she turns it over I will be sure that you receive a copy of it.


Early Hawkins told the Judge that the reason he did not want to turn over a Bill of Particulars is because he was afraid that it would be used to implicate her in a criminal proceeding. It shows that Early Hawkins knows his client is guilty of tax evasion, otherwise he would not care if it was turned over. The Judge and the opposing counsel seemed shocked that Hawkins would admit to a Judge in open court that his client may be guilty of a federal crime. In my 35 years of practicing law I don’t think I have ever heard a lawyer say something so stupid.




I also want to inform you that I am in contact with the US Attorney for Central California and the California Bar. Early Hawkins has taken steps and made comments that lead us to believe that he is trying to intimidate Ms. Huynh’s ex-husband and me from cooperating with the IRS. He is threatening legal action against her ex in retaliation for his cooperating with the IRS.  I am asking the US Attorney to consider bringing criminal charges for obstruction/witness intimidation against Mr. Hawkins.




If you have any questions, I can be reached at ***-***-****.








Report Thuy For Tax Evasion


Trial Attorney Calls Early Hawkins a "WIMP" and "ineffective counsel"

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, September 05, 2013

Yesterday a memo went out describing how Early Hawkins is REFUSING to COMPLY with two Court Orders issused on August 14th, 2013. That Early Hawkins is showing blatant disrespect to the Judge and the Court is not shocking in light of his past refusal to obey the law. What was shocking was that he tried to file a motion despite his refusals to comply. Because Early Hawkins suffers the problem of being Early Hawkins, he screwed up on the motion and the Court rejected it. We will have to wait for him to refile before we can assess just how meritless it will be. In the meantime, Hawkins continues on with his malicious prosecution of his victim. Hawkins' moral compass is so out of whack. Hawkins will never be confused with someone that deserves to be treated with respect.

A trial attorney with almost 20 years experience in litigation heard about Early Hawkins' mendacious conduct and offered the following words. He hits the nail on the head. It is also his opinion that Early Hawkins is suborning perjury.

"I did some thinking last night about Mr. Hawkins ill-conceived stunt in filing a motion for protective order in the midst of ignoring TWO court orders.  Never in a million years would I file a motion while defying a court order, much less two of them. It is unethical and shows very poor form.   I informally polled a half dozen trial lawyers on my floor this morning and to a man they agreed what he did was beyond stupid.  Not only will he have pissed the Judge off by defying his orders, he has done his own client a huge disservice by insuring that whatever little credibility his client had with the Court is now irreparably destroyed. Nothing Hawkins or his client can say will have much credibility.  For this reason alone I doubt he can call himself a trial lawyer because no trial lawyer I know would dare to treat a Judge with the blatant disrespect Mr. Hawkins has shown  this judge. I would not be surprised if the Judge does slaps a separate sanction on him for trying to file the motion.

If it is his client that is refusing to comply with the court’s order then he has an ethical duty to drop her as a client. Otherwise he is participating with her in defying multiple court orders and open to sanction. I would not want to be the lawyer explaining to a Judge a pathetic reason for non-compliance. If he had time to work on the protective order he certainly had time to work on complying with the Judge's order!

Because of who she is and what she has done, I do not feel sorry for her that she has ineffective counsel. She has the crappy lawyer she deserves.

I went back and checked the court registry of actions and her attorney has done nothing on her behalf. He is providing inadequate representation and he owes it to his client to explain to her in writing why he is failing to represent her. In my view, he has exposure to a malpractice suit.

The defendant's attorney filed the Motion to Compel on 06/20/13. The hearing was set for 07/31/13. During that time Hawkins had an affirmative duty to file a response in opposition. He failed to do so! Why did he do that to his client? What kind of trial lawyer allows opposing counsel run all over their client like that?

The defendant's attorney filed the Motion to Compel Further Bill of Particulars on 07/15/13. The hearing was set for 08/14/13. Again Hawkins had an affirmative duty to his client to file a response in opposition. Again Hawkins failed to protect his client. Hawkins has acquiesced to everything the defendant’s attorney has filed. Hawkins is a wimp.

I don’t feel sorry for Thuy because she is a horrible person, but she made a huge mistake hiring Mr. Hawkins to be her lawyer. He made a huge mistake taking her as a client. They deserve each other!

What baffles me is why is Mr. Hawkins not trying to settle this? Does he think the defendant is not going to come after him for pursuing a frivolous case against him? At least if he tries to settle, Hawkins can try to take some of the “malicious” out of the malicious prosecution. Pride cometh before the fall…"

Report Thuy For Tax Evasion


Another Screw Up Courtesty of Early Hawkins

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2013



You got some explaining to do son.. According to the Court registrar, you and your client are under two court orders.  Doesn’t look like you have filed any notice with the Court that you have complied with EITHER of them. Is that a smart move?


Then today I see that you tried to file a Motion for a Protective Order that was rejected (is there anything in life you don’t screw up?)


Let me get this straight….rather than comply with two reasonable Court orders (which is a really good idea unless you like additional sanctions), you file a for a protective order?


Why? People file for those when they want to hide something. What are you trying to hide? Is it by chance you want to hide from the IRS any evidence that your client is a TAX EVADER???  You do realize that your actions in light of your statement to the Judge look, in the words of Chris Rock, “suspicious as f***!”?


I wish it hadn’t been rejected on account of your screwing it up, because then I could download it and send it over to the IRS Criminal Investigator and let them know you and your client clearly have something to hide. Your actions fit my narrative that you will go to great lengths to obstruct justice.


This is what I need you to do Early: 1) Put down the bottle. 2) Focus 3) Get help from a 2nd year law student that knows what they are doing 4) Resubmit your silly motion.


Then I can download it and send it over to the IRS and draw attention and speculation on what you are trying to hide.  Oh and I can post on RipOff Report additional commentary about how you are trying to conceal a crime. (Please don't try to tread on my 1st Amendment)


You do know just how bad it looks that you tried to file for a protective order AFTER you  have failed to comply with a Court order? IT LOOKS REALLY BAD! I know your understanding of the law is sparse, but a protective order won't stop the IRS for putting your client where she definitely belongs.


You are not too good at tactics and strategy and s*** are you? What did you want to be when you were a kid? Whatever it was, you should go try your hand at that.

Report Thuy For Tax Evasion


Why is Early Hawkins Trying to Conceal a Crime?

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2013

Early Hawkins,


Will you please explain why you are trying to conceal the fact that your client, Thuy-Duyen Thi Huynh aka Thuy Li, is a tax evader and perjurer?

Why are you assisting your client in retaliating against a witnesses that are cooperating with the IRS?

Why are you trying to prevent evidence from being turned over to the IRS?

Why did you tell the Judge that you did not want to turn over evidence that could implicate Thuy Li in a crime? Are you acknowledging she is guilty?


What do you have to hide Early Hawkins?

Report Thuy Li


You Are Invited to Watch Early Hawkins Put a Tax Evader on the Stand!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2013


On , you are invited to watch attorney Early Marlow Hawkins assist in implicating his client, Thuy-Duyen Thi Huynh aka “Thuy Li” in the federal crime of tax evasion.

At a hearing on August, 14th, 2013, Early Hawkins told the Judge he did not want to turn over evidence that he is required to turn over by law because it could implicate Thuy Li in a federal crime. So what does the brilliant Early Hawkins propose to do instead? Put her on the stand. Under oath. Where everything she says, can and will be used against her in a criminal proceeding.

See, what I really think is happening here is that Early Hawkins has every intention of assisting the Internal Revenue Service of nailing his client for tax evasion and sending her to prison where she belongs. Why else would Early Hawkins do something as stupid as putting a perjurer/tax evader on the stand and not only risking his law license, but opening himself up to a malpractice lawsuit?

Consider this your invite to watch Early Hawkins be monumentally stupid. And incompetent.

Report Thuy Li


Attorney Early Hawkins Throws Thuy Li Under the Bus!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2013

During a court hearing on August 14, 2013 attorney Early Hawkins made a startling admission. The hearing was for a Motion Compelling Further Bill of Particulars that was brought by the victim of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li.  The hearing was necessary because Early Hawkins has refused to provide the victim a Bill of Particulars even though the law requires that Early Hawkins provide one.  At the Early Hawkins provided a novel argument on why he and his client should not be required to follow the law. Early Hawkins told the Judge in open court that the reason he did not want to turn over a completed Bill of Particulars was because it could be used to implicate Thuy Li in a criminal proceeding.  

Clearly, Early Hawkins admitted the allegations that Thuy Li has filed fraudulent tax returns are likely true. If she is innocent, why did he throw her under the bus?

Within days of the hearing it was brought to the attention of an IRS criminal investigator and the US Attorney’s office that Early Hawkins thinks Thuy Li is guilty of a serious federal crime.

Despite Early Hawkins pleas to the Judge that he and his client be allowed to continue refusing to obey the law, the Judge granted all of the motions brought by the victim. The Judge ordered Thuy Li to pay over $2,400 in sanctions to her victim within 30 days. The Judge also ordered to Early Hawkins and Thuy Li to turn over a completed Bill of Particulars to their victim within 10 days. The Judge also gave them 10 days to turn over evidence that Thuy Li claimed she had in her possession. The Judge was clearly not impressed with Early Hawkins’ refusal to obey discovery laws. 

It remains to be seen if Early Hawkins and Thuy Li have any intention of complying with the Court’s order. If they don’t, it is just more proof that their only intent was to inflict pain and suffering on their victim in retaliation for his reporting Thuy Li’s criminal behavior to the IRS.


If it turns out Early Hawkins refuses to comply to the Judge’s order, this page will be updated to report his continued vile and despicable conduct.

If Thuy Li fails to pay the victim the sanctions she was ordered to pay within 30 days, the victim has the option of turning her over to a collection agency.



Email Contact -

#15Author of original report

Tue, August 13, 2013

I have been in regular communication with the Internal Revenue Service regarding Thuy "Thuy Li" Huynh's long running scheme to evade income taxes and file fraudulent tax returns.  I have been pulling information from court filings that are public record and turning them over to a criminal investigator with the IRS that has taken a special interest in this case.  There is nothing that Early Hawkins, the attorney for Thuy Li, can do to prevent me from providing public records to the IRS. Despite Early Hawkins to intimidate me and obstruct the reporting and investigating of serious federal crimes committed by Thuy Li, I will continue my efforts to see that Thuy Li is held accountable for her criminal behavior. 


I have been asked to compile a list of all of Thuy's jobs and sources of unreported income.  These can include modeling and gogo-dancing gigs, bartending and card dealing at "private parties", ring girl, nude webcamming sessions, escorting, etc. If you have any information about her extra sources of income, please contact me. I will forward the information you provide to the IRS. I will protect your identity and prevent you from falling victim to harassment or intimidation by Early Hawkins.


I was at Thuy's deposition on April 15-16, 2013, when she admitted under oath that she only reports the wages listed on her W-2 to the IRS and FTB. She admitted that she does not report her tips or any other sources of income, a clear violation of federal and state law. I am trying to compile a complete list of all sources of income to assist the IRS in their investigation of her. 


Provided Early Hawkins is dumb enough to put her on the stand, there is a trial scheduled for December 2, 2013. I will be there taking notes of everything that Thuy says under oath regarding her finances. I will be providing my daily notes to a criminal investigator with the IRS - just as I did during her deposition. I have my doubts that any trial will take place because I have never known an attorney stupid enough to cause their own client to incriminate themselves in a serious federal crime. Attorneys can lose their law license for doing that. Then again, Early Hawkins is not exactly a smart person, so maybe a trial will happen. 


Remember, all of us that pay our taxes are victims of people like Thuy Li.




Regarding the Victim of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, August 09, 2013

I post this asking that you keep the victim of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li. It is hard to have to watch him have to endure so much pain and suffering at the malicious hands of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li. Because of the ordeal he is having to go through, he wants to help other victims just like him. The victim of Early Hawkins and Thuy Li definitely deserves our sympathy and  prayers. When this is over, the victim intends to file a lawsuit against Early Hawkins and Thuy Li. The victim wants Early Hawkins to be held accountable for his despicable and vile behavior. 




RipOff Report About Thuy Li's Ongoing Tax Fraud

#15Author of original report

Wed, August 07, 2013



This is Early Hawkins SB# 119827

#15Author of original report

Sat, August 03, 2013

This is a picture of Early Marlow Hawkins.

Early Hawkins is aware that his Thuy Li has filed fraudulent tax returns and evaded income taxes for at least the last 7 years. Early Hawkins is also aware that his client has been reported to the IRS and the FTB and that her ex-husband has provided a substantial amount of cooperation with the IRS. Early Hawkins knows that anything his client says in a deposition or at trial can be used to build a criminal case against her.  Despite the risks to his client, Early Hawkins has claimed he is willing to put his client on the witness stand. It appears that Early Hawkins is willing to risk incriminating his client in a serious federal crime. Would a competent attorney do this?

Early Hawkins has been presented with evidence on multiple occasions that his client, "Thuy Li", is committing perjury and up to this point it appears Early Hawkins is refusing to do anything about it. 

Early Hawkins is therefore aware that Thuy Li has committed perjury. Despite knowing this, Early Hawkins has claimed he is willing to put Thuy Li on the stand even though he knows it is likely she will continue committing perjury. Would a competent attorney do this?

Early Hawkins is pursuing a case that has been dragging on for 15 months, still Early Hawkins refuses to present any evidence to back up the allegations he is making on behalf of his client.

Early Hawkins is claiming that his client lent a total of $40,000 in multiple transactions. Early Hawkins refuses to provide a single date of any of these transactions, he also refuses to provide any evidence this money ever existed.

Early Hawkins ignored a Demand for Bill of Particulars that asks for the particulars of these alleged loans. This caused the defendant to have to file a Motion to Compel with the Court (further running up the defendant's legal bills).

Early Hawkins is aware that the previous attorney, Michael C. O'Young, admitted that there was no evidence but was just pursuing the defendant to exhaust his financial resources. Early Hawkins has shown no interest in putting an end to the malicious prosecution and appears intent on carrying on with O'Young's vile and despicable conduct. 

Early Hawkins is aware that in the summer of 2012 Thuy Li signed an Income and Expense Declaration under the penalty of perjury  that she only makes $2,000 a month and has expenses of at least $2,700 a month, meaning that she cannot even afford to support herself. Despite this mathematical impossibility, Early Hawkins claims his client lent over $60,000 (despite there being zero evidence).

Early Hawkins refuses to provide any explanation on how his client can defy the laws of math. It appears there are only two logical conclusions - either Early Hawkins is incapable of performing math on a 2nd grade level or Early Hawkins is aiding and abbeting his client, Thuy Li, in a malicious prosecution and is allowing his client to lie under oath. Only Early Hawkins can provide an explanation.

Early Hawkins is aware that Thuy Li signed a marital settlement agreement on October 1, 2012, in which she took full responsibility for all credit card bills held in her name. This agreement was approved by the Court on March, 14, 2013. A competent attorney with integrity would know that it would dishonest and malicious to claim the defendant is responsible for Thuy Li's credit card bills, but that is not stopping Early Hawkins from doing that very thing. It appears that Early Hawkins is intentionly trying to deceive the Court, a fellow officer of the court, and harass the defendant. We are waiting for Early Hawkins to explain why he is pursuing what he knows to be false. 

It is fair to ask if a competent attorney with integrity behave this way?





Another Email to Early Hawkins Regarding Thuy Li's Perjury

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, August 03, 2013

This email was sent to Early Hawkins on July 30, 2013. It once again brings it to Early Hawkins’ attention Thuy Li’s blatant perjury. Once again, Early Hawkins refused to respond and refused to offer an explanation on why it appears he has failed to upheld his legal and ethical obligations to put a stop to his client lying under oath or withdrawing as counsel.

This email also points out another attempted deception on the part of Thuy Li and Early Hawkins.  On October 1, 2012, Thuy Li signed a marital settlement agreement and as part of that agreement, that she signed under the penalty of perjury, she took full responsibility for all credit card accounts and charges held in her name. The exact wording (emphasis mine):

“3. SEPARATE PROPERTY. All assets obtained by Petitioner before the marriage and after date of separation are confirmed as his or her  separate property. All assets obtained by Respondent before the marriage and after the date of separation are confirmed as his or her separate property. Each party confirms that all physical assets (furniture, etc.) have been transferred to one another. Petitioner and Respondent shall each be responsible for all credit card, department store, medical, insurance, automobile, furniture, electronics and other such obligations held in their individual names prior to the marriage and after the date of separation."

This agreement was approved by the Court on March 14, 2013, making it legally binding.  That has not stopped Thuy Li or Early Hawkins from falsely claiming that the defendant is responsible for Thuy Li’s credit card bills. Early Hawkins is aware of this agreement and therefore he knows he is making a claim that he knows to be false and meritless. In my opinion it appears that Early Hawkins is intentionally trying to deceive the Court. In my opinion, Early Hawkins’ conduct is despicable.  I hope Early Hawkins will soon provide an explain himself.


Mr. Early Hawkins,


I am once again writing you in regards to your client, Thuy Huynh's, repeated and blatant perjury. It is my understanding that you are in possession of a substantial amount evidence regarding her perjury. It is also my understanding that you have chosen to ignore the evidence and that it appears you are refusing to follow your legal and ethical duty to put a stop it. It appears to all that have seen the evidence that your client is committing a serious crime and you appear to be willing to allow it to continue. I feel it is my ethical duty to do all I can to draw attention to this despicable conduct.

Just as I did yesterday, I will be forwarding this and other emails to the Orange County District Attorney's office, personnel with the California Bar, as well as the Bar's Board of Trustees.  It is my hope that this will encourage you to provide an honest and candid answer. I also will be forwarding this email to the IRS criminal investigators that are currently investigating your client for federal income tax evasion. I feel the IRS investigators should know that your client will not hesitate to lie under oath.

My question is still the same, do you intend to obey the law regarding your client's perjury or do you intend to proceed with perjured testimony?

Let's do another recap of the facts as they stand so far. On April 24th, 2012, your client filed a lawsuit (Case No. 30-2012 00564239) alleging Breach of Contract, Fraud, and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. Let's ignore for the moment the fact that this case has been dragging on for 15 months and you are still refusing to provide a shred of evidence backing up your client's allegations. Let's ignore the fact that you are refusing to communicate with opposing counsel and resolve this matter informally. Let's ignore the fact that there are two Motions to Compel on the calendar and you have not filed a response to either of them. Let's ignore the fact that you did not show up to the last hearing. Let's ignore that it has become abundantly clear that the defendant is the victim of malicious prosecution/abuse of process by you and your client.


 Instead, I would like to focus on the claim of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. It has been relayed to me by the victim... I mean the defendant, that during written discovery, your client claimed under the penalty of perjury that she suffered and continues to suffer from a "loss of appetite, anxiety, depression, insomnia.etc.". The problem here is that your client is very active on several social networking sites and her regular updates contradict what she has stated under oath. On an almost daily basis your client has posted status updates and tweets stating how happy she is or what exciting events are going on in her life. Not to mention that she has posted hundreds of pictures of what she is eating. If she is not getting enough sleep it is because she is too busy living it up with partying, eating, and drinking.  The more than 500 screen shots that have been collected from your client's social networking profiles provide overwhelming evidence that your client is blatantly committing perjury. It is also the opinion of many legal professionals that your client is committing perjury.

 It was my understanding that you were recently sent approximately 250 of these screen shots so that you would be aware of your client's perjury and there is an offer to send you another 250 screen shots. Clearly you are aware that your client is committing perjury and it is troubling to me that it appears you are refusing to take the appropriate action that is required of you by law. I have been told that you have been friends with your client for quite some time and that might be why your judgement is clouded and why it appears you are willing to proceed with perjured testimony. Regardless, just like I have drawn a considerable amount of attention to your client's tax evasion, I intend to draw a considerable amount of attention to her perjury. I see no reason why I should not draw attention to the possibility that you are allowing it to continue.



In your client's complaint she alleged that she made credit purchases on behalf of her ex-husband, CM, totally $21,000.  Her attorney, M. O'Young, submitted items totaling less than $14,000 (not $21,000).  Most of these were for household or personal items and had no possible relationship to CM.   Additionally both you and M. O'Young have copies of her divorce filing which states that CM owes her NOTHING (I believe "nothing" would also include the alleged, non-witnessed, non-documented, non-verified, non-acknowledged, cash loans).  Additionally you also have a copy of her marital settlement agreement which shows that Thuy H**** stated that all credit card purchases on cards in her name were HER obligation.   Yet these claims are still being pursued by your client and you, despite the fact that CM has zero obligation.  This appears to be a classic example of a malicious lawsuit.  These meritricious allegations were false at the time of filing the complaint by Mr. O'Young and remain false to this day.    You may have inherited the mess created and perpetuated by your client and O'Young, but you  have chosen to do nothing to correct it. It appears that not only is CM the victim of a defamatory smear campaign by Thuy Huynh, but that he is the victim of malicious prosecution by two attorneys willing to allow their client to lie under oath.

I ask again, do you intend to obey the law or do you intend to proceed with perjured testimony?

I hope to receive a response from you very soon. If not, I will be willing to repeat this process over and over. I will be posting a copy of this email on the defamatory RipOff Report that was created by your client to attack and smear the victim, CM. I will also be posting it on the truth RipOff Report detailing your client’s tax evasion and on any additional RipOff Reports that need to be created.





Email to Early Hawkins Regarding Thuy Li's Committing Tax Evasion

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, August 03, 2013

This email was sent to Early Hawkins on June 29, 2013. It was also sent to 52 criminal investigators with the IRS. It goes into detail about Thuy Li's multi-year tax evasion scheme. There is no question that  Early Hawkins is aware that not only is his client a perjurer, but a tax evader as well. These facts have not stopped Early Hawkins from declaring that he is willing to put his client on the stand even though he knows she is a perjurer and tax evader. In all my years I have never known of an attorney willing to do something so shockingly unethical and illegal.


Mr. Hawkins,
I am writing you to ask that you answer a few simple questions. You will notice that I have cc’d a total of 52 criminal investigators with the IRS. I feel that it is appropriate to include them based on the subject matter at hand.
I want to verify your client’s full name is Thuy-Duyen Thi Huynh and she goes by the alias “Thuy Li”. Her social security number is ***-**-****
I also want to verify your full name and contact information:
Early M. Hawkins
CA SB# 119827
According to court records, your client filed a lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court of California, case# 30-2012-00564239-CU-BC-CJC, on April 24, 2012.  In the complaint, your client alleges that she lent her ex-husband at least $56,000 throughout 2010. She makes this allegation even though according to her tax returns, $56,000 is more than she reported to the IRS for years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined. Based on her complaint, she is claiming that she was able to support herself, including rent of $18,000 per year, and be able to afford to lend her ex $56,000.
Thus, my first question:
  1. Did your client break federal and state tax laws by filing fraudulent tax returns between 2007-2010?
On May 29, 2013, the defendant’s attorney filed a Motion for Leave to File Cross-Complaint (which I have attached to this email). Attached to the motion is Exhibit B. It is titled:
“Plaintiff’s Response…Demand for Further Bill of Particulars”. Dated 09/27/12 and it was prepared and signed by your client’s previous counsel, Michael C. O’Young.
It states that your client lent the defendant a total of $40,000 in cash between June and November, 2010. This brings my next question:
  1. Did your client ever report this $40,000 in cash on her state and federal tax returns?
Also attached to the Bill of Particulars is a sampling of statements for your client’s bank accounts and credit cards. After looking through the statements I am left to wonder how she could afford to make payments of more than $5,000 each month to American Express and Citibank on reported income of less than $15,000 per year.
The Motion also includes Exhibit F. It is an Income and Expense Declaration that was prepared by attorney Damian Fragoso and signed by your client on July 12, 2012 under the penalty of perjury. According to your client, her monthly income is $2,000 and monthly expenses are $2,700. Meaning that every month your client falls short $700 in covering her own expenses. Despite this budget shortfall, YOU and YOUR client are claiming in court that she lent her ex over $56,000.
Which brings me to my third question:
  1. Did your client commit perjury when she signed her Income and Expense Declaration?
These are all very simple questions for you to answer. If you choose to ignore this email or not reply to the questions, I will keep repeating this process until you have provided a satisfactory response. You are more than welcome to complain about this email to the judge. I think the sooner the judge is aware of your client’s tax evasion the better. He may even request to view her tax returns in his chamber.
Bonus question:
In light of your client’s tax evasion, how eager are you to have her testify under oath at the trial scheduled to take place December 2, 2013 in courtroom C-17?
I have also attached a screenshot from your client’s Facebook of her bragging about not reporting a significant portion of her income. I have also copied and pasted a link to a RipOff Report that details the extent of your client’s tax evasion.
I look forward to your answers.
p.s. I have also bcc’d a number of professional bloggers that may take an interest in the story of a tax evading Playboy model.



Email Sent to Early Hawkins

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, August 02, 2013

This email was sent to Early Hawkins on July 29, 2013.  Early Hawkins refused to respond and explain when he was going to stop allowing his client to commit perjury. This should not be surprising considering that after 15 months, Early Hawkins still refuses to provide a shred of evidence to back up the claims that Early Hawkins is making in court. It is clear to all involved that the defendant is a victim of malicious prosecution by Early Hawkins and his client Thuy Li. It is very hard to watch the victim have to endure the pain and suffering he has endured at the hands of Early Hawkins and his client. Thuy Li's previous attorney, Michael C. O'Young admitted, just before he dropped Thuy Li for lying, that he had no evidence but was just pursuing the defendant to drain him of money. After Michael O'Young quit, Early Hawkins was willing to carry on the malicious prosecution. The victim has every intention of taking legal action against Early Hawkins for his dishonorable conduct.




 I am writing you in regards to your client, Thuy Huynh’s, repeated and blatant perjury. It is my understanding that you are in possession of a substantial amount evidence regarding her perjury. It is also my understanding that you have chosen to ignore the evidence and that it appears you are refusing to follow your legal and ethical duty to put a stop it.

 You will notice that I have cc’d personnel with the Orange County District Attorney’s office, personnel with the California Bar, as well as the Bar’s Board of Trustees.  It is my hope that this will encourage you to provide an honest and candid answer. I also will be forwarding this email to the IRS criminal investigators that are currently investigating your client for federal income tax evasion. I feel the IRS investigators should know that your client will not hesitate to lie under oath.

 My question is simple, do you intend to obey the law regarding your client's perjury or do you intend to proceed with perjured testimony?

Let’s do a recap of the facts as they stand so far. On April 24th, 2012, your client filed a lawsuit (Case No. 30-2012 00564239) alleging Breach of Contract, Fraud, and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. Let’s ignore for the moment the fact that this case has been dragging on for 15 months and you are still refusing to provide a shred of evidence backing up your client’s allegations. Let’s ignore the fact that you are refusing to communicate with opposing counsel and resolve this matter informally. Let’s ignore the fact that there are two Motions to Compel on the calendar and you have not filed a response to either of them. Let’s ignore the fact that you did not show up to the last hearing. Let’s ignore that it has become abundantly clear that the defendant is the victim of malicious prosecution/abuse of process by you and your client.

 Instead, I would like to focus on the claim of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. It has been relayed to me by the victim... I mean the defendant,  that during written discovery, your client claimed under the penalty of perjury that she suffered and continues to suffer from a “loss of appetite, anxiety, depression, insomnia…etc.”. The problem here is that your client is very active on several social networking sites and her regular updates contradict what she has stated under oath. On an almost daily basis your client has posted status updates and tweets stating how happy she is or what exciting events are going on in her life. Not to mention that she has posted hundreds of pictures of what she is eating. If she is not getting enough sleep it is because she is too busy living it up with partying, eating, and drinking.  The more than 500 screen shots that have been collected from your client’s social networking profiles provide overwhelming evidence that your client is blatantly committing perjury. It is also the opinion of many legal professionals that your client is committing perjury.

 It was my understanding that you were recently sent approximately 250 of these screen shots so that you would be aware of your client’s perjury and there is an offer to send you another 250 screen shots. Clearly you are aware that your client is committing perjury and it is troubling to me that it appears you are refusing to take the appropriate action that is required of you by law. I have been told that you have been friends with your client for quite some time and that might be why your judgement is clouded and why it appears you are willing to proceed with perjured testimony. Regardless, just like I have drawn a considerable amount of attention to your client’s tax evasion, I intend to draw a considerable amount of attention to her perjury. I see no reason why I should not draw attention to the possibility that you are allowing it to continue.

 I ask again, do you intend to obey the law or do you intend to proceed with perjured testimony? 

I hope to receive a response from you very soon. If not, I will be willing to repeat this process.

Respond to this Report!